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Example 61 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Check method checkCompatibleSupertypes.

/** Check that all abstract methods implemented by a class are
     *  mutually compatible.
     *  @param pos          Position to be used for error reporting.
     *  @param c            The class whose interfaces are checked.
void checkCompatibleSupertypes(DiagnosticPosition pos, Type c) {
    List<Type> supertypes = types.interfaces(c);
    Type supertype = types.supertype(c);
    if (supertype.tag == CLASS && (supertype.tsym.flags() & ABSTRACT) != 0)
        supertypes = supertypes.prepend(supertype);
    for (List<Type> l = supertypes; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
        if (allowGenerics && !l.head.getTypeArguments().isEmpty() && !checkCompatibleAbstracts(pos, l.head, l.head, c))
        for (List<Type> m = supertypes; m != l; m = m.tail) if (!checkCompatibleAbstracts(pos, l.head, m.head, c))
    checkCompatibleConcretes(pos, c);
Also used : Type(

Example 62 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Check method isOverrider.

/** Is s a method symbol that overrides a method in a superclass? */
boolean isOverrider(Symbol s) {
    if (s.kind != MTH || s.isStatic())
        return false;
    MethodSymbol m = (MethodSymbol) s;
    TypeSymbol owner = (TypeSymbol) m.owner;
    for (Type sup : types.closure(owner.type)) {
        if (sup == owner.type)
            // skip "this"
        Scope scope = sup.tsym.members();
        for (Scope.Entry e = scope.lookup(; e.scope != null; e = {
            if (!e.sym.isStatic() && m.overrides(e.sym, owner, types, true))
                return true;
    return false;
Also used : Type(

Example 63 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Infer method instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance.

     * Compute a synthetic method type corresponding to the requested polymorphic
     * method signature. The target return type is computed from the immediately
     * enclosing scope surrounding the polymorphic-signature call.
Type instantiatePolymorphicSignatureInstance(Env<AttrContext> env, Type site, Name name, // sig. poly. method or null if none
MethodSymbol spMethod, List<Type> argtypes) {
    final Type restype;
    switch( {
        case JCTree.TYPECAST:
            JCTypeCast castTree = (JCTypeCast);
            restype = (TreeInfo.skipParens(castTree.expr) == env.tree) ? castTree.clazz.type : syms.objectType;
        case JCTree.EXEC:
            JCTree.JCExpressionStatement execTree = (JCTree.JCExpressionStatement);
            restype = (TreeInfo.skipParens(execTree.expr) == env.tree) ? syms.voidType : syms.objectType;
            restype = syms.objectType;
    List<Type> paramtypes =, implicitArgType);
    List<Type> exType = spMethod != null ? spMethod.getThrownTypes() : // make it throw all exceptions
    MethodType mtype = new MethodType(paramtypes, restype, exType, syms.methodClass);
    return mtype;
Also used : Type( JCTypeCast( JCTree(

Example 64 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Lower method visitEnumDef.

/** Translate an enum class. */
private void visitEnumDef(JCClassDecl tree) {
    // add the supertype, if needed
    if (tree.extending == null)
        tree.extending = make.Type(types.supertype(tree.type));
    // classOfType adds a cache field to tree.defs unless
    // target.hasClassLiterals().
    JCExpression e_class = classOfType(tree.sym.type, tree.pos()).setType(types.erasure(syms.classType));
    // process each enumeration constant, adding implicit constructor parameters
    int nextOrdinal = 0;
    ListBuffer<JCExpression> values = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
    ListBuffer<JCTree> enumDefs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
    ListBuffer<JCTree> otherDefs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
    for (List<JCTree> defs = tree.defs; defs.nonEmpty(); defs = defs.tail) {
        if (defs.head.getTag() == JCTree.VARDEF && (((JCVariableDecl) defs.head).mods.flags & ENUM) != 0) {
            JCVariableDecl var = (JCVariableDecl) defs.head;
            visitEnumConstantDef(var, nextOrdinal++);
        } else {
    // private static final T[] #VALUES = { a, b, c };
    Name valuesName = names.fromString(target.syntheticNameChar() + "VALUES");
    while (// avoid name clash
    tree.sym.members().lookup(valuesName).scope != null) valuesName = names.fromString(valuesName + "" + target.syntheticNameChar());
    Type arrayType = new ArrayType(types.erasure(tree.type), syms.arrayClass);
    VarSymbol valuesVar = new VarSymbol(PRIVATE | FINAL | STATIC | SYNTHETIC, valuesName, arrayType, tree.type.tsym);
    JCNewArray newArray = make.NewArray(make.Type(types.erasure(tree.type)), List.<JCExpression>nil(), values.toList());
    newArray.type = arrayType;
    enumDefs.append(make.VarDef(valuesVar, newArray));
    Symbol valuesSym = lookupMethod(tree.pos(), names.values, tree.type, List.<Type>nil());
    List<JCStatement> valuesBody;
    if (useClone()) {
        // return (T[]) $VALUES.clone();
        JCTypeCast valuesResult = make.TypeCast(valuesSym.type.getReturnType(), make.App(make.Select(make.Ident(valuesVar), syms.arrayCloneMethod)));
        valuesBody = List.<JCStatement>of(make.Return(valuesResult));
    } else {
        // template: T[] $result = new T[$values.length];
        Name resultName = names.fromString(target.syntheticNameChar() + "result");
        while (// avoid name clash
        tree.sym.members().lookup(resultName).scope != null) resultName = names.fromString(resultName + "" + target.syntheticNameChar());
        VarSymbol resultVar = new VarSymbol(FINAL | SYNTHETIC, resultName, arrayType, valuesSym);
        JCNewArray resultArray = make.NewArray(make.Type(types.erasure(tree.type)), List.of(make.Select(make.Ident(valuesVar), syms.lengthVar)), null);
        resultArray.type = arrayType;
        JCVariableDecl decl = make.VarDef(resultVar, resultArray);
        // template: System.arraycopy($VALUES, 0, $result, 0, $VALUES.length);
        if (systemArraycopyMethod == null) {
            systemArraycopyMethod = new MethodSymbol(PUBLIC | STATIC, names.fromString("arraycopy"), new MethodType(List.<Type>of(syms.objectType, syms.intType, syms.objectType, syms.intType, syms.intType), syms.voidType, List.<Type>nil(), syms.methodClass), syms.systemType.tsym);
        JCStatement copy = make.Exec(make.App(make.Select(make.Ident(syms.systemType.tsym), systemArraycopyMethod), List.of(make.Ident(valuesVar), make.Literal(0), make.Ident(resultVar), make.Literal(0), make.Select(make.Ident(valuesVar), syms.lengthVar))));
        // template: return $result;
        JCStatement ret = make.Return(make.Ident(resultVar));
        valuesBody = List.<JCStatement>of(decl, copy, ret);
    JCMethodDecl valuesDef = make.MethodDef((MethodSymbol) valuesSym, make.Block(0, valuesBody));
    if (debugLower)
        System.err.println(tree.sym + ".valuesDef = " + valuesDef);
    /** The template for the following code is:
         *     public static E valueOf(String name) {
         *         return (E)Enum.valueOf(E.class, name);
         *     }
         *  where E is tree.sym
    MethodSymbol valueOfSym = lookupMethod(tree.pos(), names.valueOf, tree.sym.type, List.of(syms.stringType));
    Assert.check((valueOfSym.flags() & STATIC) != 0);
    VarSymbol nameArgSym = valueOfSym.params.head;
    JCIdent nameVal = make.Ident(nameArgSym);
    JCStatement enum_ValueOf = make.Return(make.TypeCast(tree.sym.type, makeCall(make.Ident(syms.enumSym), names.valueOf, List.of(e_class, nameVal))));
    JCMethodDecl valueOf = make.MethodDef(valueOfSym, make.Block(0, List.of(enum_ValueOf)));
    nameVal.sym = valueOf.params.head.sym;
    if (debugLower)
        System.err.println(tree.sym + ".valueOf = " + valueOf);
    tree.defs = enumDefs.toList();
    // Add the necessary members for the EnumCompatibleMode
    if (target.compilerBootstrap(tree.sym)) {
Also used : Symbol( JCTree( Type(

Example 65 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Attr method visitApply.

/** Visitor method for method invocations.
     *  NOTE: The method part of an application will have in its type field
     *        the return type of the method, not the method's type itself!
public void visitApply(JCMethodInvocation tree) {
    // The local environment of a method application is
    // a new environment nested in the current one.
    Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree,;
    // The types of the actual method arguments.
    List<Type> argtypes;
    // The types of the actual method type arguments.
    List<Type> typeargtypes = null;
    Name methName =;
    boolean isConstructorCall = methName == names._this || methName == names._super;
    if (isConstructorCall) {
        // Check that this is the first statement in a constructor.
        if (checkFirstConstructorStat(tree, env)) {
            // Record the fact
            // that this is a constructor call (using isSelfCall).
   = true;
            // Attribute arguments, yielding list of argument types.
            argtypes = attribArgs(tree.args, localEnv);
            typeargtypes = attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv);
            // Variable `site' points to the class in which the called
            // constructor is defined.
            Type site = env.enclClass.sym.type;
            if (methName == names._super) {
                if (site == syms.objectType) {
                    log.error(tree.meth.pos(), "no.superclass", site);
                    site = types.createErrorType(syms.objectType);
                } else {
                    site = types.supertype(site);
            if (site.tag == CLASS) {
                Type encl = site.getEnclosingType();
                while (encl != null && encl.tag == TYPEVAR) encl = encl.getUpperBound();
                if (encl.tag == CLASS) {
                    if (tree.meth.getTag() == JCTree.SELECT) {
                        JCTree qualifier = ((JCFieldAccess) tree.meth).selected;
                        // We are seeing a prefixed call, of the form
                        //     <expr>.super(...).
                        // Check that the prefix expression conforms
                        // to the outer instance type of the class.
                        chk.checkRefType(qualifier.pos(), attribExpr(qualifier, localEnv, encl));
                    } else if (methName == names._super) {
                        // qualifier omitted; check for existence
                        // of an appropriate implicit qualifier.
                        rs.resolveImplicitThis(tree.meth.pos(), localEnv, site, true);
                } else if (tree.meth.getTag() == JCTree.SELECT) {
                    log.error(tree.meth.pos(), "illegal.qual.not.icls", site.tsym);
                // prefix the implicit String and int parameters
                if (site.tsym == syms.enumSym && allowEnums)
                    argtypes = argtypes.prepend(syms.intType).prepend(syms.stringType);
                // Resolve the called constructor under the assumption
                // that we are referring to a superclass instance of the
                // current instance (JLS ???).
                boolean selectSuperPrev =;
       = true;
       = false;
                Symbol sym = rs.resolveConstructor(tree.meth.pos(), localEnv, site, argtypes, typeargtypes);
       = selectSuperPrev;
                // Set method symbol to resolved constructor...
                TreeInfo.setSymbol(tree.meth, sym);
                // ...and check that it is legal in the current context.
                // (this will also set the tree's type)
                Type mpt = newMethTemplate(argtypes, typeargtypes);
                checkId(tree.meth, site, sym, localEnv, MTH, mpt, tree.varargsElement != null);
        // Otherwise, `site' is an error type and we do nothing
        result = tree.type = syms.voidType;
    } else {
        // Otherwise, we are seeing a regular method call.
        // Attribute the arguments, yielding list of argument types, ...
        argtypes = attribArgs(tree.args, localEnv);
        typeargtypes = attribAnyTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv);
        // ... and attribute the method using as a prototype a methodtype
        // whose formal argument types is exactly the list of actual
        // arguments (this will also set the method symbol).
        Type mpt = newMethTemplate(argtypes, typeargtypes); = false;
        Type mtype = attribExpr(tree.meth, localEnv, mpt);
        if (
            Assert.check(mtype.isErroneous() || tree.varargsElement != null);
        // Compute the result type.
        Type restype = mtype.getReturnType();
        if (restype.tag == WILDCARD)
            throw new AssertionError(mtype);
        // the same as static type of the array being cloned
        if (tree.meth.getTag() == JCTree.SELECT && allowCovariantReturns && methName == names.clone && types.isArray(((JCFieldAccess) tree.meth).selected.type))
            restype = ((JCFieldAccess) tree.meth).selected.type;
        // as a special case, x.getClass() has type Class<? extends |X|>
        if (allowGenerics && methName == names.getClass && tree.args.isEmpty()) {
            Type qualifier = (tree.meth.getTag() == JCTree.SELECT) ? ((JCFieldAccess) tree.meth).selected.type : env.enclClass.sym.type;
            restype = new ClassType(restype.getEnclosingType(), List.<Type>of(new WildcardType(types.erasure(qualifier), BoundKind.EXTENDS, syms.boundClass)), restype.tsym);
        chk.checkRefTypes(tree.typeargs, typeargtypes);
        // Check that value of resulting type is admissible in the
        // current context.  Also, capture the return type
        result = check(tree, capture(restype), VAL, pkind, pt);
    chk.validate(tree.typeargs, localEnv);
Also used : ClassType( MethodType( WildcardType( Type( ArrayType( UnionClassType( WildcardType( JCFieldAccess( ClassSymbol( TypeSymbol( Symbol( PackageSymbol( VarSymbol( DynamicMethodSymbol( MethodSymbol( OperatorSymbol( JCTree( ClassType( UnionClassType( Kinds.kindName( Name(


Type ( Symbol ( ClassType ( ArrayType ( MethodType ( WildcardType ( MethodSymbol ( UnionClassType ( ClassSymbol ( JCTree ( TypeSymbol ( VarSymbol ( Types ( ExpressionTree (com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree)21 JCExpression ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 PackageSymbol ( Tree (com.sun.source.tree.Tree)14 Name ( DynamicMethodSymbol (