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the class UTypeVarIdent method defaultAction.
protected Choice<Unifier> defaultAction(Tree target, Unifier unifier) {
JCExpression expr = (JCExpression) target;
Type targetType = expr.type;
if (targetType == null) {
return Choice.none();
@Nullable TypeWithExpression boundType = unifier.getBinding(key());
if (boundType == null) {
unifier.putBinding(key(), expr.accept(QUALIFIED_FROM_PACKAGE, null) ? TypeWithExpression.create(targetType) : /* use the ImportPolicy to refer to this type */
TypeWithExpression.create(targetType, expr));
return Choice.of(unifier);
} else if (unifier.types().isSameType(targetType, boundType.type())) {
return Choice.of(unifier);
return Choice.none();
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the class UUnary method inline.
public JCExpression inline(Inliner inliner) throws CouldNotResolveImportException {
JCExpression expr = getExpression().inline(inliner);
final TreeMaker maker = inliner.maker();
if (getKind() == Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT) {
return new TreeCopier<Void>(maker) {
// essentially depends on T being a superclass of JCExpression
public <T extends JCTree> T copy(T t, Void v) {
if (t instanceof BinaryTree || t instanceof UnaryTree || t instanceof ConditionalExpressionTree) {
return super.copy(t, v);
} else {
return (T) defaultNegation(t);
public JCExpression defaultNegation(Tree expr) {
return maker.Unary(JCTree.Tag.NOT, (JCExpression) expr);
public JCExpression visitBinary(BinaryTree tree, Void v) {
if (UBinary.DEMORGAN.containsKey(tree.getKind())) {
JCExpression negLeft = copy((JCExpression) tree.getLeftOperand());
JCExpression negRight = copy((JCExpression) tree.getRightOperand());
return maker.Binary(UBinary.OP_CODES.get(UBinary.DEMORGAN.get(tree.getKind())), negLeft, negRight);
} else if (UBinary.NEGATION.containsKey(tree.getKind())) {
JCExpression left = (JCExpression) tree.getLeftOperand();
JCExpression right = (JCExpression) tree.getRightOperand();
return maker.Binary(UBinary.OP_CODES.get(UBinary.NEGATION.get(tree.getKind())), left, right);
} else {
return defaultNegation(tree);
public JCExpression visitUnary(UnaryTree tree, Void v) {
if (tree.getKind() == Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT) {
return (JCExpression) tree.getExpression();
} else {
return defaultNegation(tree);
public JCConditional visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree tree, Void v) {
return maker.Conditional((JCExpression) tree.getCondition(), copy((JCExpression) tree.getTrueExpression()), copy((JCExpression) tree.getFalseExpression()));
} else {
return inliner.maker().Unary(UNARY_OP_CODES.get(getKind()), getExpression().inline(inliner));
use of in project error-prone by google.
the class Template method expectedTypes.
* Returns a list of the expected types to be matched. This consists of the argument types from
* the @BeforeTemplate method, concatenated with the return types of expression placeholders,
* sorted by the name of the placeholder method.
* @throws CouldNotResolveImportException if a referenced type could not be resolved
protected List<Type> expectedTypes(Inliner inliner) throws CouldNotResolveImportException {
ArrayList<Type> result = new ArrayList<>();
ImmutableList<UType> types = expressionArgumentTypes().values().asList();
ImmutableList<String> argNames = expressionArgumentTypes().keySet().asList();
for (int i = 0; i < argNames.size(); i++) {
String argName = argNames.get(i);
Optional<JCExpression> singleBinding = inliner.getOptionalBinding(new UFreeIdent.Key(argName));
if (!singleBinding.isPresent()) {
Optional<java.util.List<JCExpression>> exprs = inliner.getOptionalBinding(new URepeated.Key(argName));
if (!exprs.isPresent() || exprs.get().isEmpty()) {
// It is a repeated template variable and matches no expressions.
for (PlaceholderExpressionKey key : Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(Iterables.filter(inliner.bindings.keySet(), PlaceholderExpressionKey.class))) {
return List.from(result);
use of in project error-prone by google.
the class Template method actualTypes.
* Returns a list of the actual types to be matched. This consists of the types of the
* expressions bound to the @BeforeTemplate method parameters, concatenated with the types
* of the expressions bound to expression placeholders, sorted by the name of the placeholder
* method.
protected List<Type> actualTypes(Inliner inliner) {
ArrayList<Type> result = new ArrayList<>();
ImmutableList<String> argNames = expressionArgumentTypes().keySet().asList();
for (int i = 0; i < expressionArgumentTypes().size(); i++) {
String argName = argNames.get(i);
Optional<JCExpression> singleBinding = inliner.getOptionalBinding(new UFreeIdent.Key(argName));
if (singleBinding.isPresent()) {
} else {
Optional<java.util.List<JCExpression>> exprs = inliner.getOptionalBinding(new URepeated.Key(argName));
if (exprs.isPresent() && !exprs.get().isEmpty()) {
Type[] exprTys = new Type[exprs.get().size()];
for (int j = 0; j < exprs.get().size(); j++) {
exprTys[j] = exprs.get().get(j).type;
// Get the least upper bound of the types of all expressions that the argument matches.
// In the special case where exprs is empty, returns the "bottom" type, which is a
// subtype of everything.
for (PlaceholderExpressionKey key : Ordering.natural().immutableSortedCopy(Iterables.filter(inliner.bindings.keySet(), PlaceholderExpressionKey.class))) {
return List.from(result);
use of in project error-prone by google.
the class UFreeIdent method defaultAction.
protected Choice<Unifier> defaultAction(Tree target, final Unifier unifier) {
if (target instanceof JCExpression) {
JCExpression expression = (JCExpression) target;
JCExpression currentBinding = unifier.getBinding(key());
// Check that the expression does not reference any template-local variables.
boolean isGood = trueOrNull(new TreeScanner<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean reduce(@Nullable Boolean left, @Nullable Boolean right) {
return trueOrNull(left) && trueOrNull(right);
public Boolean visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree ident, Void v) {
Symbol identSym = ASTHelpers.getSymbol(ident);
for (ULocalVarIdent.Key key : Iterables.filter(unifier.getBindings().keySet(), ULocalVarIdent.Key.class)) {
if (identSym == unifier.getBinding(key).getSymbol()) {
return false;
return true;
}.scan(expression, null));
if (!isGood) {
return Choice.none();
} else if (currentBinding == null) {
unifier.putBinding(key(), expression);
return Choice.of(unifier);
} else if (currentBinding.toString().equals(expression.toString())) {
// If it's the same code, treat it as the same expression.
return Choice.of(unifier);
return Choice.none();