use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method getTimeRise.
private AgreeVar getTimeRise(String varName, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, EObject reference) {
Map<String, AgreeVar> timeRiseMap =;
if (timeRiseMap.containsKey(varName)) {
return timeRiseMap.get(varName);
AgreeVar timeRise = new AgreeVar(varName + RISE_SUFFIX, NamedType.REAL, reference);
Expr rise = new NodeCallExpr(AgreeRealtimeCalendarBuilder.RISE_NODE_NAME, new IdExpr(varName));
Expr timeVarExpr = expr("timeRise = (if rise then time else (-1.0 -> pre timeRise))", to("timeRise", timeRise), to("rise", rise), to("time", timeExpr));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, timeVarExpr, reference));
Expr lemmaExpr = expr("timeRise <= time and timeRise >= -1.0", to("timeRise", timeRise), to("time", timeExpr));
// add this assertion to help with proofs (it should always be true)
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", lemmaExpr, reference));
builder.addTimeRise(varName, timeRise);
return timeRise;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translateCauseCondtionPattern.
// this method registers a timeout and creates an event that is true iff the
// condition
// holds during the given interval. This is meant to essentially translate a
// condition
// pattern to a purely event based pattern. it returns an IdExpr
// corresponding to the
// event that triggers when the condition is held for the interval
private IdExpr translateCauseCondtionPattern(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, IdExpr causeId, AgreeNodeBuilder builder) {
AgreeVar causeRiseTimeVar = getTimeRise(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeFallTimeVar = getTimeFall(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_HELD_PREFIX +, NamedType.BOOL, pattern);
AgreeVar causeHeldTimeoutVar = new AgreeVar(CAUSE_CONDITION_TIMEOUT_PREFIX +, NamedType.REAL, pattern);
IdExpr causeFallTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeRiseTimeId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr causeHeldTimeoutId = new IdExpr(;
// timeout = if causeRiseTime > -1 and causeRiseTime > causeFallTime
// then
// causeRiseTime + h
// else
// -1
Expr posRise = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, NEG_ONE);
Expr gtFall = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.GREATER, causeFallTimeId);
Expr cond = new BinaryExpr(posRise, BinaryOp.AND, gtFall);
Expr heldTime = new BinaryExpr(causeRiseTimeId, BinaryOp.PLUS, pattern.causeInterval.high);
Expr ifExpr = new IfThenElseExpr(cond, heldTime, NEG_ONE);
// builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldTimeoutId,
// ifExpr, pattern));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, new BinaryExpr(causeHeldTimeoutId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, ifExpr), pattern));
// causeHeld = (t = causeHeldTimeout)
Expr causeHeldExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.EQUAL, causeHeldTimeoutId);
builder.addLocalEquation(new AgreeEquation(causeHeldId, causeHeldExpr, pattern));
return causeHeldId;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternEffectHoldConstraint.
private Expr translatePatternEffectHoldConstraint(AgreeCauseEffectPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, IdExpr causeId, IdExpr effectId) {
AgreeVar timeCauseVar = getTimeOf(, builder, pattern);
AgreeVar timeoutVar = new AgreeVar(TIMEOUT_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, pattern);
Expr timeoutExpr = expr("timeout = if timeCause >= 0.0 then (timeCause + l) else -1.0", to("timeout", timeoutVar), to("timeCause", timeCauseVar), to("l", pattern.effectInterval.low));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, timeoutExpr, pattern.reference));
BinaryOp left = getIntervalLeftOp(pattern.effectInterval);
BinaryOp right = getIntervalRightOp(pattern.effectInterval);
Expr intervalLeft = expr("timeCause + l", to("timeCause", timeCauseVar), to("l", pattern.effectInterval.low));
Expr intervalRight = expr("timeCause + h", to("timeCause", timeCauseVar), to("h", pattern.effectInterval.high));
intervalLeft = new BinaryExpr(intervalLeft, left, timeExpr);
intervalRight = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, right, intervalRight);
Expr inInterval = new BinaryExpr(intervalLeft, BinaryOp.AND, intervalRight);
String constrString;
if (pattern.effectIsExclusive) {
constrString = "if timeCause > -1.0 and inInterval then effectTrue else not effectTrue";
} else {
constrString = "timeCause > -1.0 => inInterval => effectTrue";
Expr expr = expr(constrString, to("timeCause", timeCauseVar), to("inInterval", inInterval), to("effectTrue", effectId));
return expr;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method getTimeFall.
private AgreeVar getTimeFall(String varName, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, EObject reference) {
Map<String, AgreeVar> timeFallMap =;
if (timeFallMap.containsKey(varName)) {
return timeFallMap.get(varName);
AgreeVar timeFall = new AgreeVar(varName + FALL_SUFFIX, NamedType.REAL, reference);
Expr Fall = new NodeCallExpr(AgreeRealtimeCalendarBuilder.FALL_NODE_NAME, new IdExpr(varName));
Expr timeVarExpr = expr("timeFall = (if Fall then time else (-1.0 -> pre timeFall))", to("timeFall", timeFall), to("Fall", Fall), to("time", timeExpr));
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, timeVarExpr, reference));
Expr lemmaExpr = expr("timeFall <= time and timeFall >= -1.0", to("timeFall", timeFall), to("time", timeExpr));
// add this assertion to help with proofs (it should always be true)
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", lemmaExpr, reference));
builder.addTimeFall(varName, timeFall);
return timeFall;
use of com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement in project AGREE by loonwerks.
the class AgreePatternTranslator method translatePatternConstraint.
private Expr translatePatternConstraint(AgreeSporadicPattern pattern, AgreeNodeBuilder builder, EObject varReference) {
AgreeVar jitterVar = new AgreeVar(JITTER_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
AgreeVar periodVar = new AgreeVar(PERIOD_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
AgreeVar timeoutVar = new AgreeVar(TIMEOUT_PREFIX + patternIndex, NamedType.REAL, varReference);
IdExpr jitterId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr periodId = new IdExpr(;
IdExpr timeoutId = new IdExpr(;
// -j <= jitter <= j
Expr jitterLow = new BinaryExpr(new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.NEGATIVE, pattern.jitter), BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, jitterId);
Expr jitterHigh = new BinaryExpr(jitterId, BinaryOp.LESSEQUAL, pattern.jitter);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, new BinaryExpr(jitterLow, BinaryOp.AND, jitterHigh), pattern.reference));
// pnext >= 0 -> if pre ((pnext + jitter) = t) then pnext >= p +
// pre(pnext) else pre(pnext)
Expr prePNext = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, periodId);
Expr pNextInit = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, new RealExpr(BigDecimal.ZERO));
Expr pNextCond = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.PLUS, jitterId);
pNextCond = new BinaryExpr(pNextCond, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeExpr);
pNextCond = new UnaryExpr(UnaryOp.PRE, pNextCond);
Expr pNextThen = new BinaryExpr(pattern.period, BinaryOp.PLUS, prePNext);
pNextThen = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.GREATEREQUAL, pNextThen);
Expr pNextHold = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, prePNext);
Expr pNextIf = new IfThenElseExpr(pNextCond, pNextThen, pNextHold);
Expr pNext = new BinaryExpr(pNextInit, BinaryOp.ARROW, pNextIf);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, pNext, pattern.reference));
// timeout = pnext + jitter
Expr timeoutExpr = new BinaryExpr(periodId, BinaryOp.PLUS, jitterId);
timeoutExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeoutId, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeoutExpr);
builder.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement(null, timeoutExpr, pattern.reference));
// event = (t = timeout)
Expr eventExpr = new BinaryExpr(timeExpr, BinaryOp.EQUAL, timeoutId);
eventExpr = new BinaryExpr(pattern.event, BinaryOp.EQUAL, eventExpr);
return eventExpr;