use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method updateRealtimeResourceQuota.
private synchronized void updateRealtimeResourceQuota() {
long memObjectGroupSize = 500;
if (!currentLoadReports.isEmpty()) {
long totalBundles = 0;
long totalMemGroups = 0;
double totalMsgRateIn = 0.0;
double totalMsgRateOut = 0.0;
double totalMsgRate = 0.0;
double totalCpuUsage = 0.0;
double totalMemoryUsage = 0.0;
double totalBandwidthIn = 0.0;
double totalBandwidthOut = 0.0;
long loadReportTimestamp = -1;
// update resource factors
for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) {
LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue();
if (loadReport.getTimestamp() > loadReportTimestamp) {
loadReportTimestamp = loadReport.getTimestamp();
Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = loadReport.getBundleStats();
if (bundleStats == null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsEntry : bundleStats.entrySet()) {
NamespaceBundleStats stats = statsEntry.getValue();
totalMemGroups += (1 + (stats.topics + stats.producerCount + stats.consumerCount) / memObjectGroupSize);
totalBandwidthIn += stats.msgThroughputIn;
totalBandwidthOut += stats.msgThroughputOut;
SystemResourceUsage resUsage = loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage();
totalMsgRateIn += loadReport.getMsgRateIn();
totalMsgRateOut += loadReport.getMsgRateOut();
totalCpuUsage = totalCpuUsage + resUsage.getCpu().usage;
totalMemoryUsage = totalMemoryUsage + resUsage.getMemory().usage;
totalMsgRate = totalMsgRateIn + totalMsgRateOut;
long timePast = loadReportTimestamp - this.lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp;
this.lastResourceQuotaUpdateTimestamp = loadReportTimestamp;
if (totalMsgRate > 1000 && totalMemGroups > 30) {
this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor = timeSmoothValue(this.realtimeCpuLoadFactor, totalCpuUsage / totalMsgRate, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_CPU_FACTOR, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_CPU_FACTOR, timePast);
this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor = timeSmoothValue(this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor, totalMemoryUsage / totalMemGroups, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MIN_MEM_FACTOR, RESOURCE_QUOTA_MAX_MEM_FACTOR, timePast);
// calculate average bundle
if (totalBundles > 30 && this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota.getDynamic()) {
ResourceQuota oldQuota = this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota;
ResourceQuota newQuota = timeSmoothQuota(oldQuota, totalMsgRateIn / totalBundles, totalMsgRateOut / totalBundles, totalBandwidthIn / totalBundles, totalBandwidthOut / totalBundles, totalMemoryUsage / totalBundles, timePast);
this.realtimeAvgResourceQuota = newQuota;
// update realtime quota for each bundle
Map<String, ResourceQuota> newQuotas = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) {
ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey();
LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue();
Map<String, NamespaceBundleStats> bundleStats = loadReport.getBundleStats();
if (bundleStats == null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, NamespaceBundleStats> statsEntry : bundleStats.entrySet()) {
String bundle = statsEntry.getKey();
NamespaceBundleStats stats = statsEntry.getValue();
long memGroupCount = (1 + (stats.topics + stats.producerCount + stats.consumerCount) / memObjectGroupSize);
double newMemoryQuota = memGroupCount * this.realtimeMemoryLoadFactor;
ResourceQuota oldQuota = getResourceQuota(bundle);
ResourceQuota newQuota = timeSmoothQuota(oldQuota, stats.msgRateIn, stats.msgRateOut, stats.msgThroughputIn, stats.msgThroughputOut, newMemoryQuota, timePast);
newQuotas.put(bundle, newQuota);
use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method doLoadRanking.
* Rank brokers by available capacity, or load percentage, based on placement strategy:
* - Available capacity for weighted random selection (weightedRandomSelection): ranks ResourceUnits units based on
* estimation of their capacity which is basically how many bundles each ResourceUnit is able can handle with its
* available resources (CPU, memory, network, etc);
* - Load percentage for least loaded server (leastLoadedServer): ranks ResourceUnits units based on estimation of
* their load percentage which is basically how many percent of resource is allocated which is
* max(resource_actually_used, resource_quota)
* If we fail to collect the Load Reports OR fail to process them for the first time, it means the leader does not
* have enough information to make a decision so we set it to ready when we collect and process the load reports
* successfully the first time.
private synchronized void doLoadRanking() {
String hostname = pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress();
String strategy = this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy();"doLoadRanking - load balancing strategy: {}", strategy);
if (!currentLoadReports.isEmpty()) {
synchronized (resourceUnitRankings) {
Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> newSortedRankings = Maps.newTreeMap();
Map<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> newResourceUnitRankings = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) {
ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey();
LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue();
// calculate rankings
Set<String> loadedBundles = loadReport.getBundles();
Set<String> preAllocatedBundles = null;
if (resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(resourceUnit)) {
preAllocatedBundles = resourceUnitRankings.get(resourceUnit).getPreAllocatedBundles();
} else {
preAllocatedBundles = new HashSet<>();
ResourceQuota allocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(loadedBundles);
ResourceQuota preAllocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(preAllocatedBundles);
ResourceUnitRanking ranking = new ResourceUnitRanking(loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), loadedBundles, allocatedQuota, preAllocatedBundles, preAllocatedQuota);
newResourceUnitRankings.put(resourceUnit, ranking);
// generated sorted ranking
double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage();
long maxCapacity = ranking.estimateMaxCapacity(pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota());
long finalRank = 0;
if (strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS)) {
finalRank = (long) loadPercentage;
} else {
double idleRatio = (100 - loadPercentage) / 100;
finalRank = (long) (maxCapacity * idleRatio * idleRatio);
if (!newSortedRankings.containsKey(finalRank)) {
newSortedRankings.put(finalRank, new HashSet<ResourceUnit>());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Added Resource Unit [{}] with Rank [{}]", entry.getKey().getResourceId(), finalRank);
// update metrics
if (resourceUnit.getResourceId().contains(hostname)) {
updateLoadBalancingMetrics(hostname, finalRank, ranking);
this.resourceUnitRankings = newResourceUnitRankings;
} else {"Leader broker[{}] No ResourceUnits to rank this run, Using Old Ranking", pulsar.getWebServiceAddress());
use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method isBrokerAvailableForRebalancing.
// todo: changeme: this can be optimized, we don't have to iterate through everytime
private boolean isBrokerAvailableForRebalancing(String bundleName, long maxLoadLevel) {
NamespaceName namespaceName = new NamespaceName(getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName));
Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get();
// this does not have "http://" in front, hacky but no time to pretty up
Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> brokers = getFinalCandidates(namespaceName, availableBrokers);
for (Object broker : brokers.values()) {
ResourceUnit underloadedRU = (ResourceUnit) broker;
LoadReport currentLoadReport = currentLoadReports.get(underloadedRU);
if (isBelowLoadLevel(currentLoadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), maxLoadLevel)) {
return true;
return false;
use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method getAvailableBrokers.
private Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> getAvailableBrokers(ServiceUnitId serviceUnitId) throws Exception {
Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get();
if (availableBrokers.isEmpty()) {
// Create a map with all available brokers with no load information
Set<String> activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get(LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT);
List<String> brokersToShuffle = new ArrayList<>(activeBrokers);
activeBrokers = new HashSet<>(brokersToShuffle);
availableBrokers = Maps.newTreeMap();
for (String broker : activeBrokers) {
ResourceUnit resourceUnit = new SimpleResourceUnit(String.format("http://%s", broker), new PulsarResourceDescription());
availableBrokers.computeIfAbsent(0L, key -> Sets.newTreeSet()).add(resourceUnit);
}"Choosing at random from broker list: [{}]", availableBrokers.values());
return availableBrokers;
use of in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method updateRanking.
private void updateRanking() {
try {
synchronized (currentLoadReports) {
Set<String> activeBrokers = availableActiveBrokers.get();
for (String broker : activeBrokers) {
try {
String key = String.format("%s/%s", LOADBALANCE_BROKERS_ROOT, broker);
LoadReport lr = loadReportCacheZk.get(key).orElseThrow(() -> new KeeperException.NoNodeException());
ResourceUnit ru = new SimpleResourceUnit(String.format("http://%s", lr.getName()), fromLoadReport(lr));
this.currentLoadReports.put(ru, lr);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Error reading load report from Cache for broker - [{}], [{}]", broker, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Error reading active brokers list from zookeeper while re-ranking load reports [{}]", e);