use of com.orm.androrm.field.Relation in project androrm by androrm.
the class QueryBuilder method resolveLastField.
private static final <T extends Model> SelectStatement resolveLastField(Object field, Class<T> clazz, Rule rule) {
SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement();
if (DatabaseBuilder.isRelationalField(field) && !(field instanceof ForeignKeyField)) {
Relation<?> r = (Relation<?>) field;
return getRelationSelection(r, clazz, rule);
String tableName = DatabaseBuilder.getTableName(clazz);
Where where = new Where();
select.from(tableName).distinct().select(Model.PK + " AS " + tableName).where(where);
return select;
use of com.orm.androrm.field.Relation in project androrm by androrm.
the class QueryBuilder method resolveRelationField.
private static final <T extends Model> SelectStatement resolveRelationField(Object field, Class<T> clazz, List<String> fields, Rule rule, int depth) {
Relation<?> r = (Relation<?>) field;
SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement();
Class<? extends Model> target = r.getTarget();
Map<String, String> joinParams = unwrapRelation(r, fields.get(0), clazz);
String leftTable = joinParams.get("leftTable");
String selectField = joinParams.get("selectField");
String selectAs = joinParams.get("selectAs");
String onLeft = joinParams.get("onLeft");
String onRight = DatabaseBuilder.getTableName(target);
* After the steps above the left side of the join is always known.
* What is currently unknown is, if there are any further sub-joins
* needed in order to accomplish the query. Therefore the right side
* of the join is provided with the result of this function.
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left(leftTable, "table" + depth).right(buildJoin(target, fields.subList(1, fields.size()), rule, depth + 2), "table" + (depth + 1)).on(onLeft, onRight);
* The select will fetch the correct field from the previous join
* that will be needed in the next step.
select.from(join).distinct().select("table" + depth + "." + selectField + " AS " + selectAs);
return select;