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Example 1 with JCNewArray

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class HandleSynchronized method handle.

public void handle(AnnotationValues<Synchronized> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
    handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.SYNCHRONIZED_FLAG_USAGE, "@Synchronized");
    if (inNetbeansEditor(annotationNode))
    deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, Synchronized.class);
    JavacNode methodNode = annotationNode.up();
    if (methodNode == null || methodNode.getKind() != Kind.METHOD || !(methodNode.get() instanceof JCMethodDecl)) {
        annotationNode.addError("@Synchronized is legal only on methods.");
    JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl) methodNode.get();
    if ((method.mods.flags & Flags.ABSTRACT) != 0) {
        annotationNode.addError("@Synchronized is legal only on concrete methods.");
    boolean isStatic = (method.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0;
    String lockName = annotation.getInstance().value();
    boolean autoMake = false;
    if (lockName.length() == 0) {
        autoMake = true;
        lockName = isStatic ? STATIC_LOCK_NAME : INSTANCE_LOCK_NAME;
    JavacTreeMaker maker = methodNode.getTreeMaker().at(ast.pos);
    Context context = methodNode.getContext();
    if (fieldExists(lockName, methodNode) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
        if (!autoMake) {
            annotationNode.addError("The field " + lockName + " does not exist.");
        JCExpression objectType = genJavaLangTypeRef(methodNode, ast.pos, "Object");
        // We use 'new Object[0];' because unlike 'new Object();', empty arrays *ARE* serializable!
        JCNewArray newObjectArray = maker.NewArray(genJavaLangTypeRef(methodNode, ast.pos, "Object"), List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Literal(CTC_INT, 0)), null);
        JCVariableDecl fieldDecl = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PRIVATE | Flags.FINAL | (isStatic ? Flags.STATIC : 0)), methodNode.toName(lockName), objectType, newObjectArray), ast, context);
        injectFieldAndMarkGenerated(methodNode.up(), fieldDecl);
    if (method.body == null)
    JCExpression lockNode;
    if (isStatic) {
        lockNode = chainDots(methodNode, ast.pos, methodNode.up().getName(), lockName);
    } else {
        lockNode = maker.Select(maker.Ident(methodNode.toName("this")), methodNode.toName(lockName));
    recursiveSetGeneratedBy(lockNode, ast, context);
    method.body = setGeneratedBy(maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(setGeneratedBy(maker.Synchronized(lockNode, method.body), ast, context))), ast, context);
Also used : Context( JCMethodDecl( JavacTreeMaker(lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker) JCExpression( JavacNode(lombok.javac.JavacNode) JCNewArray( JCVariableDecl(

Example 2 with JCNewArray

use of in project ceylon-compiler by ceylon.

the class ExpressionTransformer method transformArgumentsForSimpleInvocation.

private List<ExpressionAndType> transformArgumentsForSimpleInvocation(SimpleInvocation invocation, CallBuilder callBuilder) {
    final Constructor superConstructor = invocation.getConstructor();
    CtorDelegation constructorDelegation;
    if (invocation instanceof SuperInvocation) {
        constructorDelegation = ((SuperInvocation) invocation).getDelegation();
    } else {
        constructorDelegation = null;
    List<ExpressionAndType> result = List.<ExpressionAndType>nil();
    if (!(invocation instanceof SuperInvocation) || !((SuperInvocation) invocation).isDelegationDelegation()) {
        int numArguments = invocation.getNumArguments();
        if (invocation.getNumParameters() == 0) {
            // skip transforming arguments
            // (Usually, numArguments would already be null, but it's possible to call a
            // parameterless function with a *[] argument - see #1593.)
            numArguments = 0;
        boolean wrapIntoArray = false;
        ListBuffer<JCExpression> arrayWrap = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
        for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < numArguments; argIndex++) {
            BoxingStrategy boxingStrategy = invocation.getParameterBoxingStrategy(argIndex);
            Type parameterType = invocation.getParameterType(argIndex);
            // to avoid ambiguity of foo(1,2) for foo(int...) and foo(Object...) methods
            if (!wrapIntoArray && invocation.isParameterSequenced(argIndex) && invocation.isJavaMethod() && boxingStrategy == BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED && willEraseToPrimitive(typeFact().getDefiniteType(parameterType)) && !invocation.isSpread())
                wrapIntoArray = true;
            ExpressionAndType exprAndType;
            if (invocation.isArgumentSpread(argIndex)) {
                if (!invocation.isParameterSequenced(argIndex)) {
                    result = transformSpreadTupleArgument(invocation, callBuilder, result, argIndex);
                if (invocation.isJavaMethod()) {
                    // if it's a java method we need a special wrapping
                    exprAndType = transformSpreadArgument(invocation, numArguments, argIndex, boxingStrategy, parameterType);
                    argIndex = numArguments;
                } else {
                    Type argType = invocation.getArgumentType(argIndex);
                    if (argType.getSupertype(typeFact().getSequentialDeclaration()) != null) {
                        exprAndType = transformArgument(invocation, argIndex, boxingStrategy);
                    } else if (argType.getSupertype(typeFact().getIterableDeclaration()) != null) {
                        exprAndType = transformArgument(invocation, argIndex, boxingStrategy);
                        JCExpression sequential = iterableToSequential(exprAndType.expression);
                        if (invocation.isParameterVariadicPlus(argIndex)) {
                            Type iteratedType = typeFact().getIteratedType(argType);
                            sequential = utilInvocation().castSequentialToSequence(sequential, iteratedType);
                        exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(sequential, exprAndType.type);
                    } else {
                        exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(makeErroneous(invocation.getNode(), "compiler bug: unexpected spread argument"), makeErroneous(invocation.getNode(), "compiler bug: unexpected spread argument"));
            } else if (!invocation.isParameterSequenced(argIndex) || // if it's sequenced, Java and there's no spread at all, pass it along
            (invocation.isParameterSequenced(argIndex) && invocation.isJavaMethod() && !invocation.isSpread())) {
                exprAndType = transformArgument(invocation, argIndex, boxingStrategy);
                // This is not required for primitive arrays since they are not Object[]
                if (numArguments == 1 && invocation.isIndirect()) {
                    Type argumentType = invocation.getArgumentType(0);
                    if (isJavaObjectArray(argumentType) || isNull(argumentType)) {
                        exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(make().TypeCast(makeJavaType(typeFact().getObjectType()), exprAndType.expression), exprAndType.type);
                } else if (invocation.isParameterSequenced(argIndex) && invocation.isJavaMethod() && !invocation.isSpread()) {
                    // in fact, the very same problem happens when passing null or object arrays to a java variadic method
                    Type argumentType = invocation.getArgumentType(argIndex);
                    if (isJavaObjectArray(argumentType) || isNull(argumentType)) {
                        // remove any ambiguity
                        exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(make().TypeCast(makeJavaType(parameterType), exprAndType.expression), exprAndType.type);
            } else {
                // we must have a sequenced param
                if (invocation.isSpread()) {
                    exprAndType = transformSpreadArgument(invocation, numArguments, argIndex, boxingStrategy, parameterType);
                    argIndex = numArguments;
                } else {
                    exprAndType = transformVariadicArgument(invocation, numArguments, argIndex, parameterType);
                    argIndex = numArguments;
            if (!wrapIntoArray) {
                if (argIndex == 0 && invocation.isCallable() && !invocation.isArgumentSpread(numArguments - 1)) {
                    exprAndType = new ExpressionAndType(make().TypeCast(make().Type(syms().objectType), exprAndType.expression), make().Type(syms().objectType));
                result = result.append(exprAndType);
            } else {
        if (invocation.isIndirect() && invocation.isParameterSequenced(numArguments) && !invocation.isArgumentSpread(numArguments - 1) && ((IndirectInvocation) invocation).getNumParameters() > numArguments) {
            // Calling convention for indirect variadic invocation's requires
            // explicit variadic argument (can't use the overloading trick)
            result = result.append(new ExpressionAndType(makeEmptyAsSequential(true), make().Erroneous()));
        if (wrapIntoArray) {
            // must have at least one arg, so take the last one
            Type parameterType = invocation.getParameterType(numArguments - 1);
            JCExpression arrayType = makeJavaType(parameterType, JT_RAW);
            JCNewArray arrayExpr = make().NewArray(arrayType, List.<JCExpression>nil(), arrayWrap.toList());
            JCExpression arrayTypeExpr = make().TypeArray(makeJavaType(parameterType, JT_RAW));
            result = result.append(new ExpressionAndType(arrayExpr, arrayTypeExpr));
    } else {
        for (Parameter p : constructorDelegation.getConstructor().getParameterList().getParameters()) {
            result = result.append(new ExpressionAndType(naming.makeName(p.getModel(), Naming.NA_IDENT | Naming.NA_ALIASED), null));
    boolean concreteDelegation = invocation instanceof SuperInvocation && ((SuperInvocation) invocation).getDelegation().isConcreteSelfDelegation();
    if (superConstructor == null && concreteDelegation) {
        Constructor delegateTo = ((SuperInvocation) invocation).getDelegation().getConstructor();
        result = result.prepend(new ExpressionAndType(naming.makeNamedConstructorName(delegateTo, true), naming.makeNamedConstructorType(delegateTo, true)));
    } else if (superConstructor != null && constructorDelegation != null && constructorDelegation.isSelfDelegation()) {
        result = result.prepend(new ExpressionAndType(naming.makeNamedConstructorName(superConstructor, concreteDelegation), naming.makeNamedConstructorType(superConstructor, concreteDelegation)));
    } else if (superConstructor != null && !Decl.isDefaultConstructor(superConstructor)) {
        result = result.prepend(new ExpressionAndType(naming.makeNamedConstructorName(superConstructor, concreteDelegation), naming.makeNamedConstructorType(superConstructor, concreteDelegation)));
    return result;
Also used : Constructor(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor) ListBuffer( Type(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type) JCExpression( AnalyzerUtil.isIndirectInvocation(com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.analyzer.AnalyzerUtil.isIndirectInvocation) TypeParameter(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeParameter) Parameter(com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Parameter) JCNewArray(

Example 3 with JCNewArray

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class JavacHandlerUtil method unboxAndRemoveAnnotationParameter.

static List<JCAnnotation> unboxAndRemoveAnnotationParameter(JCAnnotation ast, String parameterName, String errorName, JavacNode annotationNode) {
    ListBuffer<JCExpression> params = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
    ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> result = new ListBuffer<JCAnnotation>();
    outer: for (JCExpression param : ast.args) {
        boolean allowRaw;
        String nameOfParam = "value";
        JCExpression valueOfParam = null;
        if (param instanceof JCAssign) {
            JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) param;
            if (assign.lhs instanceof JCIdent) {
                JCIdent ident = (JCIdent) assign.lhs;
                nameOfParam =;
            valueOfParam = assign.rhs;
        /* strip trailing underscores */
            int lastIdx;
            for (lastIdx = nameOfParam.length(); lastIdx > 0; lastIdx--) {
                if (nameOfParam.charAt(lastIdx - 1) != '_')
            allowRaw = lastIdx < nameOfParam.length();
            nameOfParam = nameOfParam.substring(0, lastIdx);
        if (!parameterName.equals(nameOfParam)) {
            continue outer;
        int endPos = Javac.getEndPosition(param.pos(), (JCCompilationUnit);
        annotationNode.getAst().removeFromDeferredDiagnostics(param.pos, endPos);
        if (valueOfParam instanceof JCAnnotation) {
            String dummyAnnotationName = ((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam).annotationType.toString();
            dummyAnnotationName = dummyAnnotationName.replace("_", "").replace("$", "").replace("x", "").replace("X", "");
            if (dummyAnnotationName.length() > 0) {
                if (allowRaw) {
                    result.append((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam);
                } else {
                    addError(errorName, annotationNode);
                    continue outer;
            } else {
                for (JCExpression expr : ((JCAnnotation) valueOfParam).args) {
                    if (expr instanceof JCAssign && ((JCAssign) expr).lhs instanceof JCIdent) {
                        JCIdent id = (JCIdent) ((JCAssign) expr).lhs;
                        if ("value".equals( {
                            expr = ((JCAssign) expr).rhs;
                        } else {
                            addError(errorName, annotationNode);
                    if (expr instanceof JCAnnotation) {
                        result.append((JCAnnotation) expr);
                    } else if (expr instanceof JCNewArray) {
                        for (JCExpression expr2 : ((JCNewArray) expr).elems) {
                            if (expr2 instanceof JCAnnotation) {
                                result.append((JCAnnotation) expr2);
                            } else {
                                addError(errorName, annotationNode);
                                continue outer;
                    } else {
                        addError(errorName, annotationNode);
                        continue outer;
        } else if (valueOfParam instanceof JCNewArray) {
            JCNewArray arr = (JCNewArray) valueOfParam;
            if (arr.elems.isEmpty()) {
            // Just remove it, this is always fine.
            } else if (allowRaw) {
                for (JCExpression jce : arr.elems) {
                    if (jce instanceof JCAnnotation)
                        result.append((JCAnnotation) jce);
                        addError(errorName, annotationNode);
            } else {
                addError(errorName, annotationNode);
        } else {
            addError(errorName, annotationNode);
    ast.args = params.toList();
    return result.toList();
Also used : JCCompilationUnit( JCIdent( JCExpression( JCAssign( ListBuffer( JCNewArray( JCAnnotation(

Example 4 with JCNewArray

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class HandleVal method visitLocal.

public void visitLocal(JavacNode localNode, JCVariableDecl local) {
    JCTree typeTree = local.vartype;
    if (typeTree == null)
    String typeTreeToString = typeTree.toString();
    if (!(eq(typeTreeToString, "val") || eq(typeTreeToString, "var")))
    boolean isVal = typeMatches(val.class, localNode, typeTree);
    boolean isVar = typeMatches(var.class, localNode, typeTree);
    if (!(isVal || isVar))
    if (isVal)
        handleFlagUsage(localNode, ConfigurationKeys.VAL_FLAG_USAGE, "val");
    if (isVar)
        handleFlagUsage(localNode, ConfigurationKeys.VAR_FLAG_USAGE, "var");
    JCTree parentRaw = localNode.directUp().get();
    if (isVal && parentRaw instanceof JCForLoop) {
        localNode.addError("'val' is not allowed in old-style for loops");
    if (parentRaw instanceof JCForLoop && ((JCForLoop) parentRaw).getInitializer().size() > 1) {
        localNode.addError("'var' is not allowed in old-style for loops if there is more than 1 initializer");
    JCExpression rhsOfEnhancedForLoop = null;
    if (local.init == null) {
        if (parentRaw instanceof JCEnhancedForLoop) {
            JCEnhancedForLoop efl = (JCEnhancedForLoop) parentRaw;
            if (efl.var == local)
                rhsOfEnhancedForLoop = efl.expr;
    final String annotation = typeTreeToString;
    if (rhsOfEnhancedForLoop == null && local.init == null) {
        localNode.addError("'" + annotation + "' on a local variable requires an initializer expression");
    if (local.init instanceof JCNewArray && ((JCNewArray) local.init).elemtype == null) {
        localNode.addError("'" + annotation + "' is not compatible with array initializer expressions. Use the full form (new int[] { ... } instead of just { ... })");
    if (localNode.shouldDeleteLombokAnnotations()) {
        JavacHandlerUtil.deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(localNode, val.class.getName());
        JavacHandlerUtil.deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(localNode, lombok.experimental.var.class.getName());
        JavacHandlerUtil.deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(localNode, var.class.getName());
    if (isVal)
        local.mods.flags |= Flags.FINAL;
    if (!localNode.shouldDeleteLombokAnnotations()) {
        JCAnnotation valAnnotation = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(localNode.getTreeMaker().Annotation(local.vartype, List.<JCExpression>nil()), typeTree, localNode.getContext());
        local.mods.annotations = local.mods.annotations == null ? List.of(valAnnotation) : local.mods.annotations.append(valAnnotation);
    if (JavacResolution.platformHasTargetTyping()) {
        local.vartype = localNode.getAst().getTreeMaker().Ident(localNode.getAst().toName("___Lombok_VAL_Attrib__"));
    } else {
        local.vartype = JavacResolution.createJavaLangObject(localNode.getAst());
    Type type;
    try {
        if (rhsOfEnhancedForLoop == null) {
            if (local.init.type == null) {
                if (isVar && local.init instanceof JCLiteral && ((JCLiteral) local.init).value == null) {
                    localNode.addError("variable initializer is 'null'");
                JavacResolution resolver = new JavacResolution(localNode.getContext());
                try {
                    type = ((JCExpression) resolver.resolveMethodMember(localNode).get(local.init)).type;
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    System.err.println("Exception while resolving: " + localNode + "(" + localNode.getFileName() + ")");
                    throw e;
            } else {
                type = local.init.type;
                if (type.isErroneous()) {
                    try {
                        JavacResolution resolver = new JavacResolution(localNode.getContext());
                        local.type = Symtab.instance(localNode.getContext()).unknownType;
                        type = ((JCExpression) resolver.resolveMethodMember(localNode).get(local.init)).type;
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        System.err.println("Exception while resolving: " + localNode + "(" + localNode.getFileName() + ")");
                        throw e;
        } else {
            if (rhsOfEnhancedForLoop.type == null) {
                JavacResolution resolver = new JavacResolution(localNode.getContext());
                type = ((JCExpression) resolver.resolveMethodMember(localNode.directUp()).get(rhsOfEnhancedForLoop)).type;
            } else {
                type = rhsOfEnhancedForLoop.type;
        try {
            JCExpression replacement;
            if (rhsOfEnhancedForLoop != null) {
                Type componentType = JavacResolution.ifTypeIsIterableToComponent(type, localNode.getAst());
                if (componentType == null)
                    replacement = JavacResolution.createJavaLangObject(localNode.getAst());
                    replacement = JavacResolution.typeToJCTree(componentType, localNode.getAst(), false);
            } else {
                replacement = JavacResolution.typeToJCTree(type, localNode.getAst(), false);
            if (replacement != null) {
                local.vartype = replacement;
            } else {
                local.vartype = JavacResolution.createJavaLangObject(localNode.getAst());
        } catch (JavacResolution.TypeNotConvertibleException e) {
            localNode.addError("Cannot use '" + annotation + "' here because initializer expression does not have a representable type: " + e.getMessage());
            local.vartype = JavacResolution.createJavaLangObject(localNode.getAst());
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        local.vartype = JavacResolution.createJavaLangObject(localNode.getAst());
        throw e;
    } finally {
        recursiveSetGeneratedBy(local.vartype, typeTree, localNode.getContext());
Also used : lombok.val(lombok.val) JavacResolution(lombok.javac.JavacResolution) lombok.var(lombok.var) JCTree( JCForLoop( Type( JCExpression( JCEnhancedForLoop( JCLiteral( JCNewArray( JCAnnotation(

Example 5 with JCNewArray

use of in project lombok by rzwitserloot.

the class JavacHandlerUtil method createAnnotation.

 * Creates an instance of {@code AnnotationValues} for the provided AST Node.
 * @param type An annotation class type, such as {@code lombok.Getter.class}.
 * @param node A Lombok AST node representing an annotation in source code.
public static <A extends Annotation> AnnotationValues<A> createAnnotation(Class<A> type, final JavacNode node) {
    Map<String, AnnotationValue> values = new HashMap<String, AnnotationValue>();
    JCAnnotation anno = (JCAnnotation) node.get();
    List<JCExpression> arguments = anno.getArguments();
    for (JCExpression arg : arguments) {
        String mName;
        JCExpression rhs;
        java.util.List<String> raws = new ArrayList<String>();
        java.util.List<Object> guesses = new ArrayList<Object>();
        java.util.List<Object> expressions = new ArrayList<Object>();
        final java.util.List<DiagnosticPosition> positions = new ArrayList<DiagnosticPosition>();
        if (arg instanceof JCAssign) {
            JCAssign assign = (JCAssign) arg;
            mName = assign.lhs.toString();
            rhs = assign.rhs;
        } else {
            rhs = arg;
            mName = "value";
        if (rhs instanceof JCNewArray) {
            List<JCExpression> elems = ((JCNewArray) rhs).elems;
            for (JCExpression inner : elems) {
        } else {
        values.put(mName, new AnnotationValue(node, raws, expressions, guesses, true) {

            public void setError(String message, int valueIdx) {
                if (valueIdx < 0)
                    node.addError(message, positions.get(valueIdx));

            public void setWarning(String message, int valueIdx) {
                if (valueIdx < 0)
                    node.addWarning(message, positions.get(valueIdx));
    for (Method m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) {
        if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()))
        String name = m.getName();
        if (!values.containsKey(name)) {
            values.put(name, new AnnotationValue(node, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<Object>(), new ArrayList<Object>(), false) {

                public void setError(String message, int valueIdx) {

                public void setWarning(String message, int valueIdx) {
    return new AnnotationValues<A>(type, values, node);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) JCAssign( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) JCExpression( DiagnosticPosition( AnnotationValues(lombok.core.AnnotationValues) AnnotationValue(lombok.core.AnnotationValues.AnnotationValue) JCNewArray( JCAnnotation(


JCNewArray ( JCExpression ( JCAnnotation ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 JCAssign ( ListBuffer ( Constructor (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor)2 Type (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type)2 TypeParameter (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeParameter)2 JCTree ( JCCompilationUnit ( JCEnhancedForLoop ( JCForLoop ( JCIdent ( JCLiteral ( JCTypeParameter ( List (java.util.List)2 AnalyzerUtil.isIndirectInvocation (com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.analyzer.AnalyzerUtil.isIndirectInvocation)1 Class (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class)1 ClassOrInterface (com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ClassOrInterface)1