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Example 1 with ResourceUnitRanking

use of in project pulsar by yahoo.

the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method doLoadRanking.

     * Rank brokers by available capacity, or load percentage, based on placement strategy:
     * - Available capacity for weighted random selection (weightedRandomSelection): ranks ResourceUnits units based on
     * estimation of their capacity which is basically how many bundles each ResourceUnit is able can handle with its
     * available resources (CPU, memory, network, etc);
     * - Load percentage for least loaded server (leastLoadedServer): ranks ResourceUnits units based on estimation of
     * their load percentage which is basically how many percent of resource is allocated which is
     * max(resource_actually_used, resource_quota)
     * If we fail to collect the Load Reports OR fail to process them for the first time, it means the leader does not
     * have enough information to make a decision so we set it to ready when we collect and process the load reports
     * successfully the first time.
private synchronized void doLoadRanking() {
    String hostname = pulsar.getAdvertisedAddress();
    String strategy = this.getLoadBalancerPlacementStrategy();"doLoadRanking - load balancing strategy: {}", strategy);
    if (!currentLoadReports.isEmpty()) {
        synchronized (resourceUnitRankings) {
            Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> newSortedRankings = Maps.newTreeMap();
            Map<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> newResourceUnitRankings = new HashMap<>();
            for (Map.Entry<ResourceUnit, LoadReport> entry : currentLoadReports.entrySet()) {
                ResourceUnit resourceUnit = entry.getKey();
                LoadReport loadReport = entry.getValue();
                // calculate rankings
                Set<String> loadedBundles = loadReport.getBundles();
                Set<String> preAllocatedBundles = null;
                if (resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(resourceUnit)) {
                    preAllocatedBundles = resourceUnitRankings.get(resourceUnit).getPreAllocatedBundles();
                } else {
                    preAllocatedBundles = new HashSet<>();
                ResourceQuota allocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(loadedBundles);
                ResourceQuota preAllocatedQuota = getTotalAllocatedQuota(preAllocatedBundles);
                ResourceUnitRanking ranking = new ResourceUnitRanking(loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), loadedBundles, allocatedQuota, preAllocatedBundles, preAllocatedQuota);
                newResourceUnitRankings.put(resourceUnit, ranking);
                // generated sorted ranking
                double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage();
                long maxCapacity = ranking.estimateMaxCapacity(pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota());
                long finalRank = 0;
                if (strategy.equals(LOADBALANCER_STRATEGY_LLS)) {
                    finalRank = (long) loadPercentage;
                } else {
                    double idleRatio = (100 - loadPercentage) / 100;
                    finalRank = (long) (maxCapacity * idleRatio * idleRatio);
                if (!newSortedRankings.containsKey(finalRank)) {
                    newSortedRankings.put(finalRank, new HashSet<ResourceUnit>());
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Added Resource Unit [{}] with Rank [{}]", entry.getKey().getResourceId(), finalRank);
                // update metrics
                if (resourceUnit.getResourceId().contains(hostname)) {
                    updateLoadBalancingMetrics(hostname, finalRank, ranking);
            this.resourceUnitRankings = newResourceUnitRankings;
    } else {"Leader broker[{}] No ResourceUnits to rank this run, Using Old Ranking", pulsar.getWebServiceAddress());
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ResourceUnit( ResourceQuota( LoadReport( ResourceUnitRanking( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)

Example 2 with ResourceUnitRanking

use of in project pulsar by yahoo.

the class SimpleLoadManagerImplTest method testPrimary.

@Test(enabled = true)
public void testPrimary() throws Exception {
    LoadManager loadManager = new SimpleLoadManagerImpl(pulsar1);
    PulsarResourceDescription rd = new PulsarResourceDescription();
    rd.put("memory", new ResourceUsage(1024, 4096));
    rd.put("cpu", new ResourceUsage(10, 100));
    rd.put("bandwidthIn", new ResourceUsage(250 * 1024, 1024 * 1024));
    rd.put("bandwidthOut", new ResourceUsage(550 * 1024, 1024 * 1024));
    ResourceUnit ru1 = new SimpleResourceUnit("http://" + pulsar1.getAdvertisedAddress() + ":" + pulsar1.getConfiguration().getWebServicePort(), rd);
    Set<ResourceUnit> rus = new HashSet<ResourceUnit>();
    LoadRanker lr = new ResourceAvailabilityRanker();
    // inject the load report and rankings
    Map<ResourceUnit,> loadReports = new HashMap<>(); loadReport = new;
    loadReport.setSystemResourceUsage(new SystemResourceUsage());
    loadReports.put(ru1, loadReport);
    setObjectField(SimpleLoadManagerImpl.class, loadManager, "currentLoadReports", loadReports);
    ResourceUnitRanking ranking = new ResourceUnitRanking(loadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), new HashSet<String>(), new ResourceQuota(), new HashSet<String>(), new ResourceQuota());
    Map<ResourceUnit, ResourceUnitRanking> rankings = new HashMap<>();
    rankings.put(ru1, ranking);
    setObjectField(SimpleLoadManagerImpl.class, loadManager, "resourceUnitRankings", rankings);
    AtomicReference<Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>>> sortedRankingsInstance = new AtomicReference<>(Maps.newTreeMap());
    sortedRankingsInstance.get().put(lr.getRank(rd), rus);
    setObjectField(SimpleLoadManagerImpl.class, loadManager, "sortedRankings", sortedRankingsInstance);
    ResourceUnit found = ((SimpleLoadManagerImpl) loadManager).getLeastLoaded(new NamespaceName("pulsar/use/primary-ns.10"));
    // broker is not active so found should be null
    assertNotEquals(found, null, "did not find a broker when expected one to be found");
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) NamespaceName( ResourceQuota( ResourceUnitRanking( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) SystemResourceUsage( ResourceUsage( SystemResourceUsage( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 3 with ResourceUnitRanking

use of in project pulsar by yahoo.

the class SimpleLoadManagerImpl method findBrokerForPlacement.

     * Assign owner for specified ServiceUnit from the given candidates, following the the principles: 1) Optimum
     * distribution: fill up one broker till its load reaches optimum level (defined by underload threshold) before pull
     * another idle broker in; 2) Even distribution: once all brokers' load are above optimum level, maintain all
     * brokers to have even load; 3) Set the underload threshold to small value (like 1) for pure even distribution, and
     * high value (like 80) for pure optimum distribution;
     * Strategy to select broker: 1) The first choice is the least loaded broker which is underload but not idle; 2) The
     * second choice is idle broker (if there is any); 3) Othewise simply select the least loaded broker if it is NOT
     * overloaded; 4) If all brokers are overloaded, select the broker with maximum available capacity (considering
     * brokers could have different hardware configuration, this usually means to select the broker with more hardware
     * resource);
     * Broker's load level: 1) Load ranking (triggered by LoadReport update) estimate the load level according to the
     * resourse usage and namespace bundles already loaded by each broker; 2) When leader broker decide the owner for a
     * new namespace bundle, it may take time for the real owner to actually load the bundle and refresh LoadReport,
     * leader broker will store the bundle in a list called preAllocatedBundles, and the quota of all
     * preAllocatedBundles in preAllocatedQuotas, and re-estimate the broker's load level by putting the
     * preAllocatedQuota into calculation; 3) Everything (preAllocatedBundles and preAllocatedQuotas) will get reset in
     * load ranking.
private ResourceUnit findBrokerForPlacement(Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> candidates, ServiceUnitId serviceUnit) {
    long underloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerUnderloadedThresholdPercentage();
    long overloadThreshold = this.getLoadBalancerBrokerOverloadedThresholdPercentage();
    ResourceQuota defaultQuota = pulsar.getLocalZkCacheService().getResourceQuotaCache().getDefaultQuota();
    double minLoadPercentage = 101.0;
    long maxAvailability = -1;
    ResourceUnit idleRU = null;
    ResourceUnit maxAvailableRU = null;
    ResourceUnit randomRU = null;
    ResourceUnit selectedRU = null;
    ResourceUnitRanking selectedRanking = null;
    String serviceUnitId = serviceUnit.toString();
    synchronized (resourceUnitRankings) {
        long randomBrokerIndex = (candidates.size() > 0) ? (this.brokerRotationCursor % candidates.size()) : 0;
        // find the least loaded & not-idle broker
        for (Map.Entry<Long, ResourceUnit> candidateOwner : candidates.entries()) {
            ResourceUnit candidate = candidateOwner.getValue();
            // skip broker which is not ranked. this should never happen except in unit test
            if (!resourceUnitRankings.containsKey(candidate)) {
            // check if this ServiceUnit is already pre-allocated
            String resourceUnitId = candidate.getResourceId();
            ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(candidate);
            if (ranking.isServiceUnitPreAllocated(serviceUnitId)) {
                return candidate;
            // check if this ServiceUnit is already loaded
            if (ranking.isServiceUnitLoaded(serviceUnitId)) {
                ranking.removeLoadedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId));
            // record a random broker
            if (randomBrokerIndex < 0 && randomRU == null) {
                randomRU = candidate;
            // check the available capacity
            double loadPercentage = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentage();
            double availablePercentage = Math.max(0, (100 - loadPercentage) / 100);
            long availability = (long) (ranking.estimateMaxCapacity(defaultQuota) * availablePercentage);
            if (availability > maxAvailability) {
                maxAvailability = availability;
                maxAvailableRU = candidate;
            // check the load percentage
            if (ranking.isIdle()) {
                if (idleRU == null) {
                    idleRU = candidate;
            } else {
                if (selectedRU == null) {
                    selectedRU = candidate;
                    selectedRanking = ranking;
                    minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage;
                } else {
                    if (ranking.compareTo(selectedRanking) < 0) {
                        minLoadPercentage = loadPercentage;
                        selectedRU = candidate;
                        selectedRanking = ranking;
        if ((minLoadPercentage > underloadThreshold && idleRU != null) || selectedRU == null) {
            // assigned to idle broker is the least loaded broker already have optimum load (which means NOT
            // underloaded), or all brokers are idle
            selectedRU = idleRU;
        } else if (minLoadPercentage >= 100.0 && randomRU != null) {
            // all brokers are full, assign to a random one
            selectedRU = randomRU;
        } else if (minLoadPercentage > overloadThreshold) {
            // assign to the broker with maximum available capacity if all brokers are overloaded
            selectedRU = maxAvailableRU;
        // re-calculate load level for selected broker
        if (selectedRU != null) {
            this.brokerRotationCursor = (this.brokerRotationCursor + 1) % 1000000;
            ResourceUnitRanking ranking = resourceUnitRankings.get(selectedRU);
            String loadPercentageDesc = ranking.getEstimatedLoadPercentageString();
  "Assign {} to {} with ({}).", serviceUnitId, selectedRU.getResourceId(), loadPercentageDesc);
            if (!ranking.isServiceUnitPreAllocated(serviceUnitId)) {
                ResourceQuota quota = this.getResourceQuota(serviceUnitId);
                ranking.addPreAllocatedServiceUnit(serviceUnitId, quota);
    return selectedRU;
Also used : ResourceUnit( ResourceQuota( ResourceUnitRanking( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap)


ResourceQuota ( ResourceUnitRanking ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 ResourceUnit ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)2 NamespaceName ( LoadReport ( ResourceUsage ( SystemResourceUsage ( Set (java.util.Set)1 AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)1 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)1