use of com.twitter.common.args.apt.Configuration in project commons by twitter.
the class ArgScanner method parse.
* Applies the provided argument values to any {@literal @CmdLine} or {@literal @Positional}
* {@code Arg} fields discovered on the classpath and accepted by the given {@code filter}.
* @param filter A predicate that selects or rejects scanned {@literal @CmdLine} fields for
* argument application.
* @param args Argument values to map, parse, validate, and apply.
* @return {@code true} if the given {@code args} were successfully applied to their corresponding
* {@link Arg} fields.
* @throws ArgScanException if there was a problem loading {@literal @CmdLine} argument
* definitions
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the arguments provided are invalid based on the declared
* arguments found.
public boolean parse(Predicate<Field> filter, Iterable<String> args) {
ImmutableList<String> arguments = ImmutableList.copyOf(args);
Configuration configuration = load();
ArgsInfo argsInfo = Args.fromConfiguration(configuration, filter);
return parse(argsInfo, arguments);
use of com.twitter.common.args.apt.Configuration in project commons by twitter.
the class Args method from.
* Loads arg info from the given sources in addition to the default compile-time configuration.
* @param filter A predicate to select fields with.
* @param sources Classes or object instances to scan for {@link Arg} fields.
* @return The args info describing all discovered {@link Arg args}.
* @throws IOException If there was a problem loading the default Args configuration.
public static ArgsInfo from(Predicate<Field> filter, Iterable<?> sources) throws IOException {
Configuration configuration = Configuration.load();
ArgsInfo staticInfo = Args.fromConfiguration(configuration, filter);
final ImmutableSet.Builder<PositionalInfo<?>> positionalInfos = ImmutableSet.<PositionalInfo<?>>builder().addAll(staticInfo.getPositionalInfo().asSet());
final ImmutableSet.Builder<OptionInfo<?>> optionInfos = ImmutableSet.<OptionInfo<?>>builder().addAll(staticInfo.getOptionInfos());
for (Object source : sources) {
Class<?> clazz = source instanceof Class ? (Class) source : source.getClass();
for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (filter.apply(field)) {
boolean cmdLine = field.isAnnotationPresent(CmdLine.class);
boolean positional = field.isAnnotationPresent(Positional.class);
if (cmdLine && positional) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("An Arg cannot be annotated with both @CmdLine and @Positional, found bad Arg " + "field: " + field);
} else if (cmdLine) {
optionInfos.add(OptionInfo.createFromField(field, source));
} else if (positional) {
positionalInfos.add(PositionalInfo.createFromField(field, source));
@Nullable PositionalInfo<?> positionalInfo = Iterables.getOnlyElement(, null);
return new ArgsInfo(configuration, Optional.fromNullable(positionalInfo),;