use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.scores.adapter.DBIDsTest in project elki by elki-project.
the class ROCEvaluationTest method testROCCurve.
* Test ROC curve generation, including curve simplification
public void testROCCurve() {
HashSetModifiableDBIDs positive = DBIDUtil.newHashSet();
final ModifiableDoubleDBIDList distances = DBIDUtil.newDistanceDBIDList();
// Starting point: ................................ 0.0,0. ++
// + 0.0,.2 -- redundant
distances.add(0.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(1));
// + 0.0,.4 ++
distances.add(1.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(2));
// - .25,.4 ++
distances.add(2.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(6));
// -
distances.add(3.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(7));
// + .50,.6 -- redundant
distances.add(3.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(3));
// -
distances.add(4.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(8));
// + .75,.8 ++
distances.add(4.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(4));
// - 1.0,.8 ++
distances.add(5.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(9));
// + 1.0,1. ++
distances.add(6.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(5));
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positive), new DistanceResultAdapter(distances.iter()));
// System.err.println(roccurve);
assertEquals("ROC curve too complex", 6, roccurve.size());
double auc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
assertEquals("ROC AUC (curve) not correct.", 0.6, auc, 1e-14);
double auc2 = new ROCEvaluation().evaluate(positive, distances);
assertEquals("ROC AUC (direct) not correct.", 0.6, auc2, 1e-14);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.scores.adapter.DBIDsTest in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierRankingEvaluation method evaluateOrderingResult.
private EvaluationResult evaluateOrderingResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, DBIDs order) {
if (order.size() != size) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Iterable result doesn't match database size - incomplete ordering?");
EvaluationResult res = new EvaluationResult("Evaluation of ranking", "ranking-evaluation");
DBIDsTest test = new DBIDsTest(positiveids);
double rate = positiveids.size() / (double) size;
MeasurementGroup g = res.newGroup("Evaluation measures:");
double rocauc = ROCEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
g.addMeasure("ROC AUC", rocauc, 0., 1., .5, false);
double avep = AveragePrecisionEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
g.addMeasure("Average Precision", avep, 0., 1., rate, false);
double rprec = PrecisionAtKEvaluation.RPRECISION.evaluate(test, new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
g.addMeasure("R-Precision", rprec, 0., 1., rate, false);
double maxf1 = MaximumF1Evaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
g.addMeasure("Maximum F1", maxf1, 0., 1., rate, false);
g = res.newGroup("Adjusted for chance:");
double adjauc = 2 * rocauc - 1;
g.addMeasure("Adjusted AUC", adjauc, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjavep = (avep - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted AveP", adjavep, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjrprec = (rprec - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted R-Prec", adjrprec, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjmaxf1 = (maxf1 - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted Max F1", adjmaxf1, 0., 1., 0., false);
if (LOG.isStatistics()) {
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".rocauc", rocauc));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".rocauc.adjusted", adjauc));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.average", avep));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.average.adjusted", adjavep));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.r", rprec));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.r.adjusted", adjrprec));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".f1.maximum", maxf1));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".f1.maximum.adjusted", adjmaxf1));
return res;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.scores.adapter.DBIDsTest in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierROCCurve method computeROCResult.
private ROCResult computeROCResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, OutlierResult or) {
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positiveids), new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
double rocauc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
return new ROCResult(roccurve, rocauc);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.scores.adapter.DBIDsTest in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierRankingEvaluation method evaluateOutlierResult.
private EvaluationResult evaluateOutlierResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, OutlierResult or) {
EvaluationResult res = EvaluationResult.findOrCreate(or.getHierarchy(), or, "Evaluation of ranking", "ranking-evaluation");
DBIDsTest test = new DBIDsTest(positiveids);
final int pos = positiveids.size();
final double rate = pos / (double) size;
MeasurementGroup g = res.findOrCreateGroup("Evaluation measures");
double rocauc = ROCEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
if (!g.hasMeasure("ROC AUC")) {
g.addMeasure("ROC AUC", rocauc, 0., 1., .5, false);
double avep = AveragePrecisionEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
g.addMeasure("Average Precision", avep, 0., 1., rate, false);
double rprec = PrecisionAtKEvaluation.RPRECISION.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
g.addMeasure("R-Precision", rprec, 0., 1., rate, false);
double maxf1 = MaximumF1Evaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
g.addMeasure("Maximum F1", maxf1, 0., 1., rate, false);
double maxdcg = DCGEvaluation.maximum(pos);
double dcg = DCGEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
g.addMeasure("DCG", dcg, 0., maxdcg, DCGEvaluation.STATIC.expected(pos, size), false);
double ndcg = NDCGEvaluation.STATIC.evaluate(test, new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
g.addMeasure("NDCG", ndcg, 0., 1., NDCGEvaluation.STATIC.expected(pos, size), false);
g = res.findOrCreateGroup("Adjusted for chance");
double adjauc = 2 * rocauc - 1;
g.addMeasure("Adjusted AUC", adjauc, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjavep = (avep - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted AveP", adjavep, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjrprec = (rprec - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted R-Prec", adjrprec, 0., 1., 0., false);
double adjmaxf1 = (maxf1 - rate) / (1 - rate);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted Max F1", adjmaxf1, 0., 1., 0., false);
double endcg = NDCGEvaluation.STATIC.expected(pos, size);
double adjndcg = (ndcg - endcg) / (1. - endcg);
g.addMeasure("Adjusted DCG", adjndcg, 0., 1., 0., false);
if (LOG.isStatistics()) {
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".rocauc", rocauc));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".rocauc.adjusted", adjauc));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.average", avep));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.average.adjusted", adjavep));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.r", rprec));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".precision.r.adjusted", adjrprec));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".f1.maximum", maxf1));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".f1.maximum.adjusted", adjmaxf1));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".dcg", dcg));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".dcg.normalized", ndcg));
LOG.statistics(new DoubleStatistic(key + ".dcg.adjusted", adjndcg));
return res;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.evaluation.scores.adapter.DBIDsTest in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierROCCurve method computeROCResult.
private ROCResult computeROCResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, DBIDs order) {
if (order.size() != size) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Iterable result doesn't match database size - incomplete ordering?");
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positiveids), new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
double rocauc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
return new ROCResult(roccurve, rocauc);