use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class SketchHolder method sketchSetOperation.
public static SketchHolder sketchSetOperation(Func func, int sketchSize, Object... holders) {
//the final stages of query processing, ordered sketch would be of no use.
switch(func) {
case UNION:
Union union = (Union) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.UNION);
for (Object o : holders) {
((SketchHolder) o).updateUnion(union);
return SketchHolder.of(union);
Intersection intersection = (Intersection) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.INTERSECTION);
for (Object o : holders) {
intersection.update(((SketchHolder) o).getSketch());
return SketchHolder.of(intersection.getResult(false, null));
case NOT:
if (holders.length < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A-Not-B requires atleast 1 sketch");
if (holders.length == 1) {
return (SketchHolder) holders[0];
Sketch result = ((SketchHolder) holders[0]).getSketch();
for (int i = 1; i < holders.length; i++) {
AnotB anotb = (AnotB) SetOperation.builder().build(sketchSize, Family.A_NOT_B);
anotb.update(result, ((SketchHolder) holders[i]).getSketch());
result = anotb.getResult(false, null);
return SketchHolder.of(result);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown sketch operation " + func);
use of in project sketches-core by DataSketches.
the class BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSetsTest method checkNormalReturns.
public void checkNormalReturns() {
UpdateSketch skA = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build();
UpdateSketch skC = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build();
int uA = 10000;
int uC = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < uA; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < uC; i++) {
skC.update(i + uA / 2);
Intersection inter = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildIntersection();
CompactSketch skB = inter.getResult();
double est = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getEstimateOfBoverA(skA, skB);
double lb = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getLowerBoundForBoverA(skA, skB);
double ub = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getUpperBoundForBoverA(skA, skB);
assertTrue(ub > est);
assertTrue(est > lb);
assertEquals(est, 0.5, .03);
println("ub : " + ub);
println("est: " + est);
println("lb : " + lb);
//skA is now empty
est = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getEstimateOfBoverA(skA, skB);
lb = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getLowerBoundForBoverA(skA, skB);
ub = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getUpperBoundForBoverA(skA, skB);
println("ub : " + ub);
println("est: " + est);
println("lb : " + lb);
//Now both are empty
est = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getEstimateOfBoverA(skA, skC);
lb = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getLowerBoundForBoverA(skA, skC);
ub = BoundsOnRatiosInThetaSketchedSets.getUpperBoundForBoverA(skA, skC);
println("ub : " + ub);
println("est: " + est);
println("lb : " + lb);
use of in project Gaffer by gchq.
the class LoadAndQuery13 method run.
public Iterable<Entity> run() throws OperationException {
// [user] Create a user
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final User user = new User("user01");
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [graph] create a graph using our schema and store properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Graph graph = new Graph.Builder().addSchemas(getSchemas()).storeProperties(getStoreProperties()).build();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [add] add the edges to the graph
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Set<String> dummyData = Collections.singleton("");
final OperationChain addOpChain = new OperationChain.Builder().first(new GenerateElements.Builder<String>().generator(new DataGenerator13()).objects(dummyData).build()).then(new AddElements()).build();
graph.execute(addOpChain, user);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("Added 1000 edges A-B0, A-B1, ..., A-B999 on 10/1/17. For each edge we create an Entity with a union sketch" + " containing a string of the source and destination from the edge. Added 500 edges A-B750, A-B751, " + "..., A-B1249 for day 11/1/17. Again for each edge we create an Entity with a union sketch.");
// [get entities] Get the entities for separate days
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEntities get = new GetAllEntities();
final Iterable<Entity> entities = graph.execute(get, user);
for (final Entity entity : entities) {
log("GET_ENTITIES", entity.toString());
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// [get estimate separate days] Get the estimates out of the sketches for the separate days
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEntities getAllEntities2 = new GetAllEntities();
final Iterable<Entity> allEntities2 = graph.execute(getAllEntities2, user);
final Iterator<Entity> it = allEntities2.iterator();
final Entity entityDay1 =;
final CompactSketch sketchDay1 = ((Union) entityDay1.getProperty("size")).getResult();
final Entity entityDay2 =;
final CompactSketch sketchDay2 = ((Union) entityDay2.getProperty("size")).getResult();
final double estimateDay1 = sketchDay1.getEstimate();
final double estimateDay2 = sketchDay2.getEstimate();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nThe estimates for the different days");
log("GET_ESTIMATE_OVER_SEPARATE_DAYS", "" + estimateDay1);
log("GET_ESTIMATE_OVER_SEPARATE_DAYS", "" + estimateDay2);
// [get intersection] Get the number of edges in common across the two days
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final Intersection intersection = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildIntersection();
final double intersectionSizeEstimate = intersection.getResult().getEstimate();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nThe estimate of the number of edges in common across the different days");
log("PRINT_ESTIMATE", "" + intersectionSizeEstimate);
// [get union across all days] Get the total number edges across the two days
// ---------------------------------------------------------
final GetAllEntities getAllEntities = new GetAllEntities.Builder().view(new View.Builder().entity("size", new ViewElementDefinition.Builder().groupBy().build()).build()).build();
final Iterable<Entity> allEntities = graph.execute(getAllEntities, user);
final Entity entity = allEntities.iterator().next();
final double unionSizeEstimate = ((Union) entity.getProperty("size")).getResult().getEstimate();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
log("\nThe estimate of the number of edges across the different days");
log("UNION_ESTIMATE", "" + unionSizeEstimate);
return null;