use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class Recursive method makeStepSolver.
public ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver makeStepSolver(Expression expression) {
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver result;
Object syntacticFormType = expression.getSyntacticFormType();
if (syntacticFormTypesToRecurse.contains(syntacticFormType)) {
result = new RecursiveStepSolver(baseRewriter, expression);
} else {
// if expression is a Symbol, simply applying the base rewriter is equivalent to "recursively" applying it, since there are no sub-expressions to recurse into.
// TODO: For all other types of expressions, this is potentially incorrect because there may be sub-expressions but we do not recurse into them.
// The reason for that is that Expression does not support the generic providing of context-altering constructs such as indices and conditions in quantified expressions.
result = baseRewriter.makeStepSolver(expression);
return result;
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class Switch method makeStepSolver.
public ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver makeStepSolver(Expression expression) {
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver result;
T key = keyMaker.apply(expression);
Rewriter baseRewriter = fromKeyToRewriter.get(key);
if (baseRewriter != null) {
result = baseRewriter.makeStepSolver(expression);
} else {
result = new ConstantExpressionStepSolver(expression);
return result;
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class Rewriter method step.
default default Step step(Expression expression, Context context) {
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolver = makeStepSolver(expression);
Step step = stepSolver.step(context);
return step;
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class LinearRealArithmeticTheory method getSingleVariableConstraintQuantifierEliminatorStepSolver.
public ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver getSingleVariableConstraintQuantifierEliminatorStepSolver(AssociativeCommutativeGroup group, SingleVariableConstraint constraint, Expression body, Context context) {
ExpressionStepSolver formulaSplitterStepSolver;
if (group instanceof Sum) {
formulaSplitterStepSolver = new SummationOnLinearRealArithmeticAndPolynomialStepSolver(constraint, body);
} else {
formulaSplitterStepSolver = new QuantifierEliminationOnBodyInWhichIndexOnlyOccursInsideLiteralsStepSolver(group, constraint, body);
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver result = new ExpressionStepSolverToLiteralSplitterStepSolverAdapter(formulaSplitterStepSolver);
return result;
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class NumberOfDistinctExpressionsStepSolverTest method test.
public void test() {
TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport = TheoryTestingSupport.make(makeRandom(), new EqualityTheory(true, true));
Context context = theoryTestingSupport.makeContextWithTestingInformation();
String contextString = "X != Y and X != a and X != b and Y != b";
List<String> elementsStrings = list("X", "Y", "a", "b", "c");
context = context.conjoin(parse(contextString), context);
ArrayList<Expression> list = mapIntoArrayList(elementsStrings, Expressions::parse);
NumberOfDistinctExpressionsStepSolver stepSolver = new NumberOfDistinctExpressionsStepSolver(list);
Step step = stepSolver.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("X = c"), step.getSplitter());
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXEqualsC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsTrue();
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsFalse();
// if X = c, the number of distinct values can be 3 or 4, depending on whether Y = a, or Y = b
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsC.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = a"), step.getSplitter());
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYEqualsA = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsTrue();
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromA = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsFalse();
// if X = c and Y = a, the number of distinct values is 3 (a, b, c)
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYEqualsA.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("3"), step.getValue());
// if X = c and Y != a, the number of distinct values is 3 or 4, depending on Y = c
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromA.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = c"), step.getSplitter());
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYEqualsC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsTrue();
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsDifferentFromC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsFalse();
// if X = c and Y != a and Y = c, the number of distinct values is 3
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYEqualsC.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("3"), step.getValue());
// if X = c and Y != a and Y != c, the number of distinct values is 4
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsDifferentFromC.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("4"), step.getValue());
// if X = c and Y = a, the number of distinct values is 3 (a, b, c)
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYEqualsA.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("3"), step.getValue());
// using again just to make sure it produces the same result
step = stepSolverIfXEqualsCAndYEqualsA.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("3"), step.getValue());
// if X != c, the number of distinct value will now depend on Y = a
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromC.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = a"), step.getSplitter());
// using again just to make sure it produces the same result
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromC.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = a"), step.getSplitter());
// if X != c, the number of distinct values can be 4 or 5, depending on whether Y = a, or Y = b
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromC.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = a"), step.getSplitter());
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYEqualsA = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsTrue();
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromA = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsFalse();
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYEqualsA.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("4"), step.getValue());
// if however Y != a, limit will depend on Y = c
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromA.step(context);
assertEquals(true, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("Y = c"), step.getSplitter());
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsEqualToC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsTrue();
ExpressionLiteralSplitterStepSolver stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsDifferentFromC = step.getStepSolverForWhenSplitterIsFalse();
// if Y = c, then there are 4 distinct values
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsEqualToC.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("4"), step.getValue());
// if Y != c, then Y is also unique and the number of distinct values is 5
step = stepSolverIfXIsDifferentFromCAndYIsDifferentFromAAndYIsDifferentFromC.step(context);
assertEquals(false, step.itDepends());
assertEquals(parse("5"), step.getValue());