use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.stampings.bitmap.BitmapStaff in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class BitmapStaffTest method test13Pixel.
public void test13Pixel() {
// 1mm -> 1px, 10 lines, interline: 1.4 mm. Displayed simplified staff must be (9*1.4)px high.
float scaling = Units.pxToMm(1, 1);
BitmapStaff ss = new BitmapStaff(10, 1.4f, 0.1f, scaling);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(9 * 1.4f, scaling), ss.heightMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT_ROUGH);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(0, scaling), ss.yOffsetMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(1, ss.heightScaling, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
// simplified staff
assertTrue(ss.interlineSpaceMm < 2);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.stampings.bitmap.BitmapStaff in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class BitmapStaffTest method test2Pixel.
public void test2Pixel() {
// 1mm -> 1px, 5 lines, interline: 0.55 mm. Displayed simplified staff must be (4*0.55)px high.
float scaling = Units.pxToMm(1, 1);
BitmapStaff ss = new BitmapStaff(5, 0.55f, 0.1f, scaling);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(4 * 0.55f, scaling), ss.heightMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(0, scaling), ss.yOffsetMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(1, ss.heightScaling, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
// simplified staff
assertTrue(ss.interlineSpaceMm < 2);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.stampings.bitmap.BitmapStaff in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class BitmapStaffTest method test8Pixel1.
public void test8Pixel1() {
// 1mm -> 1px, 5 lines, interline: 2 mm. Displayed staff must be 8px high.
float scaling = Units.pxToMm(1, 1);
BitmapStaff ss = new BitmapStaff(5, 2, 0.1f, scaling);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(8, scaling), ss.heightMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(0, scaling), ss.yOffsetMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(1, scaling), ss.heightScaling, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
assertEquals(Units.pxToMm(2, scaling), ss.interlineSpaceMm, Delta.DELTA_FLOAT);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.stampings.bitmap.BitmapStaff in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class TupletRenderer method draw.
* Draws the given {@link TupletStamping} on the given {@link Canvas},
* using the given {@link RendererArgs}.
public void draw(Stamping stamping, Canvas canvas, RendererArgs args) {
TupletStamping tuplet = (TupletStamping) stamping;
StaffStamping parentStaff = tuplet.parentStaff;
float scaling = args.targetScaling;
// horizontal position
float x1Mm = tuplet.leftSP.xMm;
float x2Mm = tuplet.rightSP.xMm;
// height of hook is 1 IS
float hookHeightPx = Units.mmToPx(, scaling);
// width and color of the line
Color color = Color.Companion.getBlack();
// a little bit thicker than staff line
float width = parentStaff.getLineWidthMm() * 1.5f;
float paintWidth;
// compute the horizontal line and color
float y1Mm, y2Mm;
Color paintColor;
if (canvas.getFormat() == CanvasFormat.Raster) {
BitmapStaff ss = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapStaff(scaling);
y1Mm = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(tuplet.leftSP.lp);
y2Mm = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(tuplet.rightSP.lp);
BitmapLine screenLine = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapLine(scaling, width, color);
paintColor = screenLine.color;
paintWidth = screenLine.widthMm;
} else {
y1Mm = parentStaff.computeYMm(tuplet.leftSP.lp);
y2Mm = parentStaff.computeYMm(tuplet.rightSP.lp);
paintColor = color;
paintWidth = width;
// compute gap for text
FormattedText text = tuplet.text;
float gapMm = 0;
float textMm = 0;
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
textMm = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getWidth();
gapMm = textMm * 2;
// draw line and hooks
if (gapMm > 0) {
// two lines, when there is text in between
float xGapLMm = (x2Mm + x1Mm) / 2 - gapMm / 2;
float xGapRMm = xGapLMm + gapMm;
float gapVerticalMm = gapMm / (x2Mm - x1Mm) * (y2Mm - y1Mm);
float yGapLMm = (y2Mm + y1Mm) / 2 - gapVerticalMm / 2;
float yGapRMm = yGapLMm + gapVerticalMm;
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(xGapLMm, yGapLMm), paintColor, paintWidth);
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(xGapRMm, yGapRMm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), paintColor, paintWidth);
} else {
// no gap
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), paintColor, paintWidth);
// hooks
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm), new Point2f(x1Mm, y1Mm + hookHeightPx * (tuplet.leftSP.lp < 0 ? -1 : 1)), paintColor, paintWidth);
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm), new Point2f(x2Mm, y2Mm + hookHeightPx * (tuplet.rightSP.lp < 0 ? -1 : 1)), paintColor, paintWidth);
// draw text
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
float textAscent = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getAscent();
float textX = (x1Mm + x2Mm) / 2 - textMm / 2;
float textY = (y1Mm + y2Mm) / 2 + textAscent / 2;
canvas.drawText(tuplet.text, null, new Point2f(textX, textY), true, 0);
use of com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.stampings.bitmap.BitmapStaff in project Zong by Xenoage.
the class VoltaRenderer method draw.
* Draws the given {@link VoltaStamping} on the given {@link Canvas},
* using the given {@link RendererArgs}.
public void draw(Stamping stamping, Canvas canvas, RendererArgs args) {
VoltaStamping volta = (VoltaStamping) stamping;
StaffStamping parentStaff = volta.parentStaff;
float scaling = args.scaling;
// horizontal position
float x1 = volta.leftXMm + parentStaff.positionMm.x;
float x2 = volta.rightXMm + parentStaff.positionMm.x;
// compute hooks
boolean hook = volta.leftHook || volta.rightHook;
float hookHeight = 0;
if (hook) {
// height of hook is 2 interline spaces
hookHeight = * 2;
// width and color of the line
Color color = Color.Companion.getBlack();
// a little bit thicker than staff line
float width = parentStaff.getLineWidthMm() * 1.5f;
float paintWidth;
// compute the horizontal line and color
float y;
Color paintColor;
if (canvas.getFormat() == CanvasFormat.Raster) {
BitmapStaff ss = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapStaff(scaling);
y = parentStaff.positionMm.y + ss.getYMm(volta.lp);
BitmapLine screenLine = parentStaff.getBitmapInfo().getBitmapLine(scaling, width, color);
paintColor = screenLine.color;
paintWidth = screenLine.widthMm;
} else {
y = parentStaff.computeYMm(volta.lp);
paintColor = color;
paintWidth = width;
// draw line and hooks
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1, y), new Point2f(x2, y), paintColor, paintWidth);
if (volta.leftHook) {
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x1, y), new Point2f(x1, y + hookHeight), paintColor, paintWidth);
if (volta.rightHook) {
canvas.drawLine(new Point2f(x2, y), new Point2f(x2, y + hookHeight), paintColor, paintWidth);
// draw text
FormattedText text = volta.text;
if (text != null && text.getParagraphs().size() > 0) {
float textAscent = text.getFirstParagraph().getMetrics().getAscent();
float textX = x1 + * 1;
float textY = y + textAscent;
canvas.drawText(volta.text, null, new Point2f(textX, textY), true, 0);