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Example 1 with CPItem

use of com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class Challenges method createItem.

 * Creates an inventory item for the challenge
 * @param challengeName
 * @param player
 * @return Control Panel item
private CPItem createItem(String challengeName, Player player) {
    CPItem item = null;
    // Get the icon
    ItemStack icon = null;
    String iconName = getChallengeConfig().getString("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".icon", "");
    if (!iconName.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            // Split if required
            String[] split = iconName.split(":");
            if (split.length == 1) {
                // Some material does not show in the inventory
                if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("potato")) {
                    iconName = "POTATO_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("brewing_stand")) {
                    iconName = "BREWING_STAND_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("carrot")) {
                    iconName = "CARROT_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("cauldron")) {
                    iconName = "CAULDRON_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("lava") || iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("stationary_lava")) {
                    iconName = "LAVA_BUCKET";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("water") || iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("stationary_water")) {
                    iconName = "WATER_BUCKET";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("portal")) {
                    iconName = "OBSIDIAN";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("PUMPKIN_STEM")) {
                    iconName = "PUMPKIN";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("skull")) {
                    iconName = "SKULL_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("COCOA")) {
                    iconName = "INK_SACK:3";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("NETHER_WARTS")) {
                    iconName = "NETHER_STALK";
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(iconName)) {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(iconName));
                } else {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(iconName));
                // Check POTION for V1.9 - for some reason, it must be declared as WATER otherwise comparison later causes an NPE
                if (icon.getType().name().contains("POTION")) {
                    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") && !plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) icon.getItemMeta();
                        potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.WATER));
            } else if (split.length == 2) {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(split[0])) {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(split[0]));
                } else {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(split[0]));
                // Check POTION for V1.9 - for some reason, it must be declared as WATER otherwise comparison later causes an NPE
                if (icon.getType().name().contains("POTION")) {
                    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") && !plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) icon.getItemMeta();
                        try {
                            potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.valueOf(split[1].toUpperCase())));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Challenges icon: Potion type of " + split[1] + " is unknown, setting to WATER. Valid types are:");
                            for (PotionType type : PotionType.values()) {
                            potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.WATER));
                } else if (icon.getType().equals(Material.MONSTER_EGG)) {
                    // Handle monster egg icons
                    try {
                        EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(split[1].toUpperCase());
                        if (Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                            icon = new SpawnEgg(type).toItemStack();
                        } else {
                            try {
                                icon = new SpawnEgg1_9(type).toItemStack();
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("Monster eggs not supported with this server version.");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Spawn eggs must be described by name. Try one of these (not all are possible):");
                        for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
                            if (type.isSpawnable() && type.isAlive()) {
                } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Icon was not well formatted
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Error in challenges.yml - icon format is incorrect for " + challengeName + ":" + iconName);
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Format should be 'icon: MaterialType:Damage' where Damage is optional");
    if (icon == null) {
        icon = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
    // Handle spaces (AIR icon)
    if (icon.getType() == Material.AIR) {
        return new CPItem(icon, "");
    String description = ChatColor.GREEN + ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getChallengeConfig().getString("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".friendlyname", challengeName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + challengeName.substring(1)));
    // Remove extraneous info
    ItemMeta im = icon.getItemMeta();
    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("1.7")) {
    // Check if completed or not
    boolean complete = false;
    if (Settings.addCompletedGlow && plugin.getPlayers().checkChallenge(player.getUniqueId(), challengeName)) {
        // Complete! Make the icon glow
        im.addEnchant(Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE, 0, true);
        if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("1.7")) {
        complete = true;
    boolean repeatable = false;
    if (getChallengeConfig().getBoolean("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".repeatable", false)) {
        // Repeatable
        repeatable = true;
    // setting Settings.removeCompleteOntimeChallenges
    if (!complete || ((complete && repeatable) || !Settings.removeCompleteOntimeChallenges)) {
        // Store the challenge panel item and the command that will be
        // called if it is activated.
        item = new CPItem(icon, description, Settings.CHALLENGECOMMAND + " c " + challengeName, null);
        // Get the challenge description, that changes depending on
        // whether the challenge is complete or not.
        List<String> lore = challengeDescription(challengeName, player);
    return item;
Also used : SpawnEgg1_9(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9) PotionMeta(org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta) SpawnEgg(org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg) IOException( EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) PotionData(org.bukkit.potion.PotionData) PotionType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionType) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) CPItem(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem) ItemMeta(org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta)

Example 2 with CPItem

use of com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class Challenges method challengePanel.

 * Dynamically creates an inventory of challenges for the player showing the
 * level
 * @param player
 * @param level
 * @return inventory
public Inventory challengePanel(Player player, String level) {
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: level requested = " + level);
    // Create the challenges control panel
    // New panel map
    List<CPItem> cp = new ArrayList<CPItem>();
    if (level.isEmpty() && !challengeList.containsKey("")) {
        if (!Settings.challengeLevels.isEmpty()) {
            level = Settings.challengeLevels.get(0);
        } else {
            // We have no challenges!
            plugin.getLogger().severe("There are no challenges to show!");
            Inventory error = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 9, plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).challengesguiTitle);
            Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).errorCommandNotReady);
            return error;
    if (challengeList.get(level) != null) {
        // Only show a control panel for the level requested.
        for (String challengeName : challengeList.get(level)) {
            CPItem item = createItem(challengeName, player);
            if (item != null) {
    // Add the missing levels so player can navigate to them
    int levelDone = 0;
    for (; levelDone < Settings.challengeLevels.size(); levelDone++) {
        if (checkLevelCompletion(player, Settings.challengeLevels.get(levelDone)) > 0) {
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: level done = " + levelDone);
    for (int i = 0; i < Settings.challengeLevels.size(); i++) {
        if (!level.equalsIgnoreCase(Settings.challengeLevels.get(i))) {
            // Add a navigation book
            List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (i <= levelDone) {
                CPItem item = new CPItem(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL, ChatColor.GOLD + Settings.challengeLevels.get(i), null, null);
                lore = Util.chop(ChatColor.WHITE, plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).challengesNavigation.replace("[level]", Settings.challengeLevels.get(i)), 25);
            } else {
                // Hint at what is to come
                CPItem item = new CPItem(Material.BOOK, ChatColor.GOLD + Settings.challengeLevels.get(i), null, null);
                // Add the level
                int toDo = checkLevelCompletion(player, Settings.challengeLevels.get(i - 1));
                lore = Util.chop(ChatColor.WHITE, plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).challengestoComplete.replace("[challengesToDo]", String.valueOf(toDo)).replace("[thisLevel]", Settings.challengeLevels.get(i - 1)), 25);
    // Add the free challenges if not already shown (which can happen if all of the challenges are done!)
    if (!level.equals("") && challengeList.containsKey("")) {
        for (String freeChallenges : challengeList.get("")) {
            CPItem item = createItem(freeChallenges, player);
            if (item != null) {
    // Create the panel
    if (cp.size() > 0) {
        // Make sure size is a multiple of 9
        int size = cp.size() + 8;
        size -= (size % 9);
        Inventory newPanel = Bukkit.createInventory(null, size, plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).challengesguiTitle);
        // Store the panel details for retrieval later
        playerChallengeGUI.put(player.getUniqueId(), cp);
        // Fill the inventory and return
        int index = 0;
        for (CPItem i : cp) {
            newPanel.setItem(index++, i.getItem());
        return newPanel;
    return null;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CPItem(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem) Inventory(org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)


CPItem (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem)2 SpawnEgg1_9 (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9)1 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 EntityType (org.bukkit.entity.EntityType)1 Inventory (org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory)1 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)1 ItemMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta)1 PotionMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta)1 SpawnEgg (org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg)1 PotionData (org.bukkit.potion.PotionData)1 PotionType (org.bukkit.potion.PotionType)1