use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class GatewayEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(ProcessInstance processInstance) throws SuspendExecution {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
try {
Set<Integer> idsOfPreviousNodes = processModel.getIdsOfPreviousNodes(nodeId);
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId);
String message = null;
GatewayType type = processModel.getGateways().get(nodeId);
String convergeDivergeName = "Join and Split";
if (idsOfPreviousNodes.size() == 1) {
convergeDivergeName = "Split";
} else if (idsOfNextNodes.size() == 1) {
convergeDivergeName = "Join";
if (type == GatewayType.DEFAULT) {
message = "Default " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
if (type == GatewayType.EXCLUSIVE) {
message = "Exclusive " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
} else if (type == GatewayType.EVENT_BASED) {
message = "Eventbased " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
} else if (type == GatewayType.INCLUSIVE) {
message = "Inclusive " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
} else if (type == GatewayType.PARALLEL) {
message = "Parallel " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
} else if (type == GatewayType.COMPLEX) {
message = "Complex " + convergeDivergeName + " Gateway: " + displayName;
} else {
// TODO write to log because element not supported
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
// i.e. for splits: default behavior is the one of a parallel gateway
for (Integer nextNodeId : idsOfNextNodes) {
List<ScyllaEvent> events = SimulationUtils.createEventsForNextNode(this, pSimComponents, processInstance, nextNodeId);
// next DesmoJ event occurs immediately after start event
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
for (ScyllaEvent event : events) {
int index = getNewEventIndex();
nextEventMap.put(index, event);
timeSpanToNextEventMap.put(index, timeSpan);
GatewayEventPluggable.runPlugins(this, processInstance);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException | ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class TaskTerminateEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(ProcessInstance processInstance) throws SuspendExecution {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
try {
ProcessModel subProcess = processModel.getSubProcesses().get(nodeId);
TaskType type = processModel.getTasks().get(nodeId);
String message = null;
if (subProcess != null) {
message = "End of Subprocess: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.DEFAULT) {
message = "End of Default Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SERVICE) {
message = "End of Service Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SEND) {
message = "End of Send Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.RECEIVE) {
message = "End of Receive Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.USER) {
message = "End of User Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.MANUAL) {
message = "End of Manual Task: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.BUSINESS_RULE) {
message = "End of Business Rule: " + displayName;
} else if (type == TaskType.SCRIPT) {
message = "End of Script Task: " + displayName;
} else {
// TODO write to log because element not supported
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
// 1: check queues if there are any events waiting, schedule them first
// 2: schedule event for next node
QueueManager.releaseResourcesAndScheduleQueuedEvents(model, this);
// get next node(s)
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId);
// start event must not have more than successor
if (idsOfNextNodes.size() != 1) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Task " + nodeId + " does not have 1 successor, but " + idsOfNextNodes.size() + ".");
Integer nextNodeId = idsOfNextNodes.iterator().next();
List<ScyllaEvent> events = SimulationUtils.createEventsForNextNode(this, pSimComponents, processInstance, nextNodeId);
// next event occurs immediately after start event
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
for (ScyllaEvent event : events) {
int index = getNewEventIndex();
nextEventMap.put(index, event);
timeSpanToNextEventMap.put(index, timeSpan);
// unless current one is BPMN timer event with timerDuration
TaskTerminateEventPluggable.runPlugins(this, processInstance);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException | ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, traceIsOn());
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BPMNEscalationBPMNEEPlugin method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BPMNEndEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
Map<EventDefinitionType, Map<String, String>> definitions = processModel.getEventDefinitions().get(nodeId);
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects();
boolean showInTrace = model.traceIsOn();
try {
for (EventDefinitionType definition : definitions.keySet()) {
if (definition == EventDefinitionType.ESCALATION) {
if (processModel.getParent() != null) {
Map<String, String> eventAttributes = processModel.getEventDefinitions().get(nodeId).get(definition);
String escalationRef = eventAttributes.get("escalationRef");
// Map<String, Map<String, String>> escalations =
// model.getCommonProcessElements().getEscalations();
// Map<String, String> escalation = escalations.get("escalationRef");
ProcessSimulationComponents parentDesmojObjects = desmojObjects.getParent();
ProcessModel parentModel = processModel.getParent();
int nodeIdInParent = processModel.getNodeIdInParent();
Integer nextNodeId = null;
// find boundary event of parentModel which has the same escalationRef
List<Integer> referencesToBoundaryEvents = parentModel.getReferencesToBoundaryEvents().get(nodeIdInParent);
for (int nId : referencesToBoundaryEvents) {
Map<EventDefinitionType, Map<String, String>> boundaryEventDefinitions = parentModel.getEventDefinitions().get(nId);
Map<String, String> boundaryEscalationEventDefinition = boundaryEventDefinitions.get(EventDefinitionType.ESCALATION);
if (boundaryEscalationEventDefinition != null) {
if (escalationRef.equals(boundaryEscalationEventDefinition.get("escalationRef"))) {
nextNodeId = nId;
if (nextNodeId == null) {
DebugLogger.error("Could not find referenced escalation " + escalationRef + ".");
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);
ProcessInstance parentProcessInstance = processInstance.getParent();
List<ScyllaEvent> events = SimulationUtils.createEventsForNextNode(desmojEvent, parentDesmojObjects, parentProcessInstance, nextNodeId);
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
* first event in the map is the node that comes after the subprocess when normal behavior
* applies, so remove it;
int indexOfTaskTerminateEvent = 0;
for (ScyllaEvent event : events) {
int index = desmojEvent.getNewEventIndex();
desmojEvent.getNextEventMap().put(index, event);
desmojEvent.getTimeSpanToNextEventMap().put(index, timeSpan);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class BPMNTimerPIGEPlugin method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(ProcessInstanceGenerationEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
String processId = desmojEvent.getProcessId();
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = model.getDesmojObjectsMap().get(processId);
ProcessModel processModel = desmojObjects.getProcessModel();
Integer startNodeId;
try {
startNodeId = processModel.getStartNode();
if (desmojObjects.getDistributions().get(startNodeId) == null) {
// no arrival rate defined, check if start event is timer event and use value from there
Map<EventDefinitionType, Map<String, String>> eventDefinitions = processModel.getEventDefinitions().get(startNodeId);
Map<String, String> definitionAttributes = eventDefinitions.get(EventDefinitionType.TIMER);
if (definitionAttributes != null) {
// if start event is timer event
// ISO 8601 duration
String timeDuration = definitionAttributes.get("timeCycle");
if (timeDuration == null) {
String identifier = processModel.getIdentifiers().get(startNodeId);
DebugLogger.log("Timer event " + identifier + " has no timer definition, skip.");
} else // TODO support timeDate and timeDuration attributes?
Duration javaDuration = Duration.parse(timeDuration);
long duration = javaDuration.get(ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
TimeUnit unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(duration, unit);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | MultipleStartNodesException | NoStartNodeException e) {
DebugLogger.log("Error during instantiation of process model " + processModel.getId() + ".");
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class DataObjectBPMNIntermediateEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BPMNIntermediateEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// int processInstanceId = processInstance.getId();
try {
if (processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getNodes().containsKey(desmojEvent.getNodeId())) {
Set<Integer> refferingObjects = processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getTargetObjects(desmojEvent.getNodeId());
Collection<Object> allFields = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects().getExtensionDistributions().get("dataobject").values();
for (Object fields : allFields) {
Integer i = 0;
while (((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray().length - i != 0) {
DataObjectField field = (DataObjectField) ((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray()[i];
if (refferingObjects.contains(field.getNodeId())) {
// System.out.println(processInstance.getId() + " " + desmojEvent.getDisplayName() + " " + processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + " " + field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample());
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
Collection<Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>>> allProcesses = model.getProcessNodeInfos().values();
for (Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>> process : allProcesses) {
List<ProcessNodeInfo> currentProcess = process.get(processInstance.getId());
for (ProcessNodeInfo task : currentProcess) {
// System.out.println(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[0]) + " " + task.getTaskName());
for (Integer j = 0; j < processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray().length; j++) {
if (task.getId().equals(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[j]) && task.getTransition() == ProcessNodeTransitionType.EVENT_TERMINATE) {
// check all tasks and find the ones that may be looged; already logged ones will get ignored next line
if (!task.getDataObjectField().containsKey(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName())) {
// don't log if task already has this field logged
Map<String, Object> fieldSample = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object currentSample = field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample();
// log Value at TaskTerminate
fieldSample.put(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName(), currentSample);
// set current DataObjectFieldValue
DataObjectField.addDataObjectValue(processInstance.getId(), fieldSample.keySet().toArray()[0].toString(), currentSample);
} else {
// do nothing and continue with the next task because Node has no dataobejcts
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException | ScyllaValidationException | NodeNotFoundException e) {