use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class SortByLabelFilterTest method defaultParameters.
* Test with default parameters.
public void defaultParameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "label-selection-test-1.csv";
SortByLabelFilter filter = new ELKIBuilder<>(SortByLabelFilter.class).build();
MultipleObjectsBundle bundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Expect vectors to come first, labels second.
getFieldDimensionality(bundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
// Verify that the vectors are in alphabetical order.
for (int row = 0; row < bundle.dataLength() - 1; row++) {
LabelList llFirst = get(bundle, row, 1, LabelList.class);
LabelList llSecond = get(bundle, row + 1, 1, LabelList.class);
assertTrue("Expected alphabetical order", llFirst.get(0).compareToIgnoreCase(llSecond.get(0)) <= 0);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransformTest method parameters.
* Test with parameters.
public void parameters() {
int pdim = 2;
String filename = UNITTEST + "transformation-test-1.csv";
ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform<DoubleVector, DoubleVector> filter = //
new ELKIBuilder<ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform<DoubleVector, DoubleVector>>(ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.class).with(ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Parameterizer.DIM_ID, //
pdim).with(ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Parameterizer.DISTANCE_ID, //
MultipleObjectsBundle filteredBundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Load the test data again without a filter.
MultipleObjectsBundle unfilteredBundle = readBundle(filename);
int dimu = getFieldDimensionality(unfilteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
int dimf = getFieldDimensionality(filteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
assertEquals("Dimensionality not as requested", pdim, dimf);
// Verify that the Euclidean distance between any two points is identical
// before and after the MDS transform is performed - O(n^2)!
// Calculate the covariance matricies of the filtered and unfiltered
// bundles.
CovarianceMatrix cmUnfil = new CovarianceMatrix(dimu);
CovarianceMatrix cmFil = new CovarianceMatrix(dimf);
for (int outer = 0; outer < filteredBundle.dataLength(); outer++) {
DoubleVector dFil_1 = get(filteredBundle, outer, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil_1 = get(unfilteredBundle, outer, 0, DoubleVector.class);
for (int row = outer + 1; row < filteredBundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector dFil_2 = get(filteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil_2 = get(unfilteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
final double distF = EuclideanDistanceFunction.STATIC.distance(dFil_1, dFil_2);
final double distU = EuclideanDistanceFunction.STATIC.distance(dUnfil_1, dUnfil_2);
assertEquals("Expected same distance", distU, distF, 1e-11);
// Calculate the SVD of the covariance matrix of the unfiltered data.
// Verify that this SVD represents the diagonals of the covariance matrix of
// the filtered data.
double[][] ncmUnfil = cmUnfil.destroyToPopulationMatrix();
double[][] ncmFil = cmFil.destroyToPopulationMatrix();
SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(ncmUnfil);
double[] dia = svd.getSingularValues();
for (int ii = 0; ii < dia.length; ii++) {
assertEquals("Unexpected covariance", dia[ii], ncmFil[ii][ii], 1e-11);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class FastMultidimensionalScalingTransformTest method parameters.
* Test with parameters.
public void parameters() {
int pdim = 2;
String filename = UNITTEST + "transformation-test-1.csv";
FastMultidimensionalScalingTransform<DoubleVector, DoubleVector> filter = //
new ELKIBuilder<FastMultidimensionalScalingTransform<DoubleVector, DoubleVector>>(FastMultidimensionalScalingTransform.class).with(ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Parameterizer.DIM_ID, //
pdim).with(FastMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Parameterizer.RANDOM_ID, //
0L).with(ClassicMultidimensionalScalingTransform.Parameterizer.DISTANCE_ID, //
MultipleObjectsBundle filteredBundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Load the test data again without a filter.
MultipleObjectsBundle unfilteredBundle = readBundle(filename);
int dimu = getFieldDimensionality(unfilteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
int dimf = getFieldDimensionality(filteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
assertEquals("Dimensionality not as requested", pdim, dimf);
// Verify that the Euclidean distance between any two points is identical
// before and after the MDS transform is performed - O(n^2)!
// Calculate the covariance matricies of the filtered and unfiltered
// bundles.
CovarianceMatrix cmUnfil = new CovarianceMatrix(dimu);
CovarianceMatrix cmFil = new CovarianceMatrix(dimf);
for (int outer = 0; outer < filteredBundle.dataLength(); outer++) {
DoubleVector dFil_1 = get(filteredBundle, outer, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil_1 = get(unfilteredBundle, outer, 0, DoubleVector.class);
for (int row = outer + 1; row < filteredBundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector dFil_2 = get(filteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil_2 = get(unfilteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
final double distF = EuclideanDistanceFunction.STATIC.distance(dFil_1, dFil_2);
final double distU = EuclideanDistanceFunction.STATIC.distance(dUnfil_1, dUnfil_2);
assertEquals("Expected same distance", distU, distF, 1e-10);
// Calculate the SVD of the covariance matrix of the unfiltered data.
// Verify that this SVD represents the diagonals of the covariance matrix of
// the filtered data.
double[][] ncmUnfil = cmUnfil.destroyToPopulationMatrix();
double[][] ncmFil = cmFil.destroyToPopulationMatrix();
SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(ncmUnfil);
double[] dia = svd.getSingularValues();
for (int ii = 0; ii < dia.length; ii++) {
assertEquals("Unexpected covariance", dia[ii], ncmFil[ii][ii], 1e-8);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class HistogramJitterFilterTest method parameters.
* Test with seed of 0 and given jitter amount.
public void parameters() {
String filename = UNITTEST + "transformation-test-1.csv";
// Use the value of s as the seed value and j as the jitter amount.
final double s = 0.;
final double j = .01;
HistogramJitterFilter<DoubleVector> filter = //
new ELKIBuilder<>(HistogramJitterFilter.class).with(HistogramJitterFilter.Parameterizer.SEED_ID, //
s).with(HistogramJitterFilter.Parameterizer.JITTER_ID, //
MultipleObjectsBundle filteredBundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Load the test data again without a filter.
MultipleObjectsBundle unfilteredBundle = readBundle(filename);
int dim = getFieldDimensionality(filteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD);
assertEquals("Dimensionality changed", dim, getFieldDimensionality(unfilteredBundle, 0, TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD));
// Verify that the filtered and unfiltered bundles have the same length.
assertEquals("Test file interpreted incorrectly", filteredBundle.dataLength(), unfilteredBundle.dataLength());
// Verify that at least p% of the values are within a% of the unfiltered
// value.
final double p = .9, a = .1;
int withinRange = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < filteredBundle.dataLength(); row++) {
DoubleVector dFil = get(filteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
DoubleVector dUnfil = get(unfilteredBundle, row, 0, DoubleVector.class);
for (int col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
final double vFil = dFil.doubleValue(col);
final double vUnfil = dUnfil.doubleValue(col);
if (Math.abs((vFil / vUnfil) - 1.) <= a) {
assertEquals("Too many values have moved too much", 1., withinRange / (double) (dim * filteredBundle.dataLength()), 1. - p);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.datasource.bundle.MultipleObjectsBundle in project elki by elki-project.
the class ExternalIDFilterTest method parameters.
* Test with parameter c as the column whose label is to be extacted.
public void parameters() {
final int c = 2;
String filename = UNITTEST + "external-id-test-1.csv";
ExternalIDFilter filter = //
new ELKIBuilder<>(ExternalIDFilter.class).with(ExternalIDFilter.Parameterizer.EXTERNALID_INDEX_ID, c).build();
MultipleObjectsBundle bundle = readBundle(filename, filter);
// Ensure that the filter has correctly formed the bundle.
// We expect that the bundle's first column is a number vector field.
// We expect that the bundle's second column is an ExternalID
// We expect that the bundle's third column is a LabelList object.
// Ensure the first column are the vectors.
assertTrue("Test file not as expected", TypeUtil.NUMBER_VECTOR_FIELD.isAssignableFromType(bundle.meta(0)));
// Ensure that the second column are the ExternalID objects.
Object obj =, 1);
assertEquals("Unexpected data type", ExternalID.class, obj.getClass());
// Ensure that the length of the list of ExternalID objects has the correct
// length.
assertEquals("Unexpected data length", bundle.dataLength(), bundle.getColumn(1).size());
// Ensure that the third column are the LabelList objects.
obj =, 2);
assertEquals("Unexpected data type", LabelList.class, obj.getClass());