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Example 1 with Beam

use of in project Zong by Xenoage.

the class ScoreLayouter method createLayoutWithExceptions.

 * Computes the whole layout and returns it.
 * If something fails, an exception is thrown.
public ScoreLayout createLayoutWithExceptions() {
    // notations of elements
    Notations notations = notator.computeAll(context);
    // compute optimal measure column spacings
    List<ColumnSpacing> columns = columnsSpacer.compute(notations, context);
    // break columns into systems and frames
    FramesSpacing frames = framesSpacer.compute(columns, target, context, notations);
    // system stretching (horizontal)
    fillSystemsHorizontally(frames, target);
    // frame filling (vertical)
    fillFramesVertically(frames, target, context.score);
    // compute beam spacings. these are computed only now, after the horizontal
    // and vertical spacing of the score is fixed, since the beam slants depend on the
    // exact spacings
    Map<Beam, BeamSpacing> beams = beamsSpacer.compute(context.score, notations, frames);
    // create score frame layouts from the collected information
    List<ScoreFrameLayout> scoreFrameLayouts = createScoreFrameLayouts(frames, notations, context, beams);
    // create score layout
    return new ScoreLayout(context.score, scoreFrameLayouts, context.symbols, context.settings);
Also used : Beam( FramesSpacing(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.FramesSpacing) BeamSpacing(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.BeamSpacing) ColumnSpacing(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.ColumnSpacing) Notations(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notation.Notations) ScoreLayout(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.ScoreLayout) ScoreFrameLayout(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.ScoreFrameLayout)

Example 2 with Beam

use of in project Zong by Xenoage.

the class ChordStamper method stampCore.

 * Draws the given chord, including noteheads, stem, flags, accidentals, dots,
 * articulations and leger lines.
public ChordStampings stampCore(ChordNotation chord, float chordXMm, StamperContext context) {
    val staff = context.getCurrentStaffStamping();
    Chord element = chord.element;
    boolean grace = element.isGrace();
    LayoutSettings settings = context.getSettings();
    float scaling = (grace ? settings.scalingGrace : 1);
    ChordWidths chordWidths = (grace ? settings.graceChordWidths : settings.chordWidths);
    float leftNoteXMm = getLeftNoteXMm(chordXMm, chord.notes,;
    // stem
    StemStamping stem = stampStem(chord, leftNoteXMm, context);
    // type of notehead
    CommonSymbol noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteWhole;
    Duration.Type symbolType = Duration.INSTANCE.getNoteheadSymbolType(element.getDisplayedDuration());
    if (symbolType == Duration.INSTANCE.Type.Half)
        noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteHalf;
    else if (symbolType == Duration.INSTANCE.Type.Quarter)
        noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteQuarter;
    // noteheads
    NotesNotation notes = chord.notes;
    NoteheadStamping[] noteheads = new NoteheadStamping[notes.getNotesCount()];
    for (int iNote : range(noteheads)) {
        NoteDisplacement note = notes.getNote(iNote);
        Symbol noteSymbol = context.getSymbol(noteheadSymbol);
        float noteXMm = getNoteheadXMm(leftNoteXMm + note.xIs *, scaling, staff, noteSymbol);
        NoteheadStamping noteSt = new NoteheadStamping(chord, iNote, noteSymbol, Color.Companion.getBlack(), staff, sp(noteXMm, note.lp), scaling);
        noteheads[iNote] = noteSt;
    // flags (only drawn if there is no beam)
    int flagsCount = Duration.INSTANCE.getFlagsCount(element.getDisplayedDuration());
    Beam beam = element.getBeam();
    StemDirection stemDir = chord.stemDirection;
    FlagsStamping flags = null;
    if (beam == null && flagsCount > 0 && chord.stem != null) /* can happen when no stem is used */
        FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection flag = (stemDir == StemDirection.Up ? FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection.Down : FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection.Up);
        Symbol flagSymbol = context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.NoteFlag);
        flags = new FlagsStamping(chord, staff, flag, flagsCount, flagSymbol, scaling, sp(leftNoteXMm + notes.stemOffsetIs *, chord.stem.endSlp.lp));
    // accidentals
    AccidentalsNotation accs = chord.accidentals;
    AccidentalStamping[] accsSt = new AccidentalStamping[0];
    if (accs != null) {
        accsSt = new AccidentalStamping[accs.accidentals.length];
        for (int iAcc : range(accsSt)) {
            AccidentalDisplacement acc = accs.accidentals[iAcc];
            AccidentalStamping accSt = new AccidentalStamping(chord, iAcc, staff, sp(chordXMm + (acc.xIs - chord.width.frontGap + 0.5f) *, acc.yLp), 1, context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getAccidental(acc.accidental)));
            accsSt[iAcc] = accSt;
    // dots
    int[] dotPositions = notes.dotsLp;
    int dotsPerNote = notes.getDotsPerNoteCount();
    ProlongationDotStamping[] dots = new ProlongationDotStamping[dotPositions.length * dotsPerNote];
    Symbol dotSymbol = context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.NoteDot);
    for (int iNote : range(dotPositions)) {
        for (int iDot : range(dotsPerNote)) {
            ProlongationDotStamping dotSt = new ProlongationDotStamping(chord, staff, dotSymbol, sp(leftNoteXMm + notes.getDotsOffsetIs(iDot) *, dotPositions[iNote]));
            dots[iNote * dotsPerNote + iDot] = dotSt;
    // articulations
    ArticulationsNotation arts = chord.articulations;
    ArticulationStamping[] artsSt = new ArticulationStamping[0];
    if (arts != null) {
        artsSt = new ArticulationStamping[arts.articulations.length];
        float noteheadWidth = chordWidths.get(element.getDuration());
        for (int iArt : range(artsSt)) {
            ArticulationDisplacement art = arts.articulations[iArt];
            ArticulationStamping artSt = new ArticulationStamping(chord, iArt, staff, sp(leftNoteXMm + (art.xIs + (noteheadWidth / 2)) *, art.yLp), 1, context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getArticulation(art.articulation)));
            artsSt[iArt] = artSt;
    // leger lines
    LegerLineStamping[] legerLines = legerLinesStamper.stamp(chord, chordXMm, staff);
    return new ChordStampings(element, chordXMm, staff, noteheads, dots, accsSt, legerLines, artsSt, flags, stem);
Also used : LayoutSettings(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.settings.LayoutSettings) CommonSymbol(com.xenoage.zong.symbols.common.CommonSymbol) Symbol(com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol) Beam( Chord( CommonSymbol(com.xenoage.zong.symbols.common.CommonSymbol) StemDirection( ChordStampings(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.layouter.scoreframelayout.util.ChordStampings) lombok.val(lombok.val) Duration( SlurWaypoint( ChordWidths(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.settings.ChordWidths)

Example 3 with Beam

use of in project Zong by Xenoage.

the class BeamFragmenterTest method computeTest.

public void computeTest() {
    ChlapikBeamFragments source = new ChlapikBeamFragments();
    Beam b;
    // example of row 1, column 1
    b = source.exampleRow1Col1();
    try {
        // not working for 8th lines
        testee.compute(b, 0, null);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    // ok
    Fragments wp = testee.compute(b, 2, null);
    // 32th
    assertEqualsList(wp, None, None, None);
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, wp), HookRight, None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 1, column 2
    b = source.exampleRow1Col2();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), HookRight, None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 1, column 3
    b = source.exampleRow1Col3();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), HookRight, None, None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 1, column 4
    b = source.exampleRow1Col4();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), HookRight, None, None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 2, column 1
    b = source.exampleRow2Col1();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 2, column 2
    b = source.exampleRow2Col2();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), None, HookLeft);
    // example of row 2, column 3
    b = source.exampleRow2Col3();
    wp = testee.compute(b, 2, null);
    // 32th
    assertEqualsList(wp, None, HookLeft, None, HookLeft);
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, wp), Start, None, None, Stop);
    // example of row 2, column 4
    b = source.exampleRow2Col4();
    wp = testee.compute(b, 2, null);
    // 32th
    assertEqualsList(wp, None, HookLeft, None, HookLeft);
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, wp), Start, None, None, Stop);
    // example of row 3, column 2
    b = source.exampleRow3Col2();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), HookRight, None, HookLeft, None);
    // example of row 3, column 4
    b = source.exampleRow3Col4();
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, null), None, HookRight, None);
    // example of row 3, column 6
    b = source.exampleRow3Col6();
    wp = testee.compute(b, 2, null);
    // 32th
    assertEqualsList(wp, None, HookLeft, None, HookLeft);
    // 16th
    assertEqualsList(testee.compute(b, 1, wp), None, HookLeft, Start, Stop);
Also used : Beam( ChlapikBeamFragments(material.beam.fragments.ChlapikBeamFragments) Fragments(com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notation.beam.Fragments) ChlapikBeamFragments(material.beam.fragments.ChlapikBeamFragments) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with Beam

use of in project Zong by Xenoage.

the class Test24a method testBeams.

public void testBeams() {
    Staff staff = getFirstStaff();
    int iChord = 0;
    Beam currentBeam = null;
    for (int iM = 0; iM < staff.getMeasures().size(); iM++) {
        Voice voice = staff.getMeasure(iM).getVoice(0);
        for (VoiceElement e : voice.getElements()) {
            Chord expectedChord = expectedChords[iChord];
            // beams between chord 2 and 3 and between 11 and 12
            if (iChord == 2 || iChord == 11) {
                assertNotNull("chord " + iChord + " unbeamed", expectedChord.getBeam());
                assertEquals("chord " + iChord, WaypointPosition.Start, expectedChord.getBeam().getWaypointPosition(expectedChord));
                currentBeam = expectedChord.getBeam();
            } else if (iChord == 3 || iChord == 12) {
                assertNotNull("chord " + iChord + " unbeamed", expectedChord.getBeam());
                assertEquals("wrong beam", currentBeam, expectedChord.getBeam());
                assertEquals("chord " + iChord, WaypointPosition.Stop, expectedChord.getBeam().getWaypointPosition(expectedChord));
                currentBeam = null;
            } else {
                assertNull("chord " + iChord + " beamed", expectedChord.getBeam());
    assertEquals("not all chords found", expectedChords.length, iChord);
Also used : Beam( VoiceElement( Staff( Voice( Chord( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with Beam

use of in project Zong by Xenoage.

the class StemDirector method compute.

 * Computes the {@link StemDirection} of the given chord (and maybe connected
 * ones) and returns them. The chord must be part of a score.
public Map<Chord, StemDirection> compute(Chord chord) {
    Map<Chord, StemDirection> ret = map();
    Beam beam = chord.getBeam();
    Score score = chord.getScore();
    if (beam != null) {
        // compute stem directions for all chords of the beam
        StemDirection[] beamedStems = beamedStemDirector.compute(beam, score);
        for (int iChord : range(beam.size())) ret.put(beam.getChord(iChord), beamedStems[iChord]);
    } else {
        // compute stem direction for single chord
        MP mp = MP.getMP(chord);
        StemDirection stem = singleStemDirector.compute(chord, score.getMusicContext(mp, BeforeOrAt, Before));
        ret.put(chord, stem);
    // but it was bad and outdated, so we removed it.
    return ret;
Also used : Beam( Score(com.xenoage.zong.core.Score) MP(com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MP) Chord( StemDirection(


Beam ( Chord ( lombok.val (lombok.val)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 Score (com.xenoage.zong.core.Score)2 StemDirection ( SlurWaypoint ( MP (com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MP)2 BeamIterator (com.xenoage.zong.core.util.BeamIterator)2 ChordStampings (com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.layouter.scoreframelayout.util.ChordStampings)2 Notations (com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notation.Notations)2 BeamSpacing (com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacing.BeamSpacing)2 VSide (com.xenoage.utils.math.VSide)1 Staff ( Voice ( VoiceElement ( WaypointPosition ( SP ( Lyric ( SyllableType (