use of com.xenoage.zong.layout.frames.ScoreFrameChain in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class ScoreDocScoreView method updateScreen.
public void updateScreen(Size2i screenSizePx, float zoom) {
this.screenSizePx = screenSizePx;
this.zoom = zoom;
// recompute the layout, so that each page fits into the available screen space
Size2f pageSizeMm = pxToMm(screenSizePx, zoom);
float marginMm = pxToMm(marginPx, zoom);
PageFormat pageFormat = new PageFormat(pageSizeMm, new PageMargins(marginMm, marginMm, marginMm, marginMm));
Size2f frameSizeMm = new Size2f(pageFormat.getUseableWidth(), pageFormat.getUseableHeight());
// first page needs space for title text
titleTextHeightPx = screenSizePx.height / 20f;
float firstFrameOffsetY = pxToMm(titleTextHeightPx, zoom);
Size2f firstFrameSizeMm = new Size2f(frameSizeMm.width, frameSizeMm.height - firstFrameOffsetY);
// delete unnecessary layout information, like system distances or system breaks
Score score = doc.getScore();
score.setFormat(new ScoreFormat());
ScoreHeader header = score.getHeader();
for (int i : range(header.getSystemLayouts())) {
SystemLayout sl = header.getSystemLayout(i);
if (sl != null)
for (int i : range(header.getColumnHeaders())) {
ColumnHeader ch = header.getColumnHeader(i);
if (ch.getMeasureBreak() != null)
// layout the score to find out the needed space
Context context = new Context(score, App.getSymbolPool(), doc.getLayout().getDefaults().getLayoutSettings());
Target target = new Target(alist(new ScoreLayoutArea(firstFrameSizeMm)), new ScoreLayoutArea(frameSizeMm), true);
ScoreLayouter layouter = new ScoreLayouter(context, target);
ScoreLayout scoreLayout = layouter.createScoreLayout();
// create and fill at least one page
Layout layout = new Layout(doc.getLayout().getDefaults());
ScoreFrameChain chain = null;
for (int i = 0; i < scoreLayout.frames.size(); i++) {
Page page = new Page(pageFormat);
Point2f position;
Size2f size;
if (i == 0) {
// first page
position = new Point2f(pageSizeMm.width / 2, pageSizeMm.height / 2 + firstFrameOffsetY);
size = firstFrameSizeMm;
} else {
// other pages
position = new Point2f(pageSizeMm.width / 2, pageSizeMm.height / 2);
size = frameSizeMm;
ScoreFrame frame = new ScoreFrame();
if (chain == null) {
chain = new ScoreFrameChain(score);
this.layout = layout;
use of com.xenoage.zong.layout.frames.ScoreFrameChain in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class Layout method getScoreFrame.
* Computes the adjustment handle at the given position and returns it. If
* there is none, null is returned.
* @param layoutPosition the position where to look for a handle
* @param scaling the current scaling factor
public FrameHandle computeFrameHandleAt(LayoutPosition layoutPosition, float scaling)
if (layoutPosition == null)
return null;
// find handle on the given page
FrameHandle handle = null;
Page givenPage = pages.get(layoutPosition.getPageIndex());
handle = givenPage.computeFrameHandleAt(layoutPosition.getPosition(), scaling);
return handle;
} */
* Gets the axis-aligned bounding rectangle of the given system, specified
* by its {@link ScoreLayout}, the index of the frame and the index of the
* system (relative to the frame) in page coordinates together with the
* index of the page. If not found, null is returned.
public Tuple2<Integer, Rectangle2f> getSystemBoundingRect(ScoreLayout scoreLayout,
int frameIndex, int systemIndex) {
//find the frame
ScoreFrameChain chain = scoreLayouts.getKeyByValue(scoreLayout);
ScoreFrame scoreFrame = chain.frames.get(frameIndex);
//get system boundaries in mm
ScoreFrameLayout scoreFrameLayout = scoreLayout.frames.get(frameIndex);
Rectangle2f rectMm = scoreFrameLayout.getSystemBoundaries(systemIndex);
if (rectMm == null)
return null;
//compute corner points (because frame may be rotated) and transform them
float x = rectMm.position.x - scoreFrame.getSize().width / 2;
float y = rectMm.position.y - scoreFrame.getSize().height / 2;
float w = rectMm.size.width;
float h = rectMm.size.height;
Point2f nw = scoreFrame.computePagePosition(new Point2f(x, y), this);
Point2f ne = scoreFrame.computePagePosition(new Point2f(x + w, y), this);
Point2f se = scoreFrame.computePagePosition(new Point2f(x + w, y + h), this);
Point2f sw = scoreFrame.computePagePosition(new Point2f(x, y + h), this);
// compute axis-aligned bounding box and return it
Rectangle2f ret = new Rectangle2f(nw.x, nw.y, 0, 0);
ret = ret.extend(ne);
ret = ret.extend(se);
ret = ret.extend(sw);
int pageIndex = pages.indexOf(getPage(scoreFrame));
return new Tuple2<Integer, Rectangle2f>(pageIndex, ret);
} */
* Gets the {@link ScoreFrame} which contains the given measure within
* the given score. If it can not be found, null is returned.
public ScoreFrame getScoreFrame(Score score, int measure) {
ScoreFrameChain chain = getScoreFrameChain(score);
if (chain == null || chain.getScoreLayout() == null)
return null;
int frameIndex = chain.getScoreLayout().getFrameIndexOf(measure);
if (frameIndex >= 0 && frameIndex < chain.getFrames().size())
return chain.getFrames().get(frameIndex);
return null;
use of com.xenoage.zong.layout.frames.ScoreFrameChain in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class Layout method updateScoreLayouts.
* Updates the {@link ScoreLayout}s belonging to the given {@link Score}.
public void updateScoreLayouts(Score score) {
ScoreFrameChain chain = getScoreFrameChain(score);
if (chain == null)
ScoreLayout oldScoreLayout = chain.getScoreLayout();
// select symbol pool and layout settings
SymbolPool symbolPool = oldScoreLayout != null ? oldScoreLayout.symbolPool : defaults.getSymbolPool();
LayoutSettings layoutSettings = oldScoreLayout != null ? oldScoreLayout.layoutSettings : defaults.getLayoutSettings();
CList<ScoreLayoutArea> areas = clist();
for (ScoreFrame scoreFrame : chain.getFrames()) {
areas.add(new ScoreLayoutArea(scoreFrame.getSize(), scoreFrame.getHFill(), scoreFrame.getVFill()));
Context context = new Context(score, symbolPool, layoutSettings);
Target target = new Target(areas, areas.get(areas.size() - 1), false);
ScoreLayout scoreLayout = new ScoreLayouter(context, target).createScoreLayout();
// set updated layout
use of com.xenoage.zong.layout.frames.ScoreFrameChain in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class Layout method chainUpScoreFrame.
public void chainUpScoreFrame(ScoreFrame frameFrom, ScoreFrame frameTo) {
if (frameFrom == frameTo)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Same frames");
ScoreFrameChain fromChain = frameFrom.getScoreFrameChain();
fromChain.add(frameFrom, frameTo);
use of com.xenoage.zong.layout.frames.ScoreFrameChain in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class ScoreDocFactory method read.
* Creates a {@link ScoreDoc} instance from the given score.
* TIDY: move elsewhere, e.g. in a ScoreDocFactory class
public ScoreDoc read(Score score) throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
// page format
LayoutFormat layoutFormat = Companion.getDefaultLayoutFormat();
Object oLayoutFormat = score.getMetaData().get("layoutformat");
if (oLayoutFormat instanceof LayoutFormat) {
layoutFormat = (LayoutFormat) oLayoutFormat;
LayoutDefaults layoutDefaults = new LayoutDefaults(layoutFormat);
// create the document
ScoreDoc ret = new ScoreDoc(score, layoutDefaults);
Layout layout = ret.getLayout();
// layout basics
PageFormat pageFormat = layoutFormat.getPageFormat(0);
Size2f frameSize = new Size2f(pageFormat.getUseableWidth(), pageFormat.getUseableHeight());
Point2f framePos = new Point2f(pageFormat.getMargins().getLeft() + frameSize.width / 2, pageFormat.getMargins().getTop() + frameSize.height / 2);
// layout the score to find out the needed space
Target target = Target.completeLayoutTarget(new ScoreLayoutArea(frameSize));
ScoreLayouter layouter = new ScoreLayouter(ret, target);
ScoreLayout scoreLayout = isErrorLayoutEnabled ? layouter.createScoreLayout() : layouter.createLayoutWithExceptions();
// create and fill at least one page
if (scoreLayout.frames.size() > 0) {
// normal layout: one frame per page
ScoreFrameChain chain = null;
for (int i = 0; i < scoreLayout.frames.size(); i++) {
Page page = new Page(pageFormat);
ScoreFrame frame = new ScoreFrame();
// TEST frame = frame.withHFill(NoHorizontalSystemFillingStrategy.getInstance());
if (chain == null) {
chain = new ScoreFrameChain(score);
} else {
// no frames: create a single empty page
Page page = new Page(pageFormat);
return ret;