use of com.peterphi.usermanager.db.entity.OAuthServiceEntity in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class UserManagerOAuthServiceImpl method getAuth.
@AuthConstraint(id = "oauth2server_auth", role = "authenticated", comment = "Must be logged in to the User Manager to initiate a service login")
public Response getAuth(final String responseType, final String clientId, final String redirectUri, final String state, final String scope) {
// Has the current user approved this client+scope before? If so just redirect straight back
// Otherwise, bring up the authorisation UI
final Response response = createSessionAndRedirect(responseType, clientId, redirectUri, state, scope, autoGrantInteractiveAccessToAllServices);
if (response != null) {
return response;
} else {
final OAuthServiceEntity client = serviceDao.getByClientIdAndEndpoint(clientId, redirectUri);
if (client == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown client_id=" + clientId + " or invalid redirect uri for this service: " + redirectUri);
final TemplateCall call = templater.template("connect_to_service");
SessionNonceStore nonceStore = nonceStoreProvider.get();
// Provide additional client information
call.set("client", client);
call.set("nonce", nonceStore.allocate());
// Scopes as a list
if (StringUtils.isBlank(scope))
call.set("scopes", Collections.emptyList());
call.set("scopes", Arrays.asList(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(scope).split(" ")));
// Copy the request info
call.set("clientId", client.getId());
call.set("responseType", responseType);
call.set("redirectUri", redirectUri);
call.set("scope", scope);
call.set("state", state);
return call.process(Response.ok().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).cacheControl(CacheControl.valueOf(NO_CACHE)));
use of com.peterphi.usermanager.db.entity.OAuthServiceEntity in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class ServiceUIServiceImpl method disable.
public Response disable(final String id, final String nonce) {
nonceStore.validate(NONCE_USE, nonce);
final OAuthServiceEntity entity = dao.getById(id);
if (entity == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such service with client_id: " + id);
else if (!entity.isEnabled())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot disable an already-disabled service: " + id);
else if (entity.getOwner().getId() != userProvider.get().getId() && !userProvider.get().isAdmin())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only the owner or an admin can change a service!");
return Response.seeOther(URI.create("/service/" + id)).build();
use of com.peterphi.usermanager.db.entity.OAuthServiceEntity in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class ServiceUIServiceImpl method create.
public Response create(final String nonce, final String name, final String endpoints) {
nonceStore.validate(NONCE_USE, nonce);
final int userId = userProvider.get().getId();
final UserEntity user = userDao.getById(userId);
OAuthServiceEntity entity = new OAuthServiceEntity();
return Response.seeOther(URI.create("/service/" + entity.getId())).build();
use of com.peterphi.usermanager.db.entity.OAuthServiceEntity in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class UserManagerOAuthServiceImpl method createSession.
public OAuthSessionEntity createSession(final int userId, final String clientId, final String redirectUri, final String scope, final boolean allowCreateApproval) {
final OAuthServiceEntity client = serviceDao.getByClientIdAndEndpoint(clientId, redirectUri);
if (client == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such client with id " + clientId + " at the provided endpoint! There is a problem with the service that sent you here.");
OAuthSessionContextEntity context = contextDao.get(userId, client.getId(), scope);
// Try to create a context for a session to live within (if permitted)
if (context == null) {
if (allowCreateApproval || autoGrantAccessToAllServices)
context = contextDao.create(userDao.getById(userId), client, scope);
// Not allowed to create an approval so cannot create a session
return null;
// Now create a Session
return sessionDao.create(context, computeInitiatorInfo(),;
use of com.peterphi.usermanager.db.entity.OAuthServiceEntity in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class ServiceUIServiceImpl method getList.
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public String getList(final UriInfo query) {
final ConstrainedResultSet<OAuthServiceEntity> resultset = dao.findByUriQuery(new WebQuery().decode(query.getQueryParameters()));
final TemplateCall call = templater.template("services");
call.set("nonce", nonceStore.getValue(NONCE_USE));
call.set("resultset", resultset);
call.set("entities", resultset.getList());
return call.process();