use of dr.evomodel.coalescent.GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GaussianProcessSkytrackBlockUpdateOperatorParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
boolean logRecord = xo.getAttribute(KEEP_LOG_RECORD, false);
Handler gmrfHandler;
Logger gmrfLogger = Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel.coalescent.operators.GaussianProcessSkytrackBlockUpdateOperator");
if (logRecord) {
try {
gmrfHandler = new FileHandler("GPBlockUpdate.log." + MathUtils.getSeed());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
gmrfHandler.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter() {
public String format(LogRecord record) {
return "<record>\n \t<message>\n\t" + record.getMessage() + "\n\t</message>\n<record>\n";
CoercionMode mode = CoercionMode.parseMode(xo);
if (mode == CoercionMode.DEFAULT)
mode = CoercionMode.COERCION_ON;
double weight = xo.getDoubleAttribute(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT);
double scaleFactor = xo.getDoubleAttribute(SCALE_FACTOR);
// throw new XMLParseException("scaleFactor must be greater than 0.0");
if (scaleFactor < 1.0) {
throw new XMLParseException("scaleFactor must be greater than or equal to 1.0");
int maxIterations = xo.getAttribute(MAX_ITERATIONS, 200);
double stopValue = xo.getAttribute(STOP_VALUE, 0.01);
if (xo.getAttribute(OLD_SKYRIDE, true)) {
GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood gpLikelihood = (GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood) xo.getChild(GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood.class);
return new GaussianProcessSkytrackBlockUpdateOperator(gpLikelihood, weight, mode, scaleFactor, maxIterations, stopValue);
} else {
GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood gpLikelihood = (GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood) xo.getChild(GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood.class);
return new GaussianProcessSkytrackBlockUpdateOperator(gpLikelihood, weight, mode, scaleFactor, maxIterations, stopValue);
use of dr.evomodel.coalescent.GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihoodParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(POPULATION_PARAMETER);
Parameter popParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
cxo = xo.getChild(PRECISION_PARAMETER);
Parameter precParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
// cxo = xo.getChild(LAMBDA_BOUND_PARAMETER);
// Parameter lambda_bound = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
// cxo = xo.getChild(LAMBDA_PARAMETER);
// Parameter lambda_parameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
cxo = xo.getChild(POPULATION_TREE);
List<Tree> treeList = new ArrayList<Tree>();
for (int i = 0; i < cxo.getChildCount(); i++) {
Object testObject = cxo.getChild(i);
if (testObject instanceof Tree) {
treeList.add((TreeModel) testObject);
// TreeModel treeModel = (TreeModel) cxo.getChild(TreeModel.class);
// cxo = xo.getChild(GROUP_SIZES);
// Parameter groupParameter = null;
// if (cxo != null) {
// groupParameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
// if (popParameter.getDimension() != groupParameter.getDimension())
// throw new XMLParseException("Population and group size parameters must have the same length");
// }
Parameter lambda_parameter;
if (xo.getChild(LAMBDA_PARAMETER) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(LAMBDA_PARAMETER);
lambda_parameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
lambda_parameter = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter GPtype;
if (xo.getChild(GPTYPE) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(GPTYPE);
GPtype = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
GPtype = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter Tmrca;
if (xo.getChild(TMRCA) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(TMRCA);
Tmrca = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
Tmrca = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter numPoints;
if (xo.getChild(NUMBER_POINTS) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(NUMBER_POINTS);
numPoints = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
numPoints = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter CoalCounts;
if (xo.getChild(COALCOUNT) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(COALCOUNT);
CoalCounts = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
CoalCounts = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter GPcounts;
if (xo.getChild(GPCOUNTS) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(GPCOUNTS);
GPcounts = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
GPcounts = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter coalfactor;
if (xo.getChild(COALFACTOR) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(COALFACTOR);
coalfactor = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
coalfactor = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter lambda_bound;
if (xo.getChild(LAMBDA_BOUND_PARAMETER) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(LAMBDA_BOUND_PARAMETER);
lambda_bound = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
lambda_bound = new Parameter.Default(1.0);
Parameter alpha_parameter;
if (xo.getChild(ALPHA_PARAMETER) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(ALPHA_PARAMETER);
alpha_parameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
alpha_parameter = new Parameter.Default(0.001);
Parameter beta_parameter;
if (xo.getChild(BETA_PARAMETER) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(BETA_PARAMETER);
beta_parameter = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
beta_parameter = new Parameter.Default(0.001);
Parameter change_points;
if (xo.getChild(CHANGE_POINTS) != null) {
cxo = xo.getChild(CHANGE_POINTS);
change_points = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class);
} else {
change_points = new Parameter.Default(0, 1);
if (xo.getAttribute(RANDOMIZE_TREE, false)) {
for (Tree tree : treeList) {
if (tree instanceof TreeModel) {
GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood.checkTree((TreeModel) tree);
} else {
throw new XMLParseException("Can not randomize a fixed tree");
// XMLObject latentChild = xo.getChild(LATENT_PARAMETER);
// Parameter latentPoints = (Parameter) latentChild.getChild(Parameter.class);
boolean rescaleByRootHeight = xo.getAttribute(RESCALE_BY_ROOT_ISSUE, true);
if (treeList.size() == 1) {
return new GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood(treeList, precParameter, rescaleByRootHeight, lambda_bound, lambda_parameter, popParameter, alpha_parameter, beta_parameter, change_points, GPtype, GPcounts, coalfactor, CoalCounts, numPoints, Tmrca);
} else {
return new GaussianProcessMultilocusSkytrackLikelihood(treeList, precParameter, rescaleByRootHeight, lambda_bound, lambda_parameter, popParameter, alpha_parameter, beta_parameter, change_points, GPtype, GPcounts, coalfactor, CoalCounts, numPoints, Tmrca);
use of dr.evomodel.coalescent.GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood in project beast-mcmc by beast-dev.
the class GaussianProcessSkytrackTreeOperatorParser method parseXMLObject.
public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException {
// boolean logRecord = xo.getAttribute(KEEP_LOG_RECORD, false);
// Handler gmrfHandler;
// Logger gmrfLogger = Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel.coalescent.operators.GaussianProcessSkytrackBlockUpdateOperator");
// gmrfLogger.setUseParentHandlers(false);
// if (logRecord) {
// gmrfLogger.setLevel(Level.FINE);
// try {
// gmrfHandler = new FileHandler("GPBlockUpdate.log." + MathUtils.getSeed());
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
// }
// gmrfHandler.setLevel(Level.FINE);
// gmrfHandler.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter() {
// public String format(LogRecord record) {
// return "<record>\n \t<message>\n\t" + record.getMessage()
// + "\n\t</message>\n<record>\n";
// }
// });
// gmrfLogger.addHandler(gmrfHandler);
// }
CoercionMode mode = CoercionMode.parseMode(xo);
if (mode == CoercionMode.DEFAULT)
mode = CoercionMode.COERCION_ON;
double weight = xo.getDoubleAttribute(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT);
double scaleFactor = xo.getDoubleAttribute(SCALE_FACTOR);
// if (scaleFactor <= 0.0) {
// throw new XMLParseException("scaleFactor must be greater than 0.0");
// if (scaleFactor < 1.0) {
// throw new XMLParseException("scaleFactor must be greater than or equal to 1.0");
// }
// int maxIterations = xo.getAttribute(MAX_ITERATIONS, 200);
// double stopValue = xo.getAttribute(STOP_VALUE, 0.01);
GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood gpLikelihood = (GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood) xo.getChild(GaussianProcessSkytrackLikelihood.class);
TreeModel treeModel = (TreeModel) xo.getChild(TreeModel.class);
return new GaussianProcessSkytrackTreeOperator(treeModel, gpLikelihood, weight, scaleFactor, mode);