use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class DataObjectBPMNStartEvent method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BPMNStartEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
// int processInstanceId = processInstance.getId();
try {
if (processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getNodes().containsKey(desmojEvent.getNodeId())) {
Set<Integer> refferingObjects = processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getTargetObjects(desmojEvent.getNodeId());
Collection<Object> allFields = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects().getExtensionDistributions().get("dataobject").values();
for (Object fields : allFields) {
Integer i = 0;
while (((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray().length - i != 0) {
DataObjectField field = (DataObjectField) ((Map<String, Map<Integer, DataObjectField>>) fields).values().toArray()[i];
if (refferingObjects.contains(field.getNodeId())) {
// System.out.println(processInstance.getId() + " " + desmojEvent.getDisplayName() + " " + processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + " " + field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample());
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
Collection<Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>>> allProcesses = model.getProcessNodeInfos().values();
for (Map<Integer, java.util.List<ProcessNodeInfo>> process : allProcesses) {
List<ProcessNodeInfo> currentProcess = process.get(processInstance.getId());
for (ProcessNodeInfo task : currentProcess) {
// System.out.println(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[0]) + " " + task.getTaskName());
for (Integer j = 0; j < processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray().length; j++) {
if (task.getId().equals(processModel.getDataObjectsGraph().getSourceObjects(field.getNodeId()).toArray()[j]) && task.getTransition() == ProcessNodeTransitionType.EVENT_TERMINATE) {
// check all tasks and find the ones that may be looged; already logged ones will get ignored next line
if (!task.getDataObjectField().containsKey(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName())) {
// don't log if task already has this field logged
Map<String, Object> fieldSample = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Object currentSample = field.getDataDistributionWrapper().getSample();
// log Value at TaskTerminate
fieldSample.put(processModel.getDisplayNames().get(field.getNodeId()) + "." + field.getFieldName(), currentSample);
// set current DataObjectFieldValue
DataObjectField.addDataObjectValue(processInstance.getId(), fieldSample.keySet().toArray()[0].toString(), currentSample);
} else {
// do nothing and continue with the next task because Node has no dataobejcts
} catch (ScyllaRuntimeException | ScyllaValidationException | NodeNotFoundException e) {
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class EventbasedGatewayEventPlugin method eventRoutine.
* Handles a gateway event, if it is an event based gateway
* Changes scheduling behavior by already scheduling the next events of the given gateway event (if event based)
public void eventRoutine(GatewayEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
GatewayType type = processModel.getGateways().get(nodeId);
try {
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId);
if (type == GatewayType.EVENT_BASED && idsOfNextNodes.size() > 1) {
// Schedule all following events
List<ScyllaEvent> nextEvents = new ArrayList<ScyllaEvent>(desmojEvent.getNextEventMap().values());
// and look which is scheduled first.
ScyllaEvent first = nextEvents.get(0);
for (ScyllaEvent e : nextEvents) {
if (TimeInstant.isBefore(e.scheduledNext(), first.scheduledNext())) {
first = e;
// Cancel all other events except the one that is scheduled first.
for (ScyllaEvent e : nextEvents) {
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException | SuspendExecution e) {
// Critical error (following nodes not found or validation error), abort the instance.
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, desmojEvent.traceIsOn());
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class ExclusiveGatewaySCParserPlugin method parse.
public Map<String, Object> parse(SimulationConfiguration simulationInput, Element sim) throws ScyllaValidationException {
Map<Integer, BranchingBehavior> branchingBehaviors = new HashMap<Integer, BranchingBehavior>();
Namespace simNamespace = sim.getNamespace();
ProcessModel processModel = simulationInput.getProcessModel();
for (Element el : sim.getChildren()) {
String elementName = el.getName();
if (elementName.equals("exclusiveGateway")) {
String identifier = el.getAttributeValue("id");
if (identifier == null) {
DebugLogger.log("Warning: Simulation configuration definition element '" + elementName + "' does not have an identifier, skip.");
// no matching element in process, so skip definition
Integer nodeId = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(identifier);
if (nodeId == null) {
DebugLogger.log("Simulation configuration definition for process element '" + identifier + "', but not available in process, skip.");
// no matching element in process, so skip definition
List<Element> outgoingSequenceFlows = el.getChildren("outgoingSequenceFlow", simNamespace);
if (outgoingSequenceFlows.size() > 0) {
Map<Integer, Double> branchingProbabilities = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
Double probabilitySum = 0d;
for (Element elem : outgoingSequenceFlows) {
Integer nodeIdOfSequenceFlow = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(elem.getAttributeValue("id"));
if (nodeIdOfSequenceFlow != null) {
Double branchingProbability = Double.parseDouble(elem.getChildText("branchingProbability", simNamespace));
if (branchingProbability < 0 || branchingProbability > 1) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Exclusive gateway branching probability for " + identifier + " is out of bounds [0,1].");
probabilitySum += branchingProbability;
branchingProbabilities.put(nodeIdOfSequenceFlow, branchingProbability);
if (probabilitySum <= 0) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration defines branching probabilities for exclusive gateway " + identifier + ", where the sum of probabilities is negative or zero.");
if (probabilitySum > 1) {
// XXX imprecision by IEEE 754 floating point representation
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Simulation configuration defines branching probabilities for exclusive gateway " + identifier + ", exceeding 1 in total.");
// complete probabilities with the default flow probability
if (probabilitySum > 0 && probabilitySum <= 1) {
Map<String, String> gatewayAttributes = processModel.getNodeAttributes().get(nodeId);
String defaultFlowIdentifier = gatewayAttributes.get("default");
if (defaultFlowIdentifier != null) {
double probabilityOfDefaultFlow = 1 - probabilitySum;
int defaultFlowNodeId = processModel.getIdentifiersToNodeIds().get(defaultFlowIdentifier);
if (!branchingProbabilities.containsKey(defaultFlowNodeId)) {
branchingProbabilities.put(defaultFlowNodeId, probabilityOfDefaultFlow);
} else {
branchingProbabilities.put(defaultFlowNodeId, branchingProbabilities.get(defaultFlowNodeId) + probabilityOfDefaultFlow);
try {
if (branchingProbabilities.keySet().size() != processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId).size()) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Number of branching probabilities defined in simulation configuration " + "does not match to number of outgoing flows of exclusive gateway " + identifier + ".");
} catch (NodeNotFoundException e) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Node not found: " + e.getMessage());
BranchingBehavior branchingBehavior = new BranchingBehavior(branchingProbabilities);
branchingBehaviors.put(nodeId, branchingBehavior);
HashMap<String, Object> extensionAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
extensionAttributes.put("branchingBehaviors", branchingBehaviors);
return extensionAttributes;
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class InclusiveGatewayEventPlugin method eventRoutine.
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
public void eventRoutine(GatewayEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
boolean showInTrace = desmojEvent.traceIsOn();
GatewayType type = processModel.getGateways().get(nodeId);
try {
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId);
if (idsOfNextNodes.size() > 1) {
// split
if (type == GatewayType.INCLUSIVE) {
// TODO this is incomplete, must find corresponding join gateway and define behavior for it
// Map<Integer, Object> branchingDistributions = desmojObjects.getDistributionsExtensional()
// .get(getName());
// Map<Integer, BoolDistBernoulli> distributions = (Map<Integer, BoolDistBernoulli>)
// branchingDistributions
// .get(nodeId);
// Set<Integer> idsOfNodesToBeActivated = new HashSet<Integer>();
// for (Integer nextFlowId : distributions.keySet()) {
// BoolDistBernoulli distribution = distributions.get(nextFlowId);
// if (!processModel.getIdentifiers().keySet().contains(nextFlowId)) {
// throw new ScyllaValidationException("Flow with id " + nextFlowId + " does not exist.");
// }
// boolean activateOutgoingFlow = distribution.sample();
// if (activateOutgoingFlow) {
// Set<Integer> nodeIds = processModel.getTargetObjectIds(nextFlowId);
// if (nodeIds.size() != 1) {
// throw new ScyllaValidationException("Flow " + nextFlowId
// + " does not connect to 1 node, but" + nodeIds.size() + " .");
// }
// int nextNodeId = nodeIds.iterator().next();
// idsOfNodesToBeActivated.add(nextNodeId);
// }
// // TODO default flow
// }
// Map<Integer, ScyllaEvent> nextEventMap = desmojEvent.getNextEventMap();
// List<Integer> indicesOfEventsToKeep = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// for (int index : nextEventMap.keySet()) {
// ScyllaEvent eventCandidate = nextEventMap.get(index);
// int nodeIdOfCandidate = eventCandidate.getNodeId();
// if (idsOfNodesToBeActivated.contains(nodeIdOfCandidate)) {
// indicesOfEventsToKeep.add(index);
// }
// }
// Map<Integer, TimeSpan> timeSpanToNextEventMap = desmojEvent.getTimeSpanToNextEventMap();
// nextEventMap.keySet().retainAll(indicesOfEventsToKeep);
// timeSpanToNextEventMap.keySet().retainAll(indicesOfEventsToKeep);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);
use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.model.process.graph.exception.NodeNotFoundException in project scylla by bptlab.
the class SubprocessBPMNEEPlugin method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(BPMNEndEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
if (processModel.getParent() != null && processInstanceIsCompleted(processInstance)) {
// works
try {
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects();
ProcessSimulationComponents parentDesmojObjects = desmojObjects.getParent();
ProcessModel parentModel = processModel.getParent();
int nodeIdInParent = processModel.getNodeIdInParent();
ProcessInstance parentProcessInstance = processInstance.getParent();
// behavior when sub-process sends events:
// none -> back to normal flow
// message -> "send it"
// error -> to parent
// escalation -> to parent
// cancel -> nonono!
// compensation -> ... not now
// signal -> ... not now
// terminate -> terminate sub-process (kill all events of sub-process instance (MI sub-process
// not affected))
// ...
// timer -> special treatment
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = parentModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeIdInParent);
// normal flow: must not have more than one successor
if (idsOfNextNodes.size() != 1) {
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Subprocess " + nodeId + " does not have 1 successor, but " + idsOfNextNodes.size() + ".");
Integer nextNodeId = idsOfNextNodes.iterator().next();
// TODO let the parent create the next node, so remove the lines below
List<ScyllaEvent> events = SimulationUtils.createEventsForNextNode(desmojEvent, parentDesmojObjects, parentProcessInstance, nextNodeId);
// next event occurs immediately after start event
TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(0);
String parentProcessInstanceName = parentProcessInstance.getName();
SubprocessPluginUtils pluginInstance = SubprocessPluginUtils.getInstance();
TaskTerminateEvent eventOfParent = pluginInstance.getEventsOnHold().get(parentProcessInstanceName).get(nodeIdInParent);
if (eventOfParent != null) {
for (ScyllaEvent event : events) {
int index = desmojEvent.getNewEventIndex();
desmojEvent.getNextEventMap().put(index, event);
desmojEvent.getTimeSpanToNextEventMap().put(index, timeSpan);
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException | ScyllaRuntimeException e) {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
boolean showInTrace = model.traceIsOn();
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);