use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp in project tispark by pingcap.
the class LockResolverSITest method SITestNonBlocking.
public void SITestNonBlocking() {
if (!init) {
if (!isLockResolverClientV4()) {
TiTimestamp startTs = session.getTimestamp();
TiTimestamp endTs = session.getTimestamp();
// Put <a, a> into kv
putKV("a", "a", startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion());
startTs = session.getTimestamp();
endTs = session.getTimestamp();
// Prewrite <a, aa> as primary without committing it
assertTrue(lockKey("a", "aa", "a", "aa", false, startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion(), LARGE_LOCK_TTL));
TiRegion tiRegion = session.getRegionManager().getRegionByKey(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"));
RegionStoreClient client =;
BackOffer backOffer = ConcreteBackOffer.newGetBackOff();
Long callerTS = session.getTimestamp().getVersion();
System.out.println("callerTS1= " + callerTS);
ByteString v = client.get(backOffer, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"), callerTS);
assertEquals(v.toStringUtf8(), String.valueOf('a'));
try {
// Trying to continue the commitString phase of <a, aa> will fail because CommitTS <
// MinCommitTS
commitString(Collections.singletonList("a"), startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion());
} catch (KeyException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Key exception occurred and the reason is commit_ts_expired"));
// Trying to continue the commitString phase of <a, aa> will success because CommitTS >
// MinCommitTS
endTs = session.getTimestamp();
assertTrue(commitString(Collections.singletonList("a"), startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion()));
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp in project tispark by pingcap.
the class LockResolverSITest method SITestBlocking.
public void SITestBlocking() {
if (!init) {
if (isLockResolverClientV4()) {
logger.warn("Test skipped due to version of TiDB/TiKV should be 2.x or 3.x.");
TiTimestamp startTs = session.getTimestamp();
TiTimestamp endTs = session.getTimestamp();
// Put <a, a> into kv
putKV("a", "a", startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion());
startTs = session.getTimestamp();
endTs = session.getTimestamp();
// Prewrite <a, aa> as primary without committing it
assertTrue(lockKey("a", "aa", "a", "aa", false, startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion()));
TiRegion tiRegion = session.getRegionManager().getRegionByKey(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"));
RegionStoreClient client =;
BackOffer backOffer = ConcreteBackOffer.newGetBackOff();
// With TTL set to 10, after 10 milliseconds <a, aa> is resolved.
// We should be able to read <a, a> instead.
ByteString v = client.get(backOffer, ByteString.copyFromUtf8("a"), session.getTimestamp().getVersion());
assertEquals(v.toStringUtf8(), String.valueOf('a'));
try {
// Trying to continue the commitString phase of <a, aa> will fail because TxnLockNotFound
commitString(Collections.singletonList("a"), startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion());
} catch (KeyException e) {
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp in project tispark by pingcap.
the class LockResolverTest method putKVandTestGet.
void putKVandTestGet(String key, String value) {
RegionStoreClient client = getRegionStoreClient(key);
TiTimestamp startTs = session.getTimestamp();
TiTimestamp endTs = session.getTimestamp();
putKV(key, value, startTs.getVersion(), endTs.getVersion());
BackOffer backOffer = ConcreteBackOffer.newGetBackOff();
ByteString v = client.get(backOffer, ByteString.copyFromUtf8(key), session.getTimestamp().getVersion());
assertEquals(v.toStringUtf8(), value);
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp in project tispark by pingcap.
the class PDClient method getTimestamp.
public TiTimestamp getTimestamp(BackOffer backOffer) {
Supplier<TsoRequest> request = () -> tsoReq;
PDErrorHandler<TsoResponse> handler = new PDErrorHandler<>(r -> r.getHeader().hasError() ? buildFromPdpbError(r.getHeader().getError()) : null, this);
TsoResponse resp = callWithRetry(backOffer, PDGrpc.getTsoMethod(), request, handler);
Timestamp timestamp = resp.getTimestamp();
return new TiTimestamp(timestamp.getPhysical(), timestamp.getLogical());
use of com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiTimestamp in project tispark by pingcap.
the class TxnKVClient method getTimestamp.
public TiTimestamp getTimestamp() {
BackOffer bo = ConcreteBackOffer.newTsoBackOff();
TiTimestamp timestamp = new TiTimestamp(0, 0);
try {
while (true) {
try {
timestamp = pdClient.getTimestamp(bo);
} catch (final TiKVException | TiClientInternalException e) {
// retry is exhausted
bo.doBackOff(BackOffFunction.BackOffFuncType.BoPDRPC, e);
} catch (GrpcException e1) {
LOG.error("Get tso from pd failed,", e1);
return timestamp;