use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class DiscretizedLocationOperator method randomizeNodes.
public void randomizeNodes() {
List<Point2D> listLocations = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
for (int i = 0; i < treeModel.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
NodeRef node = treeModel.getInternalNode(i);
double[] trait = treeModel.getMultivariateNodeTrait(node, traitName);
Point2D newPt = listLocations.get(MathUtils.nextInt(listLocations.size()));
trait[0] = newPt.getX();
trait[1] = newPt.getY();
recursivelySetTrait(node, trait, null);
// treeModel.setMultivariateTrait(node, traitName, trait);
System.err.println("Done with randomization");
// System.exit(-1);
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class LatentLiabilityGibbs method doPostOrderTraversal.
//Fill out partial mean and precision values in post order
public void doPostOrderTraversal(NodeRef node) {
// TODO This is already computed IntegratedMultivariateTraitLikelihood
final int thisNumber = node.getNumber();
if (treeModel.isExternal(node)) {
// writes trait values and precision values for tips
double[] traitValue = getNodeTrait(node);
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
postMeans[thisNumber][j] = traitValue[j];
postP[thisNumber] = 1 / traitModel.getRescaledBranchLengthForPrecision(node);
final NodeRef childNode0 = treeModel.getChild(node, 0);
final NodeRef childNode1 = treeModel.getChild(node, 1);
if (!treeModel.isRoot(node)) {
final int childNumber0 = childNode0.getNumber();
final int childNumber1 = childNode1.getNumber();
// precision values
final double precision0 = postP[childNumber0];
final double precision1 = postP[childNumber1];
final double thisPrecision = 1 / traitModel.getRescaledBranchLengthForPrecision(node);
double tp = precision0 + precision1;
postP[thisNumber] = tp * thisPrecision / (tp + thisPrecision);
//mean values
for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
postMeans[thisNumber][j] = (precision0 * postMeans[childNumber0][j] + precision1 * postMeans[childNumber1][j]) / (precision0 + precision1);
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class SubtreeJumpOperator method getReverseProbability.
private double getReverseProbability(Tree tree, NodeRef originalNode, NodeRef targetNode, double height, double maxAge, List<NodeRef> intersectingEdges, double alpha) {
double[] weights = new double[intersectingEdges.size()];
double sum = 0.0;
int i = 0;
int originalIndex = -1;
for (NodeRef node1 : intersectingEdges) {
assert (node1 != targetNode);
double age = tree.getNodeHeight(TreeUtils.getCommonAncestor(tree, targetNode, node1)) - height;
age = age / maxAge;
weights[i] = getJumpWeight(age, alpha);
sum += weights[i];
if (node1 == originalNode) {
originalIndex = i;
return weights[originalIndex] /= sum;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class CheckPointTreeModifier method incorporateAdditionalTaxa.
* Add the remaining taxa, which can be identified through the TreeDataLikelihood XML elements.
public ArrayList<NodeRef> incorporateAdditionalTaxa(CheckPointUpdaterApp.UpdateChoice choice, BranchRates rateModel) {
System.out.println("Tree before adding taxa:\n" + treeModel.toString() + "\n");
ArrayList<NodeRef> newTaxaNodes = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
for (String str : newTaxaNames) {
for (int i = 0; i < treeModel.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
if (treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)).getId().equals(str)) {
//always take into account Taxon dates vs. dates set through a TreeModel
System.out.println(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)).getId() + " with height " + treeModel.getNodeHeight(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)) + " or " + treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)).getHeight());
System.out.println("newTaxaNodes length = " + newTaxaNodes.size());
ArrayList<Taxon> currentTaxa = new ArrayList<Taxon>();
for (int i = 0; i < treeModel.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
boolean taxonFound = false;
for (String str : newTaxaNames) {
if (str.equals((treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i))).getId())) {
taxonFound = true;
if (!taxonFound) {
System.out.println("Adding " + treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)).getId() + " to list of current taxa");
System.out.println("Current taxa count = " + currentTaxa.size());
//iterate over both current taxa and to be added taxa
boolean originTaxon = true;
for (Taxon taxon : currentTaxa) {
if (taxon.getHeight() == 0.0) {
originTaxon = false;
System.out.println("Current taxon " + taxon.getId() + " has node height 0.0");
for (NodeRef newTaxon : newTaxaNodes) {
if (treeModel.getNodeTaxon(newTaxon).getHeight() == 0.0) {
originTaxon = false;
System.out.println("New taxon " + treeModel.getNodeTaxon(newTaxon).getId() + " has node height 0.0");
//check the Tree(Data)Likelihoods in the connected set of likelihoods
//focus on TreeDataLikelihood, which has getTree() to get the tree for each likelihood
//also get the DataLikelihoodDelegate from TreeDataLikelihood
ArrayList<TreeDataLikelihood> likelihoods = new ArrayList<TreeDataLikelihood>();
ArrayList<Tree> trees = new ArrayList<Tree>();
ArrayList<DataLikelihoodDelegate> delegates = new ArrayList<DataLikelihoodDelegate>();
for (Likelihood likelihood : Likelihood.CONNECTED_LIKELIHOOD_SET) {
if (likelihood instanceof TreeDataLikelihood) {
likelihoods.add((TreeDataLikelihood) likelihood);
trees.add(((TreeDataLikelihood) likelihood).getTree());
delegates.add(((TreeDataLikelihood) likelihood).getDataLikelihoodDelegate());
//suggested to go through TreeDataLikelihoodParser and give it an extra option to create a HashMap
//keyed by the tree; am currently not overly fond of this approach
ArrayList<PatternList> patternLists = new ArrayList<PatternList>();
for (DataLikelihoodDelegate del : delegates) {
if (del instanceof BeagleDataLikelihoodDelegate) {
patternLists.add(((BeagleDataLikelihoodDelegate) del).getPatternList());
} else if (del instanceof MultiPartitionDataLikelihoodDelegate) {
MultiPartitionDataLikelihoodDelegate mpdld = (MultiPartitionDataLikelihoodDelegate) del;
List<PatternList> list = mpdld.getPatternLists();
for (PatternList pList : list) {
if (patternLists.size() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("No patterns detected. Please make sure the XML file is BEAST 1.9 compatible.");
//aggregate all patterns to create distance matrix
//TODO What about different trees for different partitions?
Patterns patterns = new Patterns(patternLists.get(0));
if (patternLists.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < patternLists.size(); i++) {
//set the patterns for the distance matrix computations
//add new taxa one at a time
System.out.println("Adding " + newTaxaNodes.size() + " taxa ...");
for (NodeRef newTaxon : newTaxaNodes) {
treeModel.setNodeHeight(newTaxon, treeModel.getNodeTaxon(newTaxon).getHeight());
System.out.println("\nadding Taxon: " + newTaxon + " (height = " + treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon) + ")");
//check if this taxon has a more recent sampling date than all other nodes in the current TreeModel
double offset = checkCurrentTreeNodes(newTaxon, treeModel.getRoot());
System.out.println("Sampling date offset when adding " + newTaxon + " = " + offset);
//AND set its current node height to 0.0 IF no originTaxon has been found
if (offset < 0.0) {
if (!originTaxon) {
System.out.println("Updating all node heights with offset " + Math.abs(offset));
updateAllTreeNodes(Math.abs(offset), treeModel.getRoot());
treeModel.setNodeHeight(newTaxon, 0.0);
} else if (offset == 0.0) {
if (!originTaxon) {
treeModel.setNodeHeight(newTaxon, 0.0);
//get the closest Taxon to the Taxon that needs to be added
//take into account which taxa can currently be chosen
Taxon closest = choice.getClosestTaxon(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(newTaxon), currentTaxa);
System.out.println("\nclosest Taxon: " + closest + " with original height: " + closest.getHeight());
//get the distance between these two taxa
double distance = choice.getDistance(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(newTaxon), closest);
System.out.println("at distance: " + distance);
//TODO what if distance == 0.0 ??? how to choose closest taxon then (in absence of geo info)?
//find the NodeRef for the closest Taxon (do not rely on node numbering)
NodeRef closestRef = null;
//careful with node numbering and subtract number of new taxa
for (int i = 0; i < treeModel.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
if (treeModel.getNodeTaxon(treeModel.getExternalNode(i)) == closest) {
closestRef = treeModel.getExternalNode(i);
System.out.println(closestRef + " with height " + treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef));
//System.out.println("trying to set node height: " + closestRef + " from " + treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) + " to " + closest.getHeight());
//treeModel.setNodeHeight(closestRef, closest.getHeight());
double timeForDistance = distance / rateModel.getBranchRate(treeModel, closestRef);
System.out.println("timeForDistance = " + timeForDistance);
//get parent node of branch that will be split
NodeRef parent = treeModel.getParent(closestRef);
//determine height of new node
double insertHeight;
if (treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) == treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon)) {
insertHeight = treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) + timeForDistance / 2.0;
System.out.println("treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) == treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon): " + insertHeight);
if (insertHeight >= treeModel.getNodeHeight(parent)) {
insertHeight = treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) + EPSILON * (treeModel.getNodeHeight(parent) - treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef));
} else {
double remainder = (timeForDistance - Math.abs(treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) - treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon))) / 2.0;
if (remainder > 0) {
insertHeight = Math.max(treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef), treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon)) + remainder;
System.out.println("remainder > 0: " + insertHeight);
if (insertHeight >= treeModel.getNodeHeight(parent)) {
insertHeight = treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef) + EPSILON * (treeModel.getNodeHeight(parent) - treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef));
} else {
insertHeight = EPSILON * (treeModel.getNodeHeight(parent) - Math.max(treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef), treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon)));
insertHeight += Math.max(treeModel.getNodeHeight(closestRef), treeModel.getNodeHeight(newTaxon));
System.out.println("remainder <= 0: " + insertHeight);
System.out.println("insert at height: " + insertHeight);
//pass on all the necessary variables to a method that adds the new taxon to the tree
addTaxonAlongBranch(newTaxon, parent, closestRef, insertHeight);
//option to print tree after each taxon addition
System.out.println("\nTree after adding taxon " + newTaxon + ":\n" + treeModel.toString());
//add newly added Taxon to list of current taxa
return newTaxaNodes;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ARGAddRemoveEventOperator method AddOperation.
private double AddOperation() {
double logHastings = 0;
double treeHeight = arg.getNodeHeight(arg.getRoot());
double newBifurcationHeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double newReassortmentHeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double theta = probBelowRoot / treeHeight;
while (newBifurcationHeight > treeHeight && newReassortmentHeight > treeHeight) {
newBifurcationHeight = MathUtils.nextExponential(theta);
newReassortmentHeight = MathUtils.nextExponential(theta);
logHastings += theta * (newBifurcationHeight + newReassortmentHeight) - LOG_TWO - 2.0 * Math.log(theta) + Math.log(1 - Math.exp(-2.0 * treeHeight * theta));
if (newBifurcationHeight < newReassortmentHeight) {
double temp = newBifurcationHeight;
newBifurcationHeight = newReassortmentHeight;
newReassortmentHeight = temp;
//2. Find the possible re-assortment and bifurcation points.
ArrayList<NodeRef> potentialBifurcationChildren = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
ArrayList<NodeRef> potentialReassortmentChildren = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
int totalPotentialBifurcationChildren = findPotentialAttachmentPoints(newBifurcationHeight, potentialBifurcationChildren);
int totalPotentialReassortmentChildren = findPotentialAttachmentPoints(newReassortmentHeight, potentialReassortmentChildren);
assert totalPotentialBifurcationChildren > 0;
assert totalPotentialReassortmentChildren > 0;
logHastings += Math.log((double) potentialBifurcationChildren.size() * potentialReassortmentChildren.size());
//3. Choose your re-assortment location.
Node reassortChild = (Node) potentialReassortmentChildren.get(MathUtils.nextInt(totalPotentialReassortmentChildren));
Node reassortLeftParent = reassortChild.leftParent;
Node reassortRightParent = reassortChild.rightParent;
Node reassortSplitParent = reassortChild.leftParent;
boolean splitReassortLeftParent = true;
if (!reassortChild.bifurcation) {
boolean[] tester = { arg.getNodeHeight(reassortLeftParent) > newReassortmentHeight, arg.getNodeHeight(reassortRightParent) > newReassortmentHeight };
if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
splitReassortLeftParent = false;
reassortSplitParent = reassortRightParent;
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
} else if (tester[0]) {
//nothing to do, setup above
} else if (tester[1]) {
splitReassortLeftParent = false;
reassortSplitParent = reassortRightParent;
} else {
assert false;
// if (recParentL != recParentR) {
// boolean[] tester = {arg.getNodeHeight(recParentL) > newReassortmentHeight,
// arg.getNodeHeight(recParentR) > newReassortmentHeight};
// if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
// if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
// recParent = recParentR;
// }
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// } else if (tester[0]) {
// recParent = recParentL;
// } else {
// recParent = recParentR;
// }
// }
//4. Choose your bifurcation location.
Node bifurcationChild = (Node) potentialBifurcationChildren.get(MathUtils.nextInt(potentialBifurcationChildren.size()));
Node bifurcationLeftParent = bifurcationChild.leftParent;
Node bifurcationRightParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent;
Node bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationLeftParent;
boolean splitBifurcationLeftParent = true;
if (!bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
boolean[] tester = { arg.getNodeHeight(bifurcationLeftParent) > newBifurcationHeight, arg.getNodeHeight(bifurcationRightParent) > newBifurcationHeight };
if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
splitBifurcationLeftParent = false;
bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationRightParent;
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
} else if (tester[0]) {
//nothing to do
} else if (tester[1]) {
splitBifurcationLeftParent = false;
bifurcationSplitParent = bifurcationRightParent;
} else {
assert false;
boolean attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft = MathUtils.nextBoolean();
//During the delete step, this guy gets cancelled out!
logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// if (sisParentL != sisParentR) {
// boolean[] tester = {arg.getNodeHeight(sisParentL) > newBifurcationHeight,
// arg.getNodeHeight(sisParentR) > newBifurcationHeight};
// if (tester[0] && tester[1]) {
// if (MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
// sisParent = sisParentR;
// }
// logHastings += LOG_TWO;
// } else if (tester[0]) {
// sisParent = sisParentL;
// } else {
// sisParent = sisParentR;
// }
// }
//5. Make the new nodes.
//Note: The height stuff is taken care of below.
Node newReassortment = Node();
newReassortment.bifurcation = false;
double[] reassortmentValues = { 1.0 };
if (relaxed) {
reassortmentValues = ratePrior.generateValues();
// logHastings += ratePrior.getAddHastingsRatio(reassortmentValues);
newReassortment.rateParameter = new Parameter.Default(reassortmentValues);
newReassortment.rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, reassortmentValues.length));
newReassortment.number = arg.getNodeCount() + 1;
Node newBifurcation = Node();
double[] bifurcationValues = { 1.0 };
if (relaxed) {
bifurcationValues = ratePrior.generateValues();
logHastings += ratePrior.getAddHastingsRatio(bifurcationValues);
newBifurcation.rateParameter = new Parameter.Default(bifurcationValues);
newBifurcation.rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, bifurcationValues.length));
newBifurcation.number = arg.getNodeCount();
//6. Begin editing the tree.
if (newBifurcationHeight < treeHeight) {
if (bifurcationChild == reassortChild) {
if (bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
} else {
if (splitBifurcationLeftParent && splitReassortLeftParent) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else if (splitBifurcationLeftParent) {
//bifurcation on left, reassortment on right
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newBifurcation;
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftChild = bifurcationChild;
newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else if (splitReassortLeftParent) {
//bifurcation on right, reassortment on left
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftChild = bifurcationChild;
newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
newReassortment.leftParent = newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newBifurcation.rightChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
} else {
newReassortment.leftChild = newReassortment.rightChild = reassortChild;
newBifurcation.leftParent = newBifurcation.rightParent = bifurcationSplitParent;
newBifurcation.leftChild = newReassortment;
newBifurcation.rightChild = bifurcationChild;
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.rightParent = newBifurcation;
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
if (reassortChild.bifurcation) {
reassortChild.leftParent = reassortChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
} else if (splitReassortLeftParent) {
reassortChild.leftParent = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortChild.rightParent = newReassortment;
if (reassortSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (reassortSplitParent.leftChild == reassortChild) {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
} else {
reassortSplitParent.leftChild = reassortSplitParent.rightChild = newReassortment;
if (bifurcationChild.bifurcation) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
} else if (splitBifurcationLeftParent) {
bifurcationChild.leftParent = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationChild.rightParent = newBifurcation;
if (bifurcationSplitParent.bifurcation) {
if (bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild == bifurcationChild) {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
} else {
bifurcationSplitParent.leftChild = bifurcationSplitParent.rightChild = newBifurcation;
Parameter partition = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
newReassortment.partitioning = partition;
newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newBifurcationHeight);
newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
arg.expandARG(newBifurcation, newReassortment, internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters, nodeRates);
// nodeRates);
assert nodeCheck() : arg.toARGSummary();
} else {
assert newReassortmentHeight < treeHeight;
//New bifurcation takes the place of the old root.
//Much easier to program.
newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
bifurcationChild = newBifurcation;
if (arg.isRoot(reassortSplitParent))
reassortSplitParent = newBifurcation;
Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
if (reassortSplitParent.isBifurcation())
arg.singleRemoveChild(reassortSplitParent, reassortChild);
arg.doubleRemoveChild(reassortSplitParent, reassortChild);
arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
arg.singleAddChild(root, newBifurcation);
Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
arg.addChildAsRecombinant(root, reassortSplitParent, newReassortment, partitioning);
if (attachNewReassortNewBifurcationThroughLeft) {
newReassortment.leftParent = root;
newReassortment.rightParent = reassortSplitParent;
} else {
newReassortment.leftParent = reassortSplitParent;
newReassortment.rightParent = root;
newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(root.getHeight());
root.heightParameter.setParameterValue(0, newBifurcationHeight);
arg.expandARG(newBifurcation, newReassortment, internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters, nodeRates);
assert nodeCheck();
//6a. This is when we do not create a new root.
// if (newBifurcationHeight < treeHeight) {
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newBifurcationHeight);
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// if (sisParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleRemoveChild(sisParent, bifurcationChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(sisParent, bifurcationChild);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild) {
// if (recParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// }
// if (sisParent.bifurcation)
// arg.singleAddChild(sisParent, newBifurcation);
// else
// arg.doubleAddChild(sisParent, newBifurcation);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild)
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, bifurcationChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// if (bifurcationChild != reassortChild) {
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(newBifurcation, recParent,
// newReassortment, partitioning);
// } else {
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(newBifurcation, newBifurcation,
// newReassortment, partitioning);
// }
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters,
// internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// //6b. But here we do.
// } else if (newReassortmentHeight < treeHeight) {
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// bifurcationChild = newBifurcation;
// if (arg.isRoot(recParent))
// recParent = newBifurcation;
// Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
// Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
// Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
// if (recParent.isBifurcation())
// arg.singleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// else
// arg.doubleRemoveChild(recParent, reassortChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, reassortChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(root, newBifurcation);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// arg.addChildAsRecombinant(root, recParent, newReassortment, partitioning);
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(root.getHeight());
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// root.heightParameter.setParameterValue(0, newBifurcationHeight);
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// } else {
// Node root = (Node) arg.getRoot();
// Node rootLeftChild = root.leftChild;
// Node rootRightChild = root.rightChild;
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleRemoveChild(root, rootRightChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootLeftChild);
// arg.singleAddChild(newBifurcation, rootRightChild);
// arg.doubleAddChild(newReassortment, newBifurcation);
// arg.doubleAddChild(root, newReassortment);
// Parameter partitioning = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNumberOfPartitions());
// drawRandomPartitioning(partitioning);
// newReassortment.partitioning = partitioning;
// newBifurcation.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(arg.getNodeHeight(root));
// newReassortment.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(newReassortmentHeight);
// root.heightParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, newBifurcationHeight);
// newBifurcation.setupHeightBounds();
// newReassortment.setupHeightBounds();
// arg.expandARGWithRecombinant(newBifurcation, newReassortment,
// internalNodeParameters, internalAndRootNodeParameters,
// nodeRates);
// assert nodeCheck();
// }
try {
} catch (MutableTree.InvalidTreeException ite) {
throw new RuntimeException(ite.toString() + "\n" + arg.toString() + "\n" + TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(arg, arg.getRoot()));
assert nodeCheck();
logHastings -= Math.log((double) findPotentialNodesToRemove(null));
assert nodeCheck();
assert !Double.isNaN(logHastings) && !Double.isInfinite(logHastings);
if (newReassortment.leftParent.bifurcation && newReassortment.rightParent.bifurcation && newReassortment.leftParent != newReassortment.rightParent) {
logHastings -= LOG_TWO;
//You're done, return the hastings ratio!
// System.out.println(logHastings);
logHastings += getPartitionAddHastingsRatio(newReassortment.partitioning.getParameterValues());
return logHastings;