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Example 16 with QuizSubmission

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizSubmissionService method saveSubmissionForExamMode.

 * Updates a submission for the exam mode
 * @param quizExercise      the quiz exercise for which the submission for the exam mode should be done
 * @param quizSubmission    the quiz submission includes the submitted answers by the student
 * @param user              the student who wants to submit the quiz during the exam
 * @return                  the updated quiz submission after it has been saved to the database
public QuizSubmission saveSubmissionForExamMode(QuizExercise quizExercise, QuizSubmission quizSubmission, String user) {
    // update submission properties
    Optional<StudentParticipation> optionalParticipation = participationService.findOneByExerciseAndStudentLoginAnyState(quizExercise, user);
    if (optionalParticipation.isEmpty()) {
        log.warn("The participation for quiz exercise {}, quiz submission {} and user {} was not found", quizExercise.getId(), quizSubmission.getId(), user);
        // TODO: think of better way to handle failure
        throw new EntityNotFoundException("Participation for quiz exercise " + quizExercise.getId() + " and quiz submission " + quizSubmission.getId() + " for user " + user + " was not found!");
    StudentParticipation studentParticipation = optionalParticipation.get();
    // remove result from submission (in the unlikely case it is passed here), so that students cannot inject a result
    quizSubmission.setResults(new ArrayList<>());;
    // versioning of submission
    try {
        submissionVersionService.saveVersionForIndividual(quizSubmission, user);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Quiz submission version could not be saved", ex);
    log.debug("submit exam quiz finished: {}", quizSubmission);
    return quizSubmission;
Also used : EntityNotFoundException( StudentParticipation( QuizSubmissionException( EntityNotFoundException(

Example 17 with QuizSubmission

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizSubmissionService method saveSubmissionForLiveMode.

 * Saves a quiz submission into the hash maps for live quizzes. Submitted quizzes are marked to be saved into the database in the QuizScheduleService
 * @param exerciseId the exerciseID to the corresponding QuizExercise
 * @param quizSubmission the submission which should be saved
 * @param userLogin the login of the user who has initiated the request
 * @param submitted whether the user has pressed the submit button or not
 * @return the updated quiz submission object
 * @throws QuizSubmissionException handles errors, e.g. when the live quiz has already ended, or when the quiz was already submitted before
public QuizSubmission saveSubmissionForLiveMode(Long exerciseId, QuizSubmission quizSubmission, String userLogin, boolean submitted) throws QuizSubmissionException {
    // TODO: what happens if a user executes this call twice in the same moment (using 2 threads)
    String logText = submitted ? "submit quiz in live mode:" : "save quiz in live mode:";
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    checkSubmissionForLiveModeOrThrow(exerciseId, userLogin, logText, start);
    // recreate pointers back to submission in each submitted answer
    for (SubmittedAnswer submittedAnswer : quizSubmission.getSubmittedAnswers()) {
    // set submission date
    // save submission to HashMap
    quizScheduleService.updateSubmission(exerciseId, userLogin, quizSubmission);"{} Saved quiz submission for user {} in quiz {} after {} µs ", logText, userLogin, exerciseId, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000);
    return quizSubmission;
Also used : SubmittedAnswer(

Example 18 with QuizSubmission

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizScheduleService method processCachedQuizSubmissions.

 * // @formatter:off
 * 1. Check cached submissions for new submissions with “isSubmitted() == true”
 *      a. Process each Submission (set submissionType to “SubmissionType.MANUAL”) and create Participation and Result and save them to Database (DB WRITE)
 *      b. Remove processed Submissions from SubmissionHashMap and write Participation with Result into ParticipationHashMap and write Result into ResultHashMap
 * 2. If Quiz has ended:
 *      a. Process all cached Submissions that belong to this quiz i. set “isSubmitted” to “true” and submissionType to “SubmissionType.TIMEOUT”
 *          ii. Create Participation and Result and save to Database (DB WRITE)
 *          iii. Remove processed Submissions from cache and write the Participations with Result and the Results into the cache
 *      b. Send out cached Participations (including QuizExercise and Result) from to each participant and remove them from the cache (WEBSOCKET SEND)
 * 3. Update Statistics with Results from ResultHashMap (DB READ and DB WRITE) and remove from cache
 * 4. Send out new Statistics to instructors (WEBSOCKET SEND)
public void processCachedQuizSubmissions() {
    log.debug("Process cached quiz submissions");
    // global try-catch for error logging
    try {
        for (Cache cache : quizCache.getAllCaches()) {
            QuizExerciseCache cachedQuiz = (QuizExerciseCache) cache;
            // this way near cache is used (values will deserialize new objects)
            Long quizExerciseId = cachedQuiz.getExerciseId();
            // Get fresh QuizExercise from DB
            QuizExercise quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findOne(quizExerciseId);
            // check if quiz has been deleted
            if (quizExercise == null) {
                log.debug("Remove quiz {} from resultHashMap", quizExerciseId);
            // Update cached exercise object (use the expensive operation upfront)
            quizExercise = quizExerciseRepository.findByIdWithQuestionsAndStatisticsElseThrow(quizExerciseId);
            Map<Long, QuizBatch> batchCache = quizExercise.getQuizBatches().stream().collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap(QuizBatch::getId, batch -> batch));
            // this is required to ensure that students cannot gain extra attempts this way
            for (var batch : cachedQuiz.getBatches().entrySet()) {
                if (batchCache.get(batch.getValue()).isEnded()) {
                    cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().putIfAbsent(batch.getKey(), new QuizSubmission());
            // (Boolean wrapper is safe to auto-unbox here)
            boolean hasEnded = quizExercise.isQuizEnded();
            // Note that those might not be true later on due to concurrency and a distributed system,
            // do not rely on that for actions upon the whole set, such as clear()
            boolean hasNewSubmissions = !cachedQuiz.getSubmissions().isEmpty();
            boolean hasNewParticipations = !cachedQuiz.getParticipations().isEmpty();
            boolean hasNewResults = !cachedQuiz.getResults().isEmpty();
            // Skip quizzes with no cached changes
            if (!hasNewSubmissions && !hasNewParticipations && !hasNewResults) {
                // Remove quiz if it has ended
                if (hasEnded) {
            // Save cached Submissions (this will also generate results and participations and place them in the cache)
            long start = System.nanoTime();
            if (hasNewSubmissions) {
                // Create Participations and Results if the submission was submitted or if the quiz has ended and save them to Database (DB Write)
                Map<String, QuizSubmission> submissions = cachedQuiz.getSubmissions();
                Map<String, Long> batches = cachedQuiz.getBatches();
                // This call will remove the processed Submission map entries itself
                int numberOfSubmittedSubmissions = saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase(quizExercise, submissions, batches, batchCache);
                // .. and likely generate new participations and results
                if (numberOfSubmittedSubmissions > 0) {
                    // .. so we set the boolean variables here again if some were submitted
                    hasNewParticipations = true;
                    hasNewResults = true;
          "Saved {} submissions to database in {} in quiz {}", numberOfSubmittedSubmissions, formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
            // Send out Participations from ParticipationHashMap to each user if the quiz has ended
            start = System.nanoTime();
            if (hasNewParticipations && hasEnded) {
                // Send the participation with containing result and quiz back to the users via websocket and remove the participation from the ParticipationHashMap
                Collection<Entry<String, StudentParticipation>> finishedParticipations = cachedQuiz.getParticipations().entrySet();
                // TODO maybe find a better way to optimize the performance (use an executor service with e.g. X parallel threads)
                finishedParticipations.parallelStream().forEach(entry -> {
                    StudentParticipation participation = entry.getValue();
                    if (participation.getParticipant() == null || participation.getParticipantIdentifier() == null) {
                        log.error("Participation is missing student (or student is missing username): {}", participation);
                    } else {
                        sendQuizResultToUser(quizExerciseId, participation);
                if (!finishedParticipations.isEmpty()) {
          "Sent out {} participations in {} for quiz {}", finishedParticipations.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
            // Update Statistics with Results (DB Read and DB Write) and remove the results from the cache
            start = System.nanoTime();
            if (hasNewResults) {
                // Fetch a new quiz exercise here including deeper attribute paths (this is relatively expensive, so we only do that if necessary)
                try {
                    // Get a Set because QuizStatisticService needs one (currently)
                    Set<Result> newResultsForQuiz = Set.copyOf(cachedQuiz.getResults().values());
                    // Update the statistics
                    quizStatisticService.updateStatistics(newResultsForQuiz, quizExercise);
          "Updated statistics with {} new results in {} for quiz {}", newResultsForQuiz.size(), formatDurationFrom(start), quizExercise.getTitle());
                    // Remove only processed results
                    for (Result result : newResultsForQuiz) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Exception in StatisticService.updateStatistics(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Exception in Quiz Schedule: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
Also used : QuizStatisticService( java.util(java.util) SecurityUtils( ApplicationReadyEvent(org.springframework.boot.context.event.ApplicationReadyEvent) ZonedDateTime(java.time.ZonedDateTime) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) QuizBatch( QuizMessagingService( TimeLogUtil.formatDurationFrom( Service(org.springframework.stereotype.Service) Duration(java.time.Duration) SubmittedAnswer( Cache( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) Config(com.hazelcast.config.Config) HazelcastInstance(com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) QuizExercise( ConstraintViolationException(org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException) com.hazelcast.scheduledexecutor(com.hazelcast.scheduledexecutor) IAtomicReference(com.hazelcast.cp.IAtomicReference) QuizSubmission( EventListener(org.springframework.context.event.EventListener) SubmissionType( NotNull(javax.validation.constraints.NotNull) AssessmentType( InitializationState( Collectors( Constants( TimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Result( User( QuizMode( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) StudentParticipation( SimpMessageSendingOperations(org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageSendingOperations) StudentParticipation( ConstraintViolationException(org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException) QuizExercise( Result( QuizSubmission( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) QuizBatch( Cache(

Example 19 with QuizSubmission

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class QuizScheduleService method saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase.

 * check if the user submitted the submission or if the quiz has ended: if true: -> Create Participation and Result and save to Database (DB Write) Remove processed Submissions
 * from SubmissionHashMap and write Participations with Result into ParticipationHashMap and Results into ResultHashMap
 * @param quizExercise      the quiz which should be checked
 * @param userSubmissionMap a Map with all submissions for the given quizExercise mapped by the username
 * @param userBatchMap      a Map of the username to quiz batch id for the given quizExercise
 * @param batchCache        a Map of all the batches for the given quizExercise
 * @return                  the number of processed submissions (submit or timeout)
private int saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase(@NotNull QuizExercise quizExercise, Map<String, QuizSubmission> userSubmissionMap, Map<String, Long> userBatchMap, Map<Long, QuizBatch> batchCache) {
    int count = 0;
    for (String username : userSubmissionMap.keySet()) {
        try {
            // first case: the user submitted the quizSubmission
            QuizSubmission quizSubmission = userSubmissionMap.get(username);
            QuizBatch quizBatch = batchCache.get(userBatchMap.getOrDefault(username, 0L));
            if (quizSubmission.isSubmitted()) {
                if (quizSubmission.getType() == null) {
            } else // second case: the quiz or batch has ended
            if (quizExercise.isQuizEnded() || quizBatch != null && quizBatch.isEnded()) {
            } else {
                // the quiz is running and the submission was not yet submitted.
            if (quizBatch != null) {
                // record which batch the submission belongs to
            // Create Participation and Result and save to Database (DB Write)
            // Remove processed Submissions from SubmissionHashMap and write Participations with Result into ParticipationHashMap and Results into ResultHashMap
            StudentParticipation participation = new StudentParticipation();
            // TODO: when this is set earlier for the individual quiz start of a student, we don't need to set this here anymore
            Optional<User> user = userRepository.findOneByLogin(username);
            // add the quizExercise to the participation
            // create new result
            Result result = new Result().participation(participation);
            // calculate scores and update result and submission accordingly
            // add result to participation
            // add submission to participation
            // NOTE: we save (1) participation and (2) submission (in this particular order) here individually so that one exception (e.g. duplicated key) cannot
            // destroy multiple student answers
            participation =;
            // this automatically saves the results due to CascadeType.ALL
            quizSubmission =;
  "Successfully saved submission in quiz " + quizExercise.getTitle() + " for user " + username);
            // reconnect entities after save
            // no point in keeping the participation around for non-synchronized modes where the due date may only be in a week
            if (quizExercise.getQuizMode() == QuizMode.SYNCHRONIZED) {
                // add the participation to the participationHashMap for the send out at the end of the quiz
                addParticipation(quizExercise.getId(), participation);
            // remove the submission only after the participation has been added to the participation hashmap to avoid duplicated key exceptions for multiple participations for
            // the same user
            // clean up the batch association
            // add the result of the participation resultHashMap for the statistic-Update
            addResultForStatisticUpdate(quizExercise.getId(), result);
        } catch (ConstraintViolationException constraintViolationException) {
            log.error("ConstraintViolationException in saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase() for user {} in quiz {}: {}", username, quizExercise.getId(), constraintViolationException.getMessage(), constraintViolationException);
            // We got a ConstraintViolationException -> The "User-Quiz" pair is already saved in the database, but for some reason was not removed from the maps
            // We remove it from the maps now to prevent this error from occurring again
            // We do NOT add it to the participation map, as this should have been done already earlier (when the entry was added to the database)
            // clean up the batch association
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception in saveQuizSubmissionWithParticipationAndResultToDatabase() for user {} in quiz {}: {}", username, quizExercise.getId(), e.getMessage(), e);
    return count;
Also used : QuizSubmission( User( ConstraintViolationException(org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException) QuizBatch( StudentParticipation( ConstraintViolationException(org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException) Result(

Example 20 with QuizSubmission

use of in project Artemis by ls1intum.

the class ExamQuizServiceTest method evaluateQuiz.

@WithMockUser(username = "instructor1", roles = "INSTRUCTOR")
public void evaluateQuiz() throws Exception {
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticipants; i++) {
    exam =;
    exerciseGroup =;
    quizExercise =;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParticipants; i++) {
        database.changeUser("student" + (i + 1));
        QuizSubmission quizSubmission = database.generateSubmissionForThreeQuestions(quizExercise, i + 1, true,;
        request.put("/api/exercises/" + quizExercise.getId() + "/submissions/exam", quizSubmission, HttpStatus.OK);
    // All exams should be over before evaluation
    for (StudentExam studentExam : studentExamRepository.findByExamId(exam.getId())) {
    Integer numberOfEvaluatedExercises = request.postWithResponseBody("/api/courses/" + course.getId() + "/exams/" + exam.getId() + "/student-exams/evaluate-quiz-exercises", Optional.empty(), Integer.class, HttpStatus.OK);
    // Make sure delete also works if so many objects have been created before
    request.delete("/api/courses/" + course.getId() + "/exams/" + exam.getId(), HttpStatus.OK);
Also used : StudentExam( WithMockUser( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test) AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest(


QuizSubmission ( QuizExercise ( StudentParticipation ( Result ( SubmittedAnswer ( User ( PreAuthorize ( StudentExam ( QuizSubmissionException ( WithMockUser ( AbstractSpringIntegrationBambooBitbucketJiraTest ( ModelingExercise ( ModelingSubmission ( EntityNotFoundException ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)6 Submission ( AssessmentType ( InitializationState ( ModelingPlagiarismResult ( TextPlagiarismResult (