use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class XpathFileGeneratorAuditListenerTest method createTreeWalkerAuditEvent.
private static TreeWalkerAuditEvent createTreeWalkerAuditEvent(String fileName, Violation violation) throws Exception {
final File file = new File(getPath(fileName));
final FileText fileText = new FileText(file.getAbsoluteFile(), System.getProperty("file.encoding",;
final FileContents fileContents = new FileContents(fileText);
final DetailAST rootAst = JavaParser.parseFile(file, JavaParser.Options.WITHOUT_COMMENTS);
return new TreeWalkerAuditEvent(fileContents, fileName, violation, rootAst);
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class JavaAstVisitorTest method testNoStackOverflowOnDeepStringConcat.
* This test exists to kill surviving mutation from pitest removing expression AST building
* optimization in {@link JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp(JavaLanguageParser.BinOpContext)}.
* We do not use {@link JavaParser#parse(FileContents)} here due to DFA clearing hack.
* <p>
* Reason: we have iterative expression AST building to avoid stackoverflow
* in {@link JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp(JavaLanguageParser.BinOpContext)}. In actual
* generated parser, we avoid stackoverflow thanks to the left recursive expression
* rule (eliminating unnecessary recursive calls to hierarchical expression production rules).
* However, ANTLR's ParserATNSimulator has no such optimization. So, the number of recursive
* calls to ParserATNSimulator#closure when calling ParserATNSimulator#clearDFA causes a
* StackOverflow error. We avoid this by using the single argument constructor (thus not
* forcing DFA clearing) in this test.
* </p>
* @throws Exception if input file does not exist
public void testNoStackOverflowOnDeepStringConcat() throws Exception {
final File file = new File(getPath(""));
final FileText fileText = new FileText(file,;
final FileContents contents = new FileContents(fileText);
final String fullText = contents.getText().getFullText().toString();
final CharStream codePointCharStream = CharStreams.fromString(fullText);
final JavaLanguageLexer lexer = new JavaLanguageLexer(codePointCharStream, true);
final CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
final JavaLanguageParser parser = new JavaLanguageParser(tokenStream);
final JavaLanguageParser.CompilationUnitContext compilationUnit = parser.compilationUnit();
// We restrict execution to use limited resources here, so that we can
// kill surviving pitest mutation from removal of nested binary operation
// optimization in JavaAstVisitor#visitBinOp. Limited resources (small stack size)
// ensure that we throw a StackOverflowError if optimization is removed.
final DetailAST root = TestUtil.getResultWithLimitedResources(() -> new JavaAstVisitor(tokenStream).visit(compilationUnit));
assertWithMessage("File parsing and AST building should complete successfully.").that(root).isNotNull();
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilterTest method getTagsAfterExecution.
* Calls the filter with a minimal set of inputs and returns a list of
* {@link SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter} internal type {@code Tag}.
* Our goal is 100% test coverage, for this we use white-box testing.
* So we need access to the implementation details. For this reason,
* it is necessary to use reflection to gain access to the inner field here.
* @return {@code Tag} list
private static List<?> getTagsAfterExecution(SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter filter, String filename, String... lines) {
final FileContents contents = new FileContents(new FileText(new File(filename), Arrays.asList(lines)));
contents.reportSingleLineComment(1, 0);
final TreeWalkerAuditEvent dummyEvent = new TreeWalkerAuditEvent(contents, filename, new Violation(1, null, null, null, null, Object.class, null), null);
return TestUtil.getInternalState(filter, "tags");
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class SuppressionCommentFilterTest method getTagsAfterExecution.
* Calls the filter with a minimal set of inputs and returns a list of
* {@link SuppressionCommentFilter} internal type {@code Tag}.
* Our goal is 100% test coverage, for this we use white-box testing.
* So we need access to the implementation details. For this reason,
* it is necessary to use reflection to gain access to the inner field here.
* @return {@code Tag} list
private static List<Comparable<Object>> getTagsAfterExecution(SuppressionCommentFilter filter, String filename, String... lines) {
final FileContents contents = new FileContents(new FileText(new File(filename), Arrays.asList(lines)));
for (int lineNo = 0; lineNo < lines.length; lineNo++) {
final int colNo = lines[lineNo].indexOf("//");
if (colNo >= 0) {
contents.reportSingleLineComment(lineNo + 1, colNo);
final TreeWalkerAuditEvent dummyEvent = new TreeWalkerAuditEvent(contents, filename, new Violation(1, null, null, null, null, Object.class, ""), null);
return TestUtil.getInternalState(filter, "tags");
use of in project checkstyle by checkstyle.
the class TreeWalker method processFiltered.
protected void processFiltered(File file, List<String> lines) throws CheckstyleException {
// check if already checked and passed the file
if (CommonUtils.matchesFileExtension(file, getFileExtensions())) {
final String msg = "%s occurred during the analysis of file %s.";
final String fileName = file.getPath();
try {
final FileText text = FileText.fromLines(file, lines);
final FileContents contents = new FileContents(text);
final DetailAST rootAST = parse(contents);
walk(rootAST, contents, AstState.ORDINARY);
final DetailAST astWithComments = appendHiddenCommentNodes(rootAST);
walk(astWithComments, contents, AstState.WITH_COMMENTS);
} catch (final TokenStreamRecognitionException tre) {
final String exceptionMsg = String.format(Locale.ROOT, msg, "TokenStreamRecognitionException", fileName);
throw new CheckstyleException(exceptionMsg, tre);
} catch (RecognitionException | TokenStreamException ex) {
final String exceptionMsg = String.format(Locale.ROOT, msg, ex.getClass().getSimpleName(), fileName);
throw new CheckstyleException(exceptionMsg, ex);