use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class SketchHolder method sketchSetOperation.
public static SketchHolder sketchSetOperation(Func func, int sketchSize, Object... holders) {
//the final stages of query processing, ordered sketch would be of no use.
switch(func) {
case UNION:
Union union = (Union) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.UNION);
for (Object o : holders) {
((SketchHolder) o).updateUnion(union);
return SketchHolder.of(union);
Intersection intersection = (Intersection) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.INTERSECTION);
for (Object o : holders) {
intersection.update(((SketchHolder) o).getSketch());
return SketchHolder.of(intersection.getResult(false, null));
case NOT:
if (holders.length < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A-Not-B requires atleast 1 sketch");
if (holders.length == 1) {
return (SketchHolder) holders[0];
Sketch result = ((SketchHolder) holders[0]).getSketch();
for (int i = 1; i < holders.length; i++) {
AnotB anotb = (AnotB) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.A_NOT_B);
anotb.update(result, ((SketchHolder) holders[i]).getSketch());
result = anotb.getResult(false, null);
return SketchHolder.of(result);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown sketch operation " + func);
use of in project sketches-pig by DataSketches.
the class AexcludeB method exec.
// @formatter:off
* Top Level Exec Function.
* <p>
* This method accepts a <b>Sketch AnotB Input Tuple</b> and returns a
* <b>Sketch Tuple</b>.
* </p>
* <b>Sketch AnotB Input Tuple</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Tuple: TUPLE (Must contain 2 fields): <br>
* Java data type: Pig DataType: Description
* <ul>
* <li>index 0: DataByteArray: BYTEARRAY: Sketch A</li>
* <li>index 1: DataByteArray: BYTEARRAY: Sketch B</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Any other input tuple will throw an exception!
* </p>
* <b>Sketch Tuple</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Tuple: TUPLE (Contains exactly 1 field)
* <ul>
* <li>index 0: DataByteArray: BYTEARRAY = The serialization of a Sketch object.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @throws ExecException from Pig.
// @formatter:on
public Tuple exec(final Tuple inputTuple) throws IOException {
// The exec is a stateless function. It operates on the input and returns a result.
// It can only call static functions.
final Object objA = extractFieldAtIndex(inputTuple, 0);
Sketch sketchA = null;
if (objA != null) {
final DataByteArray dbaA = (DataByteArray) objA;
final Memory srcMem = Memory.wrap(dbaA.get());
sketchA = Sketch.wrap(srcMem, seed_);
final Object objB = extractFieldAtIndex(inputTuple, 1);
Sketch sketchB = null;
if (objB != null) {
final DataByteArray dbaB = (DataByteArray) objB;
final Memory srcMem = Memory.wrap(dbaB.get());
sketchB = Sketch.wrap(srcMem, seed_);
final AnotB aNOTb = SetOperation.builder().setSeed(seed_).buildANotB();
aNOTb.update(sketchA, sketchB);
final CompactSketch compactSketch = aNOTb.getResult(true, null);
return compactOrderedSketchToTuple(compactSketch);