use of com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry in project pinot by linkedin.
the class RealtimeTableDataManagerTest method testSetup.
public void testSetup() throws Exception {
final HLRealtimeSegmentDataManager manager = new HLRealtimeSegmentDataManager(realtimeSegmentZKMetadata, tableConfig, instanceZKMetadata, null, tableDataManagerConfig.getDataDir(), ReadMode.valueOf(tableDataManagerConfig.getReadMode()), getTestSchema(), new ServerMetrics(new MetricsRegistry()));
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
TimerService.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start >= (SEGMENT_CONSUMING_TIME)) {
keepOnRunning = false;
}, 1000, 1000 * 60 * 1);
TimerService.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long sum = 0;
try {
RealtimeSegment segment = (RealtimeSegment) manager.getSegment();
RealtimeColumnDataSource mDs = (RealtimeColumnDataSource) segment.getDataSource("count");
BlockValSet valSet = mDs.nextBlock().getBlockValueSet();
BlockSingleValIterator valIt = (BlockSingleValIterator) valSet.iterator();
int val = valIt.nextIntVal();
while (val != Constants.EOF) {
val = valIt.nextIntVal();
sum += val;
} catch (Exception e) {"count column exception");
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();"time to scan metric col count : " + (stop - start) + " sum : " + sum);
}, 20000, 1000 * 5);
TimerService.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long sum = 0;
try {
RealtimeSegment segment = (RealtimeSegment) manager.getSegment();
RealtimeColumnDataSource mDs = (RealtimeColumnDataSource) segment.getDataSource("viewerId");
BlockValSet valSet = mDs.nextBlock().getBlockValueSet();
BlockSingleValIterator valIt = (BlockSingleValIterator) valSet.iterator();
int val = valIt.nextIntVal();
while (val != Constants.EOF) {
val = valIt.nextIntVal();
sum += val;
} catch (Exception e) {"viewerId column exception");
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();"time to scan SV dimension col viewerId : " + (stop - start) + " sum : " + sum);
}, 20000, 1000 * 5);
TimerService.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long sum = 0;
try {
RealtimeSegment segment = (RealtimeSegment) manager.getSegment();
RealtimeColumnDataSource mDs = (RealtimeColumnDataSource) segment.getDataSource("daysSinceEpoch");
BlockValSet valSet = mDs.nextBlock().getBlockValueSet();
BlockSingleValIterator valIt = (BlockSingleValIterator) valSet.iterator();
int val = valIt.nextIntVal();
while (val != Constants.EOF) {
val = valIt.nextIntVal();
sum += val;
} catch (Exception e) {"daysSinceEpoch column exception");
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();"time to scan SV time col daysSinceEpoch : " + (stop - start) + " sum : " + sum);
}, 20000, 1000 * 5);
TimerService.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long sum = 0;
float sumOfLengths = 0F;
float counter = 0F;
try {
RealtimeSegment segment = (RealtimeSegment) manager.getSegment();
RealtimeColumnDataSource mDs = (RealtimeColumnDataSource) segment.getDataSource("viewerCompanies");
Block b = mDs.nextBlock();
BlockValSet valSet = b.getBlockValueSet();
BlockMultiValIterator valIt = (BlockMultiValIterator) valSet.iterator();
BlockMetadata m = b.getMetadata();
int maxVams = m.getMaxNumberOfMultiValues();
while (valIt.hasNext()) {
int[] vals = new int[maxVams];
int len = valIt.nextIntVal(vals);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
sum += vals[i];
sumOfLengths += len;
} catch (Exception e) {"daysSinceEpoch column exception");
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();"time to scan MV col viewerCompanies : " + (stop - start) + " sum : " + sum + " average len : " + (sumOfLengths / counter));
}, 20000, 1000 * 5);
while (keepOnRunning) {
// Wait for keepOnRunning to be set to false
use of com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry in project pinot by linkedin.
the class ScheduledRequestHandlerTest method setupTestMethod.
public void setupTestMethod() {
serverMetrics = new ServerMetrics(new MetricsRegistry());
channelHandlerContext = mock(ChannelHandlerContext.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
when( Answer<InetSocketAddress>() {
public InetSocketAddress answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
return new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 60000);
queryScheduler = mock(QueryScheduler.class);
queryExecutor = new ServerQueryExecutorV1Impl();
use of com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry in project pinot by linkedin.
the class ResourceTestHelper method setup.
* Sets up Pinot server instance, index directory for creation of segments, creates a default segment
* and starts pinot admin api service
* This should be called only once in the @BeforeClass method of a unit test.
* Caller must ensure teardown() is called when the test completes (in @AfterClass)
public void setup() throws Exception {
INDEX_DIR = Files.createTempDirectory(TableSizeResourceTest.class.getName() + "_segmentDir").toFile();
File confFile = new File(TestUtils.getFileFromResourceUrl(InstanceServerStarter.class.getClassLoader().getResource("conf/")));
config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
serverConf = new ServerConf(config);"Trying to create a new ServerInstance!");
serverInstance = new ServerInstance();"Trying to initial ServerInstance!");
serverInstance.init(serverConf, new MetricsRegistry());"Trying to start ServerInstance!");
apiApplication = new AdminApiApplication(serverInstance);
client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
target =;
use of com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry in project pinot by linkedin.
the class NettySingleConnectionIntegrationTest method testServerShutdownLeak.
* This test attempts to use the connection mechanism the same way as ScatterGatherImpl.SingleRequestHandler does.
* WARNING: This test has potential failures due to timing.
public void testServerShutdownLeak() throws Exception {
final NettyClientMetrics metric = new NettyClientMetrics(null, "abc");
final Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer();
final int minConns = 2;
final int maxConns = 3;
// 10M ms.
final int maxIdleTimeoutMs = 10000000;
final int maxBacklogPerServer = 1;
MyServer server = new MyServer();
// used as a key to pool. Can be anything.
final String serverName = "SomeServer";
final ServerInstance serverInstance = server.getServerInstance();
final MetricsRegistry metricsRegistry = new MetricsRegistry();
EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
PooledNettyClientResourceManager resourceManager = new PooledNettyClientResourceManager(eventLoopGroup, new HashedWheelTimer(), metric);
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
ScheduledExecutorService timeoutExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(5);
AsyncPoolResourceManagerAdapter<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection> rmAdapter = new AsyncPoolResourceManagerAdapter<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection>(serverInstance, resourceManager, executorService, metricsRegistry);
KeyedPool<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection> keyedPool = new KeyedPoolImpl<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection>(minConns, maxConns, maxIdleTimeoutMs, maxBacklogPerServer, resourceManager, timeoutExecutor, executorService, metricsRegistry);
Field keyedPoolMap = KeyedPoolImpl.class.getDeclaredField("_keyedPool");
KeyedFuture<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection> keyedFuture = keyedPool.checkoutObject(serverInstance);
// The connection pool for this server is created on demand, so we can now get a reference to the _keyedPool.
// The act of calling checkoutObject() creates a new AsyncPoolImpl and places a request for a new connection.
// Since no new connections are available in the beginning, we always end up creating one more than the min.
Map<ServerInstance, AsyncPool<NettyClientConnection>> poolMap = (Map<ServerInstance, AsyncPool<NettyClientConnection>>) keyedPoolMap.get(keyedPool);
AsyncPool<NettyClientConnection> asyncPool = poolMap.get(serverInstance);
Field waiterList = AsyncPoolImpl.class.getDeclaredField("_waiters");
LinkedDequeue queue = (LinkedDequeue) waiterList.get(asyncPool);
PoolStats stats;
// If the number of waiters is = 0, then we will error out because the min connections may not have completed
// by the time we check one out. If maxWaiters is > 0, then we may end up initiating a fresh connection while the
// min is still being filled. So, best to sleep a little to make sure that the min pool size is filled out, so that
// the stats are correct.
stats = asyncPool.getStats();
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getIdleCount(), minConns);
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getPoolSize(), minConns + 1);
NettyClientConnection conn = keyedFuture.getOne();
LOGGER.debug("Got connection ID " + conn.getConnId());
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getIdleCount(), minConns);
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getPoolSize(), minConns + 1);
// Now get two more connections to the server, since we have 2 idle, we should get those.
// And leak them.
keyedFuture = keyedPool.checkoutObject(serverInstance);
conn = keyedFuture.getOne();
LOGGER.debug("Got connection ID " + conn.getConnId());
keyedFuture = keyedPool.checkoutObject(serverInstance);
conn = keyedFuture.getOne();
LOGGER.debug("Got connection ID " + conn.getConnId());
// Now we should have 0 idle, and a pool size of 3 with no waiters.
stats = asyncPool.getStats();
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getIdleCount(), 0);
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getPoolSize(), minConns + 1);
Assert.assertEquals(queue.size(), 0);
// Now, we will always get an exception because we don't have a free connection to the server.
keyedFuture = keyedPool.checkoutObject(serverInstance);
boolean caughtException = false;
LOGGER.debug("Will never get a connection here.");
try {
conn = keyedFuture.getOne(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
caughtException = true;
// Now if the server goes down, we should release all three connections and be able to get a successful new connection"Shutting down server instance");
// Give it time to clean up on the client side.
stats = asyncPool.getStats();
// There will be a couple in idleCount in error state.
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getIdleCount(), minConns);
Assert.assertEquals(stats.getPoolSize(), minConns);
LOGGER.debug("Restarting server instance");
LOGGER.debug("Server restart successful\n" + asyncPool.getStats());
// Now get 3 connections successfully
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
keyedFuture = keyedPool.checkoutObject(serverInstance);
conn = keyedFuture.getOne();
use of com.yammer.metrics.core.MetricsRegistry in project pinot by linkedin.
the class ScatterGatherTest method testMultipleServerTimeout.
public void testMultipleServerTimeout() throws Exception {
MetricsRegistry registry = new MetricsRegistry();
// Server start
int serverPort1 = 7081;
int serverPort2 = 7082;
int serverPort3 = 7083;
// Timeout server
int serverPort4 = 7084;
NettyTCPServer server1 = new NettyTCPServer(serverPort1, new TestRequestHandlerFactory(0, 1), null);
NettyTCPServer server2 = new NettyTCPServer(serverPort2, new TestRequestHandlerFactory(1, 1), null);
NettyTCPServer server3 = new NettyTCPServer(serverPort3, new TestRequestHandlerFactory(2, 1), null);
NettyTCPServer server4 = new NettyTCPServer(serverPort4, new TestRequestHandlerFactory(3, 1, 7000, false), null);
Thread t1 = new Thread(server1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(server2);
Thread t3 = new Thread(server3);
Thread t4 = new Thread(server4);
//Client setup
ScheduledExecutorService timedExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
ExecutorService service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(5, 5, 5, TimeUnit.DAYS, new LinkedBlockingDeque<Runnable>());
EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
NettyClientMetrics clientMetrics = new NettyClientMetrics(registry, "client_");
PooledNettyClientResourceManager rm = new PooledNettyClientResourceManager(eventLoopGroup, new HashedWheelTimer(), clientMetrics);
KeyedPoolImpl<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection> pool = new KeyedPoolImpl<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection>(1, 1, 300000, 1, rm, timedExecutor, service, registry);
SegmentIdSet pg1 = new SegmentIdSet();
pg1.addSegment(new SegmentId("0"));
SegmentIdSet pg2 = new SegmentIdSet();
pg2.addSegment(new SegmentId("1"));
SegmentIdSet pg3 = new SegmentIdSet();
pg3.addSegment(new SegmentId("2"));
SegmentIdSet pg4 = new SegmentIdSet();
pg4.addSegment(new SegmentId("3"));
ServerInstance serverInstance1 = new ServerInstance("localhost", serverPort1);
ServerInstance serverInstance2 = new ServerInstance("localhost", serverPort2);
ServerInstance serverInstance3 = new ServerInstance("localhost", serverPort3);
ServerInstance serverInstance4 = new ServerInstance("localhost", serverPort4);
Map<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet> pgMap = new HashMap<ServerInstance, SegmentIdSet>();
pgMap.put(serverInstance1, pg1);
pgMap.put(serverInstance2, pg2);
pgMap.put(serverInstance3, pg3);
pgMap.put(serverInstance4, pg4);
String request1 = "request_0";
String request2 = "request_1";
String request3 = "request_2";
String request4 = "request_3";
Map<SegmentIdSet, String> pgMapStr = new HashMap<SegmentIdSet, String>();
pgMapStr.put(pg1, request1);
pgMapStr.put(pg2, request2);
pgMapStr.put(pg3, request3);
pgMapStr.put(pg4, request4);
ScatterGatherRequest req = new TestScatterGatherRequest(pgMap, pgMapStr, new RoundRobinReplicaSelection(), ReplicaSelectionGranularity.SEGMENT_ID_SET, 0, 1000);
ScatterGatherImpl scImpl = new ScatterGatherImpl(pool, service);
final ScatterGatherStats scatterGatherStats = new ScatterGatherStats();
BrokerMetrics brokerMetrics = new BrokerMetrics(new MetricsRegistry());
CompositeFuture<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> fut = scImpl.scatterGather(req, scatterGatherStats, brokerMetrics);
Map<ServerInstance, ByteBuf> v = fut.get();
//Only 3 servers return value.
Assert.assertEquals(v.size(), 3);
ByteBuf b = v.get(serverInstance1);
byte[] b2 = new byte[b.readableBytes()];
String response = new String(b2);
Assert.assertEquals(response, "response_0_0");
b = v.get(serverInstance2);
b2 = new byte[b.readableBytes()];
response = new String(b2);
Assert.assertEquals(response, "response_1_0");
b = v.get(serverInstance3);
b2 = new byte[b.readableBytes()];
response = new String(b2);
Assert.assertEquals(response, "response_2_0");
//No response from 4th server
Assert.assertNull(v.get(serverInstance4), "No response from 4th server");
Map<ServerInstance, Throwable> errorMap = fut.getError();
Assert.assertEquals(errorMap.size(), 1, "One error");
Assert.assertNotNull(errorMap.get(serverInstance4), "Server4 returned timeout");
Assert.assertEquals(pool.getStats().getTotalBadDestroyed(), 1, "Total Bad destroyed");