use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ExchangeOperator method getRandomNode.
private NodeRef getRandomNode(NodeRef[] nodes, NodeRef ref) {
calcDistances(nodes, ref);
double sum = 0;
for (double distance : distances) {
sum += 1.0 / distance;
double randomValue = MathUtils.nextDouble() * sum;
NodeRef n = null;
for (int i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) {
randomValue -= 1.0 / distances[i];
if (randomValue <= 0) {
n = nodes[i];
return n;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class ExchangeOperator method wide.
* WARNING: Assumes strictly bifurcating tree.
public boolean wide() {
final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
final NodeRef root = tree.getRoot();
NodeRef i = root;
while (root == i) {
i = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
NodeRef j = i;
while (j == i || j == root) {
j = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
final NodeRef iP = tree.getParent(i);
final NodeRef jP = tree.getParent(j);
if ((iP != jP) && (i != jP) && (j != iP) && (tree.getNodeHeight(j) < tree.getNodeHeight(iP)) && (tree.getNodeHeight(i) < tree.getNodeHeight(jP))) {
exchangeNodes(tree, i, j, iP, jP);
// System.out.println("tries = " + tries+1);
return true;
return false;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GibbsPruneAndRegraft method prunedGibbsProposal.
private double prunedGibbsProposal(Likelihood likelihood) {
final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
final NodeRef root = tree.getRoot();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
scores[i] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
NodeRef i;
do {
int indexI = MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount);
i = tree.getNode(indexI);
} while (root == i || tree.getParent(i) == root);
List<Integer> secondNodeIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Double> probabilities = new ArrayList<Double>();
NodeRef j, jP;
final NodeRef iP = tree.getParent(i);
final double heightIP = tree.getNodeHeight(iP);
double sum = 0.0;
double backwardLikelihood = calculateTreeLikelihood(likelihood, tree);
int offset = (int) -backwardLikelihood;
double backward = Math.exp(backwardLikelihood + offset);
final NodeRef oldBrother = getOtherChild(tree, iP, i);
final NodeRef oldGrandfather = tree.getParent(iP);
for (int n = 0; n < nodeCount; n++) {
j = tree.getNode(n);
if (j != root) {
jP = tree.getParent(j);
if ((i != j) && (tree.getNodeHeight(j) < heightIP) && (heightIP < tree.getNodeHeight(jP)) && getNodeDistance(iP, jP) <= MAX_DISTANCE) {
pruneAndRegraft(tree, i, iP, j, jP);
double prob = Math.exp(calculateTreeLikelihood(likelihood, tree) + offset);
scores[n] = prob;
sum += prob;
pruneAndRegraft(tree, i, iP, oldBrother, oldGrandfather);
if (sum <= 1E-100) {
// neglected
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find another proposal with a decent likelihood.");
double ran = Math.random() * sum;
int index = 0;
while (ran > 0.0) {
ran -= probabilities.get(index);
j = tree.getNode(secondNodeIndices.get(index));
jP = tree.getParent(j);
pruneAndRegraft(tree, i, iP, j, jP);
// now simulate the backward move
double sumBackward = 0.0;
final NodeRef newBrother = j;
final NodeRef newGrandfather = jP;
for (int n = 0; n < nodeCount; n++) {
j = tree.getNode(n);
if (j != root) {
jP = tree.getParent(j);
if ((i != j) && (tree.getNodeHeight(j) < heightIP) && (heightIP < tree.getNodeHeight(jP)) && getNodeDistance(iP, jP) <= MAX_DISTANCE) {
if (scores[n] != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
sumBackward += scores[n];
} else {
pruneAndRegraft(tree, i, iP, j, jP);
double prob = Math.exp(calculateTreeLikelihood(likelihood, tree) + offset);
sumBackward += prob;
pruneAndRegraft(tree, i, iP, newBrother, newGrandfather);
evaluate(likelihood, 1.0);
double forward = probabilities.get(index);
final double forwardProb = (forward / sum);
final double backwardProb = (backward / (sumBackward));
final double hastingsRatio = Math.log(backwardProb / forwardProb);
return hastingsRatio;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class NNI method doOperation.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see dr.inference.operators.SimpleMCMCOperator#doOperation()
public double doOperation() {
final int nNodes = tree.getNodeCount();
final NodeRef root = tree.getRoot();
NodeRef i;
// get a random node where neither you or your father is the root
do {
i = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nNodes));
} while (root == i || tree.getParent(i) == root);
// get parent node
final NodeRef iParent = tree.getParent(i);
// get parent of parent -> grant parent :)
final NodeRef iGrandParent = tree.getParent(iParent);
// get left child of grant parent -> uncle
NodeRef iUncle = tree.getChild(iGrandParent, 0);
// check if uncle == father
if (iUncle == iParent) {
// if so take right child -> sibling of father
iUncle = tree.getChild(iGrandParent, 1);
// change the height of my father to be randomly between my uncle's
// heights and my grandfather's height
// this is necessary for the hastings ratio to do also if the uncle is
// younger anyway
final double heightGrandfather = tree.getNodeHeight(iGrandParent);
final double heightUncle = tree.getNodeHeight(iUncle);
final double minHeightFather = Math.max(heightUncle, tree.getNodeHeight(getOtherChild(tree, iParent, i)));
final double heightI = tree.getNodeHeight(i);
final double minHeightReverse = Math.max(heightI, tree.getNodeHeight(getOtherChild(tree, iParent, i)));
double ran;
do {
ran = Math.random();
} while (ran == 0.0 || ran == 1.0);
// now calculate the new height for father between the height of the
// uncle and the grandparent
final double newHeightFather = minHeightFather + (ran * (heightGrandfather - minHeightFather));
// set the new height for the father
tree.setNodeHeight(iParent, newHeightFather);
// double prForward = 1 / (heightGrandfather - minHeightFather);
// double prBackward = 1 / (heightGrandfather - minHeightReverse);
// hastings ratio = backward Prob / forward Prob
final double hastingsRatio = Math.log((heightGrandfather - minHeightFather) / (heightGrandfather - minHeightReverse));
// now change the nodes
exchangeNodes(tree, i, iUncle, iParent, iGrandParent);
return hastingsRatio;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class OldLatentLiabilityGibbsOperator method doOperation.
// private boolean nodeGeoSpatialPriorExists(NodeRef node) {
// return nodeGeoSpatialPrior != null && nodeGeoSpatialPrior.containsKey(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(node));
// }
// private boolean nodeMVNPriorExists(NodeRef node) {
// return nodeMVNPrior != null && nodeMVNPrior.containsKey(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(node));
// }
public double doOperation() {
NodeRef node = treeModel.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(treeModel.getExternalNodeCount()));
int tip = node.getNumber();
// Draw truncated MVN using rejection sampling
do {
// Nothing
} while (!liabilityLikelihood.validTraitForTip(tip));
return 0;