use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class QuizScheduleService method processCachedQuizSubmissions.
* // @formatter:off
* 1. Check cached submissions for new submissions with “isSubmitted() == true”
* a. Process each Submission (set submissionType to “SubmissionType.MANUAL”) and create Participation and Result and save them to Database (DB WRITE)
* b. Remove processed Submissions from SubmissionHashMap and write Participation with Result into ParticipationHashMap and write Result into ResultHashMap
* 2. If Quiz has ended:
* a. Process all cached Submissions that belong to this quiz i. set “isSubmitted” to “true” and submissionType to “SubmissionType.TIMEOUT”
* ii. Create Participation and Result and save to Database (DB WRITE)
* iii. Remove processed Submissions from cache and write the Participations with Result and the Results into the cache
* b. Send out cached Participations (including QuizExercise and Result) from to each participant and remove them from the cache (WEBSOCKET SEND)
* 3. Update Statistics with Results from ResultHashMap (DB READ and DB WRITE) and remove from cache
* 4. Send out new Statistics to instructors (WEBSOCKET SEND)
public void processCachedQuizSubmissions() {
log.debug("Process cached quiz submissions");
// global try-catch for error logging
try {
for (QuizExerciseCache cachedQuiz : quizCache.getAllQuizExerciseCaches()) {
// this way near cache is used (values will deserialize new objects)
Long quizExerciseId = cachedQuiz.getExerciseId();
// Get fresh QuizExercise from DB
QuizExercise quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findOne(quizExerciseId);
// check if quiz has been deleted
if (quizExercise == null) {
log.debug("Remove quiz {} from resultHashMap", quizExerciseId);
// Update cached exercise object (use the expensive operation upfront)
quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findByIdWithQuestionsAndStatisticsElseThrow(quizExerciseId);
Map<Long, QuizBatch> batchCache = quizExercise.getQuizBatches().stream().collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(QuizBatch::getId, batch -> batch));
// this is required to ensure that students cannot gain extra attempts this way
for (var batch : cachedQuiz.getBatches().entrySet()) {
if (batchCache.get(batch.getValue()).isEnded()) {
cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().putIfAbsent(batch.getKey(), new QuizSubmission());
// (Boolean wrapper is safe to auto-unbox here)
boolean hasEnded = quizExercise.isQuizEnded();
// Note that those might not be true later on due to concurrency and a distributed system,
// do not rely on that for actions upon the whole set, such as clear()
boolean hasNewSubmissions = !cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().isEmpty();
boolean hasNewParticipations = !cachedQuiz.getParticipations().isEmpty();
boolean hasNewResults = !cachedQuiz.getResults().isEmpty();
// Skip quizzes with no cached changes
if (!hasNewSubmissions && !hasNewParticipations && !hasNewResults) {
// Remove quiz if it has ended
if (hasEnded) {
// Save cached Submissions (this will also generate results and participations and place them in the cache)
long start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewSubmissions) {
// Create Participations and Results if the submission was submitted or if the quiz has ended and save them to Database (DB Write)
Map<String, QuizSubmission> submissions = cachedQuiz.getSubmissions();
Map<String, Long> batches = cachedQuiz.getBatches();
// This call will remove the processed Submission map entries itself
int numberOfSubmittedSubmissions = saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase(quizExercise, submissions, batches, batchCache);
// .. and likely generate new participations and results
if (numberOfSubmittedSubmissions > 0) {
// .. so we set the boolean variables here again if some were submitted
hasNewParticipations = true;
hasNewResults = true;"Saved {} submissions to database in {} in quiz {}", numberOfSubmittedSubmissions, formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Send out Participations from ParticipationHashMap to each user if the quiz has ended
start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewParticipations && hasEnded) {
// Send the participation with containing result and quiz back to the users via websocket and remove the participation from the ParticipationHashMap
Collection<Entry<String, StudentParticipation>> finishedParticipations = cachedQuiz.getParticipations().entrySet();
// TODO maybe find a better way to optimize the performance (use an executor service with e.g. X parallel threads)
finishedParticipations.parallelStream().forEach(entry -> {
StudentParticipation participation = entry.getValue();
if (participation.getParticipant() == null || participation.getParticipantIdentifier() == null) {
log.error("Participation is missing student (or student is missing username): {}", participation);
} else {
sendQuizResultToUser(quizExerciseId, participation);
if (!finishedParticipations.isEmpty()) {"Sent out {} participations in {} for quiz {}", finishedParticipations.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Update Statistics with Results (DB Read and DB Write) and remove the results from the cache
start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewResults) {
// Fetch a new quiz exercise here including deeper attribute paths (this is relatively expensive, so we only do that if necessary)
try {
// Get a Set because QuizStatisticService needs one (currently)
Set<Result> newResultsForQuiz = Set.copyOf(cachedQuiz.getResults().values());
// Update the statistics
quizStatisticService.updateStatistics(newResultsForQuiz, quizExercise);"Updated statistics with {} new results in {} for quiz {}", newResultsForQuiz.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Remove only processed results
for (Result result : newResultsForQuiz) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in StatisticService.updateStatistics(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in Quiz Schedule: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class ProgrammingSubmissionIntegrationTest method triggerBuildInstructor.
@WithMockUser(username = "instructor1", roles = "INSTRUCTOR")
void triggerBuildInstructor() throws Exception {
String login = "student1";
StudentParticipation participation = database.addStudentParticipationForProgrammingExercise(exercise, login);
bambooRequestMockProvider.mockTriggerBuild((ProgrammingExerciseParticipation) participation);
bambooRequestMockProvider.mockTriggerBuild((ProgrammingExerciseParticipation) participation);
request.postWithoutLocation("/api/programming-submissions/" + participation.getId() + "/trigger-build?submissionType=INSTRUCTOR", null, HttpStatus.OK, new HttpHeaders());
List<ProgrammingSubmission> submissions = submissionRepository.findAll();
ProgrammingSubmission submission = submissions.get(0);
var optionalSubmission = submissionRepository.findWithEagerResultsById(submission.getId());
// Trigger the call again and make sure that the submission shouldn't be recreated
request.postWithoutLocation("/api/programming-submissions/" + participation.getId() + "/trigger-build?submissionType=INSTRUCTOR", null, HttpStatus.OK, new HttpHeaders());
var updatedSubmissions = submissionRepository.findAll();
use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class ProgrammingSubmissionIntegrationTest method triggerBuildInstructorTutorForbidden.
@WithMockUser(username = "tutor1", roles = "TA")
void triggerBuildInstructorTutorForbidden() throws Exception {
String login = "student1";
StudentParticipation participation = database.addStudentParticipationForProgrammingExercise(exercise, login);
String url = "/api/programming-submissions/" + participation.getId() + "/trigger-build?submissionType=INSTRUCTOR";
request.postWithoutLocation(url, null, HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN, new HttpHeaders());
use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.
the class ProgrammingSubmissionIntegrationTest method triggerBuildInstructor_cannotGetLastCommitHash.
@WithMockUser(username = "instructor1", roles = "INSTRUCTOR")
void triggerBuildInstructor_cannotGetLastCommitHash() throws Exception {
String login = "student1";
StudentParticipation participation = database.addStudentParticipationForProgrammingExercise(exercise, login);
bambooRequestMockProvider.mockTriggerBuild((ProgrammingExerciseParticipation) participation);
bambooRequestMockProvider.mockTriggerBuild((ProgrammingExerciseParticipation) participation);
request.postWithoutLocation("/api/programming-submissions/" + participation.getId() + "/trigger-build?submissionType=INSTRUCTOR", null, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, new HttpHeaders());
use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.
the class QuizScheduleService method processCachedQuizSubmissions.
* // @formatter:off
* 1. Check cached submissions for new submissions with “isSubmitted() == true”
* a. Process each Submission (set submissionType to “SubmissionType.MANUAL”) and create Participation and Result and save them to Database (DB WRITE)
* b. Remove processed Submissions from SubmissionHashMap and write Participation with Result into ParticipationHashMap and write Result into ResultHashMap
* 2. If Quiz has ended:
* a. Process all cached Submissions that belong to this quiz i. set “isSubmitted” to “true” and submissionType to “SubmissionType.TIMEOUT”
* ii. Create Participation and Result and save to Database (DB WRITE)
* iii. Remove processed Submissions from cache and write the Participations with Result and the Results into the cache
* b. Send out cached Participations (including QuizExercise and Result) from to each participant and remove them from the cache (WEBSOCKET SEND)
* 3. Update Statistics with Results from ResultHashMap (DB READ and DB WRITE) and remove from cache
* 4. Send out new Statistics to instructors (WEBSOCKET SEND)
public void processCachedQuizSubmissions() {
log.debug("Process cached quiz submissions");
// global try-catch for error logging
try {
for (Cache cache : quizCache.getAllCaches()) {
QuizExerciseCache cachedQuiz = (QuizExerciseCache) cache;
// this way near cache is used (values will deserialize new objects)
Long quizExerciseId = cachedQuiz.getExerciseId();
// Get fresh QuizExercise from DB
QuizExercise quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findOne(quizExerciseId);
// check if quiz has been deleted
if (quizExercise == null) {
log.debug("Remove quiz {} from resultHashMap", quizExerciseId);
// Update cached exercise object (use the expensive operation upfront)
quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findByIdWithQuestionsAndStatisticsElseThrow(quizExerciseId);
Map<Long, QuizBatch> batchCache = quizExercise.getQuizBatches().stream().collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(QuizBatch::getId, batch -> batch));
// this is required to ensure that students cannot gain extra attempts this way
for (var batch : cachedQuiz.getBatches().entrySet()) {
if (batchCache.get(batch.getValue()).isEnded()) {
cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().putIfAbsent(batch.getKey(), new QuizSubmission());
// (Boolean wrapper is safe to auto-unbox here)
boolean hasEnded = quizExercise.isQuizEnded();
// Note that those might not be true later on due to concurrency and a distributed system,
// do not rely on that for actions upon the whole set, such as clear()
boolean hasNewSubmissions = !cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().isEmpty();
boolean hasNewParticipations = !cachedQuiz.getParticipations().isEmpty();
boolean hasNewResults = !cachedQuiz.getResults().isEmpty();
// Skip quizzes with no cached changes
if (!hasNewSubmissions && !hasNewParticipations && !hasNewResults) {
// Remove quiz if it has ended
if (hasEnded) {
// Save cached Submissions (this will also generate results and participations and place them in the cache)
long start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewSubmissions) {
// Create Participations and Results if the submission was submitted or if the quiz has ended and save them to Database (DB Write)
Map<String, QuizSubmission> submissions = cachedQuiz.getSubmissions();
Map<String, Long> batches = cachedQuiz.getBatches();
// This call will remove the processed Submission map entries itself
int numberOfSubmittedSubmissions = saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase(quizExercise, submissions, batches, batchCache);
// .. and likely generate new participations and results
if (numberOfSubmittedSubmissions > 0) {
// .. so we set the boolean variables here again if some were submitted
hasNewParticipations = true;
hasNewResults = true;"Saved {} submissions to database in {} in quiz {}", numberOfSubmittedSubmissions, formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Send out Participations from ParticipationHashMap to each user if the quiz has ended
start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewParticipations && hasEnded) {
// Send the participation with containing result and quiz back to the users via websocket and remove the participation from the ParticipationHashMap
Collection<Entry<String, StudentParticipation>> finishedParticipations = cachedQuiz.getParticipations().entrySet();
// TODO maybe find a better way to optimize the performance (use an executor service with e.g. X parallel threads)
finishedParticipations.parallelStream().forEach(entry -> {
StudentParticipation participation = entry.getValue();
if (participation.getParticipant() == null || participation.getParticipantIdentifier() == null) {
log.error("Participation is missing student (or student is missing username): {}", participation);
} else {
sendQuizResultToUser(quizExerciseId, participation);
if (!finishedParticipations.isEmpty()) {"Sent out {} participations in {} for quiz {}", finishedParticipations.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Update Statistics with Results (DB Read and DB Write) and remove the results from the cache
start = System.nanoTime();
if (hasNewResults) {
// Fetch a new quiz exercise here including deeper attribute paths (this is relatively expensive, so we only do that if necessary)
try {
// Get a Set because QuizStatisticService needs one (currently)
Set<Result> newResultsForQuiz = Set.copyOf(cachedQuiz.getResults().values());
// Update the statistics
quizStatisticService.updateStatistics(newResultsForQuiz, quizExercise);"Updated statistics with {} new results in {} for quiz {}", newResultsForQuiz.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
// Remove only processed results
for (Result result : newResultsForQuiz) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in StatisticService.updateStatistics(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in Quiz Schedule: {}", e.getMessage(), e);