use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class BeagleOperationReport method traverse.
* Traverse the tree calculating partial likelihoods.
* @param tree tree
* @param node node
* @param operatorNumber operatorNumber
* @param flip flip
* @return boolean
private boolean traverse(Tree tree, NodeRef node, int[] operatorNumber, boolean flip) {
boolean update = false;
int nodeNum = node.getNumber();
NodeRef parent = tree.getParent(node);
if (operatorNumber != null) {
operatorNumber[0] = -1;
// First update the transition probability matrix(ices) for this branch
if (parent != null && updateNode[nodeNum]) {
final double branchRate = branchRateModel.getBranchRate(tree, node);
// Get the operational time of the branch
final double branchTime = branchRate * (tree.getNodeHeight(parent) - tree.getNodeHeight(node));
if (branchTime < 0.0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Negative branch length: " + branchTime);
if (flip) {
// first flip the matrixBufferHelper
// then set which matrix to update
//branchSubstitutionModel.getBranchIndex(tree, node);
final int eigenIndex = 0;
final int updateCount = branchUpdateCount[eigenIndex];
matrixUpdateIndices[eigenIndex][updateCount] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
branchLengths[eigenIndex][updateCount] = branchTime;
update = true;
// If the node is internal, update the partial likelihoods.
if (!tree.isExternal(node)) {
// Traverse down the two child nodes
NodeRef child1 = tree.getChild(node, 0);
final int[] op1 = { -1 };
final boolean update1 = traverse(tree, child1, op1, flip);
NodeRef child2 = tree.getChild(node, 1);
final int[] op2 = { -1 };
final boolean update2 = traverse(tree, child2, op2, flip);
// If either child node was updated then update this node too
if (update1 || update2) {
int x = operationCount[operationListCount] * Beagle.OPERATION_TUPLE_SIZE;
if (flip) {
// first flip the partialBufferHelper
final int[] operations = this.operations[operationListCount];
operations[x] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
if (useScaleFactors) {
// get the index of this scaling buffer
int n = nodeNum - tipCount;
if (recomputeScaleFactors) {
// flip the indicator: can take either n or (internalNodeCount + 1) - n
// store the index
scaleBufferIndices[n] = scaleBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(n);
// Write new scaleFactor
operations[x + 1] = scaleBufferIndices[n];
operations[x + 2] = Beagle.NONE;
} else {
operations[x + 1] = Beagle.NONE;
// Read existing scaleFactor
operations[x + 2] = scaleBufferIndices[n];
} else {
if (useAutoScaling) {
scaleBufferIndices[nodeNum - tipCount] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(nodeNum);
// Not using scaleFactors
operations[x + 1] = Beagle.NONE;
operations[x + 2] = Beagle.NONE;
// source node 1
operations[x + 3] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child1.getNumber());
// source matrix 1
operations[x + 4] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child1.getNumber());
// source node 2
operations[x + 5] = partialBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child2.getNumber());
// source matrix 2
operations[x + 6] = matrixBufferHelper.getOffsetIndex(child2.getNumber());
update = true;
return update;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class MultivariateTraitDebugUtilities method getTreeVariance.
public static double[][] getTreeVariance(final Tree tree, final double normalization, final double priorSampleSize) {
final int tipCount = tree.getExternalNodeCount();
int length = tipCount;
double[][] variance = new double[length][length];
for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
// Fill in diagonal
double marginalTime = getLengthToRoot(tree, tree.getExternalNode(i)) * normalization;
variance[i][i] = marginalTime;
for (int j = i + 1; j < tipCount; j++) {
NodeRef mrca = findMRCA(tree, i, j);
variance[i][j] = getLengthToRoot(tree, mrca);
// Make symmetric
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
variance[j][i] = variance[i][j];
if (!Double.isInfinite(priorSampleSize)) {
for (int i = 0; i < variance.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < variance[i].length; ++j) {
variance[i][j] += 1.0 / priorSampleSize;
return variance;
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class Partition method simulatePartition.
// END: loadBeagleInstance
public void simulatePartition() {
try {
NodeRef root = treeModel.getRoot();
// gamma category rates
double[] categoryRates = siteRateModel.getCategoryRates();
// probabilities for gamma category rates
double[] categoryProbs = siteRateModel.getCategoryProportions();
// beagle.setCategoryWeights(0, categoryProbs);
// Utils.printArray(categoryRates);
// Utils.printArray(categoryProbs);
int[] category = new int[partitionSiteCount];
for (int i = 0; i < partitionSiteCount; i++) {
category[i] = randomChoicePDF(categoryProbs, partitionNumber, "categories");
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("category for each site:");
int[] parentSequence = new int[partitionSiteCount];
// set ancestral sequence for partition if it exists
if (hasRootSequence) {
if (rootSequence.getLength() == partitionSiteCount) {
parentSequence = sequence2intArray(rootSequence);
} else if (dataType instanceof Codons && rootSequence.getLength() == 3 * partitionSiteCount) {
parentSequence = sequence2intArray(rootSequence);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Ancestral sequence length of " + rootSequence.getLength() + " does not match partition site count of " + partitionSiteCount + ".");
} else {
double[] frequencies = freqModel.getFrequencies();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionSiteCount; i++) {
parentSequence[i] = randomChoicePDF(frequencies, partitionNumber, "root");
if (DEBUG) {
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("root Sequence:");
traverse(root, parentSequence, category);
if (DEBUG) {
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("Simulated alignment:");
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.err.println("BeagleException: " + e.getMessage());
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class TreeUtils method setHeightsFromDates.
* Sets the tip heights from the tip dates
public static void setHeightsFromDates(MutableTree tree) {
Date mostRecent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tree.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
Taxon taxon = tree.getNodeTaxon(tree.getExternalNode(i));
Date date = (Date) taxon.getAttribute("date");
if (date != null) {
if ((mostRecent == null) || date.after(mostRecent)) {
mostRecent = date;
TimeScale timeScale = new TimeScale(mostRecent.getUnits(), true, mostRecent.getAbsoluteTimeValue());
for (int i = 0; i < tree.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
NodeRef node = tree.getExternalNode(i);
Taxon taxon = tree.getNodeTaxon(node);
Date date = (Date) taxon.getAttribute("date");
if (date != null) {
double height = timeScale.convertTime(date.getTimeValue(), date);
tree.setNodeHeight(node, height);
} else {
tree.setNodeHeight(node, 0.0);
adjustInternalHeights(tree, tree.getRoot());
if (mostRecent != null) {
use of dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GeoDiffusionSimulator method traverse.
void traverse(NodeRef node, double[] parentSequence, double[][] latLongs) {
for (int iChild = 0; iChild < m_tree.getChildCount(node); iChild++) {
NodeRef child = m_tree.getChild(node, iChild);
//find the branch length
final double branchRate = m_branchRateModel.getBranchRate(m_tree, child);
final double branchLength = branchRate * (m_tree.getNodeHeight(node) - m_tree.getNodeHeight(child));
if (branchLength < 0.0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Negative branch length: " + branchLength);
double childLat = MathUtils.nextGaussian() * Math.sqrt(branchLength) + parentSequence[LATITUDE_INDEX];
double childLong = MathUtils.nextGaussian() * Math.sqrt(branchLength) + parentSequence[LONGITUDE_INDEX];
int childNum = child.getNumber();
latLongs[childNum][LATITUDE_INDEX] = childLat;
latLongs[childNum][LONGITUDE_INDEX] = childLong;
traverse(m_tree.getChild(node, iChild), latLongs[childNum], latLongs);