use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class StreetMatcher method match.
public List<Edge> match(Geometry routeGeometry) {
routeGeometry = removeDuplicatePoints(routeGeometry);
if (routeGeometry == null)
return null;
routeGeometry = DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.simplify(routeGeometry, 0.00001);
// initial state: start midway along a block.
LocationIndexedLine indexedLine = new LocationIndexedLine(routeGeometry);
LinearLocation startIndex = indexedLine.getStartIndex();
Coordinate routeStartCoordinate = startIndex.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
Envelope envelope = new Envelope(routeStartCoordinate);
double distanceThreshold = DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
BinHeap<MatchState> states = new BinHeap<MatchState>();
List<Edge> nearbyEdges = index.query(envelope);
while (nearbyEdges.isEmpty()) {
distanceThreshold *= 2;
nearbyEdges = index.query(envelope);
// compute initial states
for (Edge initialEdge : nearbyEdges) {
Geometry edgeGeometry = initialEdge.getGeometry();
LocationIndexedLine indexedEdge = new LocationIndexedLine(edgeGeometry);
LinearLocation initialLocation = indexedEdge.project(routeStartCoordinate);
double error = MatchState.distance(initialLocation.getCoordinate(edgeGeometry), routeStartCoordinate);
MidblockMatchState state = new MidblockMatchState(null, routeGeometry, initialEdge, startIndex, initialLocation, error, 0.01);
// make sure all initial states are visited by inserting them at 0
states.insert(state, 0);
// search for best-matching path
int seen_count = 0, total = 0;
HashSet<MatchState> seen = new HashSet<MatchState>();
while (!states.empty()) {
double k = states.peek_min_key();
MatchState state = states.extract_min();
if (++total % 50000 == 0) {
log.debug("seen / total: " + seen_count + " / " + total);
if (seen.contains(state)) {
} else {
if (k != 0) {
// but do not mark states as closed if we start at them
if (state instanceof EndMatchState) {
return toEdgeList(state);
for (MatchState next : state.getNextStates()) {
if (seen.contains(next)) {
states.insert(next, next.getTotalError() - next.getDistanceAlongRoute());
return null;
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GeometryUtils method splitGeometryAtPoint.
* Splits the input geometry into two LineStrings at the given point.
public static P2<LineString> splitGeometryAtPoint(Geometry geometry, Coordinate nearestPoint) {
// An index in JTS can actually refer to any point along the line. It is NOT an array index.
LocationIndexedLine line = new LocationIndexedLine(geometry);
LinearLocation l = line.indexOf(nearestPoint);
LineString beginning = (LineString) line.extractLine(line.getStartIndex(), l);
LineString ending = (LineString) line.extractLine(l, line.getEndIndex());
return new P2<LineString>(beginning, ending);
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class MidblockMatchState method getNextStates.
public List<MatchState> getNextStates() {
ArrayList<MatchState> nextStates = new ArrayList<MatchState>();
if (routeIndex.getSegmentIndex() == routeGeometry.getNumPoints() - 1) {
// this has either hit the end, or gone off the end. It's not real clear which.
// for now, let's assume it means that the ending is somewhere along this edge,
// so we return an end state
Coordinate pt = routeIndex.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
double error = distance(pt, edgeIndex.getCoordinate(edgeGeometry));
nextStates.add(new EndMatchState(this, error, 0));
return nextStates;
LinearIterator it = new LinearIterator(routeGeometry, routeIndex);
if (it.hasNext()) {;
LinearLocation routeSuccessor = it.getLocation();
// now we want to see where this new point is in terms of the edge's geometry
Coordinate newRouteCoord = routeSuccessor.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
LinearLocation newEdgeIndex = indexedEdge.project(newRouteCoord);
Coordinate edgeCoord = newEdgeIndex.getCoordinate(edgeGeometry);
if (newEdgeIndex.compareTo(edgeIndex) <= 0) {
/* this should not require the try/catch, but there is a bug in JTS */
try {
LinearLocation projected2 = indexedEdge.indexOfAfter(edgeCoord, edgeIndex);
// another bug in JTS
if (Double.isNaN(projected2.getSegmentFraction())) {
// we are probably moving backwards
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
newEdgeIndex = projected2;
if (newEdgeIndex.equals(edgeIndex)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
edgeCoord = newEdgeIndex.getCoordinate(edgeGeometry);
} catch (AssertionFailedException e) {
// we are not making progress, so just return an empty list
return Collections.emptyList();
if (newEdgeIndex.getSegmentIndex() == edgeGeometry.getNumPoints() - 1) {
// we might choose to continue from the end of the edge and a point mid-way
// along this route segment
// find nearest point that makes progress along the route
Vertex toVertex = edge.getToVertex();
Coordinate endCoord = toVertex.getCoordinate();
LocationIndexedLine indexedRoute = new LocationIndexedLine(routeGeometry);
// FIXME: it would be better to do this project/indexOfAfter in one step
// as the two-step version could snap to a bad place and be unable to escape.
LinearLocation routeProjectedEndIndex = indexedRoute.project(endCoord);
Coordinate routeProjectedEndCoord = routeProjectedEndIndex.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
if (routeProjectedEndIndex.compareTo(routeIndex) <= 0) {
try {
routeProjectedEndIndex = indexedRoute.indexOfAfter(routeProjectedEndCoord, routeIndex);
if (Double.isNaN(routeProjectedEndIndex.getSegmentFraction())) {
// can't go forward
// this is bad, but not terrible
routeProjectedEndIndex = routeIndex;
// since we are advancing along the edge
} catch (AssertionFailedException e) {
routeProjectedEndIndex = routeIndex;
routeProjectedEndCoord = routeProjectedEndIndex.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
double positionError = distance(routeProjectedEndCoord, endCoord);
double travelAlongRoute = distanceAlongGeometry(routeGeometry, routeIndex, routeProjectedEndIndex);
double travelAlongEdge = distanceAlongGeometry(edgeGeometry, edgeIndex, newEdgeIndex);
double travelError = Math.abs(travelAlongEdge - travelAlongRoute);
double error = positionError + travelError;
if (error > MAX_ERROR) {
// totally wrong
return nextStates;
for (Edge e : getOutgoingMatchableEdges(toVertex)) {
double cost = error + NEW_SEGMENT_PENALTY;
if (!carsCanTraverse(e)) {
MatchState nextState = new MidblockMatchState(this, routeGeometry, e, routeProjectedEndIndex, new LinearLocation(), cost, travelAlongRoute);
} else {
double travelAlongEdge = distanceAlongGeometry(edgeGeometry, edgeIndex, newEdgeIndex);
double travelAlongRoute = distanceAlongGeometry(routeGeometry, routeIndex, routeSuccessor);
double travelError = Math.abs(travelAlongRoute - travelAlongEdge);
double positionError = distance(edgeCoord, newRouteCoord);
double error = travelError + positionError;
MatchState nextState = new MidblockMatchState(this, routeGeometry, edge, routeSuccessor, newEdgeIndex, error, travelAlongRoute);
// it's also possible that, although we have not yet reached the end of this edge,
// we are going to turn, because the route turns earlier than the edge. In that
// case, we jump to the corner, and our error is the distance from the route point
// and the corner
Vertex toVertex = edge.getToVertex();
double travelAlongOldEdge = distanceAlongGeometry(edgeGeometry, edgeIndex, null);
for (Edge e : getOutgoingMatchableEdges(toVertex)) {
Geometry newEdgeGeometry = e.getGeometry();
LocationIndexedLine newIndexedEdge = new LocationIndexedLine(newEdgeGeometry);
newEdgeIndex = newIndexedEdge.project(newRouteCoord);
Coordinate newEdgeCoord = newEdgeIndex.getCoordinate(newEdgeGeometry);
positionError = distance(newEdgeCoord, newRouteCoord);
travelAlongEdge = travelAlongOldEdge + distanceAlongGeometry(newEdgeGeometry, new LinearLocation(), newEdgeIndex);
travelError = Math.abs(travelAlongRoute - travelAlongEdge);
error = travelError + positionError;
if (error > MAX_ERROR) {
// totally wrong
return nextStates;
double cost = error + NEW_SEGMENT_PENALTY;
if (!carsCanTraverse(e)) {
nextState = new MidblockMatchState(this, routeGeometry, e, routeSuccessor, new LinearLocation(), cost, travelAlongRoute);
return nextStates;
} else {
Coordinate routeCoord = routeIndex.getCoordinate(routeGeometry);
LinearLocation projected = indexedEdge.project(routeCoord);
double locationError = distance(projected.getCoordinate(edgeGeometry), routeCoord);
MatchState end = new EndMatchState(this, locationError, 0);
return Arrays.asList(end);
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GeometryUtils method splitGeometryAtFraction.
* Splits the input geometry into two LineStrings at a fraction of the distance covered.
public static P2<LineString> splitGeometryAtFraction(Geometry geometry, double fraction) {
LineString empty = new LineString(null, gf);
Coordinate[] coordinates = geometry.getCoordinates();
CoordinateSequence sequence = gf.getCoordinateSequenceFactory().create(coordinates);
LineString total = new LineString(sequence, gf);
if (coordinates.length < 2)
return new P2<LineString>(empty, empty);
if (fraction <= 0)
return new P2<LineString>(empty, total);
if (fraction >= 1)
return new P2<LineString>(total, empty);
double totalDistance = total.getLength();
double requestedDistance = totalDistance * fraction;
// An index in JTS can actually refer to any point along the line. It is NOT an array index.
LocationIndexedLine line = new LocationIndexedLine(geometry);
LinearLocation l = LengthLocationMap.getLocation(geometry, requestedDistance);
LineString beginning = (LineString) line.extractLine(line.getStartIndex(), l);
LineString ending = (LineString) line.extractLine(l, line.getEndIndex());
return new P2<LineString>(beginning, ending);
use of com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LocationIndexedLine in project OpenTripPlanner by opentripplanner.
the class GTFSPatternHopFactory method createGeometry.
* Creates a set of geometries for a single trip, considering the GTFS shapes.txt,
* The geometry is broken down into one geometry per inter-stop segment ("hop"). We also need a shape for the entire
* trip and tripPattern, but given the complexity of the existing code for generating hop geometries, we will create
* the full-trip geometry by simply concatenating the hop geometries.
* This geometry will in fact be used for an entire set of trips in a trip pattern. Technically one of the trips
* with exactly the same sequence of stops could follow a different route on the streets, but that's very uncommon.
private LineString[] createGeometry(Graph graph, Trip trip, List<StopTime> stopTimes) {
AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getShapeId();
// One less geometry than stoptime as array indexes represetn hops not stops (fencepost problem).
LineString[] geoms = new LineString[stopTimes.size() - 1];
// Detect presence or absence of shape_dist_traveled on a per-trip basis
StopTime st0 = stopTimes.get(0);
boolean hasShapeDist = st0.isShapeDistTraveledSet();
if (hasShapeDist) {
// this trip has shape_dist in stop_times
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size() - 1; ++i) {
st0 = stopTimes.get(i);
StopTime st1 = stopTimes.get(i + 1);
geoms[i] = getHopGeometryViaShapeDistTraveled(graph, shapeId, st0, st1);
return geoms;
LineString shape = getLineStringForShapeId(shapeId);
if (shape == null) {
// create straight line segments between stops for each hop
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size() - 1; ++i) {
st0 = stopTimes.get(i);
StopTime st1 = stopTimes.get(i + 1);
LineString geometry = createSimpleGeometry(st0.getStop(), st1.getStop());
geoms[i] = geometry;
return geoms;
// This trip does not have shape_dist in stop_times, but does have an associated shape.
ArrayList<IndexedLineSegment> segments = new ArrayList<IndexedLineSegment>();
for (int i = 0; i < shape.getNumPoints() - 1; ++i) {
segments.add(new IndexedLineSegment(i, shape.getCoordinateN(i), shape.getCoordinateN(i + 1)));
// Find possible segment matches for each stop.
List<List<IndexedLineSegment>> possibleSegmentsForStop = new ArrayList<List<IndexedLineSegment>>();
int minSegmentIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size(); ++i) {
Stop stop = stopTimes.get(i).getStop();
Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(stop.getLon(), stop.getLat());
List<IndexedLineSegment> stopSegments = new ArrayList<IndexedLineSegment>();
double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
IndexedLineSegment bestSegment = null;
int maxSegmentIndex = -1;
int index = -1;
int minSegmentIndexForThisStop = -1;
for (IndexedLineSegment segment : segments) {
if (segment.index < minSegmentIndex) {
double distance = segment.distance(coord);
if (distance < maxStopToShapeSnapDistance) {
maxSegmentIndex = index;
if (minSegmentIndexForThisStop == -1)
minSegmentIndexForThisStop = index;
} else if (distance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = distance;
bestSegment = segment;
if (maxSegmentIndex != -1) {
maxSegmentIndex = index;
if (stopSegments.size() == 0) {
// no segments within 150m
// fall back to nearest segment
minSegmentIndex = bestSegment.index;
} else {
minSegmentIndex = minSegmentIndexForThisStop;
Collections.sort(stopSegments, new IndexedLineSegmentComparator(coord));
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
for (Iterator<IndexedLineSegment> it = possibleSegmentsForStop.get(j).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
IndexedLineSegment segment =;
if (segment.index > maxSegmentIndex) {
List<LinearLocation> locations = getStopLocations(possibleSegmentsForStop, stopTimes, 0, -1);
if (locations == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size() - 1; ++i) {
st0 = stopTimes.get(i);
StopTime st1 = stopTimes.get(i + 1);
LineString geometry = createSimpleGeometry(st0.getStop(), st1.getStop());
geoms[i] = geometry;
// this warning is not strictly correct, but will do
LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new BogusShapeGeometryCaught(shapeId, st0, st1)));
return geoms;
Iterator<LinearLocation> locationIt = locations.iterator();
LinearLocation endLocation =;
double distanceSoFar = 0;
int last = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stopTimes.size() - 1; ++i) {
LinearLocation startLocation = endLocation;
endLocation =;
// it does not matter at all if this is accurate so long as it is consistent
for (int j = last; j < startLocation.getSegmentIndex(); ++j) {
Coordinate from = shape.getCoordinateN(j);
Coordinate to = shape.getCoordinateN(j + 1);
double xd = from.x - to.x;
double yd = from.y - to.y;
distanceSoFar += FastMath.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
last = startLocation.getSegmentIndex();
double startIndex = distanceSoFar + startLocation.getSegmentFraction() * startLocation.getSegmentLength(shape);
// advance distanceSoFar up to start of segment containing endLocation
for (int j = last; j < endLocation.getSegmentIndex(); ++j) {
Coordinate from = shape.getCoordinateN(j);
Coordinate to = shape.getCoordinateN(j + 1);
double xd = from.x - to.x;
double yd = from.y - to.y;
distanceSoFar += FastMath.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
last = startLocation.getSegmentIndex();
double endIndex = distanceSoFar + endLocation.getSegmentFraction() * endLocation.getSegmentLength(shape);
ShapeSegmentKey key = new ShapeSegmentKey(shapeId, startIndex, endIndex);
LineString geometry = _geometriesByShapeSegmentKey.get(key);
if (geometry == null) {
LocationIndexedLine locationIndexed = new LocationIndexedLine(shape);
geometry = (LineString) locationIndexed.extractLine(startLocation, endLocation);
// Pack the resulting line string
CoordinateSequence sequence = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(geometry.getCoordinates(), 2);
geometry = _geometryFactory.createLineString(sequence);
geoms[i] = geometry;
return geoms;