use of de.hpi.bpt.scylla.plugin_loader.PluginLoader.PluginWrapper in project scylla by bptlab.
the class ExclusiveGatewayEventPlugin method eventRoutine.
public void eventRoutine(GatewayEvent desmojEvent, ProcessInstance processInstance) throws ScyllaRuntimeException {
SimulationModel model = (SimulationModel) desmojEvent.getModel();
ProcessModel processModel = processInstance.getProcessModel();
int nodeId = desmojEvent.getNodeId();
boolean showInTrace = desmojEvent.traceIsOn();
GatewayType type = processModel.getGateways().get(nodeId);
ProcessSimulationComponents desmojObjects = desmojEvent.getDesmojObjects();
try {
Set<Integer> idsOfNextNodes = processModel.getIdsOfNextNodes(nodeId);
if (idsOfNextNodes.size() > 1) {
// split
if (type == GatewayType.DEFAULT || type == GatewayType.EXCLUSIVE) {
Map<Integer, Object> branchingDistributions = desmojObjects.getExtensionDistributions().get(getName());
DiscreteDistEmpirical<Integer> distribution = (DiscreteDistEmpirical<Integer>) branchingDistributions.get(nodeId);
// decide on next node
if (distribution != null) {
// if a distribution is given take this
Integer nextFlowId = distribution.sample().intValue();
if (!processModel.getIdentifiers().keySet().contains(nextFlowId)) {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Flow with id " + nextFlowId + " does not exist.");
scheduleNextEvent(desmojEvent, processInstance, processModel, nextFlowId);
} else {
// otherwise try to get information out of the describing branches and branch on the basis of this
Map<Class<?>, ArrayList<PluginWrapper>> a = PluginLoader.getDefaultPluginLoader().getExtensions();
Collection<ArrayList<PluginWrapper>> plugins = a.values();
Boolean dataObjectPluginOn = false;
for (ArrayList<PluginWrapper> plugin : plugins) {
for (PluginWrapper p : plugin) {
if (p.toString().equals("DataObjectSCParserPlugin")) {
dataObjectPluginOn = true;
if (dataObjectPluginOn) {
Object[] outgoingRefs = processModel.getGraph().getTargetObjects(nodeId).toArray();
Integer DefaultPath = null;
Boolean foundAWay = false;
for (Object or : outgoingRefs) {
// go through all outgoing references
if (or.equals(getKeyByValue(processModel.getIdentifiers(), processModel.getNodeAttributes().get(desmojEvent.getNodeId()).get("default")))) {
// if it's the default path jump it
DefaultPath = (Integer) or;
String[] conditions = processModel.getDisplayNames().get(or).split("&&");
Integer nextFlowId = (Integer) or;
List<Boolean> test = new ArrayList<>();
for (String condition : conditions) {
condition = condition.trim();
String field = null;
String value = null;
String comparison = null;
if (condition.contains("==")) {
field = condition.split("==")[0];
value = condition.split("==")[1];
// value = processModel.getDisplayNames().get(or).substring(2, processModel.getDisplayNames().get(or).length());
comparison = "equal";
} else if (condition.contains(">=")) {
field = condition.split(">=")[0];
value = condition.split(">=")[1];
comparison = "greaterOrEqual";
} else if (condition.contains("<=")) {
field = condition.split("<=")[0];
value = condition.split("<=")[1];
comparison = "lessOrEqual";
} else if (condition.contains("!=")) {
field = condition.split("!=")[0];
value = condition.split("!=")[1];
comparison = "notEqual";
} else if (condition.contains("=")) {
field = condition.split("=")[0];
value = condition.split("=")[1];
comparison = "equal";
} else if (condition.contains("<")) {
field = condition.split("<")[0];
value = condition.split("<")[1];
comparison = "less";
} else if (condition.contains(">")) {
field = condition.split(">")[0];
value = condition.split(">")[1];
comparison = "greater";
} else {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("Condition " + condition + " does not have a comparison-operator");
value = value.trim();
field = field.trim();
Object fieldValue = DataObjectField.getDataObjectValue(processInstance.getId(), field);
if (!isParsableAsLong(value) || !isParsableAsLong((String.valueOf(fieldValue)))) {
// try a long comparison
Integer comparisonResult = (String.valueOf(fieldValue)).trim().compareTo(String.valueOf(value));
if (comparison.equals("equal") && comparisonResult == 0) {
} else if (comparison.equals("notEqual") && comparisonResult != 0) {
} else {
} else {
// otherwise do a string compare
Long LongValue = Long.valueOf(value);
Long dOValue = Long.valueOf((String.valueOf(fieldValue)));
Integer comparisonResult = (dOValue.compareTo(LongValue));
if (comparison.equals("equal") && comparisonResult == 0) {
} else if (comparison.equals("less") && comparisonResult < 0) {
} else if (comparison.equals("greater") && comparisonResult > 0) {
} else if (comparison.equals("greaterOrEqual") && comparisonResult >= 0) {
} else if (comparison.equals("lessOrEqual") && comparisonResult <= 0) {
} else {
if (test.size() == 0) {
scheduleNextEvent(desmojEvent, processInstance, processModel, nextFlowId);
foundAWay = true;
if (!foundAWay && DefaultPath != null) {
scheduleNextEvent(desmojEvent, processInstance, processModel, DefaultPath);
} else if (!foundAWay && DefaultPath == null) {
// everything will be killed, logical error
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No Default Path for " + desmojEvent.getDisplayName() + " given and outgoing branches not complete. No branch matches, abort.");
} else {
Object[] outgoingRefs = processModel.getGraph().getTargetObjects(nodeId).toArray();
Integer DefaultPath = null;
for (Object or : outgoingRefs) {
// try to find default path
if (or.equals(getKeyByValue(processModel.getIdentifiers(), processModel.getNodeAttributes().get(desmojEvent.getNodeId()).get("default")))) {
DefaultPath = (Integer) or;
if (DefaultPath != null) {
scheduleNextEvent(desmojEvent, processInstance, processModel, DefaultPath);
} else {
throw new ScyllaValidationException("No Distribution for " + desmojEvent.getDisplayName() + " given, no DefaultPath given and DataObject PlugIn not activated.");
} catch (NodeNotFoundException | ScyllaValidationException e) {
SimulationUtils.abort(model, processInstance, nodeId, showInTrace);