use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.
* @param constraint
* @param id
* @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
String tmpS = null;
// Create the trigger for inserting into the pullback table:
final EntityNode pb = constraint.getSource();
final EntityNode target = constraint.getTarget();
final String BASE_PATH_NAME = "_pathId";
final int constraintWidth = constraint.getWidth();
final String insConName = "pullbackConstraint" + id + "Insert" + cleanId(pb);
StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ");
proc.append("(_newPBid ");
proc.append(") BEGIN");
proc.append(" DECLARE ");
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
proc.append(", ");
} else {
proc.append(" ");
final String basePK = qualifiedPK(pb);
final String targetPK = qualifiedPK(target);
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
proc.append(" SELECT ").append(targetPK).append(" INTO " + BASE_PATH_NAME + i).append(lineSep).append(" FROM ").append(joinPath(constraint.getFullPath(i))).append(lineSep).append(" WHERE ").append(basePK).append(" = _newPBid;").append(lineSep);
// Make sure the paths match
proc.append(" IF NOT");
for (int i = 1; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
proc.append(" (" + BASE_PATH_NAME + (i - 1) + " <=> " + BASE_PATH_NAME + i + ')');
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
proc.append(" OR NOT");
proc.append(" THEN").append(lineSep).append(" CALL constraint_failure('Invalid entry in pullback constraint.');").append(lineSep).append(" END IF;").append(lineSep);
addFail = true;
final String pbQ = quoteId(pb);
SketchEdge[] firstEdges = new SketchEdge[constraintWidth];
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
firstEdges[i] = constraint.getFullPath(i).getFirstEdge();
if (!addedUnique.isUnique(pb, firstEdges)) {
tmpS = "ALTER TABLE " + pbQ + " ADD UNIQUE " + quoteId("pullbackConstraint" + id + "UniqueIndex") + " (";
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
tmpS += quoteId(tableFK(firstEdges[i]));
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
tmpS += ", ";
tmpS += ')' + $;
addedUnique.add(pb, firstEdges);
addTrigger(pb, "AFTER INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId(insConName) + "(NEW." + quoteId(tablePK(pb)) + ')');
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> tar = constraint.getTargetPath(i);
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> pro = constraint.getProjectionPath(i);
pbAfterInsertProcs(sql, id, constraint, tar, pro, i);
// Finally, the before-delete on the pullback:
final String delConName = "pullbackConstraint" + id + "Delete" + cleanId(pb);
proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(delConName)).append("(toDeleteId ").append(pkType()).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep);
proc.append(" DELETE ").append(quoteId(target)).append(" FROM ").append(pbQ).append(" JOIN ").append('(');
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges());
SketchEdge firstEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge lastEdge = tmpPath.getLast();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge secondEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
EntityNode first = firstEdge.getTargetEntity();
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
proc.append(", ");
proc.append(") ON ");
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges());
SketchEdge firstEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge lastEdge = tmpPath.getLast();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge secondEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
EntityNode first = firstEdge.getTargetEntity();
proc.append(qualifiedFK(firstEdge)).append(" = ").append(qualifiedPK(first));
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
proc.append(" AND ");
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges());
SketchEdge firstEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge lastEdge = tmpPath.getLast();
SketchEdge secondEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") EntityNode first = firstEdge.getTargetEntity();
if (tmpPath.size() > 0) {
proc.append(" JOIN ").append(joinPath(tmpPath, false, qualifiedFK(secondEdge) + " = " + qualifiedPK(secondEdge.getTargetEntity())));
proc.append(" JOIN ").append(quoteId(target)).append(" ON ");
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges());
SketchEdge firstEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
SketchEdge lastEdge = tmpPath.getLast();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") SketchEdge secondEdge = tmpPath.removeFirst();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") EntityNode first = firstEdge.getTargetEntity();
proc.append(qualifiedFK(lastEdge)).append(" = ").append(qualifiedPK(target));
if (i != constraintWidth - 1) {
proc.append(" AND ");
proc.append(lineSep).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(pb)).append(" = toDeleteId;").append(lineSep).append("END");
addTrigger(pb, "BEFORE DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId(delConName) + "(OLD." + quoteId(tablePK(pb)) + ')');
// Federico Mora
int j = 0;
// c.b_id = JOIN d ON d.c_id => WHERE <begin> = id;
for (int i = 0; i < constraintWidth; i++) {
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p = constraint.getProjectionPath(i);
StringBuilder proc1 = new StringBuilder(500);
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(50);
proc1.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + j++).append("() BEGIN").append(lineSep);
for (int k = 0; k < constraintWidth; k++) {
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q = constraint.getProjectionPath(k);
if (p == q) {
// do nothing, cascade will take care of it
} else {
// making the update string which is used by all the delete
// procedures.
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> edges = q.getEdges();
if (edges.size() >= 2) {
Iterator<SketchEdge> iter = edges.iterator();
SketchEdge e =;
body.append(" UPDATE ").append(leftJoinPath(q)).append(lineSep);
body.append(" SET");
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SketchEdge ske =;
body.append(" " + quoteId(ske.getSourceEntity()) + ".BC" + constraint.getID() + " = " + false + ",");
body.delete(body.length() - 1, body.length());
body.append(" WHERE " + qualifiedFK(e) + " IS NULL;" + lineSep);
if (body.length() > 0) {
// Now create the triggers to call the new procedure
addTrigger(p.getCoDomain(), "AFTER DELETE", "CALL Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + (j - 1) + "()");
addTrigger(p.getCoDomain(), "AFTER UPDATE", "CALL Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + (j - 1) + "()");
return delimit("$$", sql);
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.
* @param constraint
* @param id
* @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final LimitConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
final List<String> declarations = new LinkedList<>();
final List<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
final List<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
final List<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
// getting the paths involved in this limit constraint
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> coneAB = constraint.getCone().AB;
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> coneBC = constraint.getCone().BC;
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> coneAC = constraint.getCone().AC;
// TODO this should be in the LimitConstraint
List<SketchEdge> tmpEdges = coneAB.getEdges();
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> coneABC = new ModelPath<>(tmpEdges);
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> limitConeAB = constraint.getLimitCone1().AB;
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> limitCone1BC = constraint.getLimitCone1().BC;
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> limitCone2BC = constraint.getLimitCone2().BC;
tmpEdges = limitConeAB.getEdges();
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> limitCone1ABC = new ModelPath<>(tmpEdges);
tmpEdges = limitConeAB.getEdges();
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> limitCone2ABC = new ModelPath<>(tmpEdges);
ArrayList<ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>> paths = new ArrayList<>();
// would add coneAC, but it's already been added
int targetNum = 0;
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : paths) {
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(path.getEdges());
final String fk = "_path" + targetNum + "fk";
args.add(fk + ' ' + pkType());
params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(path.getFirstEdge())));
declarations.add("_cdTarget" + targetNum);
if (tmpPath.size() == 0) {
values.add(" SELECT " + fk + " INTO _cdTarget" + targetNum + ';' + lineSep);
} else {
values.add(" SELECT " + qualifiedFK(path.getLastEdge()) + " INTO _cdTarget" + targetNum + " FROM " + joinPath(tmpPath, false) + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(tmpPath.getFirst().getSourceEntity()) + " = " + fk + ';' + lineSep);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId("limitConstraint" + id)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append(" DECLARE ").append(EasikTools.join(", ", declarations)).append(' ').append(pkType()).append(';').append(lineSep).append(EasikTools.join("", values)).append(" IF").append(lineSep);
// cone commutativity check
proc.append(" NOT (_cdTarget1 <=> _cdTarget2) OR");
// limitCone1 commutativity check
proc.append(" NOT (_cdTarget3 <=> _cdTarget4) OR");
// limitCone2 commutativity check
proc.append(" NOT (_cdTarget5 <=> _cdTarget2)");
proc.append(" THEN CALL constraint_failure('Limit constraint failure.');").append(lineSep).append(" END IF;").append(lineSep).append("END");
addFail = true;
sql.addAll(delimit("$$", proc));
// cast because we will only do this in sketches
addTrigger(constraint.getCone().getA(), "BEFORE INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId("limitConstraint" + id) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')');
return sql;
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method pbAfterInsertProcs.
* @param sql
* @param id
* @param constraint
* @param thisPath
* @param thisFirstPath
* @param index
private void pbAfterInsertProcs(final List<String> sql, final String id, final PullbackConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> thisPath, final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> thisFirstPath, int index) {
final EntityNode source = thisPath.getDomain();
final EntityNode pb = thisFirstPath.getDomain();
final EntityNode target = thisPath.getCoDomain();
final String insConName = "pullbackConstraint" + id + "Insert" + cleanId(source);
final Collection<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
final Collection<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
args.add("_newId " + pkType());
params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tablePK(source)));
// commented out by Sarah van der Laan -- caused error in generated SQL
// file (invalid foreign keys)
* for (final SketchEdge shadow : source.getShadowEdges()) {
* args.add(quoteId("NEW_shadow_" + tableFK(shadow)) + ' ' + pkType());
* params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(shadow))); }
final StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(insConName)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep);
// trigger body
// omitting last
final String thisJoinPath = joinPath(thisPath, false);
// edge
String lastJoinOn = "JOIN " + quoteId(target) + " ON " + qualifiedFK(thisPath.getLastEdge()) + " = " + qualifiedPK(target);
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getWidth(); i++) {
if (i == index) {
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> otherPath = constraint.getTargetPath(i);
lastJoinOn += " AND ";
lastJoinOn += qualifiedFK(otherPath.getLastEdge()) + " = " + qualifiedPK(target);
proc.append("\tIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (").append(thisJoinPath);
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getWidth(); i++) {
if (i == index) {
ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> otherPath = constraint.getTargetPath(i);
proc.append(", ").append(joinPath(otherPath, false));
proc.append(") ").append(lastJoinOn).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(source)).append(" = _newId) > 0 THEN").append(lineSep);
// constraint condition met
SketchEdge[] edges;
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getWidth(); i++) {
if (i == index) {
final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> otherPath = constraint.getTargetPath(i);
final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> otherFirstPath = constraint.getProjectionPath(i);
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> sketchEdgeLinkedList = otherFirstPath.getEdges();
edges = sketchEdgeLinkedList.toArray(new SketchEdge[sketchEdgeLinkedList.size()]);
if (edges.length >= 2) {
final String joinOn = "JOIN " + quoteId(target) + " ON " + qualifiedFK(thisPath.getLastEdge()) + " = " + qualifiedPK(target) + " AND " + qualifiedFK(otherPath.getLastEdge()) + " = " + qualifiedPK(target);
// proc.append("\t\tIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
// (").append(joinPath(sketchEdgeLinkedList, true));
proc.append("\t\tIF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (").append(joinPath(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges(), false));
// TODO might have the same bug if the target path is longer
// than 1, check this
proc.append(", ").append(thisJoinPath).append(") ").append(joinOn).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(source)).append(" = _newId) = 0 THEN").append(lineSep);
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> partialPath = new LinkedList<>(otherPath.getEdges());
for (int j = edges.length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
final EntityNode s = edges[j].getSourceEntity();
final EntityNode t = edges[j].getTargetEntity();
// after s there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
proc.append("\t\t\t").append(insertInto(// SELECT
true, // SELECT
s, // SELECT
qualifiedPK(t), // FROM:
'(' + joinPath(partialPath, false) + ", " + thisJoinPath + ") " + joinOn + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(source) + " = _newId", Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(edges[j]))), null));
proc.append("\t\tEND IF;").append(lineSep);
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> firstPathEdges = thisFirstPath.getEdges();
edges = firstPathEdges.toArray(new SketchEdge[firstPathEdges.size()]);
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> partialPath = new LinkedList<>(thisPath.getEdges());
for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final SketchEdge e = edges[i];
final EntityNode s = e.getSourceEntity();
final EntityNode t = e.getTargetEntity();
// after s there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
proc.append("\t\t").append(insertInto(true, s, qualifiedPK(t), joinPath(partialPath) + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(source) + " = _newId", Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(e))), null));
final EntityNode firstStop = thisFirstPath.getFirstCoDomain();
final List<String> cols = new LinkedList<>();
String tmpStr1 = qualifiedPK(firstStop);
LinkedList<SketchEdge> tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(0).getEdges());
String tmpStr2 = '(' + joinPath(tmpPath, false);
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.getWidth(); i++) {
final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> otherFirstPath = constraint.getProjectionPath(i);
final EntityNode otherFirstStop = otherFirstPath.getFirstCoDomain();
if (otherFirstPath != thisFirstPath) {
tmpStr1 += ", " + qualifiedPK(otherFirstStop);
if (i > 0) {
tmpPath = new LinkedList<>(constraint.getFullPath(i).getEdges());
tmpStr2 += ", " + joinPath(tmpPath, false);
// after pb there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
proc.append("\t\t").append(insertInto(true, pb, tmpStr1, tmpStr2 + ") " + lastJoinOn + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(source) + " = _newId", cols, null));
// end constraint condition met
proc.append("\tEND IF;");
// end trigger body
// Now create the trigger to call the new procedure
addTrigger(source, "AFTER INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId(insConName) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')');
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createExtras.
* Creates various extra statements that we need.
* <p/>
* One of these is to create a constraint_failure() procedure, since MySQL
* has no way to abort a transaction other than performing an invalid query
* (constraint_failure() attempts an "UPDATE" of "fail = 1" on a table named
* whatever failure message is passed in; that way at least the error
* appears in the MySQL error message. This sucks, I know. Blame MySQL.)
* <p/>
* FIXME: Right now, MySQL <b>does not support</b> updating the same table a
* trigger applies to in an AFTER trigger, so we have no way to clear shadow
* columns. This was presumably a result of MySQL incompetence, or MySQL's
* philosophy of limiting itself in order to prevent idiot PHP programmers
* from shooting themselves in the foot with--*GASP*--a recursive trigger.
* While it would be very nice to clear the shadow columns, we simply can't
* do so: the values are often needed in AFTER INSERT or AFTER UPDATE
* triggers, so we can't clear them before then, however the only entry
* point for clearing these with MySQL is doing a 'SET NEW.col = NULL'
* inside the BEFORE trigger.
* <p/>
* If MySQL some day supports an update on the same table a trigger is
* applied to, the following will work. Until then, MySQL tables will end up
* retaining values in the shadow columns. N.B. that these values are actual
* references to the appropriate tables and columns, but are 'ON DELETE SET
* NULL ON UPDATE SET NULL', so should not pose data manipulation problems.
* @param toggleTriggers
* @return
// DTRIG CF2012
public List<String> createExtras(boolean toggleTriggers) {
final List<String> extras = new LinkedList<>();
if (addFail) {
// This hack is needed for MySQL to abort an insert if a trigger
// fails.
// This is disgusting, but is what MySQL documentation recommends
// doing.
extras.addAll(delimit("$$", "CREATE PROCEDURE constraint_failure(_message VARCHAR(255)) BEGIN" + lineSep + " -- This update is going to fail: this hack is needed because MySQL" + lineSep + " -- lacks the ability to do an (SQL-standard) SIGNAL from a procedure." + lineSep + " SET @sql = CONCAT('UPDATE `', _message, '` SET fail=1');" + lineSep + " PREPARE constraint_fail_statement_handle FROM @sql;" + lineSep + " EXECUTE contraint_fail_statement_handle;" + lineSep + " DEALLOCATE PREPARE contraint_fail_statement_handle;" + lineSep + "END"));
final List<StringBuilder> trigs = new LinkedList<>();
for (final EntityNode table : triggers.keySet()) {
final LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> tableTriggers = triggers.get(table);
for (final String when : tableTriggers.keySet()) {
final LinkedList<String> actions = tableTriggers.get(when);
final StringBuilder commands = new StringBuilder(200);
commands.append("CREATE TRIGGER ").append(quoteId(table + "_" + when.replaceAll("(\\w)\\w*\\s*", "$1").toLowerCase() + "Trig")).append(' ').append(when).append(" ON ").append(quoteId(table)).append(" FOR EACH ROW").append(lineSep);
if (toggleTriggers) {
commands.append("\tIF (@DISABLE_TRIGGER IS NULL) THEN ").append(lineSep);
if (actions.size() == 1) {
commands.append(toggleTriggers ? "\t\t" : "\t").append(actions.getFirst()).append(";");
} else {
commands.append(toggleTriggers ? "\t\t" : "\t").append("BEGIN").append(lineSep);
for (final String action : actions) {
commands.append(toggleTriggers ? "\t\t\t" : "\t\t").append(action.replaceFirst(";\\s*$", "")).append(';').append(lineSep);
commands.append(toggleTriggers ? "\t\t" : "\t").append("END;");
if (toggleTriggers) {
commands.append(lineSep).append("\tEND IF;").append(lineSep);
if (!trigs.isEmpty()) {
extras.addAll(delimit("$$", trigs));
return extras;
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createReferences.
* @param table
* @return
public List<String> createReferences(final EntityNode table) {
final List<String> refs = new LinkedList<>();
final String tableQ = quoteId(table);
for (final SketchEdge edge : table.getOutgoingEdges()) {
final EntityNode target = edge.getTargetEntity();
// No
final String refMode = (edge.getCascading() == SketchEdge.Cascade.SET_NULL) ? "SET NULL" : (edge.getCascading() == SketchEdge.Cascade.CASCADE) ? "CASCADE" : "NO ACTION";
// different
// from
// under
// MySQL
// (in
// theory,
// shouldn't
// work
// even
// if
// cleaned
// up
// in
// the
// same
// transaction,
// while
// NO
// should)
refs.add("ALTER TABLE " + tableQ + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + quoteId(tableFK(edge)) + ") " + "REFERENCES " + quoteId(target) + " (" + quoteId(tablePK(target)) + ") " + "ON DELETE " + refMode + " ON UPDATE " + refMode + $);
* // We need a copy of any sum tables' not-null columns (which are
* simply the // outgoing, non-partial edges) if this table is a
* summand; we shadow the // columns here, then handle propagating them
* in the SumConstraint triggers. for (final SketchEdge edge :
* table.getShadowEdges()) { refs.add("ALTER TABLE " + tableQ + " ADD
* COLUMN " + quoteId(tableFK(edge)) + ' ' + pkType()); refs.add("ALTER
* TABLE " + tableQ + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + quoteId(tableFK(edge)) + ")
* REFERENCES " + quoteId(edge.getTargetEntity()) + " (" +
* quoteId(tablePK(edge.getTargetEntity())) + ") " + "ON DELETE SET NULL
return refs;