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Example 6 with Type

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TreeBuilder method buildValueOfMethodAccess.

     * Builds an AST Tree to access the valueOf() method of boxed type
     * such as Short or Float.
     * @param expr  an expression whose type is a boxed type
     * @return  a MemberSelectTree that accesses the valueOf() method of
     *    the expression
public MemberSelectTree buildValueOfMethodAccess(Tree expr) {
    TypeMirror boxedType = InternalUtils.typeOf(expr);
    assert TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(boxedType);
    // Find the valueOf(unboxedType) method of the boxed type
    Symbol.MethodSymbol valueOfMethod = getValueOfMethod(env, boxedType);
    Type.MethodType methodType = (Type.MethodType) valueOfMethod.asType();
    JCTree.JCFieldAccess valueOfAccess = (JCTree.JCFieldAccess) maker.Select((JCTree.JCExpression) expr, valueOfMethod);
    return valueOfAccess;
Also used : DeclaredType(javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType) ArrayType(javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType) Type( TypeMirror(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror) Symbol( JCTree(

Example 7 with Type

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class HandleDelegate method handle.

public void handle(AnnotationValues<Delegate> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
    handleExperimentalFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.DELEGATE_FLAG_USAGE, "@Delegate");
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Class<? extends Annotation> oldDelegate = lombok.Delegate.class;
    deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, Delegate.class, oldDelegate);
    Type delegateType;
    Name delegateName = annotationNode.toName(annotationNode.up().getName());
    DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver;
    JavacResolution reso = new JavacResolution(annotationNode.getContext());
    JCTree member = annotationNode.up().get();
    if (annotationNode.up().getKind() == Kind.FIELD) {
        if ((((JCVariableDecl) member).mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) {
        delegateReceiver = DelegateReceiver.FIELD;
        delegateType = member.type;
        if (delegateType == null)
        delegateType = member.type;
    } else if (annotationNode.up().getKind() == Kind.METHOD) {
        if (!(member instanceof JCMethodDecl)) {
        JCMethodDecl methodDecl = (JCMethodDecl) member;
        if (!methodDecl.params.isEmpty() || (methodDecl.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) {
        delegateReceiver = DelegateReceiver.METHOD;
        delegateType = methodDecl.restype.type;
        if (delegateType == null)
        delegateType = methodDecl.restype.type;
    } else {
        // As the annotation is legal on fields and methods only, javac itself will take care of printing an error message for this.
    List<Object> delegateTypes = annotation.getActualExpressions("types");
    List<Object> excludeTypes = annotation.getActualExpressions("excludes");
    List<Type> toDelegate = new ArrayList<Type>();
    List<Type> toExclude = new ArrayList<Type>();
    if (delegateTypes.isEmpty()) {
        if (delegateType != null)
    } else {
        for (Object dt : delegateTypes) {
            if (dt instanceof JCFieldAccess && ((JCFieldAccess) dt).name.toString().equals("class")) {
                Type type = ((JCFieldAccess) dt).selected.type;
                if (type == null)
                type = ((JCFieldAccess) dt).selected.type;
                if (type != null)
    for (Object et : excludeTypes) {
        if (et instanceof JCFieldAccess && ((JCFieldAccess) et).name.toString().equals("class")) {
            Type type = ((JCFieldAccess) et).selected.type;
            if (type == null)
            type = ((JCFieldAccess) et).selected.type;
            if (type != null)
    List<MethodSig> signaturesToDelegate = new ArrayList<MethodSig>();
    List<MethodSig> signaturesToExclude = new ArrayList<MethodSig>();
    Set<String> banList = new HashSet<String>();
    try {
        for (Type t : toExclude) {
            if (t instanceof ClassType) {
                ClassType ct = (ClassType) t;
                addMethodBindings(signaturesToExclude, ct, annotationNode.getTypesUtil(), banList);
            } else {
                annotationNode.addError("@Delegate can only use concrete class types, not wildcards, arrays, type variables, or primitives.");
        for (MethodSig sig : signaturesToExclude) {
            banList.add(printSig(sig.type,, annotationNode.getTypesUtil()));
        for (Type t : toDelegate) {
            if (t instanceof ClassType) {
                ClassType ct = (ClassType) t;
                addMethodBindings(signaturesToDelegate, ct, annotationNode.getTypesUtil(), banList);
            } else {
                annotationNode.addError("@Delegate can only use concrete class types, not wildcards, arrays, type variables, or primitives.");
        for (MethodSig sig : signaturesToDelegate) generateAndAdd(sig, annotationNode, delegateName, delegateReceiver);
    } catch (DelegateRecursion e) {
        annotationNode.addError(String.format(RECURSION_NOT_ALLOWED, e.member, e.type));
Also used : JavacResolution(lombok.javac.JavacResolution) JCMethodDecl( JCFieldAccess( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JCTree( ClassType( JCVariableDecl( Name( ClassType( Type( ExecutableType(javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType) Delegate(lombok.experimental.Delegate) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with Type

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class HandleDelegate method createDelegateMethod.

public JCMethodDecl createDelegateMethod(MethodSig sig, JavacNode annotation, Name delegateName, DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver) throws TypeNotConvertibleException, CantMakeDelegates {
    /* public <T, U, ...> ReturnType methodName(ParamType1 name1, ParamType2 name2, ...) throws T1, T2, ... {
		 *      (return) delegate.<T, U>methodName(name1, name2);
		 *  }
    checkConflictOfTypeVarNames(sig, annotation);
    JavacTreeMaker maker = annotation.getTreeMaker();<JCAnnotation> annotations;
    if (sig.isDeprecated) {
        annotations =, "Deprecated"),<JCExpression>nil()));
    } else {
        annotations =;
    JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(PUBLIC, annotations);
    JCExpression returnType = JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) sig.type.getReturnType(), annotation.getAst(), true);
    boolean useReturn = sig.type.getReturnType().getKind() != TypeKind.VOID;
    ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = sig.type.getParameterTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
    ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = sig.type.getParameterTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
    ListBuffer<JCExpression> thrown = sig.type.getThrownTypes().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
    ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> typeParams = sig.type.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>();
    ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs = sig.type.getTypeVariables().isEmpty() ? null : new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
    Types types = Types.instance(annotation.getContext());
    for (TypeMirror param : sig.type.getTypeVariables()) {
        Name name = ((TypeVar) param);
        ListBuffer<JCExpression> bounds = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
        for (Type type : types.getBounds((TypeVar) param)) {
            bounds.append(JavacResolution.typeToJCTree(type, annotation.getAst(), true));
        typeParams.append(maker.TypeParameter(name, bounds.toList()));
    for (TypeMirror ex : sig.type.getThrownTypes()) {
        thrown.append(JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) ex, annotation.getAst(), true));
    int idx = 0;
    String[] paramNames = sig.getParameterNames();
    boolean varargs = sig.elem.isVarArgs();
    for (TypeMirror param : sig.type.getParameterTypes()) {
        long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, annotation.getContext());
        JCModifiers paramMods = maker.Modifiers(flags);
        Name name = annotation.toName(paramNames[idx++]);
        if (varargs && idx == paramNames.length) {
            paramMods.flags |= VARARGS;
        params.append(maker.VarDef(paramMods, name, JavacResolution.typeToJCTree((Type) param, annotation.getAst(), true), null));
    JCExpression delegateCall = maker.Apply(toList(typeArgs), maker.Select(delegateReceiver.get(annotation, delegateName),, toList(args));
    JCStatement body = useReturn ? maker.Return(delegateCall) : maker.Exec(delegateCall);
    JCBlock bodyBlock = maker.Block(0,;
    return recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.MethodDef(mods,, returnType, toList(typeParams), toList(params), toList(thrown), bodyBlock, null), annotation.get(), annotation.getContext());
Also used : JavacTypes( Types( ListBuffer( JCStatement( Name( TypeMirror(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror) JCAnnotation( JCBlock( JavacTreeMaker(lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker) JCVariableDecl( JCTypeParameter( ClassType( Type( ExecutableType(javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType) JCExpression( JCModifiers(

Example 9 with Type

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class HandleWither method createWitherForField.

public void createWitherForField(AccessLevel level, JavacNode fieldNode, JavacNode source, boolean strictMode, List<JCAnnotation> onMethod, List<JCAnnotation> onParam) {
    JavacNode typeNode = fieldNode.up();
    boolean makeAbstract = typeNode != null && typeNode.getKind() == Kind.TYPE && (((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).mods.flags & Flags.ABSTRACT) != 0;
    if (fieldNode.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) {
        fieldNode.addError("@Wither is only supported on a class or a field.");
    JCVariableDecl fieldDecl = (JCVariableDecl) fieldNode.get();
    String methodName = toWitherName(fieldNode);
    if (methodName == null) {
        fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: It does not fit your @Accessors prefix list.");
    if ((fieldDecl.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) {
        if (strictMode) {
            fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for static fields.");
    if ((fieldDecl.mods.flags & Flags.FINAL) != 0 && fieldDecl.init != null) {
        if (strictMode) {
            fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for final, initialized fields.");
    if ("$")) {
        if (strictMode) {
            fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for fields starting with $.");
    for (String altName : toAllWitherNames(fieldNode)) {
        switch(methodExists(altName, fieldNode, false, 1)) {
            case EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK:
            case EXISTS_BY_USER:
                if (strictMode) {
                    String altNameExpl = "";
                    if (!altName.equals(methodName))
                        altNameExpl = String.format(" (%s)", altName);
                    fieldNode.addWarning(String.format("Not generating %s(): A method with that name already exists%s", methodName, altNameExpl));
            case NOT_EXISTS:
    long access = toJavacModifier(level);
    JCMethodDecl createdWither = createWither(access, fieldNode, fieldNode.getTreeMaker(), source, onMethod, onParam, makeAbstract);
    ClassSymbol sym = ((JCClassDecl) fieldNode.up().get()).sym;
    Type returnType = sym == null ? null : sym.type;
    injectMethod(typeNode, createdWither, List.<Type>of(getMirrorForFieldType(fieldNode)), returnType);
Also used : JCClassDecl( Type( JCMethodDecl( JavacNode(lombok.javac.JavacNode) ClassSymbol( JCVariableDecl(

Example 10 with Type

use of in project error-prone by google.

the class AbstractCollectionIncompatibleTypeMatcher method matches.

public final MatchResult matches(MethodInvocationTree tree, VisitorState state) {
    if (!methodMatcher().matches(tree, state)) {
        return null;
    ExpressionTree sourceTree = extractSourceTree(tree, state);
    Type sourceType = extractSourceType(tree, state);
    Type targetType = extractTargetType(tree, state);
    if (sourceTree == null || sourceType == null || targetType == null) {
        return null;
    return MatchResult.create(extractSourceTree(tree, state), extractSourceType(tree, state), extractTargetType(tree, state), this);
Also used : Type( ExpressionTree(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)


Type ( Symbol ( ClassType ( ArrayType ( MethodType ( WildcardType ( MethodSymbol ( UnionClassType ( ClassSymbol ( JCTree ( TypeSymbol ( VarSymbol ( Types ( ExpressionTree (com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree)21 JCExpression ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 PackageSymbol ( Tree (com.sun.source.tree.Tree)14 Name ( DynamicMethodSymbol (