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Example 1 with SpawnEgg

use of org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class Challenges method createItem.

 * Creates an inventory item for the challenge
 * @param challengeName
 * @param player
 * @return Control Panel item
private CPItem createItem(String challengeName, Player player) {
    CPItem item = null;
    // Get the icon
    ItemStack icon = null;
    String iconName = getChallengeConfig().getString("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".icon", "");
    if (!iconName.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            // Split if required
            String[] split = iconName.split(":");
            if (split.length == 1) {
                // Some material does not show in the inventory
                if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("potato")) {
                    iconName = "POTATO_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("brewing_stand")) {
                    iconName = "BREWING_STAND_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("carrot")) {
                    iconName = "CARROT_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("cauldron")) {
                    iconName = "CAULDRON_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("lava") || iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("stationary_lava")) {
                    iconName = "LAVA_BUCKET";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("water") || iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("stationary_water")) {
                    iconName = "WATER_BUCKET";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("portal")) {
                    iconName = "OBSIDIAN";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("PUMPKIN_STEM")) {
                    iconName = "PUMPKIN";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("skull")) {
                    iconName = "SKULL_ITEM";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("COCOA")) {
                    iconName = "INK_SACK:3";
                } else if (iconName.equalsIgnoreCase("NETHER_WARTS")) {
                    iconName = "NETHER_STALK";
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(iconName)) {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(iconName));
                } else {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(iconName));
                // Check POTION for V1.9 - for some reason, it must be declared as WATER otherwise comparison later causes an NPE
                if (icon.getType().name().contains("POTION")) {
                    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") && !plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) icon.getItemMeta();
                        potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.WATER));
            } else if (split.length == 2) {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(split[0])) {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(split[0]));
                } else {
                    icon = new ItemStack(Material.valueOf(split[0]));
                // Check POTION for V1.9 - for some reason, it must be declared as WATER otherwise comparison later causes an NPE
                if (icon.getType().name().contains("POTION")) {
                    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") && !plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                        PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) icon.getItemMeta();
                        try {
                            potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.valueOf(split[1].toUpperCase())));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Challenges icon: Potion type of " + split[1] + " is unknown, setting to WATER. Valid types are:");
                            for (PotionType type : PotionType.values()) {
                            potionMeta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(PotionType.WATER));
                } else if (icon.getType().equals(Material.MONSTER_EGG)) {
                    // Handle monster egg icons
                    try {
                        EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(split[1].toUpperCase());
                        if (Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                            icon = new SpawnEgg(type).toItemStack();
                        } else {
                            try {
                                icon = new SpawnEgg1_9(type).toItemStack();
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("Monster eggs not supported with this server version.");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Spawn eggs must be described by name. Try one of these (not all are possible):");
                        for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
                            if (type.isSpawnable() && type.isAlive()) {
                } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Icon was not well formatted
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Error in challenges.yml - icon format is incorrect for " + challengeName + ":" + iconName);
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Format should be 'icon: MaterialType:Damage' where Damage is optional");
    if (icon == null) {
        icon = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER);
    // Handle spaces (AIR icon)
    if (icon.getType() == Material.AIR) {
        return new CPItem(icon, "");
    String description = ChatColor.GREEN + ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', getChallengeConfig().getString("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".friendlyname", challengeName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + challengeName.substring(1)));
    // Remove extraneous info
    ItemMeta im = icon.getItemMeta();
    if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("1.7")) {
    // Check if completed or not
    boolean complete = false;
    if (Settings.addCompletedGlow && plugin.getPlayers().checkChallenge(player.getUniqueId(), challengeName)) {
        // Complete! Make the icon glow
        im.addEnchant(Enchantment.ARROW_DAMAGE, 0, true);
        if (!plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("1.7")) {
        complete = true;
    boolean repeatable = false;
    if (getChallengeConfig().getBoolean("challenges.challengeList." + challengeName + ".repeatable", false)) {
        // Repeatable
        repeatable = true;
    // setting Settings.removeCompleteOntimeChallenges
    if (!complete || ((complete && repeatable) || !Settings.removeCompleteOntimeChallenges)) {
        // Store the challenge panel item and the command that will be
        // called if it is activated.
        item = new CPItem(icon, description, Settings.CHALLENGECOMMAND + " c " + challengeName, null);
        // Get the challenge description, that changes depending on
        // whether the challenge is complete or not.
        List<String> lore = challengeDescription(challengeName, player);
    return item;
Also used : SpawnEgg1_9(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9) PotionMeta(org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta) SpawnEgg(org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg) IOException( EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) PotionData(org.bukkit.potion.PotionData) PotionType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionType) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) CPItem(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem) ItemMeta(org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta)

Example 2 with SpawnEgg

use of org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class PluginConfig method loadPluginConfig.

 * Loads the various settings from the config.yml file into the plugin
 * @param plugin - ASkyBlock plugin object - askyblock
 * @return true if plugin config is loaded correctly
public static boolean loadPluginConfig(ASkyBlock plugin) {
    try {
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    // The order in this file should match the order in config.yml so that it is easy to check that everything is covered
    // ********************** Island settings **************************
    Settings.islandDistance = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.distance", 200);
    if (Settings.islandDistance < 50) {
        Settings.islandDistance = 50;
        plugin.getLogger().info("Setting minimum island distance to 50");
    if (Settings.islandDistance % 2 != 0) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Island distance should be even!");
    Settings.islandProtectionRange = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.protectionRange", 100);
    if (Settings.islandProtectionRange > Settings.islandDistance) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Protection range cannot be > island distance. Setting them to be equal.");
        Settings.islandProtectionRange = Settings.islandDistance;
    if (Settings.islandProtectionRange <= 0) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Protection range of 0 in config.yml: To disable protection, the range should");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("equal the island distance and then you should allow all island protection flags");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("in config.yml. Protection range will be set to island distance (" + Settings.islandDistance + ")");
        Settings.islandProtectionRange = Settings.islandDistance;
    if (Settings.islandProtectionRange % 2 != 0) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Protection range must be even, using " + Settings.islandProtectionRange);
    // xoffset and zoffset are not public and only used for IslandWorld compatibility
    Settings.islandXOffset = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.xoffset", 0);
    if (Settings.islandXOffset < 0) {
        Settings.islandXOffset = 0;
        plugin.getLogger().info("Setting minimum island X Offset to 0");
    } else if (Settings.islandXOffset > Settings.islandDistance) {
        Settings.islandXOffset = Settings.islandDistance;
        plugin.getLogger().info("Setting maximum island X Offset to " + Settings.islandDistance);
    Settings.islandZOffset = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.zoffset", 0);
    if (Settings.islandZOffset < 0) {
        Settings.islandZOffset = 0;
        plugin.getLogger().info("Setting minimum island Z Offset to 0");
    } else if (Settings.islandZOffset > Settings.islandDistance) {
        Settings.islandZOffset = Settings.islandDistance;
        plugin.getLogger().info("Setting maximum island Z Offset to " + Settings.islandDistance);
    // This is the origin of new islands
    long x = plugin.getConfig().getLong("island.startx", 0);
    // Check this is a multiple of island distance
    long z = plugin.getConfig().getLong("island.startz", 0);
    Settings.islandStartX = Math.round((double) x / Settings.islandDistance) * Settings.islandDistance + Settings.islandXOffset;
    Settings.islandStartZ = Math.round((double) z / Settings.islandDistance) * Settings.islandDistance + Settings.islandZOffset;
    // ASkyBlock and AcidIsland difference
    if (Settings.GAMETYPE.equals(Settings.GameType.ACIDISLAND)) {
        Settings.islandHeight = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.islandlevel", 50) - 5;
        // The island's center is actually 5 below sea level
        Settings.seaHeight = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.sealevel", 50);
    } else {
        // ASkyBlock
        Settings.islandHeight = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.islandlevel", 120) - 5;
        // The island's center is actually 5 below sea level
        Settings.seaHeight = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.sealevel", 0);
    if (Settings.islandHeight < 0) {
        Settings.islandHeight = 0;
    if (Settings.seaHeight < 0) {
        Settings.seaHeight = 0;
    // Island reset settings
    Settings.resetLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.resetlimit", 2);
    if (Settings.resetWait < 0) {
        Settings.resetWait = -1;
    Settings.resetWait = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.resetwait", 300);
    if (Settings.resetWait < 0) {
        Settings.resetWait = 0;
    // Seconds to wait for a confirmation of reset
    Settings.resetConfirmWait = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.resetconfirmwait", 10);
    if (Settings.resetConfirmWait < 0) {
        Settings.resetConfirmWait = 0;
    // Timeout required between duplicate team join/leaves
    Settings.inviteWait = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.invitewait", 60);
    if (Settings.inviteWait < 0) {
        Settings.inviteWait = 0;
    // Invite timeout before accept/reject timesout
    Settings.inviteTimeout = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.invitetimeout", 60);
    // Convert to ticks
    Settings.inviteTimeout *= 20;
    // Max team size
    Settings.maxTeamSize = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.maxteamsize", 4);
    // Deprecated settings - use permission<number> instead
        Settings.maxTeamSizeVIP = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.vipteamsize", 0);
        Settings.maxTeamSizeVIP2 = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.vip2teamsize", 0);
        if (Settings.maxTeamSizeVIP > 0 || Settings.maxTeamSizeVIP2 > 0) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning(Settings.PERMPREFIX + " and " + Settings.PERMPREFIX + "team.vip2 are deprecated!");
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Use permission " + Settings.PERMPREFIX + "team.maxsize.<number> instead.");
    // Island level cool down time
    Settings.levelWait = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.levelwait", 60);
    if (Settings.levelWait < 0) {
        Settings.levelWait = 0;
    // Get chest items
    String chestItems = plugin.getConfig().getString("island.chestItems", "");
    if (!chestItems.isEmpty()) {
        final String[] chestItemString = chestItems.split(" ");
        // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: chest items = " + chestItemString);
        final ItemStack[] tempChest = new ItemStack[chestItemString.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempChest.length; i++) {
            String[] amountdata = chestItemString[i].split(":");
            try {
                if (amountdata.length == 3 && amountdata[0].equalsIgnoreCase("MONSTER_EGG")) {
                    try {
                        EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(amountdata[1].toUpperCase());
                        if (Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                            tempChest[i] = new SpawnEgg(type).toItemStack(Integer.parseInt(amountdata[2]));
                        } else {
                            try {
                                tempChest[i] = new SpawnEgg1_9(type).toItemStack(Integer.parseInt(amountdata[2]));
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                tempChest[i] = new ItemStack(Material.MONSTER_EGG);
                                plugin.getLogger().severe("Monster eggs not supported with this server version.");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Spawn eggs must be described by name. Try one of these (not all are possible):");
                        for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
                            if (type.isSpawnable() && type.isAlive()) {
                } else if (amountdata[0].equals("POTION")) {
                    // amountdata.length);
                    if (amountdata.length == 6) {
                        tempChest[i] = Challenges.getPotion(amountdata, Integer.parseInt(amountdata[5]), "config.yml");
                    } else {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem loading chest item from config.yml so skipping it: " + chestItemString[i]);
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Potions for the chest must be fully defined as POTION:NAME:<LEVEL>:<EXTENDED>:<SPLASH/LINGER>:QTY");
                } else {
                    Material mat;
                    if (StringUtils.isNumeric(amountdata[0])) {
                        mat = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(amountdata[0]));
                    } else {
                        mat = Material.getMaterial(amountdata[0].toUpperCase());
                    if (amountdata.length == 2) {
                        tempChest[i] = new ItemStack(mat, Integer.parseInt(amountdata[1]));
                    } else if (amountdata.length == 3) {
                        tempChest[i] = new ItemStack(mat, Integer.parseInt(amountdata[2]), Short.parseShort(amountdata[1]));
            } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem loading chest item from config.yml so skipping it: " + chestItemString[i]);
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Error is : " + ex.getMessage());
                plugin.getLogger().info("Potential potion types are: ");
                for (PotionType c : PotionType.values()) plugin.getLogger().info(;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem loading chest item from config.yml so skipping it: " + chestItemString[i]);
                plugin.getLogger().info("Potential material types are: ");
                for (Material c : Material.values()) plugin.getLogger().info(;
            // e.printStackTrace();
        Settings.chestItems = tempChest;
    } else {
        // Nothing in the chest
        Settings.chestItems = new ItemStack[0];
    // Defaul companion
    String companion = plugin.getConfig().getString("island.companion", "COW").toUpperCase();
    Settings.islandCompanion = null;
    if (!companion.equalsIgnoreCase("NOTHING")) {
        String commaList = "NOTHING, ";
        for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
            if (companion.equalsIgnoreCase(type.toString())) {
                Settings.islandCompanion = type;
            commaList += ", " + type.toString();
        if (Settings.islandCompanion == null) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Island companion is not recognized. Pick from " + commaList);
    // Companion names
    List<String> companionNames = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("island.companionnames");
    Settings.companionNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String name : companionNames) {
        Settings.companionNames.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', name));
    // Island name length
    Settings.minNameLength = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.minnamelength", 1);
    Settings.maxNameLength = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.maxnamelength", 20);
    if (Settings.minNameLength < 0) {
        Settings.minNameLength = 0;
    if (Settings.maxNameLength < 1) {
        Settings.maxNameLength = 1;
    if (Settings.minNameLength > Settings.maxNameLength) {
        Settings.minNameLength = Settings.maxNameLength;
    // Flymode expiration while flying oustide island boundaries
    Settings.flyTimeOutside = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.flytimeoutside", 0);
    if (Settings.flyTimeOutside < 0) {
        Settings.flyTimeOutside = 0;
    // Temporary Permissions while inside island
    Settings.temporaryPermissions = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("island.islandtemporaryperms");
    // System settings
    Settings.allowEndermanGriefing = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowendermangriefing", true);
    Settings.endermanDeathDrop = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.endermandeathdrop", true);
    Settings.allowCreeperDamage = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowcreeperdamage", true);
    Settings.allowCreeperGriefing = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowcreepergriefing", false);
    Settings.allowTNTDamage = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowtntdamage", false);
    Settings.allowFireExtinguish = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowfireextinguish", false);
    Settings.allowChestDamage = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowchestdamage", false);
    Settings.allowVisitorKeepInvOnDeath = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowvisitorkeepinvondeath", false);
    Settings.allowPistonPush = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowpistonpush", true);
    Settings.allowMobDamageToItemFrames = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("island.allowitemframedamage", false);
    // Clean up blocks around edges when deleting islands - this is a hidden setting not in the config.yml
    // Add if admins complain about slow cleaning.
    Settings.cleanRate = plugin.getConfig().getInt("island.cleanrate", 2);
    if (Settings.cleanRate < 1) {
        Settings.cleanRate = 1;
    // ******** General Settings **********
    // Load world name
    Settings.worldName = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.worldName");
    // Check if the world name matches island.yml info
    File islandFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "islands.yml");
    if (islandFile.exists()) {
        YamlConfiguration islandYaml = new YamlConfiguration();
        try {
            if (!islandYaml.contains(Settings.worldName)) {
                // Bad news, stop everything and tell the admin
                plugin.getLogger().severe("More set up is required. Go to config.yml and edit it.");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Check island world name is same as world in islands.yml.");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("If you are resetting and changing world, delete island.yml and restart.");
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
    // Get the default language
    Settings.defaultLanguage = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.defaultlanguage", "en-US");
    // Load languages
    HashMap<String, ASLocale> availableLocales = new HashMap<String, ASLocale>();
    FileLister fl = new FileLister(plugin);
    try {
        int index = 1;
        for (String code : fl.list()) {
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: lang file = " + code);
            availableLocales.put(code, new ASLocale(plugin, code, index++));
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not add locales!");
    if (!availableLocales.containsKey(Settings.defaultLanguage)) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("'" + Settings.defaultLanguage + ".yml' not found in /locale folder. Using /locale/en-US.yml");
        Settings.defaultLanguage = "en-US";
        availableLocales.put(Settings.defaultLanguage, new ASLocale(plugin, Settings.defaultLanguage, 0));
    // Check for updates
    Settings.updateCheck = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.checkupdates", true);
    // Silence command feedback
    Settings.silenceCommandFeedback = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.silencecommandfeedback", true);
    // Action bar settings
    Settings.showInActionBar = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.showinactionbar", true);
    // Max Islands
    Settings.maxIslands = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.maxIslands", 0);
    // Use control panel
    Settings.useControlPanel = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.usecontrolpanel", false);
    // Create nether or not
    Settings.createNether = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.createnether", true);
    if (!Settings.createNether) {
        plugin.getLogger().info("The Nether is disabled");
    // Use the island nether
    Settings.newNether = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.newnether", true);
    // Nether trees
    Settings.netherTrees = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.nethertrees", true);
    // Nether roof option
    Settings.netherRoof = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.netherroof", true);
    // Nether spawn protection radius
    Settings.netherSpawnRadius = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.netherspawnradius", 25);
    if (Settings.netherSpawnRadius < 0) {
        Settings.netherSpawnRadius = 0;
    } else if (Settings.netherSpawnRadius > 100) {
        Settings.netherSpawnRadius = 100;
    // Nether roof option
    Settings.netherRoof = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.netherroof", true);
    // Run level calc at login
    Settings.loginLevel = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.loginlevel", false);
    // Island reset commands
    Settings.resetCommands = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.resetcommands");
    Settings.leaveCommands = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.leavecommands");
    Settings.startCommands = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.startcommands");
    Settings.teamStartCommands = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.teamstartcommands");
    Settings.visitorCommandBlockList = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.visitorbannedcommands");
    // How long a player has to wait after deactivating PVP until they can activate PVP again
    Settings.pvpRestartCooldown = plugin.getConfig().getLong("general.pvpcooldown", 60);
    // Invincible visitors
    Settings.invincibleVisitors = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.invinciblevisitors", false);
    if (Settings.invincibleVisitors) {
        Settings.visitorDamagePrevention = new HashSet<DamageCause>();
        List<String> damageSettings = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.invinciblevisitorsoptions");
        for (DamageCause cause : DamageCause.values()) {
            if (damageSettings.contains(cause.toString())) {
    // ASkyBlock and AcidIsland difference
    if (Settings.GAMETYPE.equals(Settings.GameType.ACIDISLAND)) {
        Settings.acidDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.aciddamage", 5D);
        if (Settings.acidDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.acidDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.acidDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.acidDamage = 0D;
        Settings.mobAcidDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.mobaciddamage", 10D);
        if (Settings.mobAcidDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.mobAcidDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.mobAcidDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.mobAcidDamage = 0D;
        Settings.rainDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.raindamage", 0.5D);
        if (Settings.rainDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.rainDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.rainDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.rainDamage = 0D;
    } else {
        Settings.acidDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.aciddamage", 0D);
        if (Settings.acidDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.acidDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.acidDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.acidDamage = 0D;
        Settings.mobAcidDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.mobaciddamage", 0D);
        if (Settings.mobAcidDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.mobAcidDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.mobAcidDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.mobAcidDamage = 0D;
        Settings.rainDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.raindamage", 0D);
        if (Settings.rainDamage > 100D) {
            Settings.rainDamage = 100D;
        } else if (Settings.rainDamage < 0D) {
            Settings.rainDamage = 0D;
    Settings.animalAcidDamage = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.animaldamage", 0D);
    if (Settings.animalAcidDamage > 100D) {
        Settings.animalAcidDamage = 100D;
    } else if (Settings.animalAcidDamage < 0D) {
        Settings.animalAcidDamage = 0D;
    Settings.damageChickens = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.damagechickens", false);
    // Destroy items in acid timer
    Settings.acidItemDestroyTime = plugin.getConfig().getLong("general.itemdestroyafter", 0L) * 20L;
    Settings.damageOps = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.damageops", false);
    // Helmet and full armor acid protection options
    Settings.helmetProtection = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.helmetprotection", true);
    Settings.fullArmorProtection = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.fullarmorprotection", false);
    // Damage Type
    List<String> acidDamageType = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.damagetype");
    if (acidDamageType != null) {
        for (String effect : acidDamageType) {
            PotionEffectType newPotionType = PotionEffectType.getByName(effect);
            if (newPotionType != null) {
                // Check if it is a valid addition
                if (newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.HUNGER) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.POISON) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.SLOW) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.SLOW_DIGGING) || newPotionType.equals(PotionEffectType.WEAKNESS)) {
            } else {
                plugin.getLogger().warning("Could not interpret acid damage modifier: " + effect + " - skipping");
                plugin.getLogger().warning("Types can be : SLOW, SLOW_DIGGING, CONFUSION,");
                plugin.getLogger().warning("BLINDNESS, HUNGER, WEAKNESS and POISON");
    Settings.logInRemoveMobs = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.loginremovemobs", true);
    Settings.islandRemoveMobs = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.islandremovemobs", false);
    List<String> mobWhiteList = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.mobwhitelist");
    for (String mobName : mobWhiteList) {
        boolean mobFound = false;
        for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
            if (mobName.toUpperCase().equals(type.toString())) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Error in config.yml, mobwhitelist value '" + mobName + "' is invalid.");
                mobFound = true;
        if (!mobFound) {
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Error in config.yml, mobwhitelist value '" + mobName + "' is invalid.");
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Possible values are : ");
            for (EntityType e : EntityType.values()) {
                if (e.isAlive()) {
    Settings.monsterSpawnLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.monsterspawnlimit", 100);
    if (Settings.monsterSpawnLimit < -1) {
        Settings.monsterSpawnLimit = -1;
    Settings.animalSpawnLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.animalspawnlimit", 15);
    if (Settings.animalSpawnLimit < -1) {
        Settings.animalSpawnLimit = -1;
    Settings.breedingLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.breedinglimit", 0);
    Settings.waterAnimalSpawnLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.wateranimalspawnlimit", 15);
    if (Settings.waterAnimalSpawnLimit < -1) {
        Settings.waterAnimalSpawnLimit = -1;
    Settings.villagerLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.villagerlimit", 0);
    Settings.limitedBlocks = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    Settings.entityLimits = new HashMap<EntityType, Integer>();
    plugin.getLogger().info("Loading entity limits");
    ConfigurationSection entityLimits = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("general.entitylimits");
    if (entityLimits != null) {
        for (String entity : entityLimits.getKeys(false)) {
            int limit = entityLimits.getInt(entity.toUpperCase(), -1);
            // Check if this is an entity
            for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
                // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: is " + entity + " = " + + "?");
                if ( {
                    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: yes");
                    Settings.entityLimits.put(type, limit);
                    if (limit > 0) {
                        plugin.getLogger().info(entity.toUpperCase() + " will be limited to " + limit);
            if (Material.getMaterial(entity.toUpperCase()) != null && limit > -1) {
                Settings.limitedBlocks.put(entity.toUpperCase(), limit);
                plugin.getLogger().info(entity.toUpperCase() + " will be limited to " + limit);
                if (entity.equalsIgnoreCase("REDSTONE_COMPARATOR")) {
                    // Player can only ever place a redstone comparator in the OFF state
                    Settings.limitedBlocks.put("REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_OFF", limit);
                } else if (entity.equalsIgnoreCase("BANNER")) {
                    // To simplify banners, the banner is allowed and automatically made wall and standing banner
                    Settings.limitedBlocks.put("WALL_BANNER", limit);
                    Settings.limitedBlocks.put("STANDING_BANNER", limit);
                } else if (entity.equalsIgnoreCase("SIGN")) {
                    // To simplify signs, the sign is allowed and automatically made wall and standing signs
                    Settings.limitedBlocks.put("WALL_SIGN", limit);
                    Settings.limitedBlocks.put("SIGN_POST", limit);
    // Level to purge
    Settings.abandonedIslandLevel = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.abandonedislandlevel", 10);
    if (Settings.abandonedIslandLevel < 0) {
        Settings.abandonedIslandLevel = 0;
    Settings.maxPurge = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.maxpurge", 500);
    if (Settings.maxPurge < 0) {
        Settings.maxPurge = 0;
    // Use economy or not
    // In future expand to include internal economy
    Settings.useEconomy = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.useeconomy", true);
    // Reset money when an island is started
    Settings.resetMoney = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.resetmoney", true);
    // Use the minishop or not
    Settings.useMinishop = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.useminishop", true);
    // Starting money - default $0
    Settings.startingMoney = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.startingmoney", 0D);
    // Things to reset when an island is reset
    Settings.resetChallenges = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.resetchallenges", true);
    Settings.clearInventory = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.resetinventory", true);
    // Kicked players keep inventory
    Settings.kickedKeepInv = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.kickedkeepinv", false);
    // Leavers lose resets
    Settings.leaversLoseReset = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.leaversloseresets", true);
    // Reset the ender chest
    Settings.resetEnderChest = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.resetenderchest", false);
    // Check if /island command is allowed when falling
    Settings.allowTeleportWhenFalling = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.allowfallingteleport", true);
    Settings.fallingCommandBlockList = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.blockingcommands");
    // Challenges
    Settings.broadcastMessages = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.broadcastmessages", true);
    Settings.removeCompleteOntimeChallenges = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.removecompleteonetimechallenges", false);
    Settings.addCompletedGlow = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.addcompletedglow", true);
    // Max home number
    Settings.maxHomes = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.maxhomes", 1);
    if (Settings.maxHomes < 1) {
        Settings.maxHomes = 1;
    // Make island automatically
    Settings.makeIslandIfNone = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.makeislandifnone", false);
    // Immediate teleport
    Settings.immediateTeleport = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.immediateteleport", false);
    // Respawn on island
    Settings.respawnOnIsland = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.respawnonisland", false);
    // Team chat
    Settings.teamChat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.teamchat", true);
    Settings.logTeamChat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.logteamchat", true);
    // Chat prefixes
    Settings.chatLevelPrefix = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.chatlevelprefix", "{ISLAND_LEVEL}");
    Settings.chatChallengeLevelPrefix = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.chatchallanegelevelprefix", "{ISLAND_CHALLENGE_LEVEL}");
    Settings.chatIslandPlayer = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.chatislandplayer", "{ISLAND_PLAYER}");
    // Chat team suffixes - Not public right now
    Settings.setTeamName = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.setteamsuffix", false);
    Settings.teamSuffix = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.teamsuffix", "([level])");
    // Restrict wither
    Settings.restrictWither = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.restrictwither", true);
    // Warp Restriction
    Settings.warpLevelsRestriction = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.warplevelrestriction", 10);
    // Warp panel
    Settings.useWarpPanel = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.usewarppanel", true);
    // Mute death messages
    Settings.muteDeathMessages = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.mutedeathmessages", false);
    // How often the grid will be saved to file. Default is 5 minutes
    Settings.backupDuration = (plugin.getConfig().getLong("general.backupduration", 5) * 20 * 60);
    // Allow pushing
    Settings.allowPushing = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.allowpushing", true);
    // try to remove the team from the scoreboard
    if (Settings.allowPushing) {
        try {
            ScoreboardManager manager = plugin.getServer().getScoreboardManager();
            if (manager != null) {
                Scoreboard scoreboard = manager.getMainScoreboard();
                if (scoreboard != null) {
                    Team pTeam = scoreboard.getTeam(NO_PUSH_TEAM_NAME);
                    if (pTeam != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning("Problem removing no push from scoreboard.");
    // Recover superflat
    Settings.recoverSuperFlat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.recoversuperflat");
    if (Settings.recoverSuperFlat) {
        plugin.getLogger().warning("WARNING: Recover super flat mode is enabled");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("This will regenerate any chunks with bedrock at y=0 when they are loaded");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Switch off when superflat chunks are cleared");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("You should back up your world before running this");
    // Persistent coops
    Settings.persistantCoops = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.persistentcoops");
    // Only leader can coop
    Settings.onlyLeaderCanCoop = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.onlyleadercancoop", false);
    // Fake players
    Settings.allowedFakePlayers = plugin.getConfig().getStringList("general.fakeplayers");
    // Allow Obsidian Scooping
    Settings.allowObsidianScooping = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.allowobsidianscooping", true);
    // Use old display (chat instead of GUI) for Island top ten
    Settings.displayIslandTopTenInChat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.islandtopteninchat", false);
    // Magic Cobble Generator
    Settings.useMagicCobbleGen = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.usemagiccobblegen", false);
    if (Settings.useMagicCobbleGen) {
        Settings.magicCobbleGenOnlyAtSpawn = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.magiccobblegenonlyatspawn", false);
        if (plugin.getConfig().isSet("general.magiccobblegenchances")) {
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: magic cobble gen enabled and chances section found");
            // Clear the cobble gen chances so they can be reloaded
            Settings.magicCobbleGenChances = new TreeMap<Long, TreeMap<Double, Material>>();
            for (String level : plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("general.magiccobblegenchances").getKeys(false)) {
                long levelLong = 0;
                try {
                    if (level.equals("default")) {
                        levelLong = Long.MIN_VALUE;
                    } else {
                        levelLong = Long.parseLong(level);
                    TreeMap<Double, Material> blockMapTree = new TreeMap<Double, Material>();
                    double chanceTotal = 0;
                    for (String block : plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("general.magiccobblegenchances." + level).getKeys(false)) {
                        double chance = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.magiccobblegenchances." + level + "." + block, 0D);
                        if (chance > 0 && Material.getMaterial(block) != null && Material.getMaterial(block).isBlock()) {
                            // Store the cumulative chance in the treemap. It does not need to add up to 100%
                            chanceTotal += chance;
                            blockMapTree.put(chanceTotal, Material.getMaterial(block));
                    if (!blockMapTree.isEmpty() && chanceTotal > 0) {
                        Settings.magicCobbleGenChances.put(levelLong, blockMapTree);
                        // Store the requested values as a % chance
                        Map<Material, Double> chances = new HashMap<Material, Double>();
                        for (Entry<Double, Material> en : blockMapTree.entrySet()) {
                            double chance = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("general.magiccobblegenchances." + level + "." + en.getValue(), 0D);
                            chances.put(en.getValue(), (chance / chanceTotal) * 100);
                        LavaCheck.storeChances(levelLong, chances);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // Putting the catch here means that an invalid level is skipped completely
                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Unknown level '" + level + "' listed in magiccobblegenchances section! Must be an integer or 'default'. Skipping...");
    // Disable offline redstone
    Settings.disableOfflineRedstone = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.disableofflineredstone", false);
    // Allow/disallow TNT pusing
    Settings.allowTNTPushing = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.allowTNTpushing", true);
    // Fancy island level display
    Settings.fancyIslandLevelDisplay = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.fancylevelinchat", false);
    // Check config.yml version
    String configVersion = plugin.getConfig().getString("general.version", "");
    // Ignore last digit if it is 4 digits long
    if (configVersion.split("\\.").length == 4) {
        configVersion = configVersion.substring(0, configVersion.lastIndexOf('.'));
    // Save for plugin version
    String version = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
    // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: version length " + version.split("\\.").length);
    if (version.split("\\.").length == 4) {
        version = version.substring(0, version.lastIndexOf('.'));
    if (configVersion.isEmpty() || !configVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) {
        // Check to see if this has already been shared
        File newConfig = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Config file is out of date. See for updates!");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("config.yml version is '" + configVersion + "'");
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Latest config version is '" + version + "'");
        if (!newConfig.exists()) {
            File oldConfig = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
            File bakConfig = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.bak");
            if (oldConfig.renameTo(bakConfig)) {
                plugin.saveResource("config.yml", false);
    // *** Non-Public Settings - these are "secret" settings that may not be used anymore
    // Level logging
    Settings.levelLogging = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.levellogging");
    // Custom generator
    Settings.useOwnGenerator = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.useowngenerator", false);
    // Use physics when pasting island block schematics
    Settings.usePhysics = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.usephysics", false);
    // Legacy setting support for hopper limiting
    if (Settings.limitedBlocks.isEmpty()) {
        Settings.hopperLimit = plugin.getConfig().getInt("general.hopperlimit", -1);
        if (Settings.hopperLimit > 0) {
            Settings.limitedBlocks.put("HOPPER", Settings.hopperLimit);
    // No acid bottles or buckets
    Settings.acidBottle = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("general.acidbottles", true);
    // ************ Protection Settings ****************
    // Default settings hashmaps - make sure this is kept up to date with new settings
    // If a setting is not listed, the world default is used
    ConfigurationSection protectionWorld = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("");
    for (String setting : protectionWorld.getKeys(false)) {
        try {
            SettingsFlag flag = SettingsFlag.valueOf(setting.toUpperCase());
            boolean value = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("" +;
            Settings.defaultWorldSettings.put(flag, value);
            Settings.defaultSpawnSettings.put(flag, value);
            Settings.defaultIslandSettings.put(flag, value);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Unknown setting in " + setting.toUpperCase() + " skipping...");
    // Establish defaults if they are missing in the config file.
    for (SettingsFlag flag : SettingsFlag.values()) {
        if (!Settings.defaultWorldSettings.containsKey(flag)) {
            plugin.getLogger().warning("" + + " is missing. You should add it to the config file. Setting to false by default");
            Settings.defaultWorldSettings.put(flag, false);
        if (!Settings.defaultIslandSettings.containsKey(flag)) {
            Settings.defaultIslandSettings.put(flag, false);
        if (!Settings.defaultSpawnSettings.containsKey(flag)) {
            Settings.defaultSpawnSettings.put(flag, false);
    ConfigurationSection protectionIsland = plugin.getConfig().getConfigurationSection("protection.island");
    for (String setting : protectionIsland.getKeys(false)) {
        try {
            SettingsFlag flag = SettingsFlag.valueOf(setting.toUpperCase());
            // Only items in the config.yml can be per island customized
            Settings.visitorSettings.put(flag, protectionIsland.getBoolean(setting));
            // plugin.getLogger().info("DEBUG: visitor flag added " + flag);
            Settings.defaultIslandSettings.put(flag, Settings.visitorSettings.get(flag));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            plugin.getLogger().severe("Unknown setting in " + setting.toUpperCase() + " skipping...");
    // ******************** Biome Settings *********************
    Settings.biomeCost = plugin.getConfig().getDouble("biomesettings.defaultcost", 100D);
    if (Settings.biomeCost < 0D) {
        Settings.biomeCost = 0D;
        plugin.getLogger().warning("Biome default cost is < $0, so set to zero.");
    String defaultBiome = plugin.getConfig().getString("biomesettings.defaultbiome", "PLAINS");
    try {
        Settings.defaultBiome = Biome.valueOf(defaultBiome);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not parse biome " + defaultBiome + " using PLAINS instead.");
        Settings.defaultBiome = Biome.PLAINS;
    // ******************** Schematic Section *******************
    // Hack skeleton spawners for 1.11
    Settings.hackSkeletonSpawners = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("schematicsection.hackskeletonspawners", true);
    // ****************** Levels blockvalues.yml ****************
    // Get the blockvalues.yml file
    YamlConfiguration blockValuesConfig = Util.loadYamlFile("blockvalues.yml");
    // Get the under water multiplier
    Settings.deathpenalty = blockValuesConfig.getInt("deathpenalty", 0);
    Settings.sumTeamDeaths = blockValuesConfig.getBoolean("sumteamdeaths");
    Settings.maxDeaths = blockValuesConfig.getInt("maxdeaths", 10);
    Settings.islandResetDeathReset = blockValuesConfig.getBoolean("islandresetdeathreset", true);
    Settings.teamJoinDeathReset = blockValuesConfig.getBoolean("teamjoindeathreset", true);
    Settings.underWaterMultiplier = blockValuesConfig.getDouble("underwater", 1D);
    Settings.levelCost = blockValuesConfig.getInt("levelcost", 100);
    if (Settings.levelCost < 1) {
        Settings.levelCost = 1;
        plugin.getLogger().warning("levelcost in blockvalues.yml cannot be less than 1. Setting to 1.");
    Settings.blockLimits = new HashMap<MaterialData, Integer>();
    if (blockValuesConfig.isSet("limits")) {
        for (String material : blockValuesConfig.getConfigurationSection("limits").getKeys(false)) {
            try {
                String[] split = material.split(":");
                byte data = 0;
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    data = Byte.valueOf(split[1]);
                Material mat;
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(split[0])) {
                    mat = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(split[0]));
                } else {
                    mat = Material.valueOf(split[0].toUpperCase());
                MaterialData materialData = new MaterialData(mat);
                Settings.blockLimits.put(materialData, blockValuesConfig.getInt("limits." + material, 0));
                if (DEBUG) {
                    plugin.getLogger().info("Maximum number of " + materialData + " will be " + Settings.blockLimits.get(materialData));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                plugin.getLogger().warning("Unknown material (" + material + ") in blockvalues.yml Limits section. Skipping...");
    Settings.blockValues = new HashMap<MaterialData, Integer>();
    if (blockValuesConfig.isSet("blocks")) {
        for (String material : blockValuesConfig.getConfigurationSection("blocks").getKeys(false)) {
            try {
                String[] split = material.split(":");
                byte data = 0;
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    data = Byte.valueOf(split[1]);
                MaterialData materialData = null;
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(split[0])) {
                    materialData = new MaterialData(Integer.parseInt(split[0]));
                } else {
                    materialData = new MaterialData(Material.valueOf(split[0].toUpperCase()));
                Settings.blockValues.put(materialData, blockValuesConfig.getInt("blocks." + material, 0));
                if (DEBUG) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // e.printStackTrace();
                plugin.getLogger().warning("Unknown material (" + material + ") in blockvalues.yml blocks section. Skipping...");
    } else {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("No block values in blockvalues.yml! All island levels will be zero!");
    // All done
    return true;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) YamlConfiguration(org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration) SettingsFlag(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.Island.SettingsFlag) Scoreboard(org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard) ScoreboardManager(org.bukkit.scoreboard.ScoreboardManager) Team(org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team) PotionEffectType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType) SpawnEgg1_9(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9) Material(org.bukkit.Material) SpawnEgg(org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg) IOException( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) IOException( EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) PotionType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionType) DamageCause(org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause) MaterialData(org.bukkit.material.MaterialData) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack) File( ConfigurationSection(org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)

Example 3 with SpawnEgg

use of org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg in project acidisland by tastybento.

the class Challenges method giveItems.

 * Gives player the reward items.
 * @param player
 * @param itemRewards
 * @return List of ItemStacks that were given to the player or null if there was an error in the interpretation of the rewards
private List<ItemStack> giveItems(Player player, String[] itemRewards) {
    List<ItemStack> rewardedItems = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
    Material rewardItem;
    int rewardQty;
    // Build the item stack of rewards to give the player
    for (final String s : itemRewards) {
        final String[] element = s.split(":");
        if (element.length == 2) {
            try {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(element[0])) {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(element[0]));
                } else {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(element[0].toUpperCase());
                rewardQty = Integer.parseInt(element[1]);
                ItemStack item = new ItemStack(rewardItem, rewardQty);
                final HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> leftOvers = player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] { item });
                if (!leftOvers.isEmpty()) {
                    player.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(player.getLocation(), leftOvers.get(0));
                if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                    player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf("ITEM_PICKUP"), 1F, 1F);
                } else {
                    player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP, 1F, 1F);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + plugin.myLocale(player.getUniqueId()).challengeserrorRewardProblem);
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not give " + element[0] + ":" + element[1] + " to " + player.getName() + " for challenge reward!");
                String materialList = "";
                boolean hint = false;
                for (Material m : Material.values()) {
                    materialList += m.toString() + ",";
                    if (element[0].length() > 3) {
                        if (m.toString().startsWith(element[0].substring(0, 3))) {
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Did you mean " + m.toString() + "? If so, put that in challenges.yml.");
                            hint = true;
                if (!hint) {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Sorry, I have no idea what " + element[0] + " is. Pick from one of these:");
                    plugin.getLogger().severe(materialList.substring(0, materialList.length() - 1));
        } else if (element.length == 3) {
            try {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(element[0])) {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(element[0]));
                } else {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(element[0].toUpperCase());
                rewardQty = Integer.parseInt(element[2]);
                // Check for POTION
                if (rewardItem.equals(Material.POTION)) {
                    givePotion(player, rewardedItems, element, rewardQty);
                } else {
                    ItemStack item = null;
                    // Normal item, not a potion, check if it is a Monster Egg
                    if (rewardItem.equals(Material.MONSTER_EGG)) {
                        try {
                            EntityType type = EntityType.valueOf(element[1].toUpperCase());
                            if (Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                                item = new SpawnEgg(type).toItemStack(rewardQty);
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    item = new SpawnEgg1_9(type).toItemStack(rewardQty);
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    item = new ItemStack(rewardItem);
                                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Monster eggs not supported with this server version.");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Bukkit.getLogger().severe("Spawn eggs must be described by name. Try one of these (not all are possible):");
                            for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) {
                                if (type.isSpawnable() && type.isAlive()) {
                    } else {
                        int rewMod = Integer.parseInt(element[1]);
                        item = new ItemStack(rewardItem, rewardQty, (short) rewMod);
                    if (item != null) {
                        final HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> leftOvers = player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] { item });
                        if (!leftOvers.isEmpty()) {
                            player.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(player.getLocation(), leftOvers.get(0));
                if (plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.8") || plugin.getServer().getVersion().contains("(MC: 1.7")) {
                    player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.valueOf("ITEM_PICKUP"), 1F, 1F);
                } else {
                    player.getWorld().playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP, 1F, 1F);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + "There was a problem giving your reward. Ask Admin to check log!");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Could not give " + element[0] + ":" + element[1] + " to " + player.getName() + " for challenge reward!");
                    if (element[0].equalsIgnoreCase("POTION")) {
                        String potionList = "";
                        boolean hint = false;
                        for (PotionEffectType m : PotionEffectType.values()) {
                            potionList += m.toString() + ",";
                            if (element[1].length() > 3) {
                                if (m.toString().startsWith(element[1].substring(0, 3))) {
                                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Did you mean " + m.toString() + "?");
                                    hint = true;
                        if (!hint) {
                            plugin.getLogger().severe("Sorry, I have no idea what potion type " + element[1] + " is. Pick from one of these:");
                            plugin.getLogger().severe(potionList.substring(0, potionList.length() - 1));

                    } else {*/
                String materialList = "";
                boolean hint = false;
                for (Material m : Material.values()) {
                    materialList += m.toString() + ",";
                    if (m.toString().startsWith(element[0].substring(0, 3))) {
                        plugin.getLogger().severe("Did you mean " + m.toString() + "? If so, put that in challenges.yml.");
                        hint = true;
                if (!hint) {
                    plugin.getLogger().severe("Sorry, I have no idea what " + element[0] + " is. Pick from one of these:");
                    plugin.getLogger().severe(materialList.substring(0, materialList.length() - 1));
                // }
                return null;
        } else if (element.length == 6) {
            // Potion format = POTION:name:level:extended:splash:qty
            try {
                if (StringUtils.isNumeric(element[0])) {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(element[0]));
                } else {
                    rewardItem = Material.getMaterial(element[0].toUpperCase());
                rewardQty = Integer.parseInt(element[5]);
                // Check for POTION
                if (rewardItem.equals(Material.POTION)) {
                    givePotion(player, rewardedItems, element, rewardQty);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Util.sendMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + "There was a problem giving your reward. Ask Admin to check log!");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Problem with reward potion: " + s);
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Format POTION:NAME:<LEVEL>:<EXTENDED>:<SPLASH/LINGER>:QTY");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("LEVEL, EXTENDED and SPLASH are optional");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("LEVEL is a number");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("POTION:WEAKNESS:::::1   -  any weakness potion");
                plugin.getLogger().severe("Available names are:");
                String potionNames = "";
                for (PotionType p : PotionType.values()) {
                    potionNames += p.toString() + ", ";
                plugin.getLogger().severe(potionNames.substring(0, potionNames.length() - 2));
                return null;
    return rewardedItems;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SpawnEgg1_9(com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9) Material(org.bukkit.Material) SpawnEgg(org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg) IOException( EntityType(org.bukkit.entity.EntityType) PotionType(org.bukkit.potion.PotionType) ItemStack(org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)


SpawnEgg1_9 (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.util.SpawnEgg1_9)3 IOException ( EntityType (org.bukkit.entity.EntityType)3 ItemStack (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)3 SpawnEgg (org.bukkit.material.SpawnEgg)3 PotionType (org.bukkit.potion.PotionType)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Material (org.bukkit.Material)2 SettingsFlag (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.Island.SettingsFlag)1 CPItem (com.wasteofplastic.acidisland.panels.CPItem)1 File ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)1 ConfigurationSection (org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection)1 YamlConfiguration (org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration)1 DamageCause (org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause)1 ItemMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta)1 PotionMeta (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta)1 MaterialData (org.bukkit.material.MaterialData)1