use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class AttributeWiseVarianceNormalizationTest method testNaNParameters.
* Test with default parameters and for correcting handling of NaN and Inf.
public void testNaNParameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "nan-test-1.csv";
AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization<DoubleVector> filter = new ELKIBuilder<AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization<DoubleVector>>(AttributeWiseVarianceNormalization.class).build();
MultipleObjectsBundle bundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Ensure the first column are the vectors.
assertTrue("Test file not as expected", TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD.isAssignableFromType(bundle.meta(0)));
// This cast is now safe (vector field):
int dim = ((FieldTypeInformation) bundle.meta(0)).getDimensionality();
// Verify that the resulting data has mean 0 and variance 1 in each column:
MeanVariance[] mvs = MeanVariance.newArray(dim);
for (int row = 0; row < bundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector d = get(bundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
final double v = d.doubleValue(col);
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
assertEquals("Mean not as expected", 0., mvs[col].getMean(), 1e-15);
assertEquals("Variance not as expected", 1., mvs[col].getNaiveVariance(), 1e-15);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class IntegerRankTieNormalizationTest method defaultParameters.
* Test with default parameters.
public void defaultParameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "normalization-test-1.csv";
IntegerRankTieNormalization filter = new ELKIBuilder<>(IntegerRankTieNormalization.class).build();
MultipleObjectsBundle bundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
int dim = getFieldDimensionality(bundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
IntegerArray coldata = new IntegerArray(bundle.dataLength());
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
// Extract the column:
for (int row = 0; row < bundle.dataLength(); row++) {
IntegerVector obj = get(bundle, row, 0, IntegerVector.class);
// Sort values:
// Verify that the gap matches the frequency of each value.
final int size = coldata.size;
assertEquals("First value", coldata.get(0), coldata.get(coldata.get(0)));
for (int i = 0; i < size; ) {
// s: Start, i: end, v: value, f: frequency
int s = i, v = coldata.get(i), f = 1;
while (++i < size && v == coldata.get(i)) {
// Only iff the frequencies is even, the values will be odd.
assertNotSame("Even/odd rule", (f & 1), (v & 1));
assertEquals("Bad value at position " + s, s + i - 1, v);
assertEquals("Bad frequency at position " + s, i - s, f);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class LengthNormalizationTest method defaultParameters.
* Test with default parameters.
public void defaultParameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "normalization-test-1.csv";
LengthNormalization<DoubleVector> filter = new ELKIBuilder<>(LengthNormalization.class).build();
MultipleObjectsBundle bundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
int dim = getFieldDimensionality(bundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
// Verify that the length of each row vector is 1.
for (int row = 0; row < bundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector d = get(bundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
double len = 0.0;
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
final double v = d.doubleValue(col);
len += v * v;
assertEquals("Vector length is not 1", 1., len, 1e-15);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class Log1PlusNormalizationTest method parameters.
* Test with non-default parameters to ensure that both branches of the filter
* are tested.
public void parameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "normalization-test-1.csv";
// Use the value of b as the boost value.
double b = 15.;
ListParameterization config = new ListParameterization();
config.addParameter(Log1PlusNormalization.Parameterizer.BOOST_ID, b);
Log1PlusNormalization<DoubleVector> filter = ClassGenericsUtil.parameterizeOrAbort(Log1PlusNormalization.class, config);
MultipleObjectsBundle filteredBundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Load the test data again without a filter.
MultipleObjectsBundle unfilteredBundle = readBundle(filename);
// Check dimensionalities
int dim = getFieldDimensionality(filteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
assertEquals("Dimensionality changed", dim, getFieldDimensionality(unfilteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD));
// Verify that the filtered and unfiltered bundles have the same length.
assertEquals("Length changed", filteredBundle.dataLength(), unfilteredBundle.dataLength());
// method.
for (int row = 0; row < filteredBundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector dFil = get(filteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil = get(unfilteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
final double vFil = dFil.doubleValue(col);
final double vUnfil = dUnfil.doubleValue(col);
assertEquals("Value not as expected", vFil, FastMath.log1p(Math.abs(vUnfil) * b) / FastMath.log1p(b), 1e-15);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class ByLabelFilterTest method parameters.
* Test with parameter s as the label to look for.
public void parameters() {
String s = "yes";
String filename = UNITTEST + "label-selection-test-1.csv";
ByLabelFilter filter = //
new ELKIBuilder<>(ByLabelFilter.class).with(ByLabelFilter.Parameterizer.LABELFILTER_PATTERN_ID, //
MultipleObjectsBundle filteredBundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Load the test data again without a filter.
MultipleObjectsBundle unfilteredBundle = readBundle(filename);
// Ensure the first column are the vectors.
assertEquals("Dimensionality", getFieldDimensionality(unfilteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD), getFieldDimensionality(filteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD));
// Verify that the filter selected all vectors which match the pattern.
int count_match = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < unfilteredBundle.dataLength(); row++) {
LabelList ll = get(unfilteredBundle, row, 1, LabelList.class);
if (ll.get(0).equals(s)) {
assertTrue("Expected at least one match", count_match > 0);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of matches", count_match, filteredBundle.dataLength());