use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.
the class JSchRemoteTerminal method launch.
public RemoteApplicationProcess launch(Launchable launchable, Class<? extends Application> applicationClass, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
// acquire the remote platform on which to launch the application
RemotePlatform platform = getRemotePlatform();
// establish a specialized SocketFactory for JSch
JSchSocketFactory socketFactory = new JSchSocketFactory();
// initially there's no session
Session session = null;
try {
// create the remote session
session = sessionFactory.createSession(platform.getAddress().getHostName(), platform.getPort(), platform.getUserName(), platform.getAuthentication(), socketFactory, optionsByType);
ChannelExec execChannel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
// (re)define the "local.address" variable so that we can use for resolving the platform
optionsByType.add(Variable.with("local.address", socketFactory.getLastLocalAddress().getHostAddress()));
// ----- establish the remote environment variables -----
String environmentVariables = "";
// get the remote environment variables for the remote application
Properties variables = launchable.getEnvironmentVariables(platform, optionsByType);
// determine the format to use for setting variables
String format;
Shell shell = optionsByType.getOrSetDefault(Shell.class, Shell.isUnknown());
switch(shell.getType()) {
case SH:
case BASH:
format = "export %s=%s ; ";
case CSH:
case TSCH:
format = "setenv %s %s ; ";
// when we don't know, assume something bash-like
format = "export %s=%s ; ";
List<String> arguments = launchable.getCommandLineArguments(platform, optionsByType);
CommandInterceptor interceptor = optionsByType.get(CommandInterceptor.class);
String executableName = launchable.getCommandToExecute(platform, optionsByType);
File workingDirectory = optionsByType.get(WorkingDirectory.class).resolve(platform, optionsByType);
String remoteCommand;
if (interceptor == null) {
for (String variableName : variables.stringPropertyNames()) {
environmentVariables += String.format(format, variableName, StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNecessary(variables.getProperty(variableName)));
// ----- establish the application command line to execute -----
// determine the command to execute remotely
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(executableName);
// add the arguments
for (String arg : arguments) {
command.append(" ").append(arg);
// the actual remote command must include changing to the remote directory
remoteCommand = environmentVariables + String.format("cd %s ; %s", workingDirectory, command);
} else {
remoteCommand = interceptor.onExecute(executableName, arguments, variables, workingDirectory);
// ----- establish the remote application process to represent the remote application -----
// establish a RemoteApplicationProcess representing the remote application
RemoteApplicationProcess process = new JschRemoteApplicationProcess(session, execChannel);
if (optionsByType.get(LaunchLogging.class).isEnabled()) {
Table diagnosticsTable = optionsByType.get(Table.class);
if (diagnosticsTable != null && LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
diagnosticsTable.addRow("Application Executable ", executableName);
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Oracle Bedrock " + Bedrock.getVersion() + ": Starting Application...\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + diagnosticsTable.toString() + "\n" + "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// connect the channel
return process;
} catch (JSchException e) {
if (session != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create remote application", e);
use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.
the class JSchRemoteTerminal method moveFile.
public void moveFile(String source, String destination, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
Session session = null;
try {
// acquire the remote platform
RemotePlatform platform = getRemotePlatform();
// establish a specialized SocketFactory for JSch
JSchSocketFactory socketFactory = new JSchSocketFactory();
// create the remote session
session = sessionFactory.createSession(platform.getAddress().getHostName(), platform.getPort(), platform.getUserName(), platform.getAuthentication(), socketFactory, optionsByType);
ChannelExec execChannel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
String moveCommand = String.format("mv %s %s", source, destination);
RemoteApplicationProcess process = new JschRemoteApplicationProcess(session, execChannel);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error moving file from " + source + " to " + destination, e);
} finally {
if (session != null) {
use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.
the class DockerRemoteTerminal method launch.
public RemoteApplicationProcess launch(Launchable launchable, Class<? extends Application> applicationClass, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
String imageTag = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String containerName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Docker docker = optionsByType.get(Docker.class);
String baseImage = docker.getBaseImage(applicationClass);
if (baseImage == null || baseImage.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find a suitable base image for application class " + applicationClass);
try {
InetAddress localAddress = docker.getValidLocalAddress();
optionsByType.add(Variable.with("local.address", localAddress.getHostAddress()));
// Write the Dockerfile
File dockerFile = writeDockerFile(launchable, baseImage, optionsByType);
// build image
DockerImage image = createImage(imageTag, dockerFile, docker, optionsByType);
// run the container
ApplicationProcess containerProcess = runContainer(containerName, launchable, image, docker, optionsByType);
if (containerProcess instanceof RemoteApplicationProcess) {
return (RemoteApplicationProcess) containerProcess;
return new WrapperRemoteApplicationProcess(containerProcess);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred. Attempting to kill and remove container " + containerName + " and remove image " + imageTag);
safelyRemoveContainer(containerName, docker);
safelyRemoveImage(imageTag, docker);
throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred launching the application inside Docker", e);
} finally {
use of in project oracle-bedrock by coherence-community.
the class JSchRemoteTerminal method makeDirectories.
public void makeDirectories(String directoryName, OptionsByType optionsByType) {
Session session = null;
try {
// acquire the remote platform
RemotePlatform platform = getRemotePlatform();
// establish a specialized SocketFactory for JSch
JSchSocketFactory socketFactory = new JSchSocketFactory();
// create the remote session
session = sessionFactory.createSession(platform.getAddress().getHostName(), platform.getPort(), platform.getUserName(), platform.getAuthentication(), socketFactory, optionsByType);
ChannelExec execChannel = (ChannelExec) session.openChannel("exec");
execChannel.setCommand("mkdir -p " + directoryName);
RemoteApplicationProcess process = new JschRemoteApplicationProcess(session, execChannel);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error creating remote directories " + directoryName, e);
} finally {
if (session != null) {