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Example 46 with StudentExam

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExamSubmissionServiceTest method init.

void init() {
    List<User> users = database.addUsers(1, 0, 0, 1);
    user = users.get(0);
    exercise = database.addCourseExamExerciseGroupWithOneTextExercise();
    Course course = exercise.getCourseViaExerciseGroupOrCourseMember();
    exam = examRepository.findByCourseId(course.getId()).get(0);
    studentExam = database.addStudentExam(exam);
    // 2 hours
    studentExam =;
Also used : User( WithMockUser( Course( BeforeEach(org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach)

Example 47 with StudentExam

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExamQuizService method evaluateQuizParticipationsForTestRun.

 * This method is intended to be called after a user submits a test run. We calculate the achieved score in the quiz exercises immediately and attach a result.
 * Note: We do not insert the result of this test run quiz participation into the quiz statistics.
 * @param testRun The test run containing the users participations in all exam exercises
public void evaluateQuizParticipationsForTestRun(StudentExam testRun) {
    final var participations = testRun.getExercises().stream().flatMap(exercise -> exercise.getStudentParticipations().stream().filter(StudentParticipation::isTestRun).filter(participation -> participation.getExercise() instanceof QuizExercise)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    for (final var participation : participations) {
        var quizExercise = (QuizExercise) participation.getExercise();
        final var optionalExistingSubmission = participation.findLatestSubmission();
        if (optionalExistingSubmission.isPresent()) {
            QuizSubmission submission = (QuizSubmission) submissionRepository.findWithEagerResultAndFeedbackById(optionalExistingSubmission.get().getId()).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Submission with id \"" + optionalExistingSubmission.get().getId() + "\" does not exist"));
            quizExercise = (QuizExercise) participation.getExercise();
            Result result;
            if (submission.getLatestResult() == null) {
                result = new Result();
                // set submission to calculate scores
                // calculate scores and update result and submission accordingly
                // remove submission to follow save order for ordered collections
                result =;
            } else {
                result = submission.getLatestResult();
                // set submission to calculate scores
                // calculate scores and update result and submission accordingly
                // prevent a lazy exception in the evaluateQuizSubmission method
Also used : QuizStatisticService( java.util(java.util) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) QuizExercise( QuizSubmission( TimeLogUtil( ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) Submission( StudentExam( NotNull(javax.validation.constraints.NotNull) AssessmentType( InitializationState( Collectors( ResultService( Result( EntityNotFoundException( Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) StudentParticipation( QuizSubmission( EntityNotFoundException( QuizExercise( Result(

Example 48 with StudentExam

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExamService method calculateExamScores.

 * Puts students, result and exerciseGroups together for ExamScoresDTO
 * @param examId the id of the exam
 * @return return ExamScoresDTO with students, scores and exerciseGroups for exam
public ExamScoresDTO calculateExamScores(Long examId) {
    Exam exam = examRepository.findWithExerciseGroupsAndExercisesById(examId).orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException("Exam", examId));
    // without test run participations
    List<StudentParticipation> studentParticipations = studentParticipationRepository.findByExamIdWithSubmissionRelevantResult(examId);
    // Adding exam information to DTO
    ExamScoresDTO scores = new ExamScoresDTO(exam.getId(), exam.getTitle(), exam.getMaxPoints());
    // setting multiplicity of correction rounds
    scores.hasSecondCorrectionAndStarted = false;
    // Counts how many participants each exercise has
    Map<Long, Long> exerciseIdToNumberParticipations = -> studentParticipation.getExercise().getId(), Collectors.counting()));
    // Adding exercise group information to DTO
    for (ExerciseGroup exerciseGroup : exam.getExerciseGroups()) {
        // Find the maximum points for this exercise group
        OptionalDouble optionalMaxPointsGroup = exerciseGroup.getExercises().stream().mapToDouble(Exercise::getMaxPoints).max();
        Double maxPointsGroup = optionalMaxPointsGroup.orElse(0);
        // Counter for exerciseGroup participations. Is calculated by summing up the number of exercise participations
        long numberOfExerciseGroupParticipants = 0;
        // Add information about exercise groups and exercises
        var exerciseGroupDTO = new ExamScoresDTO.ExerciseGroup(exerciseGroup.getId(), exerciseGroup.getTitle(), maxPointsGroup);
        for (Exercise exercise : exerciseGroup.getExercises()) {
            Long participantsForExercise = exerciseIdToNumberParticipations.get(exercise.getId());
            // If no participation exists for an exercise then no entry exists in the map
            if (participantsForExercise == null) {
                participantsForExercise = 0L;
            numberOfExerciseGroupParticipants += participantsForExercise;
            exerciseGroupDTO.containedExercises.add(new ExamScoresDTO.ExerciseGroup.ExerciseInfo(exercise.getId(), exercise.getTitle(), exercise.getMaxPoints(), participantsForExercise, exercise.getClass().getSimpleName()));
        exerciseGroupDTO.numberOfParticipants = numberOfExerciseGroupParticipants;
    // Adding registered student information to DTO
    // fetched without test runs
    Set<StudentExam> studentExams = studentExamRepository.findByExamId(examId);
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    for (StudentExam studentExam : studentExams) {
        User user = studentExam.getUser();
        var studentResult = new ExamScoresDTO.StudentResult(user.getId(), user.getName(), user.getEmail(), user.getLogin(), user.getRegistrationNumber(), studentExam.isSubmitted());
        // Adding student results information to DTO
        List<StudentParticipation> participationsOfStudent = -> studentParticipation.getStudent().get().getId().equals(studentResult.userId)).toList();
        studentResult.overallPointsAchieved = 0.0;
        studentResult.overallPointsAchievedInFirstCorrection = 0.0;
        for (StudentParticipation studentParticipation : participationsOfStudent) {
            Exercise exercise = studentParticipation.getExercise();
            // Relevant Result is already calculated
            if (studentParticipation.getResults() != null && !studentParticipation.getResults().isEmpty()) {
                Result relevantResult = studentParticipation.getResults().iterator().next();
                // Note: It is important that we round on the individual exercise level first and then sum up.
                // This is necessary so that the student arrives at the same overall result when doing his own recalculation.
                // Let's assume that the student achieved 1.05 points in each of 5 exercises.
                // In the client, these are now displayed rounded as 1.1 points.
                // If the student adds up the displayed points, he gets a total of 5.5 points.
                // In order to get the same total result as the student, we have to round before summing.
                double achievedPoints = roundScoreSpecifiedByCourseSettings(relevantResult.getScore() / 100.0 * exercise.getMaxPoints(), exam.getCourse());
                // points earned in NOT_INCLUDED exercises do not count towards the students result in the exam
                if (!exercise.getIncludedInOverallScore().equals(IncludedInOverallScore.NOT_INCLUDED)) {
                    studentResult.overallPointsAchieved += achievedPoints;
                // collect points of first correction, if a second correction exists
                if (exam.getNumberOfCorrectionRoundsInExam() == 2 && !exercise.getIncludedInOverallScore().equals(IncludedInOverallScore.NOT_INCLUDED)) {
                    Optional<Submission> latestSubmission = studentParticipation.findLatestSubmission();
                    if (latestSubmission.isPresent()) {
                        Submission submission = latestSubmission.get();
                        // Check if second correction already started
                        if (submission.getManualResults().size() > 1) {
                            if (!scores.hasSecondCorrectionAndStarted) {
                                scores.hasSecondCorrectionAndStarted = true;
                            Result firstManualResult = submission.getFirstManualResult();
                            double achievedPointsInFirstCorrection = 0.0;
                            if (firstManualResult != null) {
                                Double resultScore = firstManualResult.getScore();
                                achievedPointsInFirstCorrection = resultScore != null ? roundScoreSpecifiedByCourseSettings(resultScore / 100.0 * exercise.getMaxPoints(), exam.getCourse()) : 0.0;
                            studentResult.overallPointsAchievedInFirstCorrection += achievedPointsInFirstCorrection;
                // Check whether the student attempted to solve the exercise
                boolean hasNonEmptySubmission = hasNonEmptySubmission(studentParticipation.getSubmissions(), exercise, objectMapper);
                studentResult.exerciseGroupIdToExerciseResult.put(exercise.getExerciseGroup().getId(), new ExamScoresDTO.ExerciseResult(exercise.getId(), exercise.getTitle(), exercise.getMaxPoints(), relevantResult.getScore(), achievedPoints, hasNonEmptySubmission));
        if (scores.maxPoints != null) {
            studentResult.overallScoreAchieved = (studentResult.overallPointsAchieved / scores.maxPoints) * 100.0;
            var overallScoreAchievedInFirstCorrection = (studentResult.overallPointsAchievedInFirstCorrection / scores.maxPoints) * 100.0;
            // Sets grading scale related properties for exam scores
            Optional<GradingScale> gradingScale = gradingScaleRepository.findByExamId(examId);
            if (gradingScale.isPresent()) {
                // Calculate current student grade
                GradeStep studentGrade = gradingScaleRepository.matchPercentageToGradeStep(studentResult.overallScoreAchieved, gradingScale.get().getId());
                GradeStep studentGradeInFirstCorrection = gradingScaleRepository.matchPercentageToGradeStep(overallScoreAchievedInFirstCorrection, gradingScale.get().getId());
                studentResult.overallGrade = studentGrade.getGradeName();
                studentResult.overallGradeInFirstCorrection = studentGradeInFirstCorrection.getGradeName();
                studentResult.hasPassed = studentGrade.getIsPassingGrade();
    // Updating exam information in DTO
    double sumOverallPoints = -> studentResult.overallPointsAchieved).sum();
    int numberOfStudentResults = scores.studentResults.size();
    if (numberOfStudentResults != 0) {
        scores.averagePointsAchieved = sumOverallPoints / numberOfStudentResults;
    return scores;
Also used : Async(org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Async) java.util(java.util) SecurityUtils( TimeLogUtil( BadRequestAlertException( ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) GitService( StudentExam( InstanceMessageSendService( RoundingUtil.roundScoreSpecifiedByCourseSettings( Value(org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value) ExerciseGroup( AuditEvent(org.springframework.boot.actuate.audit.AuditEvent) Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) ModelingSubmission( GroupNotificationService( Path(java.nio.file.Path) Exam( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) QuizExercise( AuditEventRepository(org.springframework.boot.actuate.audit.AuditEventRepository) Files(java.nio.file.Files) GitAPIException(org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException) QuizSubmission( ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) IOException( NotNull(javax.validation.constraints.NotNull) Collectors( Constants( EntityNotFoundException( StudentParticipation( ModelingExercise( StudentParticipation( QuizExercise( ModelingExercise( ExerciseGroup( StudentExam( Exam( ObjectMapper(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper) ModelingSubmission( QuizSubmission( EntityNotFoundException( StudentExam(

Example 49 with StudentExam

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class ExamSubmissionService method isAllowedToSubmitDuringExam.

 * Check if the user is allowed to submit (submission is in time & user's student exam has the exercise or it is a test run).
 * Note: if the exercise is not an exam, this method will return true
 * @param exercise  the exercise for which a submission should be saved
 * @param user      the user that wants to submit
 * @param withGracePeriod whether the grace period should be taken into account or not
 * @return true if it is not an exam of if it is an exam and the submission is in time and the exercise is part of
 *         the user's student exam
public boolean isAllowedToSubmitDuringExam(Exercise exercise, User user, boolean withGracePeriod) {
    if (isExamSubmission(exercise)) {
        // Get the student exam if it was not passed to the function
        Exam exam = exercise.getExerciseGroup().getExam();
        Optional<StudentExam> optionalStudentExam = studentExamRepository.findWithExercisesByUserIdAndExamId(user.getId(), exam.getId());
        if (optionalStudentExam.isEmpty()) {
            // unnecessary database calls
            if (!isExamTestRunSubmission(exercise, user, exam)) {
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("Student exam with for userId \"" + user.getId() + "\" and examId \"" + exam.getId() + "\" does not exist");
            return true;
        StudentExam studentExam = optionalStudentExam.get();
        // Check that the current user is allowed to submit to this exercise
        if (!studentExam.getExercises().contains(exercise)) {
            return false;
        // if the student exam was already submitted, the user cannot save anymore
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(studentExam.isSubmitted()) || studentExam.getSubmissionDate() != null) {
            return false;
        // Check that the submission is in time
        return isSubmissionInTime(exercise, studentExam, withGracePeriod);
    return true;
Also used : EntityNotFoundException( StudentExam( StudentExam( Exam(

Example 50 with StudentExam

use of in project ArTEMiS by ls1intum.

the class RepositoryIntegrationTest method testResetNotAllowedForExamBeforeDueDate.

@WithMockUser(username = "tutor1", roles = "TA")
public void testResetNotAllowedForExamBeforeDueDate() throws Exception {
    // Create an exam programming exercise
    programmingExercise = database.addCourseExamExerciseGroupWithOneProgrammingExerciseAndTestCases();;
    // Create an exam which has already started
    Exam exam = examRepository.findByIdElseThrow(programmingExercise.getExerciseGroup().getExam().getId());
    var studentExam = database.addStudentExam(exam);
    // 2 hours
    // A tutor is not allowed to reset the repository during the exam time
Also used : Exam( WithMockUser( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


StudentExam ( WithMockUser ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)42 Exam ( StudentParticipation ( ModelingExercise ( QuizExercise ( EntityNotFoundException ( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( ModelingSubmission ( ZonedDateTime (java.time.ZonedDateTime)14 ExerciseGroup ( Participation ( ( java.util (java.util)12 Collectors ( LinkedMultiValueMap (org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap)12 ( AssessmentType ( (