use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class DeleteAttributeAction method actionPerformed.
* Deletes the currently selected attribute
* @param e
* The action event
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// If there is nothing seleceted then just do nothing
if (_theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().isSelectionEmpty()) {
// cancel operation
if (_theFrame.getMModel().isSynced()) {
int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_theFrame, "Warning: this sketch is currently synced with a db; continue and break synchronization?", "Warning!", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
if (choice == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) {
// Get currently selected object
DefaultMutableTreeNode curSelected = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) _theFrame.getInfoTreeUI().getInfoTree().getSelectionPath().getLastPathComponent();
// Selection is an attribute
if (curSelected instanceof EntityAttribute) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EntityAttribute<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> curAttribute = (EntityAttribute<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge>) curSelected;
EntityNode parentEntity = curAttribute.getEntity();
// Show a confirmation dialog box for the deletion
if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(_theFrame, "Are you sure you want to delete the '" + curAttribute.getName() + "' attribute from the '" + parentEntity + "' entity?", "Confirm Delete", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
// Delete the attribute from entity
} else // Selection is not an attribute
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(_theFrame, "You don't have an attribute selected. \nPlease select an attribute and try again.", "No Attribute Selected", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class KosarajuSCC method transposeDFS.
* Depth first search of the transpose
* @param v
public void transposeDFS(EntityNode v) {
for (SketchEdge sk : graph.getEdges().values()) {
if (sk instanceof NormalEdge || sk instanceof InjectiveEdge) {
if (sk.getTargetEntity().equals(v)) {
EntityNode t = sk.getSourceEntity();
if (!visited.contains(t)) {
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class KosarajuSCC method dfs.
* Depth first search
public void dfs(EntityNode v) {
for (SketchEdge sk : v.getOutgoingEdges()) {
if (sk instanceof NormalEdge || sk instanceof InjectiveEdge) {
EntityNode t = sk.getTargetEntity();
if (!visited.contains(t)) {
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.
* @param constraint
* @param id
* @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final ProductConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
final String delConName = "productConstraint" + id + "Delete";
StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(delConName)).append("(id ").append(pkType()).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep);
EntityNode begin = null;
int j = 0;
// c.b_id = JOIN d ON d.c_id => WHERE <begin> = id;
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p : constraint.getPaths()) {
if (begin == null) {
begin = p.getDomain();
proc.append(" DELETE ").append(quoteId(p.getCoDomain())).append(" FROM ").append(joinPath(p)).append(lineSep).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(begin)).append(" = id;").append(lineSep);
// Federico Mora
StringBuilder proc1 = new StringBuilder(500);
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(50);
proc1.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + j++).append("() BEGIN").append(lineSep);
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
if (p == q) {
// do nothing, cascade will take care of it
} else {
// making the update string which is used by all the delete
// procedures.
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> edges = q.getEdges();
if (edges.size() >= 2) {
Iterator<SketchEdge> iter = edges.iterator();
SketchEdge e =;
body.append(" UPDATE ").append(leftJoinPath(q)).append(lineSep);
body.append(" SET");
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SketchEdge ske =;
body.append(" " + quoteId(ske.getSourceEntity()) + ".BC" + constraint.getID() + " = " + false + ",");
body.delete(body.length() - 1, body.length());
body.append(" WHERE " + qualifiedFK(e) + " IS NULL;" + lineSep);
if (body.length() > 0) {
// Now create the triggers to call the new procedure
addTrigger(p.getCoDomain(), "AFTER DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId("Update" + constraint.getID() + "Proj" + (j - 1)) + "()");
// end Federico Mora
// Select From A Join B On A.f1 = Join D On A.f3 = Where
// = 1
// Now create the trigger to call the new procedure
addTrigger(begin, "BEFORE DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId(delConName) + "(OLD." + quoteId(tablePK(begin)) + ')');
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> p : constraint.getPaths()) {
final EntityNode dest = p.getCoDomain();
final String conName = "productConstraint" + id + "Insert" + cleanId(dest);
final Collection<String> args = new LinkedList<>();
final Collection<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
args.add("id " + pkType());
params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tablePK(dest)));
// commented out by Sarah van der Laan -- caused error in generated
// SQL file (invalid foreign keys)
* for (final SketchEdge shadow : dest.getShadowEdges()) {
* args.add(quoteId("NEW_shadow_" + tableFK(shadow)) + ' ' +
* pkType()); params.add("NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(shadow))); }
proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(conName)).append('(').append(EasikTools.join(", ", args)).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append(" DECLARE _lastId ").append(pkType()).append(';').append(lineSep);
final StringBuilder createIntermediates = new StringBuilder(250);
final Collection<String> clauses = new LinkedList<>();
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
if (p == q) {
// Older versions were doing "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE", but
// that has a big
// performance hit for very large, busy InnoDB tables, when all
// we really care
// about is non-empty:
clauses.add("(SELECT 1 FROM " + quoteId(q.getCoDomain()) + " LIMIT 1) = 1");
// If we end up putting anything in createIntermediate, we'll
// use these
// insertions when we insert the first row into one of the path
// targets
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> sketchEdgeLinkedList = q.getEdges();
final SketchEdge[] edges = sketchEdgeLinkedList.toArray(new SketchEdge[sketchEdgeLinkedList.size()]);
for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final SketchEdge e = edges[i];
final EntityNode source = e.getSourceEntity();
final EntityNode target = e.getTargetEntity();
// after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
createIntermediates.append(" ").append(insertInto(true, source, qualifiedPK(target), quoteId(target), Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(e))), null));
// In words: If the tables forming the domains of the other paths
// contain items.
proc.append(" IF ").append(EasikTools.join(" AND ", clauses)).append(" THEN").append(lineSep);
if (createIntermediates.length() > 0) {
// If we just inserted the first row, we're going to have to
// build a path of intermediate tables
// for the other paths, which we built in createIntermediate.
proc.append(" IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ").append(quoteId(dest)).append(" LIMIT 2) a) = 1 THEN").append(lineSep).append(createIntermediates).append(" END IF;").append(lineSep).append("").append(lineSep);
// Produce the intermediate path insertion strings
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> sketchEdgeLinkedList = p.getEdges();
final SketchEdge[] edges = sketchEdgeLinkedList.toArray(new SketchEdge[sketchEdgeLinkedList.size()]);
if (edges.length > 1) {
for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final SketchEdge e = edges[i];
final EntityNode source = e.getSourceEntity();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") final EntityNode target = e.getTargetEntity();
// after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
proc.append(" ").append(insertInto(true, source, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(e))), Collections.singletonList((i == edges.length - 1) ? "id" : "LAST_INSERT_ID()")));
proc.append(" SET _lastId = LAST_INSERT_ID();").append(lineSep);
} else {
proc.append(" SET _lastId = id;").append(lineSep);
// Now the proper insertion
final List<String> columns = new LinkedList<>();
final Collection<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
final Collection<String> from = new LinkedList<>();
EntityNode thisTarget = null;
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> q : constraint.getPaths()) {
final EntityNode target = q.getFirstEdge().getTargetEntity();
if (q == p) {
thisTarget = target;
// after begin there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
proc.append(" ").append(insertInto(true, begin, EasikTools.join(", ", values), EasikTools.join(" CROSS JOIN ", from) + " WHERE " + qualifiedPK(thisTarget) + " = _lastId", columns, null)).append(" END IF;").append(lineSep).append("END");
addTrigger(dest, "AFTER INSERT", "CALL " + quoteId(conName) + '(' + EasikTools.join(", ", params) + ')');
return delimit("$$", sql);
use of easik.sketch.vertex.EntityNode in project fql by CategoricalData.
the class MySQLExporter method createConstraint.
* @param constraint
* @param id
* @return
public List<String> createConstraint(final SumConstraint<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> constraint, final String id) {
final List<String> sql = new LinkedList<>();
for (final ModelPath<SketchFrame, SketchGraphModel, Sketch, EntityNode, SketchEdge> path : constraint.getPaths()) {
final EntityNode dom = path.getDomain();
final EntityNode codo = path.getCoDomain();
final String baseConName = "sumConstraint" + id + cleanId(dom);
final StringBuilder proc = new StringBuilder(500);
proc.append("CREATE PROCEDURE ").append(quoteId(baseConName + "Delete")).append("(_deleteFK ").append(pkType()).append(") BEGIN").append(lineSep).append(" DELETE FROM ").append(quoteId(codo)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(codo)).append(" = ");
if (path.getEdges().size() == 1) {
} else {
final LinkedList<SketchEdge> trailing = new LinkedList<>(path.getEdges());
proc.append("(SELECT ").append(qualifiedFK(trailing.getLast())).append(" FROM ").append(joinPath(trailing, false)).append(" WHERE ").append(qualifiedPK(path.getFirstCoDomain())).append(" = _deleteFK)");
addTrigger(dom, "AFTER DELETE", "CALL " + quoteId(baseConName + "Delete") + "(OLD." + quoteId(tableFK(path.getFirstEdge())) + ')');
final List<String> insertions = new LinkedList<>();
// after codo there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
insertions.add(insertInto(false, codo, null, null, null, null));
final SketchEdge[] edges = path.getEdges().toArray(new SketchEdge[path.getEdges().size()]);
for (int i = edges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
final EntityNode source = edges[i].getSourceEntity();
// after source there used to be dest.getShadowEdges();
insertions.add(insertInto(false, source, null, null, Collections.singletonList(quoteId(tableFK(edges[i]))), Collections.singletonList("LAST_INSERT_ID()")));
insertions.add("SET NEW." + quoteId(tableFK(edges[0])) + " = LAST_INSERT_ID()");
addTrigger(dom, "BEFORE INSERT", insertions);
return delimit("$$", sql);