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Example 1 with GlobalGrant

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class LdapProvisioning method flushCache.

public void flushCache(CacheEntryType type, CacheEntry[] entries) throws ServiceException {
    switch(type) {
        case all:
            if (entries != null) {
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("cannot specify entry for flushing all", null);
  "Flushing all LDAP entry caches");
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.account, null);
            flushCache(, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.config, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.globalgrant, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.cos, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.domain, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.mime, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.server, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.alwaysOnCluster, null);
            flushCache(CacheEntryType.zimlet, null);
        case account:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    AccountBy accountBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    Account account = getFromCache(accountBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                     * We now call removeFromCache instead of reload for flushing an account
                     * from cache.   This change was originally for bug 25028, but that would still
                     * need an extrat step to flush cache after the account's zimbraCOSId changed.
                     * (if we call reload insteasd of removeFromCache, flush cache of the account would
                     * not clear the mDefaults for inherited attrs, that was the bug.)
                     * Bug 25028 is now taken care of by the callback.  We still call removeFromCache
                     * for flushing account cache, because that does a cleaner flush.
                     * Note, we only call removeFromCache for account.
                     * We should *NOT* do removeFromCache when flushing global config and cos caches.
                     * Because the "mDefaults" Map(contains a ref to the old instance of COS.mAccountDefaults for
                     * all the accountInherited COS attrs) stored in all the cached accounts.   Same for the
                     * inherited attrs of server/domain from global config.  If we do removeFromCache for flushing
                     * cos/global config, then after FlushCache(cos) if you do a ga on a cached account, it still
                     * shows the old COS value for values that are inherited from COS.   Although, for newly loaded
                     * accounts or when a cached account is going thru auth(that'll trigger a reload) they will get
                     * the new COS values(refreshed as a result of FlushCache(cos)).
                    if (account != null) {
            } else {
        case group:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.DistributionListBy dlBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    removeGroupFromCache(dlBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
            } else {
        case config:
            if (entries != null) {
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("cannot specify entry for flushing global config", null);
            Config config = getConfig();
            reload(config, false);
        case globalgrant:
            if (entries != null) {
                throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("cannot specify entry for flushing global grant", null);
            GlobalGrant globalGrant = getGlobalGrant();
            reload(globalGrant, false);
        case cos:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.CosBy cosBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    Cos cos = getFromCache(cosBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                    if (cos != null)
                        reload(cos, false);
            } else
        case domain:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.DomainBy domainBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    Domain domain = getFromCache(domainBy, entry.mEntryIdentity, GetFromDomainCacheOption.BOTH);
                    if (domain != null) {
                        if (domain instanceof DomainCache.NonExistingDomain)
                            domainCache.removeFromNegativeCache(domainBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                            reload(domain, false);
            } else
        case mime:
        case server:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.ServerBy serverBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    Server server = get(serverBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                    if (server != null)
                        reload(server, false);
            } else
        case alwaysOnCluster:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.AlwaysOnClusterBy clusterBy =;
                    AlwaysOnCluster cluster = get(clusterBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                    if (cluster != null)
                        reload(cluster, false);
            } else
        case zimlet:
            if (entries != null) {
                for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
                    Key.ZimletBy zimletBy = (entry.mEntryBy == ? :;
                    Zimlet zimlet = getFromCache(zimletBy, entry.mEntryIdentity);
                    if (zimlet != null)
                        reload(zimlet, false);
            } else
            throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("invalid cache type " + type, null);
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) GuestAccount(com.zimbra.cs.account.GuestAccount) LdapAccount(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapAccount) InMemoryLdapServer(com.zimbra.cs.ldap.unboundid.InMemoryLdapServer) LdapServer(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapServer) Server(com.zimbra.cs.account.Server) LdapAlwaysOnCluster(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapAlwaysOnCluster) AlwaysOnCluster(com.zimbra.cs.account.AlwaysOnCluster) Config(com.zimbra.cs.account.Config) LdapConfig(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapConfig) ExternalLdapConfig(com.zimbra.cs.ldap.LdapServerConfig.ExternalLdapConfig) GalSearchConfig( LdapCos(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapCos) Cos(com.zimbra.cs.account.Cos) DistributionListBy(com.zimbra.common.account.Key.DistributionListBy) AccountBy(com.zimbra.common.account.Key.AccountBy) Zimlet(com.zimbra.cs.account.Zimlet) LdapZimlet(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapZimlet) LdapGlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapGlobalGrant) GlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant) LdapDomain(com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapDomain) Domain(com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain) EntryCacheDataKey(com.zimbra.cs.account.EntryCacheDataKey) Key(com.zimbra.common.account.Key) EphemeralKey(com.zimbra.cs.ephemeral.EphemeralKey) DataKey(com.zimbra.cs.account.callback.CallbackContext.DataKey) PreAuthKey(com.zimbra.cs.account.PreAuthKey)

Example 2 with GlobalGrant

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ParticallyDenied method isSubTarget.

private static boolean isSubTarget(Provisioning prov, Entry targetSup, Entry targetSub) throws ServiceException {
    if (targetSup instanceof Domain) {
        Domain domain = (Domain) targetSup;
        Domain targetSubInDomain = TargetType.getTargetDomain(prov, targetSub);
        if (targetSubInDomain == null)
            // not a domain-ed entry
            return false;
        else {
            if (domain.getId().equals(targetSubInDomain.getId()))
                return true;
            else {
                // see if targetSub is in a group that is in the domain
                GroupMembership groups = null;
                if (targetSub instanceof Account)
                    groups = prov.getGroupMembership((Account) targetSub, false);
                else if (targetSub instanceof DistributionList)
                    groups = prov.getGroupMembership((DistributionList) targetSub, false);
                    return false;
                for (String groupId : groups.groupIds()) {
                    DistributionList group = prov.getDLBasic(, groupId);
                    Domain groupInDomain = prov.getDomain(group);
                    if (// hmm, log a warn if groupInDomain is null? throw internal err?
                    groupInDomain != null && domain.getId().equals(groupInDomain.getId()))
                        return true;
        return false;
    } else if (targetSup instanceof DistributionList) {
        DistributionList dl = (DistributionList) targetSup;
        String subId = null;
        if (// covers cr too
        targetSub instanceof Account)
            return prov.inDistributionList((Account) targetSub, dl.getId());
        else if (targetSub instanceof DistributionList)
            return prov.inDistributionList((DistributionList) targetSub, dl.getId());
            return false;
    } else if (targetSup instanceof GlobalGrant)
        return true;
    else {
             * is really an error, somehow our logic of finding sub-targets
             * is wrong, throw FAILURE and fix if we get here.  The granting attemp
             * will be denied, but that's fine.
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("internal error, unexpected entry type: " + targetSup.getLabel(), null);
Also used : Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) GlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant) GroupMembership(com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning.GroupMembership) Domain(com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain) DistributionList(com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList)

Example 3 with GlobalGrant

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class TestACLNegativeGrant method targetPrecedence.

     * Original grants:
     *     global grant (allow)
     *         domain (deny)
     *             group1 (allow)
     *                 group2 (deny)
     *                     target account (allow)
     * => should allow
     * then revoke the grant on account, should deny
     * then revoke the grant on group2, should allow
     * then revoke the grant on group1, should deny
     * then revoke the grant on domain, should allow
     * then revoke the grant on global grant, should deny
public void targetPrecedence() throws Exception {
    Domain domain = provUtil.createDomain(genDomainSegmentName() + "." + BASE_DOMAIN_NAME);
         * setup authed account
    Account authedAcct = globalAdmin;
    Right right = ACLTestUtil.ADMIN_PRESET_ACCOUNT;
         * setup grantees
    Account grantee = provUtil.createDelegatedAdmin(genAcctNameLocalPart("grantee"), domain);
         * setup targets
    // 1. target account itself
    Account target = provUtil.createAccount(genAcctNameLocalPart("target"), domain);
    grantRight(authedAcct, TargetType.account, target, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
    // 2. groups the target account is a member of
    DistributionList group1 = provUtil.createDistributionList(genGroupNameLocalPart("group1"), domain);
    DistributionList group2 = provUtil.createDistributionList(genGroupNameLocalPart("group2"), domain);
    prov.addMembers(group1, new String[] { group2.getName() });
    prov.addMembers(group2, new String[] { target.getName() });
    grantRight(authedAcct, TargetType.dl, group2, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.DENY);
    grantRight(authedAcct, TargetType.dl, group1, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
    // 3. domain the target account is in
    grantRight(authedAcct, TargetType.domain, domain, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.DENY);
    // 4. global grant
    GlobalGrant globalGrant = prov.getGlobalGrant();
    grantRight(authedAcct,, null, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
         * test targets
    TestViaGrant via;
    via = new TestViaGrant(TargetType.account, target, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee.getName(), right, TestViaGrant.POSITIVE);
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW, via);
    // revoke the grant on target account, then grant on group2 should take effect
    revokeRight(authedAcct, TargetType.account, target, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
    via = new TestViaGrant(TargetType.dl, group2, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee.getName(), right, TestViaGrant.NEGATIVE);
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.DENY, via);
    // revoke the grant on group2, then grant on group1 should take effect
    revokeRight(authedAcct, TargetType.dl, group2, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.DENY);
    via = new TestViaGrant(TargetType.dl, group1, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee.getName(), right, TestViaGrant.POSITIVE);
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW, via);
    // revoke the grant on group1, then grant on domain should take effect
    revokeRight(authedAcct, TargetType.dl, group1, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
    via = new TestViaGrant(TargetType.domain, domain, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee.getName(), right, TestViaGrant.NEGATIVE);
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.DENY, via);
    // revoke the grant on domain, then grant on globalgrant shuld take effect
    revokeRight(authedAcct, TargetType.domain, domain, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.DENY);
    via = new TestViaGrant(, globalGrant, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee.getName(), right, TestViaGrant.POSITIVE);
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW, via);
    // revoke the grant on globalgrant, then there is no grant and callsite default should be honored
    revokeRight(authedAcct,, null, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right, AllowOrDeny.ALLOW);
    via = null;
    verify(grantee, target, right, AsAdmin.AS_ADMIN, AllowOrDeny.DENY, via);
Also used : GuestAccount(com.zimbra.cs.account.GuestAccount) Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) GlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant) Right(com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.Right) Domain(com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain) TestViaGrant( DistributionList(com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with GlobalGrant

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class TestACLPermissionCache method testGrantChangeOnGlobalGrant.

public void testGrantChangeOnGlobalGrant() throws Exception {
    Right right = A_USER_RIGHT;
    Domain domain = createDomain();
    GlobalGrant grantTarget = mProv.getGlobalGrant();
    Account target = createUserAccount(TARGET_USER_ACCT, domain);
    Account grantee = createUserAccount(GRANTEE_USER_ACCT, domain);
    boolean allow;
    grantRight(, grantTarget, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right);
    allow = accessMgr.canDo(grantee, target, right, false, null);
    revokeRight(, grantTarget, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right);
    allow = accessMgr.canDo(grantee, target, right, false, null);
    grantRight(, grantTarget, GranteeType.GT_USER, grantee, right);
    allow = accessMgr.canDo(grantee, target, right, false, null);
Also used : GuestAccount(com.zimbra.cs.account.GuestAccount) Account(com.zimbra.cs.account.Account) GlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant) Right(com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.Right) Domain(com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with GlobalGrant

use of com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class TestLdapProvGlobalGrant method getGlobalGrant.

public void getGlobalGrant() throws Exception {
    GlobalGrant globalGrant = prov.getGlobalGrant();
Also used : GlobalGrant(com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant)


GlobalGrant (com.zimbra.cs.account.GlobalGrant)5 Account (com.zimbra.cs.account.Account)4 Domain (com.zimbra.cs.account.Domain)4 GuestAccount (com.zimbra.cs.account.GuestAccount)3 DistributionList (com.zimbra.cs.account.DistributionList)2 Right (com.zimbra.cs.account.accesscontrol.Right)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 Key (com.zimbra.common.account.Key)1 AccountBy (com.zimbra.common.account.Key.AccountBy)1 DistributionListBy (com.zimbra.common.account.Key.DistributionListBy)1 AlwaysOnCluster (com.zimbra.cs.account.AlwaysOnCluster)1 Config (com.zimbra.cs.account.Config)1 Cos (com.zimbra.cs.account.Cos)1 EntryCacheDataKey (com.zimbra.cs.account.EntryCacheDataKey)1 PreAuthKey (com.zimbra.cs.account.PreAuthKey)1 GroupMembership (com.zimbra.cs.account.Provisioning.GroupMembership)1 Server (com.zimbra.cs.account.Server)1 Zimlet (com.zimbra.cs.account.Zimlet)1 DataKey (com.zimbra.cs.account.callback.CallbackContext.DataKey)1 LdapAccount (com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.entry.LdapAccount)1