use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GTFSPatternHopFactory method getHopGeometryViaShapeDistTraveled.
private LineString getHopGeometryViaShapeDistTraveled(Graph graph, AgencyAndId shapeId, StopTime st0, StopTime st1) {
double startDistance = st0.getShapeDistTraveled();
double endDistance = st1.getShapeDistTraveled();
ShapeSegmentKey key = new ShapeSegmentKey(shapeId, startDistance, endDistance);
LineString geometry = _geometriesByShapeSegmentKey.get(key);
if (geometry != null)
return geometry;
double[] distances = getDistanceForShapeId(shapeId);
if (distances == null) {
LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusShapeGeometry(shapeId)));
return null;
} else {
LinearLocation startIndex = getSegmentFraction(distances, startDistance);
LinearLocation endIndex = getSegmentFraction(distances, endDistance);
if (equals(startIndex, endIndex)) {
// bogus shape_dist_traveled
graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusShapeDistanceTraveled(st1));
return createSimpleGeometry(st0.getStop(), st1.getStop());
LineString line = getLineStringForShapeId(shapeId);
LocationIndexedLine lol = new LocationIndexedLine(line);
geometry = getSegmentGeometry(graph, shapeId, lol, startIndex, endIndex, startDistance, endDistance, st0, st1);
return geometry;
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class SimpleStreetSplitter method link.
* split the edge and link in the transit stop
private void link(Vertex tstop, StreetEdge edge, double xscale, RoutingRequest options) {
// TODO: we've already built this line string, we should save it
LineString orig = edge.getGeometry();
LineString transformed = equirectangularProject(orig, xscale);
LocationIndexedLine il = new LocationIndexedLine(transformed);
LinearLocation ll = il.project(new Coordinate(tstop.getLon() * xscale, tstop.getLat()));
// street to use the same vertices. Otherwise the order the stops are loaded in will affect where they are snapped.
if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == 0 && ll.getSegmentFraction() < 1e-8) {
makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getFromVertex());
} else // past the last point
if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == orig.getNumPoints() - 1) {
makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getToVertex());
} else // nPoints - 2: -1 to correct for index vs count, -1 to account for fencepost problem
if (ll.getSegmentIndex() == orig.getNumPoints() - 2 && ll.getSegmentFraction() > 1 - 1e-8) {
makeLinkEdges(tstop, (StreetVertex) edge.getToVertex());
} else {
TemporaryVertex temporaryVertex = null;
boolean endVertex = false;
if (tstop instanceof TemporaryVertex) {
temporaryVertex = (TemporaryVertex) tstop;
endVertex = temporaryVertex.isEndVertex();
// It is only used in origin/destination linking since otherwise options is null
if (options != null) {
// split the edge, get the split vertex
SplitterVertex v0 = split(edge, ll, temporaryVertex != null, endVertex);
makeLinkEdges(tstop, v0);