use of com.peterphi.usermanager.guice.nonce.SessionNonceStore in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class UserManagerOAuthServiceImpl method getAuth.
@AuthConstraint(id = "oauth2server_auth", role = "authenticated", comment = "Must be logged in to the User Manager to initiate a service login")
public Response getAuth(final String responseType, final String clientId, final String redirectUri, final String state, final String scope) {
// Has the current user approved this client+scope before? If so just redirect straight back
// Otherwise, bring up the authorisation UI
final Response response = createSessionAndRedirect(responseType, clientId, redirectUri, state, scope, autoGrantInteractiveAccessToAllServices);
if (response != null) {
return response;
} else {
final OAuthServiceEntity client = serviceDao.getByClientIdAndEndpoint(clientId, redirectUri);
if (client == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown client_id=" + clientId + " or invalid redirect uri for this service: " + redirectUri);
final TemplateCall call = templater.template("connect_to_service");
SessionNonceStore nonceStore = nonceStoreProvider.get();
// Provide additional client information
call.set("client", client);
call.set("nonce", nonceStore.allocate());
// Scopes as a list
if (StringUtils.isBlank(scope))
call.set("scopes", Collections.emptyList());
call.set("scopes", Arrays.asList(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(scope).split(" ")));
// Copy the request info
call.set("clientId", client.getId());
call.set("responseType", responseType);
call.set("redirectUri", redirectUri);
call.set("scope", scope);
call.set("state", state);
return call.process(Response.ok().type(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).cacheControl(CacheControl.valueOf(NO_CACHE)));
use of com.peterphi.usermanager.guice.nonce.SessionNonceStore in project stdlib by petergeneric.
the class UserManagerOAuthServiceImpl method userMadeAuthDecision.
public Response userMadeAuthDecision(final String responseType, final String clientId, final String redirectUri, final String state, final String scope, final String nonce, final String decision) {
final SessionNonceStore nonceStore = nonceStoreProvider.get();
// Make sure the nonce is valid before we do anything. This makes sure we are responding to a real user interacting with our UI
if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(decision, "allow")) {
// Create a new Session (creating an approval record for this client+scope) and redirect the user back to the calling site
return createSessionAndRedirect(responseType, clientId, redirectUri, state, scope, true);
} else {
return redirectError(redirectUri, state, "access_denied", "The Deny button was clicked, denying authorisation to the user account for this service");