use of com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class TextLayoutTools method create.
* Creates a {@link TextLayout} for the given {@link FormattedTextParagraph},
* including both {@link FormattedTextString}s and {@link FormattedTextSymbol}s.
* If impossible (e.g. because the paragraph is empty), null is returned.
private static TextLayout create(FormattedTextParagraph p, FontRenderContext frc) {
// get the raw string
AttributedString as = new AttributedString(p.getText());
// set attributes
int pos = 0;
int count = 0;
for (FormattedTextElement e : p.getElements()) {
int len = e.getLength();
if (len > 0) {
if (e instanceof FormattedTextString) {
as.addAttributes(createAttributesMap(e.getStyle()), pos, pos + len);
} else if (e instanceof FormattedTextSymbol) {
FormattedTextSymbol fts = (FormattedTextSymbol) e;
Symbol symbol = fts.getSymbol();
if (symbol instanceof PathSymbol) {
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, toAwtColor(fts.getStyle().getColor()), pos, pos + 1);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.CHAR_REPLACEMENT, new PathSymbolGraphicAttribute((PathSymbol) symbol, fts.getScaling()), pos, pos + 1);
count += 2;
pos += len;
if (count == 0)
// creating a TextLayout would fail
return null;
return new TextLayout(as.getIterator(), frc);
use of com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class ChordStamper method stampCore.
* Draws the given chord, including noteheads, stem, flags, accidentals, dots,
* articulations and leger lines.
public ChordStampings stampCore(ChordNotation chord, float chordXMm, StamperContext context) {
val staff = context.getCurrentStaffStamping();
Chord element = chord.element;
boolean grace = element.isGrace();
LayoutSettings settings = context.getSettings();
float scaling = (grace ? settings.scalingGrace : 1);
ChordWidths chordWidths = (grace ? settings.graceChordWidths : settings.chordWidths);
float leftNoteXMm = getLeftNoteXMm(chordXMm, chord.notes,;
// stem
StemStamping stem = stampStem(chord, leftNoteXMm, context);
// type of notehead
CommonSymbol noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteWhole;
Duration.Type symbolType = Duration.INSTANCE.getNoteheadSymbolType(element.getDisplayedDuration());
if (symbolType == Duration.INSTANCE.Type.Half)
noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteHalf;
else if (symbolType == Duration.INSTANCE.Type.Quarter)
noteheadSymbol = CommonSymbol.NoteQuarter;
// noteheads
NotesNotation notes = chord.notes;
NoteheadStamping[] noteheads = new NoteheadStamping[notes.getNotesCount()];
for (int iNote : range(noteheads)) {
NoteDisplacement note = notes.getNote(iNote);
Symbol noteSymbol = context.getSymbol(noteheadSymbol);
float noteXMm = getNoteheadXMm(leftNoteXMm + note.xIs *, scaling, staff, noteSymbol);
NoteheadStamping noteSt = new NoteheadStamping(chord, iNote, noteSymbol, Color.Companion.getBlack(), staff, sp(noteXMm, note.lp), scaling);
noteheads[iNote] = noteSt;
// flags (only drawn if there is no beam)
int flagsCount = Duration.INSTANCE.getFlagsCount(element.getDisplayedDuration());
Beam beam = element.getBeam();
StemDirection stemDir = chord.stemDirection;
FlagsStamping flags = null;
if (beam == null && flagsCount > 0 && chord.stem != null) /* can happen when no stem is used */
FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection flag = (stemDir == StemDirection.Up ? FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection.Down : FlagsStamping.FlagsDirection.Up);
Symbol flagSymbol = context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.NoteFlag);
flags = new FlagsStamping(chord, staff, flag, flagsCount, flagSymbol, scaling, sp(leftNoteXMm + notes.stemOffsetIs *, chord.stem.endSlp.lp));
// accidentals
AccidentalsNotation accs = chord.accidentals;
AccidentalStamping[] accsSt = new AccidentalStamping[0];
if (accs != null) {
accsSt = new AccidentalStamping[accs.accidentals.length];
for (int iAcc : range(accsSt)) {
AccidentalDisplacement acc = accs.accidentals[iAcc];
AccidentalStamping accSt = new AccidentalStamping(chord, iAcc, staff, sp(chordXMm + (acc.xIs - chord.width.frontGap + 0.5f) *, acc.yLp), 1, context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getAccidental(acc.accidental)));
accsSt[iAcc] = accSt;
// dots
int[] dotPositions = notes.dotsLp;
int dotsPerNote = notes.getDotsPerNoteCount();
ProlongationDotStamping[] dots = new ProlongationDotStamping[dotPositions.length * dotsPerNote];
Symbol dotSymbol = context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.NoteDot);
for (int iNote : range(dotPositions)) {
for (int iDot : range(dotsPerNote)) {
ProlongationDotStamping dotSt = new ProlongationDotStamping(chord, staff, dotSymbol, sp(leftNoteXMm + notes.getDotsOffsetIs(iDot) *, dotPositions[iNote]));
dots[iNote * dotsPerNote + iDot] = dotSt;
// articulations
ArticulationsNotation arts = chord.articulations;
ArticulationStamping[] artsSt = new ArticulationStamping[0];
if (arts != null) {
artsSt = new ArticulationStamping[arts.articulations.length];
float noteheadWidth = chordWidths.get(element.getDuration());
for (int iArt : range(artsSt)) {
ArticulationDisplacement art = arts.articulations[iArt];
ArticulationStamping artSt = new ArticulationStamping(chord, iArt, staff, sp(leftNoteXMm + (art.xIs + (noteheadWidth / 2)) *, art.yLp), 1, context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getArticulation(art.articulation)));
artsSt[iArt] = artSt;
// leger lines
LegerLineStamping[] legerLines = legerLinesStamper.stamp(chord, chordXMm, staff);
return new ChordStampings(element, chordXMm, staff, noteheads, dots, accsSt, legerLines, artsSt, flags, stem);
use of com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class DirectionStamper method createDynamics.
* Creates a {@link StaffTextStamping} for the given {@link Dynamic}s
* below the given {@link Chord} and its {@link ChordStampings}.
public StaffTextStamping createDynamics(Dynamic dynamics, Chord chord, ChordStampings chordStampings, SymbolPool symbolPool) {
StaffStamping staff = chordStampings.staff;
// positioning
// below (default): 3 IS below the base line, or 2 IS below the lowest note
// above: 2 IS above the top line, or 1 IS above the highest note
float defaultLPBelow = -3f * 2;
float defaultLPAbove = (staff.linesCount - 1) * 2 + 2 * 2;
if (chordStampings.noteheads.length > 0) {
defaultLPBelow = Math.min(defaultLPBelow, chordStampings.getFirstNotehead().position.lp - 2 * 2);
defaultLPAbove = Math.max(defaultLPAbove, chordStampings.getLastNotehead().position.lp + 1 * 2);
SP sp = computePosition(dynamics, staff, defaultLPBelow, defaultLPAbove, defaultLPBelow);
// create text
CList<FormattedTextElement> elements = clist();
for (CommonSymbol s : CommonSymbol.getDynamics(dynamics.getValue())) {
Symbol symbol = symbolPool.getSymbol(s);
elements.add(new FormattedTextSymbol(symbol, * FONT_SIZE_IN_IS, FormattedTextStyle.Companion.getDefaultColor()));
FormattedTextParagraph paragraph = new FormattedTextParagraph(elements, Alignment.Center);
FormattedText text = Companion.fText(paragraph);
// create stamping
return new StaffTextStamping(text, sp, staff, dynamics);
use of com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class DirectionStamper method createPedal.
* Creates a {@link StaffSymbolStamping} for the given {@link Pedal}.
public StaffSymbolStamping createPedal(Pedal pedal, StamperContext context) {
val staff = context.getCurrentStaffStamping();
// positioning
// below (default): 4 IS below the base line
// above: 3 IS above the top line
float defaultLPBelow = -4f * 2;
float defaultLPAbove = (staff.linesCount - 1) * 2 + 3 * 2;
SP sp = computePosition(pedal, staff, defaultLPBelow, defaultLPAbove, defaultLPBelow);
// create stamping
Symbol symbol = context.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getPedal(pedal.getType()));
return new StaffSymbolStamping(null, staff, symbol, null, sp, 1, false);
use of com.xenoage.zong.symbols.Symbol in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class TimeRenderer method draw.
* Draws the given {@link TimeStamping} on the given {@link Canvas},
* using the given {@link RendererArgs}.
public void draw(Stamping stamping, Canvas canvas, RendererArgs args) {
TimeStamping s = (TimeStamping) stamping;
SymbolPool symbolPool = args.symbolPool;
float interlineSpace =;
float linesCount = s.parentStaff.linesCount;
// write numerator digits
float offsetX = s.numeratorOffsetIs * interlineSpace;
String num = Integer.toString(s.time.element.getType().getNumerator());
for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) {
int d = num.charAt(i) - '0';
Symbol symbol = symbolPool.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getDigit(d));
if (symbol != null) {
float symbolWidth = symbol.getBoundingRect().size.width;
StaffSymbolRenderer.drawWith(symbol, null, sp(s.xMm + offsetX, linesCount + 1), 1, s.parentStaff, false, canvas, args);
offsetX += (symbolWidth + s.digitGapIs) * interlineSpace;
// write denominator digits
offsetX = s.denominatorOffsetIs * interlineSpace;
String den = Integer.toString(s.time.element.getType().getDenominator());
for (int i = 0; i < den.length(); i++) {
int d = den.charAt(i) - '0';
Symbol symbol = symbolPool.getSymbol(CommonSymbol.getDigit(d));
if (symbol != null) {
float symbolWidth = symbol.getBoundingRect().size.width;
StaffSymbolRenderer.drawWith(symbol, null, sp(s.xMm + offsetX, linesCount - 3), 1, s.parentStaff, false, canvas, args);
offsetX += (symbolWidth + s.digitGapIs) * interlineSpace;