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Example 11 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeBuilder method buildNextMethodAccess.

     * Builds an AST Tree to access the next() method of an iterator.
     * @param iteratorExpr  an expression whose type is a subtype of Iterator
     * @return  a MemberSelectTree that accesses the next() method of
     *    the expression
public MemberSelectTree buildNextMethodAccess(ExpressionTree iteratorExpr) {
    DeclaredType exprType = (DeclaredType) InternalUtils.typeOf(iteratorExpr);
    assert exprType != null : "expression must be of declared type Iterator<>";
    TypeElement exprElement = (TypeElement) exprType.asElement();
    // Find the next() method of the iterator type
    Symbol.MethodSymbol nextMethod = null;
    for (ExecutableElement method : ElementFilter.methodsIn(elements.getAllMembers(exprElement))) {
        Name methodName = method.getSimpleName();
        if (method.getParameters().size() == 0) {
            if (methodName.contentEquals("next")) {
                nextMethod = (Symbol.MethodSymbol) method;
    assert nextMethod != null : "no next method declared for expression type";
    Type.MethodType methodType = (Type.MethodType) nextMethod.asType();
    Symbol.TypeSymbol methodClass = methodType.asElement();
    Type elementType;
    if (exprType.getTypeArguments().size() > 0) {
        elementType = (Type) exprType.getTypeArguments().get(0);
    } else {
        elementType = symtab.objectType;
    // Replace the next method's generic return type with
    // the actual element type of the expression.
    Type.MethodType updatedMethodType = new Type.MethodType(<Type>nil(), elementType,<Type>nil(), methodClass);
    JCTree.JCFieldAccess nextAccess = (JCTree.JCFieldAccess) maker.Select((JCTree.JCExpression) iteratorExpr, nextMethod);
    return nextAccess;
Also used : TypeElement(javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement) Symbol( ExecutableElement(javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement) JCTree( Name(javax.lang.model.element.Name) DeclaredType(javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType) ArrayType(javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType) Type( DeclaredType(javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType)

Example 12 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeBuilder method buildVariableDecl.

     * Builds an AST Tree to declare and initialize a variable.  The
     * type of the variable is specified by a Tree.
     * @param type  the type of the variable, as a Tree
     * @param name  the name of the variable
     * @param owner  the element containing the new symbol
     * @param initializer  the initializer expression
     * @return  a VariableDeclTree declaring the new variable
public VariableTree buildVariableDecl(Tree type, String name, Element owner, ExpressionTree initializer) {
    Type typeMirror = (Type) InternalUtils.typeOf(type);
    DetachedVarSymbol sym = new DetachedVarSymbol(0, names.fromString(name), typeMirror, (Symbol) owner);
    JCTree.JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(0);
    JCTree.JCVariableDecl decl = maker.VarDef(mods,, (JCTree.JCExpression) type, (JCTree.JCExpression) initializer);
    decl.sym = sym;
    return decl;
Also used : DeclaredType(javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType) ArrayType(javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType) Type( JCTree(

Example 13 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeBuilder method buildValueOfMethodAccess.

     * Builds an AST Tree to access the valueOf() method of boxed type
     * such as Short or Float.
     * @param expr  an expression whose type is a boxed type
     * @return  a MemberSelectTree that accesses the valueOf() method of
     *    the expression
public MemberSelectTree buildValueOfMethodAccess(Tree expr) {
    TypeMirror boxedType = InternalUtils.typeOf(expr);
    assert TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(boxedType);
    // Find the valueOf(unboxedType) method of the boxed type
    Symbol.MethodSymbol valueOfMethod = getValueOfMethod(env, boxedType);
    Type.MethodType methodType = (Type.MethodType) valueOfMethod.asType();
    JCTree.JCFieldAccess valueOfAccess = (JCTree.JCFieldAccess) maker.Select((JCTree.JCExpression) expr, valueOfMethod);
    return valueOfAccess;
Also used : DeclaredType(javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType) ArrayType(javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType) Type( TypeMirror(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror) Symbol( JCTree(

Example 14 with Type

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class EqualsIncompatibleType method matchMethodInvocation.

public Description matchMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree invocationTree, final VisitorState state) {
    if (!STATIC_EQUALS_INVOCATION_MATCHER.matches(invocationTree, state) && !INSTANCE_EQUALS_INVOCATION_MATCHER.matches(invocationTree, state)) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;
    // This is the type of the object on which the java.lang.Object.equals() method
    // is called, either directly or indirectly via a static utility method. In the latter,
    // it is the type of the first argument to the static method.
    Type receiverType;
    // This is the type of the argument to the java.lang.Object.equals() method.
    // In case a static utility method is used, it is the type of the second argument
    // to this method.
    Type argumentType;
    if (STATIC_EQUALS_INVOCATION_MATCHER.matches(invocationTree, state)) {
        receiverType = ASTHelpers.getType(invocationTree.getArguments().get(0));
        argumentType = ASTHelpers.getType(invocationTree.getArguments().get(1));
    } else {
        receiverType = ASTHelpers.getReceiverType(invocationTree);
        argumentType = ASTHelpers.getType(invocationTree.getArguments().get(0));
    if (receiverType == null || argumentType == null) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;
    // 1.7: java.lang.Object can be cast to primitives (implicitly through the boxed primitive type)
    if (ASTHelpers.isCastable(argumentType, receiverType, state)) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;
    // Otherwise, we explore the superclasses of the receiver type as well as the interfaces it
    // implements and we collect all overrides of java.lang.Object.equals(). If one of those
    // overrides is inherited by the argument, then we don't flag the equality test.
    final Types types = state.getTypes();
    Predicate<MethodSymbol> equalsPredicate = new Predicate<MethodSymbol>() {

        public boolean apply(MethodSymbol methodSymbol) {
            return !methodSymbol.isStatic() && ((methodSymbol.flags() & Flags.SYNTHETIC) == 0) && types.isSameType(methodSymbol.getReturnType(), state.getSymtab().booleanType) && methodSymbol.getParameters().size() == 1 && types.isSameType(methodSymbol.getParameters().get(0).type, state.getSymtab().objectType);
    Name equalsName = state.getName("equals");
    Set<MethodSymbol> overridesOfEquals = ASTHelpers.findMatchingMethods(equalsName, equalsPredicate, receiverType, types);
    ClassSymbol argumentClass = (ClassSymbol) argumentType.tsym;
    for (MethodSymbol method : overridesOfEquals) {
        ClassSymbol methodClass = method.enclClass();
        if (argumentClass.isSubClass(methodClass, types) && !methodClass.equals(state.getSymtab().objectType.tsym) && !methodClass.equals(state.getSymtab().enumSym)) {
            // with the receiver that implements an override of java.lang.Object.equals().
            return Description.NO_MATCH;
    // assertFalse(objOfReceiverType.equals(objOfArgumentType))
    if (ASSERT_FALSE_MATCHER.matches(state.getPath().getParentPath().getLeaf(), state)) {
        return Description.NO_MATCH;
    // When we reach this point, we know that the two following facts hold:
    // (1) The types of the receiver and the argument to the eventual invocation of
    //     java.lang.Object.equals() are incompatible.
    // (2) No common superclass (other than java.lang.Object) or interface of the receiver and the
    //     argument defines an override of java.lang.Object.equals().
    // This equality test almost certainly evaluates to false, which is very unlikely to be the
    // programmer's intent. Hence, this is reported as an error. There is no sensible fix to suggest
    // in this situation.
    Description.Builder description = buildDescription(invocationTree);
    description.setMessage("Calling " + ASTHelpers.getSymbol(invocationTree).getSimpleName() + " on incompatible types " + receiverType + " and " + argumentType);
Also used : Types( Matchers.toType( Matchers.isSameType( Type( Description( MethodSymbol( ClassSymbol( Predicate( Name(

Example 15 with Type

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class JUnit3FloatingPointComparisonWithoutDelta method removeMessageArgumentIfPresent.

   * Removes the message argument if it is present.
private void removeMessageArgumentIfPresent(VisitorState state, List<Type> argumentTypes) {
    if (argumentTypes.size() == 2) {
    Types types = state.getTypes();
    Type firstType = argumentTypes.get(0);
    if (types.isSameType(firstType, state.getSymtab().stringType)) {
Also used : Types( Type(


Type ( Symbol ( ClassType ( ArrayType ( MethodType ( WildcardType ( MethodSymbol ( UnionClassType ( ClassSymbol ( JCTree ( TypeSymbol ( VarSymbol ( Types ( ExpressionTree (com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree)21 JCExpression ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 PackageSymbol ( Tree (com.sun.source.tree.Tree)14 Name ( DynamicMethodSymbol (