use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class BoundsTest method declareTheoryContextAndSetOfFactors.
private void declareTheoryContextAndSetOfFactors() {
/* That's how we create a empty bound
* It is useful for abstracting the kind of bound we are talking about:
* if you say to a program that one of his attributes is a bound, you can let the user choose
* between a extensional or intensional representation just by passing the right object as
* argument.
* Example:
* class foo{
* Bound b
* ...
* public foo(Bound b, ...) {
* this.b = b;
* ...
* }
* }
* Use:
* foo object = new foo(new DefaultExtensionalBound(),...);
* */
extensionalBound = new DefaultExtensionalBound();
intensionalBound = new DefaultIntensionalBound();
theory = new CompoundTheory(new EqualityTheory(false, true), new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new LinearRealArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory(), new PropositionalTheory());
context = new TrueContext(theory);
context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("X", "Boolean");
context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("Y", "Boolean");
context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("A", "Boolean");
context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("B", "Boolean");
context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("C", "1..5");
// context = context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("D","{1,3,4,8}");
// Set of functions
Expression phi1 = parse("if X = true then 1 else if Y = true then 2 else 3");
Expression phi2 = parse("if A = true then if Y = true then 4 else 5 else 6");
Expression phi3 = parse("if X = true then 7 else if B = true then 8 else 9");
Expression phi4 = parse("if B = true then 10 else if A = true then 11 else 12");
Expression phi5 = parse("if C < 4 then 10 else if C = 4 then 11 else 12");
* This is how we create a non empty extensional bound
setOfFactors = new DefaultExtensionalBound(arrayList(phi1, phi2, phi3, phi4, phi5));
// Set of numbers
setOFNumbers = new DefaultExtensionalBound(arrayList(ONE, TWO));
Set<Expression> Factor = new HashSet<Expression>();
model = new Model(Factor);
model.context = model.context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("A", "Boolean");
model.context = model.context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("B", "Boolean");
model.context = model.context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("Q", "Boolean");
model.context = model.context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("C", "1..4");
model.context = model.context.extendWithSymbolsAndTypes("D", "6..9");
intensionalSetOfFactors1 = new DefaultIntensionalBound(arrayList(parse("A' in Boolean"), parse("C' in 1..5")), parse("if C = C' then if A = A' then 1 else 4 else 0"), TRUE);
intensionalSetOfFactors2 = DefaultIntensionalBound.simplex(arrayList(parse("A")), model);
intensionalSetOfFactors3 = DefaultIntensionalBound.simplex(arrayList(parse("C"), parse("B")), model);
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class IntensionalSetFalseConditionToEmptySetSimplifierTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
context = new TrueContext(new CompoundTheory(new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory()));
IntegerInterval nType = new IntegerInterval(1, 10);
context = (Context) GrinderUtil.extendRegistryWith(map("N", nType.toString()), Arrays.asList(nType), context);
simplifier = new IntensionalSetFalseConditionToEmptySetSimplifier();
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class IntensionalSetToConditionalSimplifierTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
context = new TrueContext(new CompoundTheory(new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory()));
IntegerInterval nType = new IntegerInterval(1, 10);
context = (Context) GrinderUtil.extendRegistryWith(map("N", nType.toString()), Arrays.asList(nType), context);
simplifier = new IntensionalSetToConditionalSimplifier();
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class IntersectionExtensionalSetSimplifierTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
context = new TrueContext(new CompoundTheory(new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory()));
IntegerInterval intType = new IntegerInterval(1, 10);
context = (Context) GrinderUtil.extendRegistryWith(map("M", intType.toString(), "N", intType.toString()), Arrays.asList(intType), context);
simplifier = new IntersectionExtensionalSetSimplifier();
use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.
the class IntersectionIntensionalSetsSimplifierTest method setUp.
public void setUp() {
context = new TrueContext(new CompoundTheory(new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, false), new TupleTheory()));
IntegerInterval nType = new IntegerInterval(1, 10);
context = (Context) GrinderUtil.extendRegistryWith(map("N", nType.toString()), Arrays.asList(nType), context);
simplifier = new IntersectionIntensionalSetsSimplifier();