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Example 21 with Name

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MethodVerifier method verifyInvokeStatic.

private void verifyInvokeStatic(int bci, OperandStack stack) {
    // Check CP validity
    MethodRefConstant mrc = getMethodRefConstant(bci);
    // Checks versioning
    if (version51OrEarlier()) {
        verifyGuarantee(mrc.tag() != INTERFACE_METHOD_REF, "invokeStatic refers to an interface method with classfile version " + majorVersion);
    Symbol<Name> calledMethodName = mrc.getName(pool);
    // Check guest is not invoking <clinit>
    verifyGuarantee(!isClassInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of class initializer!");
    // Only INVOKESPECIAL can call <init>
    verifyGuarantee(!isInstanceInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of instance initializer with opcode other than INVOKESPECIAL");
    Operand returnOp = popSignatureGetReturnOP(stack, mrc);
    assert Validation.validClassNameEntry(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    if (!(returnOp == Void)) {
Also used : MethodRefConstant( Name(

Example 22 with Name

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class MethodVerifier method verifyInvokeVirtual.

private void verifyInvokeVirtual(int bci, OperandStack stack) {
    // Check CP validity
    MethodRefConstant mrc = getMethodRefConstant(bci);
    Symbol<Name> calledMethodName = mrc.getName(pool);
    // Check guest is not invoking <clinit>
    verifyGuarantee(!isClassInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of class initializer!");
    // Only INVOKESPECIAL can call <init>
    verifyGuarantee(!isInstanceInit(calledMethodName), "Invocation of instance initializer with opcode other than INVOKESPECIAL");
    Operand returnOp = popSignatureGetReturnOP(stack, mrc);
    assert Validation.validClassNameEntry(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Symbol<Type> methodHolder = getTypes().fromName(mrc.getHolderKlassName(pool));
    Operand methodHolderOp = kindToOperand(methodHolder);
    Operand stackOp = checkInit(stack.popRef(methodHolderOp));
    // Perform protected method access checks
    checkProtectedMember(stackOp, methodHolder, mrc, true);
    if (!(returnOp == Void)) {
Also used : Type( MethodRefConstant( Name(

Example 23 with Name

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class JImageLibrary method findLocation.

private long findLocation(TruffleObject jimage, TruffleObject sizePtr, String name) {
    try (RawBuffer nameBuffer = RawBuffer.getNativeString(name)) {
        TruffleObject namePtr = nameBuffer.pointer();
        long location = (long) execute(findResource, jimage, emptyStringBuffer.pointer(), versionBuffer.pointer(), namePtr, sizePtr);
        if (location != 0) {
            // found.
            return location;
        String pkg = packageFromName(name);
        if (pkg == null) {
            return 0;
        if (!getContext().modulesInitialized()) {
            location = (long) execute(findResource, jimage, javaBaseBuffer.pointer(), versionBuffer.pointer(), namePtr, sizePtr);
            if (location != 0 || !getContext().metaInitialized()) {
                // finding certain classes in java.base (/ex: sun/misc/Unsafe).
                return location;
            TruffleObject moduleName;
            try (RawBuffer pkgBuffer = RawBuffer.getNativeString(pkg)) {
                moduleName = (TruffleObject) execute(packageToModule, jimage, pkgBuffer.pointer());
            if (uncached.isNull(moduleName)) {
                return 0;
            return (long) execute(findResource, jimage, moduleName, versionBuffer.pointer(), namePtr, sizePtr);
        } else {
            Symbol<Name> pkgSymbol = getNames().lookup(pkg);
            if (pkgSymbol == null) {
                return 0;
            PackageEntry pkgEntry = getRegistries().getBootClassRegistry().packages().lookup(pkgSymbol);
            if (pkgEntry == null) {
                return 0;
            Symbol<Name> moduleName = pkgEntry.module().getName();
            if (moduleName == Name.java_base) {
                return (long) execute(findResource, jimage, javaBaseBuffer.pointer(), versionBuffer.pointer(), namePtr, sizePtr);
            } else {
                String nameAsString = moduleName == null ? "" : moduleName.toString();
                try (RawBuffer moduleNameBuffer = RawBuffer.getNativeString(nameAsString)) {
                    return (long) execute(findResource, jimage, moduleNameBuffer.pointer(), versionBuffer.pointer(), namePtr, sizePtr);
Also used : PackageEntry( RawBuffer( TruffleObject( Name(

Example 24 with Name

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassfileParser method parseField.

private ParserField parseField(boolean isInterface) {
    int fieldFlags = stream.readU2();
    int nameIndex = stream.readU2();
    int typeIndex = stream.readU2();
    final Symbol<Name> name = pool.symbolAt(nameIndex, "field name");
    verifyFieldFlags(name, fieldFlags, isInterface);
    final boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(fieldFlags);
    Symbol<ModifiedUTF8> rawDescriptor = pool.symbolAt(typeIndex, "field descriptor");
    final Symbol<Type> descriptor = Types.fromSymbol(rawDescriptor);
    if (descriptor == null) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid descriptor: " + rawDescriptor);
    final int attributeCount = stream.readU2();
    final Attribute[] fieldAttributes = spawnAttributesArray(attributeCount);
    ConstantValueAttribute constantValue = null;
    CommonAttributeParser commonAttributeParser = new CommonAttributeParser(InfoType.Field);
    for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i) {
        final int attributeNameIndex = stream.readU2();
        final Symbol<Name> attributeName = pool.symbolAt(attributeNameIndex, "attribute name");
        final int attributeSize = stream.readS4();
        final int startPosition = stream.getPosition();
        if (isStatic && attributeName.equals(Name.ConstantValue)) {
            if (constantValue != null) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate ConstantValue attribute");
            fieldAttributes[i] = constantValue = new ConstantValueAttribute(stream.readU2());
            if (constantValue.getConstantValueIndex() == 0) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid ConstantValue index");
        } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.Synthetic)) {
            fieldFlags |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, null);
        } else if (majorVersion >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
            Attribute attr = commonAttributeParser.parseCommonAttribute(attributeName, attributeSize);
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = attr == null ? new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize)) : attr;
        } else {
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            fieldAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize));
        if (attributeSize != stream.getPosition() - startPosition) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Invalid attribute_length for " + attributeName + " attribute");
    final JavaKind kind = Types.getJavaKind(descriptor);
    if (kind == JavaKind.Void) {
        throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Fields cannot be of type void");
    if (constantValue != null) {
        Tag tag = pool.tagAt(constantValue.getConstantValueIndex());
        boolean valid = false;
        switch(kind) {
            // fall through
            case Boolean:
            // fall through
            case Byte:
            // fall through
            case Short:
            // fall through
            case Char:
            case // fall through
                valid = (tag == Tag.INTEGER);
            case Float:
                valid = (tag == Tag.FLOAT);
            case Long:
                valid = (tag == Tag.LONG);
            case Double:
                valid = (tag == Tag.DOUBLE);
            case Object:
                valid = (tag == Tag.STRING) && descriptor.equals(Type.java_lang_String);
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Cannot have ConstantValue for fields of type " + kind);
        if (!valid) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("ConstantValue attribute does not match field type");
    return new ParserField(fieldFlags, name, descriptor, fieldAttributes);
Also used : BootstrapMethodsAttribute( EnclosingMethodAttribute( StackMapTableAttribute( NestHostAttribute( SourceFileAttribute( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute( PermittedSubclassesAttribute( LineNumberTableAttribute( ExceptionsAttribute( CodeAttribute( NestMembersAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( MethodParametersAttribute( Attribute( InnerClassesAttribute( RecordAttribute( SignatureAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( ParserField( Name( Type( ModifiedUTF8( Tag( JavaKind(

Example 25 with Name

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ClassfileParser method parseMethod.

private ParserMethod parseMethod(boolean isInterface) {
    int methodFlags = stream.readU2();
    int nameIndex = stream.readU2();
    int signatureIndex = stream.readU2();
    final Symbol<Name> name;
    final Symbol<Signature> signature;
    int attributeCount;
    Attribute[] methodAttributes;
    int extraFlags = methodFlags;
    boolean isClinit = false;
    boolean isInit = false;
    try (DebugCloseable closeable = METHOD_INIT.scope(context.getTimers())) {
        try (DebugCloseable nameCheck = NAME_CHECK.scope(context.getTimers())) {
            name = pool.symbolAt(nameIndex, "method name");
            if (name.equals(Name._clinit_)) {
                // ACC_STRICT flag.
                if (majorVersion < JAVA_7_VERSION) {
                    // Backwards compatibility.
                    methodFlags = ACC_STATIC;
                } else if ((methodFlags & ACC_STATIC) == ACC_STATIC) {
                    methodFlags &= (ACC_STRICT | ACC_STATIC);
                } else if (context.getJavaVersion().java9OrLater()) {
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Method <clinit> is not static.");
                // extraFlags = INITIALIZER | methodFlags;
                isClinit = true;
            } else if (name.equals(Name._init_)) {
                if (isInterface) {
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Method <init> is not valid in an interface.");
                isInit = true;
        final boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(extraFlags);
        verifyMethodFlags(methodFlags, isInterface, isInit, isClinit, majorVersion);
             * A method is a class or interface initialization method if all of the following are
             * true:
             * It has the special name <clinit>.
             * It is void (4.3.3). (checked earlier)
             * In a class file whose version number is 51.0 or above, the method has its ACC_STATIC
             * flag set and takes no arguments (4.6).
        try (DebugCloseable signatureCheck = SIGNATURE_CHECK.scope(context.getTimers())) {
            // Checks for void method if init or clinit.
                 * Obtain slot number for the signature. Forces a validation, but better in startup
                 * than going twice through the sequence, once for validation, once for slots.
            int slots = pool.utf8At(signatureIndex).validateSignatureGetSlots(isInit || isClinit);
            signature = Signatures.check(pool.symbolAt(signatureIndex, "method descriptor"));
            if (isClinit && majorVersion >= JAVA_7_VERSION) {
                // Checks clinit takes no arguments.
                if (!signature.equals(Signature._void)) {
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Method <clinit> has invalid signature: " + signature);
            if (slots + (isStatic ? 0 : 1) > 255) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Too many arguments in method signature: " + signature);
            if (name.equals(Name.finalize) && signature.equals(Signature._void) && !Modifier.isStatic(methodFlags) && !Type.java_lang_Object.equals(classType)) {
                // This class has a finalizer method implementation (ignore for
                // java.lang.Object).
                classFlags |= ACC_FINALIZER;
        attributeCount = stream.readU2();
        methodAttributes = spawnAttributesArray(attributeCount);
    CodeAttribute codeAttribute = null;
    Attribute checkedExceptions = null;
    Attribute runtimeVisibleAnnotations = null;
    CommonAttributeParser commonAttributeParser = new CommonAttributeParser(InfoType.Method);
    MethodParametersAttribute methodParameters = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i) {
        final int attributeNameIndex = stream.readU2();
        final Symbol<Name> attributeName = pool.symbolAt(attributeNameIndex, "attribute name");
        final int attributeSize = stream.readS4();
        final int startPosition = stream.getPosition();
        if (attributeName.equals(Name.Code)) {
            if (codeAttribute != null) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate Code attribute");
            try (DebugCloseable code = CODE_PARSE.scope(context.getTimers())) {
                methodAttributes[i] = codeAttribute = parseCodeAttribute(attributeName);
        } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.Exceptions)) {
            if (checkedExceptions != null) {
                throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate Exceptions attribute");
            methodAttributes[i] = checkedExceptions = parseExceptions(attributeName);
        } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.Synthetic)) {
            methodFlags |= ACC_SYNTHETIC;
            methodAttributes[i] = checkedExceptions = new Attribute(attributeName, null);
        } else if (majorVersion >= JAVA_1_5_VERSION) {
            if (attributeName.equals(Name.RuntimeVisibleAnnotations)) {
                if (runtimeVisibleAnnotations != null) {
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute");
                // Check if java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.Compiled is present here.
                byte[] data = stream.readByteArray(attributeSize);
                ClassfileStream subStream = new ClassfileStream(data, this.classfile);
                int count = subStream.readU2();
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                    int typeIndex = parseAnnotation(subStream);
                    Utf8Constant constant = pool.utf8At(typeIndex, "annotation type");
                    // Validation of the type is done at runtime by guest java code.
                    Symbol<Type> annotType = constant.value();
                    if (Type.java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm$Compiled.equals(annotType)) {
                        methodFlags |= ACC_LAMBDA_FORM_COMPILED;
                    } else if (Type.java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm$Hidden.equals(annotType) || Type.jdk_internal_vm_annotation_Hidden.equals(annotType)) {
                        methodFlags |= ACC_HIDDEN;
                    } else if (Type.sun_reflect_CallerSensitive.equals(annotType) || Type.jdk_internal_reflect_CallerSensitive.equals(annotType)) {
                        methodFlags |= ACC_CALLER_SENSITIVE;
                methodAttributes[i] = runtimeVisibleAnnotations = new Attribute(attributeName, data);
            } else if (attributeName.equals(Name.MethodParameters)) {
                if (methodParameters != null) {
                    throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Duplicate MethodParameters attribute");
                methodAttributes[i] = methodParameters = parseMethodParameters(attributeName);
            } else {
                Attribute attr = commonAttributeParser.parseCommonAttribute(attributeName, attributeSize);
                // stream.skip(attributeSize);
                methodAttributes[i] = attr == null ? new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize)) : attr;
        } else {
            // stream.skip(attributeSize);
            methodAttributes[i] = new Attribute(attributeName, stream.readByteArray(attributeSize));
        final int distance = stream.getPosition() - startPosition;
        if (attributeSize != distance) {
            final String message = "Invalid attribute_length for " + attributeName + " attribute (reported " + attributeSize + " != parsed " + distance + ")";
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError(message);
    if (Modifier.isAbstract(methodFlags) || Modifier.isNative(methodFlags)) {
        if (codeAttribute != null) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Code attribute supplied for native or abstract method");
    } else {
        if (codeAttribute == null) {
            throw ConstantPool.classFormatError("Missing Code attribute");
    if (classDefinitionInfo.isHidden()) {
        methodFlags |= ACC_HIDDEN;
    return ParserMethod.create(methodFlags, name, signature, methodAttributes);
Also used : BootstrapMethodsAttribute( EnclosingMethodAttribute( StackMapTableAttribute( NestHostAttribute( SourceFileAttribute( SourceDebugExtensionAttribute( PermittedSubclassesAttribute( LineNumberTableAttribute( ExceptionsAttribute( CodeAttribute( NestMembersAttribute( ConstantValueAttribute( MethodParametersAttribute( Attribute( InnerClassesAttribute( RecordAttribute( SignatureAttribute( Symbol( MethodParametersAttribute( Name( Utf8Constant( CodeAttribute( Signature( DebugCloseable(


Name ( Klass ( InnerClassesAttribute ( Type ( ObjectKlass ( ArrayKlass ( Meta ( Method ( BootstrapMethodsAttribute ( CodeAttribute ( ConstantValueAttribute ( EnclosingMethodAttribute ( ExceptionsAttribute ( LineNumberTableAttribute ( MethodParametersAttribute ( NestHostAttribute ( NestMembersAttribute ( PermittedSubclassesAttribute ( RecordAttribute ( SignatureAttribute (