use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.XYCurve in project elki by elki-project.
the class ROCEvaluationTest method testROCCurve.
* Test ROC curve generation, including curve simplification
public void testROCCurve() {
HashSetModifiableDBIDs positive = DBIDUtil.newHashSet();
final ModifiableDoubleDBIDList distances = DBIDUtil.newDistanceDBIDList();
// Starting point: ................................ 0.0,0. ++
// + 0.0,.2 -- redundant
distances.add(0.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(1));
// + 0.0,.4 ++
distances.add(1.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(2));
// - .25,.4 ++
distances.add(2.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(6));
// -
distances.add(3.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(7));
// + .50,.6 -- redundant
distances.add(3.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(3));
// -
distances.add(4.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(8));
// + .75,.8 ++
distances.add(4.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(4));
// - 1.0,.8 ++
distances.add(5.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(9));
// + 1.0,1. ++
distances.add(6.0, DBIDUtil.importInteger(5));
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positive), new DistanceResultAdapter(distances.iter()));
// System.err.println(roccurve);
assertEquals("ROC curve too complex", 6, roccurve.size());
double auc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
assertEquals("ROC AUC (curve) not correct.", 0.6, auc, 1e-14);
double auc2 = new ROCEvaluation().evaluate(positive, distances);
assertEquals("ROC AUC (direct) not correct.", 0.6, auc2, 1e-14);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.XYCurve in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierROCCurve method computeROCResult.
private ROCResult computeROCResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, OutlierResult or) {
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positiveids), new OutlierScoreAdapter(or));
double rocauc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
return new ROCResult(roccurve, rocauc);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.XYCurve in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierPrecisionAtKCurve method computePrecisionResult.
private XYCurve computePrecisionResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, DBIDs order) {
if (order.size() != size) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Iterable result doesn't match database size - incomplete ordering?");
int lastk = Math.min(size, maxk);
XYCurve curve = new PrecisionAtKCurve("k", "Precision", lastk);
int pos = 0;
DBIDIter i = order.iter();
for (int k = 1; k <= lastk; k++, i.advance()) {
if (positiveids.contains(i)) {
curve.addAndSimplify(k, pos / (double) k);
return curve;
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.XYCurve in project elki by elki-project.
the class XYCurveVisualization method makeVisualization.
public Visualization makeVisualization(VisualizerContext context, VisualizationTask task, VisualizationPlot plot, double width, double height, Projection proj) {
XYCurve curve = task.getResult();
setupCSS(context, plot);
final StyleLibrary style = context.getStyleLibrary();
final double sizex = StyleLibrary.SCALE;
final double sizey = StyleLibrary.SCALE * height / width;
final double margin = style.getSize(StyleLibrary.MARGIN);
Element layer = SVGUtil.svgElement(plot.getDocument(), SVGConstants.SVG_G_TAG);
final String transform = SVGUtil.makeMarginTransform(width, height, sizex, sizey, margin);
SVGUtil.setAtt(layer, SVGConstants.SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, transform);
// determine scaling
LinearScale scalex = new LinearScale(curve.getMinx(), curve.getMaxx());
LinearScale scaley = new LinearScale(curve.getMiny(), curve.getMaxy());
// plot the line
SVGPath path = new SVGPath();
for (XYCurve.Itr iterator = curve.iterator(); iterator.valid(); iterator.advance()) {
final double x = scalex.getScaled(iterator.getX());
final double y = 1 - scaley.getScaled(iterator.getY());
path.drawTo(sizex * x, sizey * y);
Element line = path.makeElement(plot);
line.setAttribute(SVGConstants.SVG_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, SERIESID);
// add axes
try {
SVGSimpleLinearAxis.drawAxis(plot, layer, scaley, 0, sizey, 0, 0, SVGSimpleLinearAxis.LabelStyle.LEFTHAND, style);
SVGSimpleLinearAxis.drawAxis(plot, layer, scalex, 0, sizey, sizex, sizey, SVGSimpleLinearAxis.LabelStyle.RIGHTHAND, style);
} catch (CSSNamingConflict e) {
// Add axis labels
Element labelx = plot.svgText(sizex * .5, sizey + margin * .9, curve.getLabelx());
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(labelx, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
Element labely = plot.svgText(margin * -.8, sizey * .5, curve.getLabely());
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(labely, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
SVGUtil.setAtt(labely, SVGConstants.SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, "rotate(-90," + FormatUtil.NF6.format(margin * -.8) + "," + FormatUtil.NF6.format(sizey * .5) + ")");
// Add AUC value when found
if (curve instanceof ROCResult) {
double rocauc = ((ROCResult) curve).getAUC();
String lt = OutlierROCCurve.ROCAUC_LABEL + ": " + FormatUtil.NF.format(rocauc);
if (rocauc <= 0.5) {
Element auclbl = plot.svgText(sizex * 0.5, sizey * 0.10, lt);
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(auclbl, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
} else {
Element auclbl = plot.svgText(sizex * 0.5, sizey * 0.95, lt);
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(auclbl, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
if (curve instanceof PRCurve) {
double prauc = ((PRCurve) curve).getAUC();
String lt = OutlierPrecisionRecallCurve.PRAUC_LABEL + ": " + FormatUtil.NF.format(prauc);
if (prauc <= 0.5) {
Element auclbl = plot.svgText(sizex * 0.5, sizey * 0.10, lt);
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(auclbl, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
} else {
Element auclbl = plot.svgText(sizex * 0.5, sizey * 0.95, lt);
SVGUtil.setCSSClass(auclbl, CSS_AXIS_LABEL);
return new StaticVisualizationInstance(context, task, plot, width, height, layer);
use of de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.math.geometry.XYCurve in project elki by elki-project.
the class OutlierROCCurve method computeROCResult.
private ROCResult computeROCResult(int size, SetDBIDs positiveids, DBIDs order) {
if (order.size() != size) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Iterable result doesn't match database size - incomplete ordering?");
XYCurve roccurve = ROCEvaluation.materializeROC(new DBIDsTest(positiveids), new SimpleAdapter(order.iter()));
double rocauc = XYCurve.areaUnderCurve(roccurve);
return new ROCResult(roccurve, rocauc);