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Example 71 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Check method isDeprecatedOverrideIgnorable.

// where
private boolean isDeprecatedOverrideIgnorable(MethodSymbol m, ClassSymbol origin) {
    // If the method, m, is defined in an interface, then ignore the issue if the method
    // is only inherited via a supertype and also implemented in the supertype,
    // because in that case, we will rediscover the issue when examining the method
    // in the supertype.
    // If the method, m, is not defined in an interface, then the only time we need to
    // address the issue is when the method is the supertype implemementation: any other
    // case, we will have dealt with when examining the supertype classes
    ClassSymbol mc = m.enclClass();
    Type st = types.supertype(origin.type);
    if (st.tag != CLASS)
        return true;
    MethodSymbol stimpl = m.implementation((ClassSymbol) st.tsym, types, false);
    if (mc != null && ((mc.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0)) {
        List<Type> intfs = types.interfaces(origin.type);
        return (intfs.contains(mc.type) ? false : (stimpl != null));
    } else
        return (stimpl != m);
Also used : Type(

Example 72 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Check method checkClassBounds.

/** Enter all interfaces of type `type' into the hash table `seensofar'
         *  with their class symbol as key and their type as value. Make
         *  sure no class is entered with two different types.
void checkClassBounds(DiagnosticPosition pos, Map<TypeSymbol, Type> seensofar, Type type) {
    if (type.isErroneous())
    for (List<Type> l = types.interfaces(type); l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
        Type it = l.head;
        Type oldit = seensofar.put(it.tsym, it);
        if (oldit != null) {
            List<Type> oldparams = oldit.allparams();
            List<Type> newparams = it.allparams();
            if (!sourceLanguage.isCeylon() && !types.containsTypeEquivalent(oldparams, newparams))
                log.error(pos, "cant.inherit.diff.arg", it.tsym, Type.toString(oldparams), Type.toString(newparams));
        checkClassBounds(pos, seensofar, it);
    Type st = types.supertype(type);
    if (st != null)
        checkClassBounds(pos, seensofar, st);
Also used : Type(

Example 73 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Lower method accessSymbol.

/** Return access symbol for a private or protected symbol from an inner class.
     *  @param sym        The accessed private symbol.
     *  @param tree       The accessing tree.
     *  @param enclOp     The closest enclosing operation node of tree,
     *                    null if tree is not a subtree of an operation.
     *  @param protAccess Is access to a protected symbol in another
     *                    package?
     *  @param refSuper   Is access via a (qualified) C.super?
MethodSymbol accessSymbol(Symbol sym, JCTree tree, JCTree enclOp, boolean protAccess, boolean refSuper) {
    ClassSymbol accOwner = refSuper && protAccess ? // access symbol on T.
    (ClassSymbol) ((JCFieldAccess) tree).selected.type.tsym : // class which is a subclass of the symbol's owner.
    accessClass(sym, protAccess, tree);
    Symbol vsym = sym;
    if (sym.owner != accOwner) {
        vsym = sym.clone(accOwner);
        actualSymbols.put(vsym, sym);
    // The access number of the access method.
    Integer anum = accessNums.get(vsym);
    if (anum == null) {
        anum = accessed.length();
        accessNums.put(vsym, anum);
        accessSyms.put(vsym, new MethodSymbol[NCODES]);
    // System.out.println("accessing " + vsym + " in " + vsym.location());
    // The access code of the access method.
    int acode;
    // The argument types of the access method.
    List<Type> argtypes;
    // The result type of the access method.
    Type restype;
    // The thrown exceptions of the access method.
    List<Type> thrown;
    switch(vsym.kind) {
        case VAR:
            acode = accessCode(tree, enclOp);
            if (acode >= FIRSTASGOPcode) {
                OperatorSymbol operator = binaryAccessOperator(acode);
                if (operator.opcode == string_add)
                    argtypes = List.of(syms.objectType);
                    argtypes = operator.type.getParameterTypes().tail;
            } else if (acode == ASSIGNcode)
                argtypes = List.of(vsym.erasure(types));
                argtypes = List.nil();
            restype = vsym.erasure(types);
            thrown = List.nil();
        case MTH:
            acode = DEREFcode;
            argtypes = vsym.erasure(types).getParameterTypes();
            restype = vsym.erasure(types).getReturnType();
            thrown = vsym.type.getThrownTypes();
            throw new AssertionError();
    // making it odd.
    if (protAccess && refSuper)
    // containing the access method.
    if ((vsym.flags() & STATIC) == 0) {
        argtypes = argtypes.prepend(vsym.owner.erasure(types));
    MethodSymbol[] accessors = accessSyms.get(vsym);
    MethodSymbol accessor = accessors[acode];
    if (accessor == null) {
        accessor = new MethodSymbol(STATIC | SYNTHETIC, accessName(anum.intValue(), acode), new MethodType(argtypes, restype, thrown, syms.methodClass), accOwner);
        enterSynthetic(tree.pos(), accessor, accOwner.members());
        accessors[acode] = accessor;
    return accessor;
Also used : Type( Symbol(

Example 74 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Lower method visitMethodDef.

public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl tree) {
    if ( == names.init && (currentClass.flags_field & ENUM) != 0) {
        // Add "String $enum$name, int $enum$ordinal" to the beginning of the
        // argument list for each constructor of an enum.
        JCVariableDecl nameParam = make_at(tree.pos()).Param(names.fromString(target.syntheticNameChar() + "enum" + target.syntheticNameChar() + "name"), syms.stringType, tree.sym);
        nameParam.mods.flags |= SYNTHETIC;
        nameParam.sym.flags_field |= SYNTHETIC;
        JCVariableDecl ordParam = make.Param(names.fromString(target.syntheticNameChar() + "enum" + target.syntheticNameChar() + "ordinal"), syms.intType, tree.sym);
        ordParam.mods.flags |= SYNTHETIC;
        ordParam.sym.flags_field |= SYNTHETIC;
        tree.params = tree.params.prepend(ordParam).prepend(nameParam);
        MethodSymbol m = tree.sym;
        Type olderasure = m.erasure(types);
        m.erasure_field = new MethodType(olderasure.getParameterTypes().prepend(syms.intType).prepend(syms.stringType), olderasure.getReturnType(), olderasure.getThrownTypes(), syms.methodClass);
        if (target.compilerBootstrap(m.owner)) {
            // Initialize synthetic name field
            Symbol nameVarSym = lookupSynthetic(names.fromString("$name"), tree.sym.owner.members());
            JCIdent nameIdent = make.Ident(nameParam.sym);
            JCIdent id1 = make.Ident(nameVarSym);
            JCAssign newAssign = make.Assign(id1, nameIdent);
            newAssign.type = id1.type;
            JCExpressionStatement nameAssign = make.Exec(newAssign);
            nameAssign.type = id1.type;
            tree.body.stats = tree.body.stats.prepend(nameAssign);
            // Initialize synthetic ordinal field
            Symbol ordinalVarSym = lookupSynthetic(names.fromString("$ordinal"), tree.sym.owner.members());
            JCIdent ordIdent = make.Ident(ordParam.sym);
            id1 = make.Ident(ordinalVarSym);
            newAssign = make.Assign(id1, ordIdent);
            newAssign.type = id1.type;
            JCExpressionStatement ordinalAssign = make.Exec(newAssign);
            ordinalAssign.type = id1.type;
            tree.body.stats = tree.body.stats.prepend(ordinalAssign);
    JCMethodDecl prevMethodDef = currentMethodDef;
    MethodSymbol prevMethodSym = currentMethodSym;
    try {
        currentMethodDef = tree;
        currentMethodSym = tree.sym;
    } finally {
        currentMethodDef = prevMethodDef;
        currentMethodSym = prevMethodSym;
Also used : Type( Symbol(

Example 75 with Type

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class Attr method visitTypeApply.

/** Visitor method for parameterized types.
     *  Bound checking is left until later, since types are attributed
     *  before supertype structure is completely known
public void visitTypeApply(JCTypeApply tree) {
    Type owntype = types.createErrorType(tree.type);
    // Attribute functor part of application and make sure it's a class.
    Type clazztype = chk.checkClassType(tree.clazz.pos(), attribType(tree.clazz, env));
    // Attribute type parameters
    List<Type> actuals = attribTypes(tree.arguments, env);
    if (clazztype.tag == CLASS) {
        List<Type> formals = clazztype.tsym.type.getTypeArguments();
        if (actuals.length() == formals.length() || actuals.length() == 0) {
            List<Type> a = actuals;
            List<Type> f = formals;
            while (a.nonEmpty()) {
                a.head = a.head.withTypeVar(f.head);
                a = a.tail;
                f = f.tail;
            // Compute the proper generic outer
            Type clazzOuter = clazztype.getEnclosingType();
            if (clazzOuter.tag == CLASS) {
                Type site;
                JCExpression clazz = TreeInfo.typeIn(tree.clazz);
                if (clazz.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT) {
                    site = env.enclClass.sym.type;
                } else if (clazz.getTag() == JCTree.SELECT) {
                    site = ((JCFieldAccess) clazz).selected.type;
                } else
                    throw new AssertionError("" + tree);
                if (clazzOuter.tag == CLASS && site != clazzOuter) {
                    if (site.tag == CLASS)
                        site = types.asOuterSuper(site, clazzOuter.tsym);
                    if (site == null)
                        site = types.erasure(clazzOuter);
                    clazzOuter = site;
            owntype = new ClassType(clazzOuter, actuals, clazztype.tsym);
        } else {
            if (formals.length() != 0) {
                log.error(tree.pos(), "wrong.number.type.args", Integer.toString(formals.length()));
            } else {
                log.error(tree.pos(), "type.doesnt.take.params", clazztype.tsym);
            owntype = types.createErrorType(tree.type);
    result = check(tree, owntype, TYP, pkind, pt);
Also used : ClassType( MethodType( WildcardType( Type( ArrayType( UnionClassType( JCExpression( ClassType( UnionClassType(


Type ( Symbol ( ClassType ( ArrayType ( MethodType ( WildcardType ( MethodSymbol ( UnionClassType ( ClassSymbol ( JCTree ( TypeSymbol ( VarSymbol ( Types ( ExpressionTree (com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree)21 JCExpression ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 PackageSymbol ( Tree (com.sun.source.tree.Tree)14 Name ( DynamicMethodSymbol (