use of com.orm.androrm.statement.JoinStatement in project androrm by androrm.
the class QueryBuilder method buildQuery.
private static final <T extends Model> SelectStatement buildQuery(Class<T> clazz, List<Rule> rules, int depth) {
String tableName = DatabaseBuilder.getTableName(clazz);
JoinStatement selfJoin = new JoinStatement();
selfJoin.left(tableName, "self" + depth);
SelectStatement subSelect = new SelectStatement();
Rule rule = rules.get(0);
List<String> fields = Arrays.asList(rule.getKey().split("__"));
if (fields.size() == 1) {
String fieldName = fields.get(0);
T instance = Model.getInstace(clazz);
if (instance != null) {
Object o = getFieldInstance(clazz, instance, fieldName);
if (DatabaseBuilder.isRelationalField(o)) {
// gather ids for fields
SelectStatement s = buildJoin(clazz, fields, rule, depth);
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left(tableName, "a").right(s, "b").on(Model.PK, tableName);
} else {
Where where = new Where();
} else {
int left = depth + 1;
int right = depth + 2;
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left(tableName, "outer" + left).right(buildJoin(clazz, fields, rule, depth), "outer" + right).on(Model.PK, tableName);
subSelect.from(join).select("outer" + left + ".*");
if (rules.size() == 1) {
return subSelect;
selfJoin.right(subSelect, "self" + (depth + 1)).on(Model.PK, Model.PK);
JoinStatement outerSelfJoin = new JoinStatement();
outerSelfJoin.left(subSelect, "outerSelf" + depth).right(buildQuery(clazz, rules.subList(1, rules.size()), (depth + 2)), "outerSelf" + (depth + 1)).on(Model.PK, Model.PK);
SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement();
select.from(outerSelfJoin).select("outerSelf" + depth + ".*");
return select;
use of com.orm.androrm.statement.JoinStatement in project androrm by androrm.
the class JoinStatementTest method testOnSubselect.
public void testOnSubselect() {
SelectStatement left = new SelectStatement();
SelectStatement right = new SelectStatement();
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left(left, "a").right(right, "b").on("foo", "bar");
assertEquals("(SELECT foo FROM `left_table`) AS a JOIN (SELECT bar FROM `right_table`) AS b ON", join.toString());
use of com.orm.androrm.statement.JoinStatement in project androrm by androrm.
the class JoinStatementTest method testPlainTable.
public void testPlainTable() {
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left("left_table", "a").right("right_table", "b").on("field1", "field2");
assertEquals("(SELECT * FROM `left_table`) AS a JOIN (SELECT * FROM `right_table`) AS b ON a.field1=b.field2", join.toString());
use of com.orm.androrm.statement.JoinStatement in project androrm by androrm.
the class SelectStatementTest method testFromJoin.
public void testFromJoin() {
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left("left_table", "a").right("right_table", "b").on("field1", "field2");
assertEquals("SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM `left_table`) AS a JOIN (SELECT * FROM `right_table`) AS b ON a.field1=b.field2", mSelect.toString());
use of com.orm.androrm.statement.JoinStatement in project androrm by androrm.
the class ManyToManyField method getRightJoinSide.
private SelectStatement getRightJoinSide(int id) {
String leftTable = DatabaseBuilder.getTableName(mOriginClass);
String rightTable = DatabaseBuilder.getTableName(mTargetClass);
Where where = new Where();
where.setStatement(new Statement(leftTable, id));
SelectStatement relation = new SelectStatement();
relation.from(mTableName).select(leftTable, rightTable).where(where);
JoinStatement join = new JoinStatement();
join.left(relation, "left").right(rightTable, "right").on(rightTable, Model.PK);
SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement();
select.from(join).select("left." + rightTable + " AS " + rightTable);
return select;