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Example 16 with CompoundTheory

use of in project aic-praise by aic-sri-international.

the class UAIMARSolver method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    if (args.length != 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: UAIMARSolver <file or directory with UAI-format files> <solution directory> <timeout in ms> equalities|difference_arithmetic");
    File uaiInput = new File(args[0]);
    if (!uaiInput.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("File or directory specified does not exist: " + uaiInput.getAbsolutePath());
    File solutionDir = new File(args[1]);
    if (!solutionDir.exists() || !solutionDir.isDirectory()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Solution directory is invalid: " + solutionDir.getAbsolutePath());
    int maxSolverTimeInSeconds = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    Theory theory;
    if (args[3].equals("equalities")) {
        theory = new CompoundTheory(new PropositionalTheory(), new EqualityTheory(true, true));
    } else if (args[3].equals("difference_arithmetic")) {
        theory = new CompoundTheory(new PropositionalTheory(), new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(true, true));
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("4-th argument must be either 'equalities' or 'difference_arithmetic'");
    List<UAIModel> models = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<UAIModel, File> modelToFile = new HashMap<>();
    if (uaiInput.isDirectory()) {
        for (File uaiFile : uaiInput.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".uai"))) {
            UAIModel model = read(uaiFile, solutionDir);
            modelToFile.put(model, uaiFile);
    } else {
        UAIModel model = read(uaiInput, solutionDir);
        modelToFile.put(model, uaiInput);
    // Sort based on what we consider to be the simplest to hardest
    //Collections.sort(models, (model1, model2) ->, model2.ratioUniqueTablesToTables()));
    //Collections.sort(models, (model1, model2) ->, model2.largestNumberOfFunctionTableEntries()));
    Collections.sort(models, (model1, model2) ->, model2.totalNumberEntriesForAllFunctionTables()));
    //Collections.sort(models, (model1, model2) ->, model2.numberTables()));
    Map<String, Boolean> modelSolvedStatus = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<String, Long> modelSolvedTime = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    System.out.println("#models read=" + models.size());
    final AtomicInteger cnt = new AtomicInteger(1); -> {
        System.out.println("Starting to Solve: " + modelToFile.get(model).getName() + " (" + cnt.getAndAdd(1) + " of " + models.size() + ")");
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean solved = solve(model, model.getEvidence(), model.getMARSolution(), maxSolverTimeInSeconds, theory);
        long took = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
        System.out.println("---- Took " + took + "ms. solved=" + solved);
        modelSolvedStatus.put(modelToFile.get(model).getName(), solved);
        modelSolvedTime.put(modelToFile.get(model).getName(), took);
    System.out.println("MODELS SOLVE STATUS");
    modelSolvedStatus.entrySet().stream().forEach(e -> System.out.printf("%-25s %-5b %12sms.\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue(), modelSolvedTime.get(e.getKey())));
    System.out.println("#models   solved=" + modelSolvedStatus.values().stream().filter(status -> status == true).count());
    System.out.println("#models unsolved=" + modelSolvedStatus.values().stream().filter(status -> status == false).count());
Also used : IntStream( Arrays(java.util.Arrays) PropositionalTheory( MultiIndexQuantifierEliminator( AtomicDouble( Expressions( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( TimeoutException(java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Callable(java.util.concurrent.Callable) Expression( FactorsAndTypes( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) Not( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) InferenceForFactorGraphAndEvidence( UAIUtil.convertGenericTableToInstance( Map(java.util.Map) And( Division( ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) Equality( IOException( EqualityTheory( Collectors( IfThenElse( File( Executors(java.util.concurrent.Executors) Theory( Beta( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) List(java.util.List) GraphicalNetwork( CompoundTheory( UAIUtil.constructGenericTableExpressionUsingEqualities( FunctionTable( Collections(java.util.Collections) FunctorConstants( EqualityTheory( PropositionalTheory( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( EqualityTheory( Theory( CompoundTheory( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) DifferenceArithmeticTheory( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) File(

Example 17 with CompoundTheory

use of in project aic-praise by aic-sri-international.

the class RandomConditionalPotentialExpressionGenerator method newTheoryTestingSupport.

private TheoryTestingSupport newTheoryTestingSupport(Random random, RandomHOGMv1Generator.TheoryTypePropositionalArgs[] propositionTheoryArgs, RandomHOGMv1Generator.TheoryTypeEqualityArgs[] equalityTheoryArgs, RandomHOGMv1Generator.TheoryTypeInequalityArgs[] inequalityTheoryArgs) {
    List<Theory> theories = new ArrayList<>();
    if (propositionTheoryArgs.length > 0) {
        theories.add(new PropositionalTheory());
    if (equalityTheoryArgs.length > 0) {
        EqualityTheory equalityTheory;
        if (inequalityTheoryArgs.length == 0) {
            // first flag is 'true' because all equalities are atoms in the final theory; there is no need to check arguments type
            equalityTheory = new EqualityTheory(true, true);
        } else {
            // 'false' because not all equalities are atoms in this final theory; need to check arguments type
            equalityTheory = new EqualityTheory(false, true);
    if (inequalityTheoryArgs.length > 0) {
        DifferenceArithmeticTheory differenceArithmeticTheory;
        if (equalityTheoryArgs.length == 0) {
            // first flag is 'true' because all equalities are atoms in the final theory; there is no need to check arguments type
            differenceArithmeticTheory = new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(true, true);
        } else {
            // 'false' because not all equalities are atoms in this final theory; need to check arguments type
            differenceArithmeticTheory = new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, true);
    Theory finalTheory;
    if (theories.size() > 1) {
        finalTheory = new CompoundTheory(theories.toArray(new Theory[theories.size()]));
    } else {
        finalTheory = theories.get(0);
    TheoryTestingSupport result = TheoryTestingSupport.make(random, finalTheory);
    return result;
Also used : EqualityTheory( PropositionalTheory( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( EqualityTheory( Theory( CompoundTheory( TheoryTestingSupport( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory(

Example 18 with CompoundTheory

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class CompilationTest method test.

public void test() {
    Expression input;
    Expression expected;
    Theory theory = new CompoundTheory(new EqualityTheory(true, true), new PropositionalTheory());
    Map<String, String> mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString;
    Map<String, String> mapFromVariableNameToTypeName;
    Map<String, String> mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName;
    input = Expressions.parse("if X = a then if X = b then 1 else 2 else 3");
    expected = parse("if X = a then 2 else 3");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="Everything", "2");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="X", "Everything");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName ="a", "Everything", "b", "Everything");
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
    input = Expressions.parse("" + "if X = a and Y = a then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = b then 0.1 else " + "if X = b and Y = a then 0.2 else " + // + "if X = b and Y = b then 0.2" // no need to test because it is the last case
    expected = parse("if X = a then 0.1 else 0.2");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="Everything", "2");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="X", "Everything", "Y", "Everything");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName ="a", "Everything", "b", "Everything");
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
    input = Expressions.parse("" + "if X = a and Y = a and Z = a then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = a and Z = b then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = a and Z = c then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = b and Z = a then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = b and Z = b then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = b and Z = c then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = c and Z = a then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = c and Z = b then 0.1 else " + "if X = a and Y = c and Z = c then 0.1 else " + "if X = b and Y = a and Z = a then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = a and Z = b then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = a and Z = c then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = b and Z = a then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = b and Z = b then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = b and Z = c then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = c and Z = a then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = c and Z = b then 0.2 else " + "if X = b and Y = c and Z = c then 0.2 else " + "if X = c and Y = a and Z = a then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = a and Z = b then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = a and Z = c then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = b and Z = a then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = b and Z = b then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = b and Z = c then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = c and Z = a then 0.3 else " + "if X = c and Y = c and Z = b then 0.3 else " + /* X = c and Y = c and Z = c ; no need as it is implied by domain definition */
    expected = parse("if X = a then 0.1 else if X = b then 0.2 else 0.3");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="Everything", "3");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="X", "Everything", "Y", "Everything", "Z", "Everything");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName ="a", "Everything", "b", "Everything", "c", "Everything");
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
    // Same thing, but with non-capitalized variables that should still be recognized as variables
    input = Expressions.parse("" + "if x = a and y = a and z = a then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = a and z = b then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = a and z = c then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = b and z = a then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = b and z = b then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = b and z = c then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = c and z = a then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = c and z = b then 0.1 else " + "if x = a and y = c and z = c then 0.1 else " + "if x = b and y = a and z = a then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = a and z = b then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = a and z = c then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = b and z = a then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = b and z = b then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = b and z = c then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = c and z = a then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = c and z = b then 0.2 else " + "if x = b and y = c and z = c then 0.2 else " + "if x = c and y = a and z = a then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = a and z = b then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = a and z = c then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = b and z = a then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = b and z = b then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = b and z = c then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = c and z = a then 0.3 else " + "if x = c and y = c and z = b then 0.3 else " + /* x = c and y = c and z = c ; no need as it is implied by domain definition */
    expected = parse("if x = a then 0.1 else if x = b then 0.2 else 0.3");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="Everything", "3");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="x", "Everything", "y", "Everything", "z", "Everything");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName ="a", "Everything", "b", "Everything", "c", "Everything");
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
    input = Expressions.parse("" + "if not g0 and (g1 = consg1_0)\r\n" + "then 0.0001\r\n" + "else if not g0 and (g1 = consg1_1)\r\n" + "     then 1\r\n" + "     else if not g0 and (g1 = consg1_2)\r\n" + "          then 0.0001\r\n" + "          else if not g0 and (g1 = consg1_3)\r\n" + "               then 1\r\n" + "               else if g0 and (g1 = consg1_0)\r\n" + "                    then 1\r\n" + "                    else if g0 and (g1 = consg1_1)\r\n" + "                         then 1\r\n" + "                         else if g0 and (g1 = consg1_2)\r\n" + "                              then 1\r\n" + "                              else 1\r\n" + "");
    expected = parse("if not g0 then if g1 = consg1_0 then 0.0001 else if g1 = consg1_1 then 1 else if g1 = consg1_2 then 0.0001 else 1 else 1");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="G1Type", "4", "Boolean", "2");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="g0", "Boolean", "g1", "G1Type");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName ="consg1_0", "G1Type", "consg1_1", "G1Type", "consg1_2", "G1Type", "consg1_3", "G1Type");
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
    input = Expressions.parse("if not g0 then 1 else 1");
    expected = parse("1");
    mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString ="G1Type", "4", "Boolean", "2");
    mapFromVariableNameToTypeName ="g0", "Boolean", "g1", "G1Type");
    mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName =;
    runTest(input, expected, theory, mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, mapFromVariableNameToTypeName, mapFromUniquelyNamedConstantToTypeName);
Also used : EqualityTheory( Expression( PropositionalTheory( EqualityTheory( Theory( CompoundTheory( PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with CompoundTheory

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class ExpressionStepSolverToLiteralSplitterStepSolverAdapterTest method testCompoundTheoryWithoutDifferenceArithmeticWithRandomDisjunctiveFormulas.

public void testCompoundTheoryWithoutDifferenceArithmeticWithRandomDisjunctiveFormulas() {
    TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport = TheoryTestingSupport.make(makeRandom(), new CompoundTheory(new EqualityTheory(false, true), new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, true), new PropositionalTheory()));
Also used : EqualityTheory( TheoryTestingSupport( DifferenceArithmeticTheory( PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 20 with CompoundTheory

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class SampleCommonInterpreterTest method setUp.

public void setUp() {
    // Make tests repeatable
    random = new Random(1);
    context = new TrueContext(new CompoundTheory(new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new LinearRealArithmeticTheory(false, false), new EqualityTheory(false, false), new PropositionalTheory()));
Also used : EqualityTheory( Random(java.util.Random) DifferenceArithmeticTheory( LinearRealArithmeticTheory( PropositionalTheory( CompoundTheory( TrueContext( Before(org.junit.Before)


CompoundTheory ( DifferenceArithmeticTheory ( PropositionalTheory ( TrueContext ( EqualityTheory ( Expression ( Context ( TupleTheory ( Test (org.junit.Test)15 IntegerInterval ( TheoryTestingSupport ( Before (org.junit.Before)11 Theory ( LinearRealArithmeticTheory ( Type ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)5 Rewriter ( Categorical ( FunctionType ( Beta (