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Example 1 with OneToOneOp

use of com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp in project Plume by tdunning.

the class OptimizerTools method getMSCRBlocks.

 * This utility returns all the different MSCR blocks that can be created from this plan
 * (pere) As of Oct/2010, I think this code can be simplified to be more like addRemainingTrivialMSCRs(), so a possible TODO would be
 *  to refactor it and make it more understandable. An opened question is whether there is an easy way of coding finding all possible
 *  MSCRs (including trivial, not related to GroupByKey operations ones) in a single and elegant loop.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
static Set<MSCR> getMSCRBlocks(List<PCollection> outputs) {
    // Get all GroupByKeys from the tree
    List<DeferredOp> groupBys = OptimizerTools.getAll(outputs, GroupByKey.class);
    int mscrId = 1;
    Set<MSCR> mscrs = new HashSet<MSCR>();
    // For all found GroupByKey blocks
    for (DeferredOp gBK : groupBys) {
        GroupByKey groupBy = (GroupByKey<?, ?>) gBK;
        // Gather all information needed for MSCR from this GBK
        Set<PCollection<?>> inputs = new HashSet<PCollection<?>>();
        Set<GroupByKey<?, ?>> outputChannels = new HashSet<GroupByKey<?, ?>>();
        Set<Flatten<?>> unGroupedOutputChannels = new HashSet<Flatten<?>>();
        Set<PCollection<?>> bypassChannels = new HashSet<PCollection<?>>();
        Stack<LazyCollection<?>> toVisit = new Stack<LazyCollection<?>>();
        Set<LazyCollection<?>> visited = new HashSet<LazyCollection<?>>();
        LazyCollection<?> origin = (LazyCollection<?>) groupBy.getOrigin();
        while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
            LazyCollection<?> current = toVisit.pop();
            if (current.isMaterialized()) {
                // condition for being a materialized input. This may change.
            DeferredOp op = current.getDeferredOp();
            if (op instanceof MultipleParallelDo) {
                // second condition for being an input
                MultipleParallelDo<?> mPDo = (MultipleParallelDo) current.getDeferredOp();
                if (((LazyCollection<?>) mPDo.getOrigin()).isMaterialized()) {
                    // will be done in Mapper
                } else if (op instanceof ParallelDo) {
                    // will be done in Reducer
                } else {
                    // will be done in Mapper
                // Check for bypass channels & output channels with no group-by
                for (Map.Entry entry : mPDo.getDests().entrySet()) {
                    LazyCollection coll = (LazyCollection) entry.getKey();
                    if (coll.getDownOps() == null || coll.getDownOps().size() == 0) {
                        // leaf node
                    } else if (coll.getDownOps().get(0) instanceof MultipleParallelDo) {
             * Case of an output channel that Flattens with no Group By
                    } else if (coll.getDownOps().get(0) instanceof Flatten) {
                        Flatten<?> thisFlatten = (Flatten<?>) coll.getDownOps().get(0);
                        LazyCollection ldest = (LazyCollection) thisFlatten.getDest();
                        if (ldest.getDownOps() == null || ldest.getDownOps().size() == 0 || ldest.getDownOps().get(0) instanceof MultipleParallelDo) {
                            // Add the rest of this flatten's origins to the stack in order to possibly discover more output channels
                            for (PCollection<?> col : thisFlatten.getOrigins()) {
                                if (!visited.contains(col)) {
                                    toVisit.push((LazyCollection<?>) col);
            if (op instanceof GroupByKey) {
                // third condition for being an input - rare case when one GBK follows another
            if (op instanceof Flatten) {
                Flatten<?> flatten = (Flatten<?>) op;
                for (PCollection<?> input : flatten.getOrigins()) {
                    LazyCollection<?> in = (LazyCollection<?>) input;
                    if (!visited.contains(in)) {
            if (op instanceof OneToOneOp) {
                LazyCollection<?> input = (LazyCollection<?>) ((OneToOneOp<?, ?>) op).getOrigin();
                if (!visited.contains(input)) {
        MSCR mscrToAdd = null;
        // Check if there is already one MSCR with at least one of this inputs
        for (MSCR mscr : mscrs) {
            for (PCollection<?> input : inputs) {
                if (mscr.hasInput(input)) {
                    mscrToAdd = mscr;
        if (mscrToAdd == null) {
            // otherwise create new MSCR
            mscrToAdd = new MSCR(mscrId);
        // Add all missing input channels to current MSCR
        for (PCollection<?> input : inputs) {
            if (!mscrToAdd.hasInput(input)) {
        // Add all missing bypass outputs to current MSCR
        for (PCollection<?> col : bypassChannels) {
            if (!mscrToAdd.hasOutputChannel(col)) {
                // Create new by-pass channel
                MSCR.OutputChannel oC = new MSCR.OutputChannel(col);
        // Add all missing flatten-with-no-groupby outputs to current MSCR
        for (Flatten flatten : unGroupedOutputChannels) {
            if (!mscrToAdd.hasOutputChannel(flatten.getDest())) {
                // Create new channel with flatten and nothing else
                MSCR.OutputChannel oC = new MSCR.OutputChannel(flatten.getDest());
                oC.output = flatten.getDest();
                oC.flatten = flatten;
        // Add all missing output channels to current MSCR
        for (GroupByKey groupByKey : outputChannels) {
            if (!mscrToAdd.hasOutputChannel(groupByKey.getOrigin())) {
                // Create new channel with group by key. It might have combiner and reducer as well.
                MSCR.OutputChannel oC = new MSCR.OutputChannel(groupByKey);
                oC.output = groupByKey.getDest();
                if (groupByKey.getOrigin().getDeferredOp() instanceof Flatten) {
                    oC.flatten = (Flatten) groupByKey.getOrigin().getDeferredOp();
                if (groupByKey.getDest().getDownOps() != null && groupByKey.getDest().getDownOps().size() == 1) {
                    DeferredOp op = (DeferredOp) groupByKey.getDest().getDownOps().get(0);
                    if (op instanceof CombineValues) {
                        oC.combiner = (CombineValues) op;
                        oC.output = oC.combiner.getDest();
                        LazyCollection dest = (LazyCollection) oC.combiner.getDest();
                        if (dest.getDownOps() != null && dest.getDownOps().size() == 1) {
                            op = (DeferredOp) dest.getDownOps().get(0);
                    if (op instanceof ParallelDo) {
                        oC.reducer = (ParallelDo) op;
                        oC.output = oC.reducer.getDest();
        // Add if needed
    return addRemainingTrivialMSCRs(outputs, mscrId, mscrs);
Also used : MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) ParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.ParallelDo) MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) GroupByKey(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.GroupByKey) DeferredOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) CombineValues(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.CombineValues) Flatten(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten) OneToOneOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp) Stack(java.util.Stack) PCollection(com.tdunning.plume.PCollection) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 2 with OneToOneOp

use of com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp in project Plume by tdunning.

the class Optimizer method sinkFlattens.

 * Sink flattens pushing them down to create opportunities for ParallelDo fusion
 * @param arg  The collection that may contain flatten operations that we need to sink.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
<T> void sinkFlattens(PCollection<T> arg) {
    LazyCollection<T> output = (LazyCollection<T>) arg;
    if (output.isMaterialized()) {
        // stop condition for recursive algorithm
    DeferredOp dOp = output.getDeferredOp();
    if (!(dOp instanceof Flatten)) {
        if (dOp instanceof OneToOneOp) {
            // Recursively apply this function to parent
            sinkFlattens(((OneToOneOp) dOp).getOrigin());
        } else if (dOp instanceof ParallelDo) {
            // Recursively apply this function to parent
            sinkFlattens(((ParallelDo) dOp).getOrigin());
    if (output.getDownOps() == null || output.getDownOps().size() != 1) {
        // Recursively apply this function to parent
        for (Object col : ((Flatten) dOp).getOrigins()) {
            sinkFlattens((PCollection) col);
    DeferredOp downOp = output.getDownOps().get(0);
    if (!(downOp instanceof ParallelDo)) {
    // PDo below current node
    ParallelDo<T, ?> op = (ParallelDo<T, ?>) downOp;
    // Flatten above current node
    Flatten<T> flatten = (Flatten<T>) dOp;
    List<PCollection<?>> newOrigins = new ArrayList<PCollection<?>>();
    // Iterate over all Flatten inputs
    for (PCollection<T> col : flatten.getOrigins()) {
        // Recursively apply this function to this flatten's origin
        LazyCollection<T> fInput = (LazyCollection<T>) col;
        // Sink
        LazyCollection<?> newInput = new LazyCollection();
        newInput.deferredOp = new ParallelDo(op.getFunction(), fInput, newInput);
        newInput.type = ((LazyCollection) flatten.getDest()).getType();
    Flatten<?> newFlatten = new Flatten(newOrigins, op.getDest());
    ((LazyCollection<?>) op.getDest()).deferredOp = newFlatten;
    for (PCollection<?> newOp : newOrigins) {
        ((LazyCollection<?>) newOp).addDownOp(newFlatten);
Also used : ParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.ParallelDo) MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) Flatten(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OneToOneOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp) DeferredOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp) PCollection(com.tdunning.plume.PCollection)

Example 3 with OneToOneOp

use of com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp in project Plume by tdunning.

the class Optimizer method removeUnnecessaryOps.

 * Removes unnecesary operations that are not removed by the Optimizer. It goes top-down (receives an Input).
 * Returns true if passed node doesn't lead to an output.
boolean removeUnnecessaryOps(PCollection arg, List<PCollection> outputs) {
    LazyCollection<?> input = (LazyCollection) arg;
    if (input.getDownOps() == null || input.getDownOps().size() == 0) {
        // Leaf node
        return !outputs.contains(input);
    // create new list of deferredops that are 'usefull'
    List<DeferredOp> finalDOps = new ArrayList<DeferredOp>();
    for (DeferredOp op : input.getDownOps()) {
        boolean remove = false;
        if (op instanceof OneToOneOp) {
            remove = removeUnnecessaryOps(((OneToOneOp<?, ?>) op).getDest(), outputs);
        } else if (op instanceof ParallelDo) {
            remove = removeUnnecessaryOps(((ParallelDo<?, ?>) op).getDest(), outputs);
        } else if (op instanceof Flatten) {
            remove = removeUnnecessaryOps(((Flatten<?>) op).getDest(), outputs);
        } else if (op instanceof MultipleParallelDo) {
            MultipleParallelDo<?> mPDo = (MultipleParallelDo<?>) op;
            // begin with 1 because we will apply an AND gate with the childs
            remove = true;
            for (Object entry : mPDo.getDests().entrySet()) {
                PCollection<?> pCol = (PCollection<?>) ((Map.Entry) entry).getKey();
                remove = remove & removeUnnecessaryOps(pCol, outputs);
        if (!remove) {
    input.downOps = finalDOps;
    // if true this node can also be removed
    return finalDOps.size() == 0;
Also used : ParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.ParallelDo) MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Flatten(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten) OneToOneOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp) DeferredOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp) PCollection(com.tdunning.plume.PCollection)

Example 4 with OneToOneOp

use of com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp in project Plume by tdunning.

the class OptimizerTools method getAll.

static List<DeferredOp> getAll(PCollection<?> output, Class<? extends DeferredOp> getClass) {
    List<DeferredOp> retOps = new ArrayList<DeferredOp>();
    Stack<LazyCollection<?>> toVisit = new Stack<LazyCollection<?>>();
    Set<LazyCollection<?>> visited = new HashSet<LazyCollection<?>>();
    toVisit.push((LazyCollection<?>) output);
    while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
        LazyCollection<?> current = toVisit.pop();
        if (current.isMaterialized()) {
        DeferredOp op = current.getDeferredOp();
        if (op.getClass().equals(getClass)) {
            // Found
            if (!retOps.contains(op)) {
        // Add more nodes to visit
        List<DeferredOp> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (DeferredOp o : ops) {
            if (o instanceof Flatten) {
                for (PCollection<?> input : ((Flatten<?>) o).getOrigins()) {
                    LazyCollection<?> in = (LazyCollection<?>) input;
                    if (!visited.contains(in)) {
            if (o instanceof OneToOneOp) {
                LazyCollection<?> input = (LazyCollection<?>) ((OneToOneOp<?, ?>) o).getOrigin();
                if (!visited.contains(input)) {
            if (o instanceof MultipleParallelDo) {
                MultipleParallelDo<?> mPDo = (MultipleParallelDo<?>) o;
                LazyCollection<?> input = (LazyCollection<?>) mPDo.getOrigin();
                if (!visited.contains(input)) {
    return retOps;
Also used : MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Flatten(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten) OneToOneOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp) DeferredOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp) Stack(java.util.Stack) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 5 with OneToOneOp

use of com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp in project Plume by tdunning.

the class Optimizer method fuseParallelDos.

 * Fuse producer-consumer ParallelDos as in : {Orig2 => p2 => Orig1 => p1 => Output} to {Orig2 => p1(p2) => Output}
 * @param arg  The collection that may have compositions internally.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
<T> void fuseParallelDos(PCollection<T> arg) {
    LazyCollection<T> output = (LazyCollection<T>) arg;
    if (output.isMaterialized()) {
        // stop condition for recursive algorithm
    DeferredOp dOp = output.getDeferredOp();
    if (!(dOp instanceof ParallelDo)) {
        // not a ParallelDo
        if (dOp instanceof OneToOneOp) {
            // Recursively apply this function to parent
            fuseParallelDos(((OneToOneOp) dOp).getOrigin());
        if (dOp instanceof Flatten) {
            Flatten<T> flatten = (Flatten) dOp;
            // Recursively apply this function to all parents
            for (PCollection<T> col : flatten.getOrigins()) {
    ParallelDo p1 = (ParallelDo) output.getDeferredOp();
    LazyCollection orig1 = (LazyCollection) p1.getOrigin();
    if (orig1.isMaterialized()) {
    if (!(orig1.getDeferredOp() instanceof ParallelDo)) {
        // Recursively apply this function to parent node
    // At this point we know ParallelDo fusion can be done -> Perform it
    ParallelDo p2 = (ParallelDo) orig1.getDeferredOp();
    // Lift combine values
    if (p2 instanceof CombineValues) {
        LazyCollection lCol = (LazyCollection) p2.getOrigin();
        if (!lCol.isMaterialized() && lCol.getDeferredOp() instanceof GroupByKey) {
            // Upper parallel do is CombineValues and follows a GroupByKey -> don't join
    final DoFn f1 = p1.getFunction();
    final DoFn f2 = p2.getFunction();
    // Define the joined function
    DoFn newFn = new DoFn() {

        public void process(Object v, final EmitFn emitter) {
            f2.process(v, new EmitFn() {

                public void emit(Object v) {
                    f1.process(v, emitter);
    LazyCollection orig2 = (LazyCollection) p2.getOrigin();
    ParallelDo newPDo = new ParallelDo(newFn, orig2, output);
    // Clean & change pointers
    output.deferredOp = newPDo;
    // Recursively apply this function to the same node => TODO Beware infinite recursion, properly test
Also used : CombineValues(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.CombineValues) ParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.ParallelDo) MultipleParallelDo(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo) GroupByKey(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.GroupByKey) Flatten(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten) OneToOneOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp) DeferredOp(com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp) DoFn(com.tdunning.plume.DoFn) EmitFn(com.tdunning.plume.EmitFn)


DeferredOp (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.DeferredOp)6 Flatten (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.Flatten)6 MultipleParallelDo (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.MultipleParallelDo)6 OneToOneOp (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.OneToOneOp)6 ParallelDo (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.ParallelDo)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 PCollection (com.tdunning.plume.PCollection)3 CombineValues (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.CombineValues)2 GroupByKey (com.tdunning.plume.local.lazy.op.GroupByKey)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 DoFn (com.tdunning.plume.DoFn)1 EmitFn (com.tdunning.plume.EmitFn)1 Map (java.util.Map)1